Oregon Emerald VOLUME XLVI NUMBER 114 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE. WEDNESDAY, MAY 2, 1945 FALL TERM FOOTBALL UNDECIDED . . . “assuming the pose” is Morrie Ooldstein held by Bob Hamilton, Junior Weekend traditions chairman. Ed Aliens (left), co-chairman of Junior Weekend, and Barney Koch (right, president of the Order of the “O,” apply the paddles. All this is part of the weekend custom of hacking violators of campus traditions. Prize Offered to Best Scavengers Thursday Thursday afternoon has been named All-Campus Clean-up day and that afternoon all living organizations will compete to see who can do the “neatest” job of cleaning sections of the campus. The dean of women has given her approval for girls to wear jeans or slacks. Hours have been set from 1 to 5 p.m. and the job is to be completed during this time. A prize will be offered to the house who does the best work and a committee of judges will tour the campus with Mary Corrigan, chairman, to select the winner. Sections to be cleaned ^by the following living organiza tions are: Fiji lot—Alpha Chi Omega and Gamma hall. Gerlinger—Alpha Gamma Delta. Library—Alpha Delta Pi and Chi Psi. Art Museum — Campbell co-op and Zeta hall. Chapman—Highland house. Johnson—Sherry Ross and Es quires. Condon and lot to left—Rebec house and Hilyard house. (Please turn to page three) More Blows TTo Fall Today The following men are to re port to the steps of Fenton hall today at 12:40 to receive hacks for violating Junior Weekend traditions: Darrell Boone, Bill Patterson, Harry Sommers, Ter ry Carrol, Jim Lund, Don Wes cott, Joe Lind, Dick Savinar, Steve Mezzera, Orville Kingman, Richard Bunting, Harry Skerry, Elmer Sahlstrom, Sam Bene j viste, Keith Murphy, Jack Rueble, and John Hathaway. For failure to show up for pun ishment Tuesday, the following JBfcn are to report for “double" hacks: Bill Setser, A1 Putnam, Art Wilkes, Don Dyer, and Eu gene Cecchini. Singer’s Clear Diction Lauded By BETTY JANE BENNETT Outstandingly clear diction and precise tone were the outstanding features of the vocal recital given by Marilyn Miller, soprano, in the music school auditorium Tuesday evening. Miss Miller’s accom plished treatment of her classic group was especially noticeable in “Care Selve” by Handel, and Mo zart’s “Voi, che Sapete.” The for mer carried an almost reverent feeling through its ease of presen tation and flowing lines. The Mo zart aria was equally free. The Schumann group, opening with “Im Wunderschonen Monat Mai” again combined excellent dic tion and an easy, relaxed style. Though lacking somewhat in vol ume and power, Miss Miller’s per formance was a polished one; she carefully attended to the details of her songs—the phrasing and dy namics. Outstanding in this group was “Sonntags am Rhein.” Her stage presence was excellent, as the audience felt she was singing i to them individually. Interpretation Accurate Miss Miller’s interpretation of the whimsical “Over the Rim of the Moon” by Michael Head was sung simply but with accuracy. “A Blackbird Singing” and “Nocturne” of this song cycle were outstand ing. The soprano displayed excel lent high notes in Branscombe’s "The Morning Wind” although cer ( Please turn to page three) Sun Serenade To Harmonize With Mardi Gras The Sunlight Serenade, popular feature of past Junior Weekends, will be presented this year under the direction of Maxine Cady, sophomore in music. The Serenade is scheduled for 3:30 p.m. Sunday, and will be held out-of-doors on the grounds behind the mu3ie school. Several new ideas have been add ed to the program, Miss Cady said today. For the first time, the Serenade will be in accordance with the Junior Weekend theme, with the entire program woven around a Mardi Gras street scene. Pre ceding the musical entertainment, Queen Joann and her court will be presented to the audience. Variety of Music Musical selections of all kinds (Please turn to page three) Canadian Film Scheduled Changed Students are invited to attend the showing of four films on Can ada Thursday at 7:30 or 9 p.m. in 207 Chapman hall. “Iceland on the Prairies,” the story of the Icelandic migration to Canada; “Heroes of the Atlantic,” describing the Canadian navy’s re sponsibility in World War II and the life and work of the Canadian navy and merchant marine; “Hot Ice,” a hockey game between the New York Rangers and the Mon treal players; and the March of Time special film, “Canada,” are the four films billed. The time of the free show was changed to Thursday night be cause of the Rise Stevens concert originally scheduled for Wednesday in McArthur court. Answer Depends On Manpower By MARGUERITE YVITTYVER “We're willing to play football anytime, if and when we can get the manpower to field a team,” Anse Cornell, University