Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 22, 1945, Image 1

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President’s Reception Opens Year's Social Calendar
Craig Edits
'45 Pigger’s
Jack Craig, senior in journalism,
will edit the 1945-46 student direc
tory, known to students as the
Pigger's Guide, Horace W. Robin
son, acting ieduational activities
director, announced Friday. It is
expected to be off the press by
| November 1. Soliciting cf advertis
ing is being handled by Gamma
Alpha Chi, women’s advertising
Included in this guide are the
names of all registered students,
their home and University ad
dresses, telephone numbers, majors
and Gasses. It also lists the fac
ulty members, with home address
es, office and home telephone
“Pigging,” is the traditional
Oregon argot for that popular pas
time of dating the girl friend. It
has been in evidence since about 17
spring terms ago when a fresh
man stated foolishly that he was
going to see his pigs when he
really meant that he was going to
see his girl friend who lived on the
edge cf town. Since then the
^“Pigger’s Guide” has been tradi
Pill Palace Assumes
Double Duty Aspect
Although the third floor and the
basement of the infirmary are
being used for student housing this
week, regular hospital and' dispen,
sary privileges probably will be
available next week. Dispensary
hours are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
There is no shortage of nurses
at the health service as two have
been added to the staff. They are
Mrs. Agnes Dickerson, night shift,
and Mrs. Weybright, on the relief
shift. Dr. Fred N. Miller, director
of the health service, emphasizes
the fact that janitors have been
hard to obtain.
is*® s
EDITOH—Jack Craig', senior in
journalism, lias been given t! ie
job of compiling the 1945-46 stu
dent director, better known as the
“Pigger’s Guide.” After November
1 students will lie able to turn to
the ‘•Pigger’s” for telephone num
bers, home addresses, class stand
ings and majors.
Today's World
Republicans WERE DEFEAT
ED in an effort to bring Elliott
Roosevelt to Capitol Hill for ques
tioning about financial affairs. .
termed “threats of political retal
iation” by the CIO, Senator Tid
ings (D-Md.) stormed out of a
forum between Maryland congress
men and union members.
* * ' *
the summary arrest of Lt. Gen.
Mejui Doihara, a marauder in
Manchuria, wjio only recently
assumed the most important mili
tary field command left.
veloped in the nation’s cities where
CIO oil workers were off refinery
jobs, and the government moved
actively to attempt a settlement of
spreading oil' strikes.
Honors Privileges Go
To Seventy-Four Ducks
Junior certificate with honor
privileges were awarded to 74 stu
dents during the summer, accord
ing to information furnished by the
registrar’s office.
Those receiving honors from the
college of liberal arts are: Madge
Anderson, Roberta Baxter, Bar
bara Bealer, Charis Bradt, Gloria
Cartozian, Lorraine Cheney, Ca
role Clairbourne, Lillian Cooper,
Leola Deffenbacher, Elizabeth Ed
wards, Phyllis Evans, Ruby Florey,
Betty Frey, Edith Goldstein, Betty
Ingebritson, Sarah Jeffcott, Eliza
beth Johnson, Ninon King, Mary
Landry, Mary Lavin, Harry Lee,
Kay Leslie, Elizabeth Lombard,
Lois McConkey, Gene McPherson,
Della Martin, Morrie Mink, Evelyn
Rude, Marjorie Silvis, June Spor,
Betty Vogelpohl, Marilyn Whit
man and Janette Williams.
Art Majors
Seven architecture and allied
art majors were awarded certifi
cates. They are: Mirza Baum
hover, Natalie Cartier, Martha
Hoch, Robert Hiatt, Beverly Hop
kins, Joene Johnson and Norma
Bonnie Butler, Beverly Davis,
Jean Girts, Eula Ledbury, Mary
Minor, Nell Carpenter Moshofsky,
Frances Rakow, Lois Roeder,
Joyce Utz and Patricia Waite,
earned honors in business admin
istration. Education majors Mar
garet Murphy, Carol O’Brien and
Jean Watson were awarded their
junior certificates with honor priv
The same right was received
by journalism majors Gloria Fick,
Wilma Foster, Flora Furrow,
Mary Howard, Carolyn Jacobs,
Jean Lawrence, Luella Prescott,
Betty French Robertson, Marilyn
Sage, Dagmar Shanks, Margery
Skordahl, Martha Thorsland, Mar
guerite Wittwer and Yvonne
From the school of law are
Douglas Moore and Esther Quier.
Music majors Maxine Cady, Nancy
Carlisle and Johnette King. Patri
cia Metcalf and Marilyn Olson al
so received their junior certificates
with honors privileges.
Students, new and old, who are
interested in working on the Emer
ald', will have an opportunity to
learn the functions of the publica
tion and to sign for work thereon
when the first Emerald meeting
of the year is held Tuesday night.
Louise Montag, editor, has re
quested that all interested stud
ents attend the meeting, scheduled
for 105 Journalism at 7:30, in
order to register in their preferred
field of Emerald work. Those
choosing advertising positions will
also be signed up at this meeting.
Positions Open
Miss Montag will explain the
various positions qipen on the
Emarald', citing especially report
ing, feature writing, copy desk
duties, and work on the night
staff. The latter includes setting
headlines, reading proof, and help
ing in the mechanics of putting
out tiie paper. This work is done
after closing hours, and permission
must be obtained from home be
fore a student is allowed to stay
out of his house after closing
Explain Work
Winifred Romtvedt, acting man
aging editor until the return of
Margueritte Wittwer, will speak
at the meeting, and will later be
in her office to inaugurate stud
ents into Emerald' routine. Follow
ing the meeting, Jeanne Sim
monds, news editor, will assign
beats to those interested in report
Business Manager Annamae
Winship will explain the functions
of the advertising department, and
will take the names of those inter
ested in this department.
