ASUO Cards Admit Students >ToNew Series The Eugene Civic Music asso ciation under the direction of G. E. Gaylord is again sponsoring and managing the 1945-46 artist’s con certs series appearing in Mac Arthur court. This is the second year for this plan of organization. As last year, ASUO cards will serve as admission for University students but adult membership in the association will be necessary for faculty and administrative personnel. Although a large number of faculty members joined the asso ciation last year, officials empha sized that membership must be renewed to become effective and entitle members to attnd concerts this year. Sale to Continue Sale of memberships will con tinue through the week ending ./ September 22. Association head quarters are in the Osburne hotel, phone 380. Gaylord stressed that no more memberships for this year’s series will be sold after Sat urday night. In the first season of the Eugene concert series last year, eight numbers were presented including many famous stars of the concert' stage, opera, radio, and screen. Officials of the association say that the series for the coming sea son offers an exceptionally fine list of artists designed to please not only the musical sophisticate but also the average listener. Officials Report (Continued from page one) that authorize^ capacities for dorms and sororities have been f increased and additional outside housing units have been secured. Approximately 675 girls can be housed in sororities, 575 in dorms, and 150 in co-ops. Two fraternity houses have been opened to board women students. Normal dorm capacity before the war was 250. Three hundred University men are living in four units of Straub and in two outside dormitories. Forty stay in the men's co-op, and an estimated 500 men and women will live with relatives or friends in the vicinity of the University. Those over the estimated 2240 students residing in University sponsored places must find private homes during the fall term. “We will permit crowding in rooms only if we are sure that adjustments will be made soon,” explained Dr. Pallett. “Before next term we hope to have adequate permanent housing for all stud < ents, through additional housing units.” As yet adequate housing has not been found for veterans and their families but it is hoped that by winter term the situation will be much improved. The Oregon sys tem of higher education has ap proved application for 50 pre fabricated houses from nearby war plants. If and when these houses are obtained it will be several month before they can be serviced and ready to occupy. These houses will be available to veterans only. Frosh Recounts (Continued from paqe one) pages of math problems. I an swered about six of the fifty because I just didn’t feel like exhibiting my superior knowledge. An orientation meeting was the next big event. Evfen if I’m not I Chinese, they let me in. Orienta-j * tion does mean being Oriental, doesn’t it? There a professor let us in on the inside dope about time schedules, classes to take, and credits you get. He put me wise to a few other technical matters which are still confusing me. Wednesday at eight a.m. I went back to the Igloo for all sorts of little printed matter in addition to another session of standing in line. There were all colors of paper and they wanted to know a little in formation about my Mater and Pater. My adviser and I battled around for about an hour trying to get my schedule of classes worked out. Finally I had a long list of sub jects written down with numbers and sections and names of pro fessors.""'""’”’”"' Wednesday there was also an ASUO assembly where they intro duced some of the BWOC and BMOC to all of us. University talent of all types completed the program. I just couldn't get some of the jokes the prexy told, but they’ll come to me when I become a little more used to college life, won’t they? Monday they will probably send me home when I start to go to classes. But it was fun while it lasted. Mrs. Krenk Returns; Will HeadKOAC . ' Mrs. Mary Staton Krenk. a 1941 Oregon graduate, returns this year to the campus as radio director of j station KOAC. Mrs. Krenk is the , wife of Marvin Krenk, instructor of speech and dramatic arts, who is at present on leave for military duty. For the past year she has been with Eugene's KORE on OPA programs and the Lane county shut-ins program, “The Look-Out Club.” She now has charge of all radio programs broadcast from the University. One of the new programs Mrs. Krenk is planning to introduce this year, is a weekly variety show which will feature a cross-section of University talent. The program will be broadcasted from the UO and Oregon State college cam puses on alternate weeks. Audi tions will, be held later in the term when the dates for the program have been set. Mrs. Krenk says she intends to do a “house-to-house survey of the campus,” searching for students who can sing, act, or have any kind of talent with radio appeal. Among the programs being pre sented again this year will be the University Hour on Thursdays from 4 to 5, which will include entertainment by faculty artists on the panel of public affairs dis cussions. Maude Garnett, associate professor of public school music, will again be heard on her pro gram “Let's Sing America,’” at 1:15 p.m. presenting talented chil dren from the various public schools. Others to be presented are Victor P. Morris “World in Re view,” a half hour of campus news and recitals presented by the school of music, and the “Univer sity Journal,” a new commentary and discussion presented by the school of journalism, all of which are heard Tuesday afternoons be ginning at 4. Positions Open For Students Two paid positions for students wishing to work part time are open at the education activites office in McArthur court. The openings are for a check room manager to take charge of the checking concession and a house manager to arrange for sale of tickets and number of ushers necessary for concerts and other; programs presented in the court, applications for the positions will be accepted at the educational activities Friday and Saturday of this week. The check room man ager will be needed this Saturday night. ^Ue Stated, al Zwj&n&i fyut&it jh eyiantment State Since 1939 when Russell’s became “Eugene’s Own Store” it has constantly kept growing in popularity. There is reason for this.. A wide selection of famous and quality merchandise is our first responsibility. But merchandise leadership is only a part of the story. Russell's has always offered the kind of shopping service you like best . . . and from a beginning that made Russell's “Eugene’s Own Store” there has been a continuous improvement to make shopping a pleasure and comfort. Today, more than ever before, the satisfied shopper is a Russell's shopper. We proudly feature over 200 Famous brands in these departments COSMETICS JEWELRY BAGS and GLOVES * HOSIERY SHOES SPORTS WEAR GOWN SHOP CORSETS and LINGERIE BOOKS and STATIONERY DRAPERY INTERIOR DECORATING and HOME FURNISHINGS I