Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 04, 1945, Page 4, Image 4

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    Three Coed Softball Teams
Lead in WAA Tournament
With the end of another week of softball, Alpha Omicron Pi,
Susan Campbell, and Hendricks hall, all undefeated, lead
leagues 1, 3 and 4 in the WAA softball tournament. Susan
Campbell has three wins and the others have two each. League
2 is tied with Alpha Phi and Highland house each with one win.
Led by Betty Jean wait, pitcn
or, and Betty Crabb, catcher, and
outplaying their opponents, Alpha
Chi Omega. Susan Campbell was
able to win Monday’s game 12 to 1.
All of the runs made by the win
ning team were made in the first
four innings, but in the last inning
the Alpha Chi O pitcher, Mary
Duffy, held her opponents score
Another 12 to 1 tally was made
•Tuesday when Zeta hall beat Kap
pa Alpha Theta. Sparked by Jean
Bray, pitcher, and Hannah Ed
wards, catcher, the winners con
sistently maintained a lead
throughout the game.
Exciting Game
The most exciting game of the
week occurred when the Rebec
Hilyard team beat the Delta Gam
mas 14 to 13. At the end of the
third inning the DGs, led by Shir
ley Gray, captain, had built up a
12 to 1 lead, but at the end of
the fifth inning the score was tied
13 to 13. After two innings of
overtime play the Rebec-Hilyard
team managed to roll up the extra
score to win the game in the sev
enth inning. Captain of the win
ning team is Dorothy Currier,
while the battery is made up of
Dorothea Thompson and Lorraine
Wednesday, University house,
paced by Captain Phyllis Wells,
Pitcher Shirley Cox. and Catcher
Betty Walters, won their game
against Alpha Delta Pi 9 to 4.
Tallying four runs in the second
inning, 3 in the fourth, and one in
each of the other innings, the co-op
girls maintained a consistent lead.
H Oriiii’iator of Slylcs in ll'ood I
H Ration Free in pigskin bacon rind. 1
Also white bucks. I
326 S. W. Washington
-»;■ :Y ■: ' : /,
1S13 University St. B
Phone 4857 B
will close for the summer Bj
Saturday, May 5th fij
4 p* M- K
i _
In the game Thursday, Susan
Campbell continued their wins with
a victory over Sigma Kappa. The
evenly-matched game ended with
a score of 4 to 3. At the end of the
third inning the Sigma Kappa team
led 3 to 2, but the dormitory girls
led by Betty Crabb, and Betty Jean
Wait, pitcher, forged ahead, chalk
ing up the winning points to win
the game.
Orides has dropped out of the
contest and thus forfeits their
chances to engage in women’s
intramural athletics next term. At
present Alpha Gamma Delta has
postponed two games and also is
in danger of being ruled out of fall
term competition. The Alpha Chi
Omega vs. Theta game scheduled
for early in the week has been
postponed until 6:30 on May 8,
when a twilight game will be
Notice to Emerald reporters: All
copy for Saturday’s paper must be
in by 4 p.m., so that all workers
will be free to attend the All
Campus Sing. Assignments will be
available early in the afternoon.
Choruses to Furnish
(Continued from page one)
Heard a Forest Praying”; Es
quires, “The Devil Sat Down and
Cried"; Pi Beta Phi, “Strange Mu
sue"; and Kappa Alpha Theta,
“Were You There?”
Composing the judging commit
tee for the event are: Florence W.
Hutchinson, director of music at
the Oregon College of Education at
Monmouth; Milo A. Wold, director
of music at Pacific university; and
Marjorie Scobert Wilson, music di
rector at Roosevelt Junior high
school in Eugene.
Following the final number, the
!?300 Schwering Memorial scholar
ship will be awarded to an out
standing junior girl. Miss Simon
son will present the cups to the
winning organizations.
The floor will be marked off into
sections for the different organiza
tions and signs will be placed on
them. Eileen Brenneman is in
charge of the seating arrange
ments. Choruses are asked to be
ready and in their proper places
at 7:15 so the Sing may start on
Library to Show
(Continued front page one)
plays of war maps, war posters,
and pamphlets from the war in- ,
formation center.
Display cases in the main corri
dor of the third floor will contain
pictures of early day UO student
life and campus scenes. The special
collections room in the east wing
will contain various collections
eonneeted with the state of Oregon
>r the University.
The library staff extends an in
vitation to all students and to par
ents and friends visiting during
Junior Weekend to visit any or all
:>f these library activities.
Uring your mother here to se
lect an item to add to her col
lection—colored glass, old cups
and cancers, mirrors, furniture.
\\ e have e\ en tiling- inantiques.