Why Are You Here?
An open forum is scheduled for
Sunday evening at Westminster
house on Kincaid street. The main
topic will be “Why Are You
Here?” and participants will have
opportunity to air grievances and
promote their ideals. The forum
starts at 6:30 p.m. and faculty
members and students are invited.
Gerlinger Scene of First
All-Campus Affair Tonight
In the midst of typical Oregon weather, an enthusiastic wel
come will be accorded old and new University students when
the Ducks meet tonight in Alumni hall in Gerlinger. The re
ception, which will afford the first social opportunity for Pres
ident and Mrs. Harry K. Newburn to meet the student body,
popular campus emcee, will be on
hand to keep the student talent
show rolling tonight at 8:30 o’clock
in Gerlinger hall. The show will
he preceded by a reception for
Oregon’s new president, and first
lady, Dr. and Mrs. Harry K. New
Announce Libe
Hours, Display
Beginning Monday, Septem
ber 24, the University library will
resume its normal hours. From
Monday to Thursday, the library
will remain open from 8 a.m. to
10 p.m.; on Friday from 8 a.m. to
7 p.m.; on Saturday from 8 a.m.
to 6 p.m. and on Sunday from
2 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Bernice Rise, circulation libra
rian and head of the browsing
room, announced that the brows
ing room will be open to students
starting Monday, from 1:30 to 5:30
p.m. This room contains a number
will begin promptly at 8 o'clock.
Also in the receiving line will be
Dean of Men Virgil D. Ear], Dean
of Women Golda Wickham an,d
Karl W. Onthank, dean of person
nel administration. The reception
has been organized by Mrs. Wick
ham, with the assistance of Ann
Burgess, Kwaraa president. Mem
bers of Kwama, sophomore wo
men’s honorary, will act as guides
and will help serve refreshment :.
Punch will be served in the lobby
as the guests leave the affair. Mrs.
K. W. Onthank and Mrs. Virgil
D. Earl, assisted by Mbs. Grace
Glang, assistant dean of women,
will pour.
Moran To Emcee
Vitamin-plussod Bob Moran, re
turning sophomore and veteran
showman, will emcee the entertain
ment which will run simultane
ously with the reception. Maxine
Cady, Oregon's nimble-fingered
virtuoso, will play several num
bers, and will also act as accom
paniest for the musical numbei '.
The Phi Beta Phi sorority will pre
sent a skit, as will Beverly Car
roll and Elaine Ivonesky. Honey
voiced , Floyd Stapp, sophomore
va:!i.si-, also scheduled to ap
pear. Directed by Horace Robin
son, head of educational activities,
the program will continue from
S :30 to 10 p. m.
Enter East I)oor
Guests have been requested to
enter Gerlinger hall through the
east door and to go through the re
ception line before proceeding
through the office to the women’s
gymnasium for the following pro
gram. Exit will be made through
(he north stairs to the punch table
in the lobby.
All students on or near the cam
pus are invited to attend both so
cial functions. And a special not©
for the girls—short silks and heels
(no hats), are in order for the
Registering Continues
Prospective HO students who
Have not completed registering
will be aide to do so this morn
ing from 8 to 12, when materials
will be available iii McArthur
WAA Sports Program Reviewed
At Freshman Orientation Meetina
All freshman and newcomers to
the campus were urged to turn
out for volleyball and interamural
sports last night by WAA Pres
ident Gay Edwards, at the first or
ientation meeting of the women’s
athletic association. Miss Edwards
emphasized the sports angle in ac
tivities for all girls as she con
tended one gets to know people in
other houses and living organi
zations and this is an important
factor of campus life and educa
Miss Catherine Jones, new ad
viser to WAA, welcomed new wo
men to the campus and explained
WAA functions and activities.
Cabinet members were introduced
as following: Gay Edwards, pres
ident; Virginia Scholl, vice pres
tary; Betty Ingebritsen, treas
ident; Wanda Lue Payne, secre
urer; Beverly Bennet, sergeant-at
arms; Jeanne Simntonds, custo
dian; Pearl Peterson, Orchesis;
Beverly Bennet, Amphibians. Gay
Edwards is head of all sports, as
sisted by Thelma Chaney, volley
ball; Betty Crabb, hockey; Bar
bara Wells, badminton; Della
Cable, basketball.
Calendar Outlined
WAA Vice President Virginia
Scholl discussed the plans for the
following year, briefly outlining
the calendar. “We’re hoping for
a big year, and have new plans in
store for all women on the cam
pus,” Miss Scholl stated. Also men
tioned were the hopes and plans
now underway for a co-educational
Ski Club.
A' program, consisting of enter
tainment from Amphibians, wo
men’s swimming honorary, and Or
chesis, the dance honorary, wars
presented. The theme of the Am
phibians’ swimming program was
centered around the idea of “Now
you are an initiate (or pledge) in
to Amphibians.” Orchesis gave a
short dance called “Country Gen
tlemen,” and illustrated technique:;
and falls. \
House managers or athletic*
chairmen are to be chosen next
week to prepare for volleyball
games between the living organi
zations. Girls attending four prac
tices and all games will be auto
matically eligible for membership
into WAA.- Dues will be two
dollars a year.
Volleyball and swimming were
open to anyone interested after
the meeting.