Football Welcomed Back; Prewar Coaches Return *1 DAILY EMERALD Thursday, August 16, 1945 Page 9 Oliver Unable to Predict Caliber of Gridiron Squad First in Oregon’s sport program for the 1945-46 season will be football' arid Coach “Tex” Oliver is unable ta predict as yet the aggregation of webfoots who will turn out this fall. Only a handful of players with previous experience are cer tain be on hand at the first practice. Roy Blatchley, former blocking back from Eugene, and Bobby Reynolds, ex-halfback from Portland are the two lettermen who are considering, a re aurn to the campus this falll. Returning war veterans and transfers from junior colleges are also expected to give the “Tex” some top-flight material he is not counting on. Oliver has intimated that a revision might have to he made in the Ducks’ style of play stressing any unusually strong phase of the game or the use of .. any person with unusual talent, to he able to compete with other Pa cific coast conference schools. Tex points out that California, which held spring and summer . practices, will have'hig advantages fi wver Oregon and other schools re turning to the gridiron after sev , eral years absence. “Practice, as in all other sports,” Oliver says, “will natural , ly make the southern team strong ■i er.” The Ducks are scheduled to play U. C. L. A. in Los Angeles and the University of California in Berkeley during the 1945-46 season. Home engegements will be played against Oregon State, Washington and Washington State, and a single game will be played against the University of Idaho to fill out a nine-game schedule. Although Tex has served the navy air fleets in both Pacific and Atlantic war theaters as a com mander of physical fitness, he-has . kept his hand in the grid sport. Af 1 ter enlisting in the navy in 1942, /Vex was head coach of the St. Husky Grid Season To Begin Sept. 1 Fall footoall practice at the Uni versity of Washington will begin Sept. 1, a week earlier than at oth er northern division schools accord ing to reports from Washington's coach Ralph “Pest” Welch. The coach explained he had de cided upon the earlier start be cause it coincided with the start ing date for California schools and that the Huskies will meet Cal ifornian competition earlier than the other northern division teams —they play the University of Cal ifornia Oct. 6. According to reports Welch said the off-season practice period per mitted by the conference would i start Aug. 13 for the men now in l school. These are mostly navy trainees and will number about 50 players, it was estimated. last winter he coached the All Star Navy team to victory over the Army All-Stars in a “Pineap ple Bowl” classic in the Hawaiian Islands. Some of Oregon’s gridiron pros pects are attending summer ses sion and are working out daily under an informal program. Tex hopes to start fall practices as soon as conference rules allow. The Ducks’ opening game will be against the Huskies in Seattle Sept. 29. mm. - mmmsm READY TO GO—G. A. (TEX) Ol iver, head football coach who has been serving as a lieutenant com mander in the navy, is back in Eugene making plans for his 1945 football season. Travelling Ducks Tell of UO Life Giving advance first-hand knowl edge about campus life to prospect ive students, Betty Lu Siegman, chairman of the Oregon Federa tion, and Doris Hack, alumni sec retary, have been touring the state this summer. In addition to show ing movies of the campus scenes and activities, they answered ques tions and told about rushing and freshman week. They have been assisted by fed . eration. chairmen in various cities and towns of the state. Oregon Federation activities will culminate with the picnic Monday, August 20, at Jantzen Beach park. Oregon Football Schedule [pU5 Sept. 29 .Washington at Seattle Oct. 6 .. .Idaho at Eugene Oct. 13 .Oregon State at Corvallis Oct. 20.Washington State at Eugene Oct. 27.U. C. L. A. at Los Angeles Nov. 3 .Washington at Eugene Nov. 10 .Washington State at Pullman Nov. 17 .California at Berkeley Dec. 1 .Oregon State at Eugene .mi...IIIIIIMI.. I -1 ■ n I ■ 111 ■ M1111 !• 111111111 tl MI ’ 11M11111111M1111111 tl n 111H M111! 11II'! 11: M111' 1111111! MI! K1111! 11111! 1111111111111111!! Ill 11111111! I1111! 1111 i 111111111111! 1111111111111111! 