Hi. ^utn
-r none
Red Flags, Cowbells
Greet Politz Today
A mass demonstration, com
plete with posters, red flags, and
cowbells is scheduled to meet
Charles Politz at the depot when
he returns to the campus for
Junior Weekend.
Politz will arrive on the 11:45
train today. All students wish
ing to participate are requested
to meet at the Side at eleven
this morning, bringing banners,
signs, and noisemakers, if pos
It is rumored that Comrade
Bill Sinnott and other notorious
(according to Hinds) campus
“communists” are responsible for
the organization of the project.
Wesley Plans Carnival
To Follow Sing Tonigt
Everybody loves a carnival! Wes
ley house invites all UO students
and their friends to attend the
Wesley carnival tonight at 9:30
after the All-Campus Sing. Cap
turing the true carnival spirit, gay
booths will be the things. Farrel
Rust is in charge of these booths:
entertainment will be organized by
Velita Durland, Evelyn Wood
worth, Doris Craig, and Alice Pra
ther. Cokes and candies may be
purchased at the carnival, and
games will be played.
Oregon ^5? Emerald
Night Staff:
Aileen Koch, night editor
Marguerite Wittwer
Friday Advertising Staff:
Gloria Grenfell, day manager
Mary Lance
Barbara Willians
Office Staff:
Elizabeth Overton
Margaret Griffiths
"Tli orni i o1 Vi Vi'gijg"
with Tom Neal and
Adele Mans
— also —
"Stagecoach to
Frenchmen's Creek'
with Jean Fontaine
— also —
'One Mysterious
Phi Theta Names
Sale Co-Chairmen
Barbara Fullmer, freshman in
liberal arts, and Barbara Borre
vik, freshman in architecture and
allied arts, have been chosen co
chairmen for the Phi Theta Up
silon twisties and ice cream sale
scheduled for 5 a.m. to 5 p.m.,
Wednesday and Thursday, May 9
and 10. Booths will be located at
Friendly hall, the library, the Co
op, Villard hall, Deady hall, the
art school, and at McArthur court
during the Thursday assembly.
Committee heads for the sale
are: Dorothy Habel, publicity;
Dedo Misely and Barbara Wells,
posters; Bernice Schroeder, order
ing; Robbieburr Warrens, canvass
ing; Dorothy Fowler, Joanne Mer
win, Norma Figone and Geneva
Davis, booth arrangement.
Those selected to represent liv
ing organizations are: Natalie
Brown, Gamma Phi Beta; Donna
Sullivan, Alpha Phi; Celeste
Olsson, Alpha Delta Pi; Martha
Cool, Alpha Xi Delta; Ann Bur
gess, Kappa Alpha Theta; Nadine
Foss, Alpha Chi Omega; Nila Des
inger, Pi Beta Phi; Nancy Hecker,
Delta Zeta; Pat Berg, Delta Gam
ma; and Rosemary Wilbe, Sigma
Mother: Why, daughter! Didn’t
I tell you to say no when a sailor
asks you for a kiss?
Daughter: Yes, you did, but he
didn’t ask.
Westminister Invites
Visitors for Weekend
Westminster’s contribution to
Junior Weekend activities will be
their Sunday morning mothers’
meeting. UO students and their
visiting mothers are invite^to
Westminster house at 9:30 a.m.
Sunday for coffee and rolls. On
the program for the morning is a
welcome by Dr. Dorothy Collier, a
reply by Flora Kibler’s mother, a
solo by Marilyn Miller, and the us
ual Sunday morning worship.
Westminster will be open day
and night Junior Weekend to en
tertain students and their visiting
Oregana Staff
(Continued from page one)
The rest of the evening was
spent in “ohs and ahs” overmen
advance copies of the Oregana. All
who saw it assured nonbanquet
goers that it was really a “swell’’
Tropical Island
(Continued from page one)
Trask, Milo Woodward, Sylvia
Sachter, June Rogers, Peggy Zieg
ler, Jean Sutherland, Mary Lu
Welsh, and Robbieburr Warrens.
Bleachers have been provided be
hind the diving board in addition
to those usually in use to take care
of the crowds expected to attend.
The event will begin at 3:30 in
stead of 2:30 as previously; an
f. S. Marino Corps Photo
Combat wire
moving up in a hurry!
Every unit ties in by telephone to report on contact
between companies, and to discuss the next move.
That means combat telephone wires must be
laid down with every forward push. And com
munications crews must work continuously repair
ing the breaks in lines torn by tanks and amphibi
ans and blasted by artillery and mortars.
Our Armed Forces still have urgent need for
huge quantities of communications equipment of
all kinds. That’s why there is a wait for home tele
phone service.
"Service to the Nation in Peace and War”