athletic manager, said Tuesday in response to requests from students aroused by the recent announcements that Oregon State college, Washington State college and the University of Idaho were replacing football on their 1945-46 athletic program. The University of California, Univer sity of Southern California, UCLA, and the University of Washington are continuing football, which due to the presence of navy trainees on their campuses, was not interrupt ed by the war. Beginning today with the publi cation of a questionnaire to be filled out by all prospective foot ball players, the Emerald is launch ing a survey of athletic manpower on the campus and a campaign to urge Oregon men to turn out for football next fall. Campus interest in football has been high and when the athletic board found it necessary to drop intercollegiate football due to the wartime manpower shortage pro tests from students who did not fully understand the situation were numerous. Now, with the possibil ity of football returning in view, the chief obstacle to fielding a team next fall is still the problem of finding suitable material for the coaches to work with. When the army specialized train ing program sent several hundred men to this campus, a team was built up and the games played with visiting GI teams were en thusiastically supported by the campus. These games, however, did not draw much interest from townspeople. The Beavers declared recently that they were determined to play football, regardless of the decisions of other schools in the conference, even if OSC would have to confine their playing to intramural scuffl ing. According to Cornell, the at tendance at intramural games at. the University would not warrant training a team and the wear and tear on varsity equipment. If the athletic board can be con vinced that there will be enough men on the campus next fall to warrant a $50,000 expense budget for football, chances are that Hay ward field will again break out in pre-war crowds, colors, and excite ment. Football depends on Oregon men. The Emerald survey is an at tempt to estimate the number and potentialities of men Cornell and the athletic board can count on. EMERALD’S 1945-46 FOOTBALL MANPOWER SURVEY All men returning to the University fall term, 1945, and who are willing to turn out for football, are requested to fill in the following blank and turn it in to the Emerald managing editor’s office or the box in the Co-op. Name. Age. Weight. Height. Class. Experience . ‘FOOTBALL DEPENDS ON YOU” A S U 0 Officer Reviews Rules for Coming Election With political buzzing everywhere on the U. of O. campus, indicating that ASUO elections are not far away, Phyllis Horst man, first vice-president, ASUO has announced the official procedures and qualifications of candidates. In the first place, the nominating assembly will be held at Today's World THE GERMAN RADIO AT HAMBURG broadcast an an nouncement that Adolph Hitler “fell fighting for Germany till his last breath.” Admiral Karl Doenitz, chief of the German navy, has taken over the leader ship of the nation. * * * COUNT FOLKS BERNA DOTTE, Swedish emissary re puted to be negotiating with Nazi leaders for Germany’s sur render, confirmed that he had conferred with Heinrich Himm ler 10 days ago. AUSTRALIAN TROOPS who fought in the middle east are now in action against the Jap anese in Borneo, according to Treasury Minister Joseph B. Chifley. * * * GENERAL PATTON’S 3rd army express drove 35 miles out of its Isar bridgehead and reached the Inn river in the vi cinity of Braunau, Adolf Hitler’s birthplace on the Austrian-Ba | varian border. 11 a.m., Thursday, May 17, in Mc Arthur court. Elections are sched uled to take place at polls in the YMCA hut from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Tuesday, May 22. Installation of officers will follow at the assembly at 11 a.m., Thursday, May 24, in McArthur court. Each candidate for office must submit to Audrey Holliday, ASUO president, on or before midnight of the second day prior to the nomin ating assembly, a declaration of his or her intention to run, desig nating the specific office sought, with a certificate of eligibility signed by the dean of men or dean of women. All candidates must have at least a 2.00 average GPA, Three Years Required Any student who has completed at least three years at the Uni versity, and has not less than 110 credit hours, is eligible for election to the office of president, first vice-president, second vice-presi dent, secretary-treasurer, or repre sentative from the senior class. To be eligible for election a rep (Please turn to page three) IMPORTANT All-Campus Sing chorus lead ers are to schedule practices and order tickets today between 12:15 and 1. o’clock by calling Eileen Brenneman at Susan Campbell hall.