11111 [ 111 LB Duck Tracks By JACK CRAIG With the ending of war in the Pacific and the return of Ore gon’s coaches, Hobson and Oliver, from their war time duties, we can be reassured that the Oregon athletic program is tak ing a turn towards the packed grandstands and bleachers of the pre-war days. To many, an active Oregon athletic program means only one thing—Football, and being about that time of the year, it is only fair that we do a little speculating about what kind of a Duck eleven we will have this year. Although Oregon’s top grid man, Tex Oliver, feels that California schools, where they have had spring and summer practices, might have an edge over Oregon and other teams who are returning to football after a long absence, other s with their minds on the past glory of Oregon’s grid teams, give the Ducks an equal chance with other teams in the league sight unseen. For a quick preview into what caliber of team Oregon might field we have to place most of our hopes on 4-F's, re turning war veterans, junior college transfers and high school graduates. Two former lettermen, Roy Blatchley, former blocking back of Eugene, and Bobby Reynolds, ex-halfback from Portland, are said to be considering a return to the cam pus for another season. According to latest reports, the first football turnouts will begin between September 1 and 5, which will gi\;e the Ducks only about a month to get wdiipped into shape to face the Wash ington Huskies at Seattle on the 29th of September. Oregon’s first game with the Huskies should prove to be a good indica tor of what kind of a season the Webfeet will have this year, for Washington will field a team of players who have had the benefit of a through-the-war schedule, besides having sumnuj and spring practices. At Washington’s first summer turnout a week ago the Husky coach reported seventy candidates reported for call. In the preliminary registration only three lettermen were in cluded—Tackles Harry Rice and Bill McGovern and Fred Osterhout, an end. Ili:illllllllllll!ll!!lll!!il!l Full Oregon Sports Program Reaffirmed The athletic board's ultimatum of a whodesale return to in tercollegiate athletics during the 1945-46 school rear was re afirmed this cummer with the return of webfoot coaches Howard Hobson and lex Oliver. J he sevarsity coaches along' with record breaking coach Bill Hayward will direct three varsity sports during the coming year. Gerald A. "l'ex” Oliver, a lieutenant commander in the U. S. naval reserve for the past three years will pilot the web foot football team next fall—the first Oregon gridiron squa since. John A. Warren coached the Oregons in 1942. Howard A. “Hobby'’ Hobson, who served the U. S. army as a civilian sports expert during his year’s sabbatical leave, is back to coach varsity basketball and base ball. Oregon basketball has been carried on through the war period, but baseball was dropped after the 1942 season. During the war three members of the athletic department have held the program together- Coach John Warren, who also coached varsity basketball last year, will be Oliver’s assistant; Colonel Bill Hayward, veteran Hack men tor, plans a cinder squad for next spring; and Anson B. Cornell, graduate manager and head of the department of athletics. Another member of the depart ment, Trainer Robert O. “Bob” Of ficer, is expected to be given a dis charge from the navy late this summer and return to his regular duties. Minor Sports Swimming, golf, tennis, skiing, boxing and wrestling are also ex pected to make their appearance on the Oregon sports schedules during the year providing other northern division, Pacific coast conference schools are able to fur nish Webfoots with competition. Early in the summer, Orlando J. Hollis, faculty representative to the Pacific coast conference, and at that time acting president of the University, approved the ac tion taken by the athletic board to resume full-scale program of an intercollegiate athletic program during the 1945-16 year. The ac tion taken however, does not obli gate Oregon to field teams in other sports golf, tennis, skiing, swimming, boxing and wrestling. The ultimatum was issued with the proviso that the other northern divi sion members, of the conference resume athletics in addition to football and basketball, making it possible to secure sufficient, competition to warrant Oregon squads. Coaching personnel for minor sports is usually selected from idle members of the coaching staff or Dr. Ralph W. Leighton's school of Physical Education. Requirement Number One For Future B.T.O/s (Big Time Operators) BE WELL DRESSED! You'll find that Oregon men dress casually—but carefully. Those who know choose their clothes at Morrison-IIenning. We have the smoothest selec-g tion of suits, top coats, sport shirts, and rainwear. Remember For that required Collegiate look, Shop at Morrison-Henning 1022 Willamette