Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 20, 1945, Image 1

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Gene Conklin to Resign Position
As Student Union Chairman;
Plans for Building Have Begun
Gene Conklin, chairman of the student union committee, an
nounced his intention of resigning his position, which he has
held since winter term of last year, at Thursday’s assembly
at McArthur court.
“I have enjoyed very much working with the student union
committees during the last year,” said Conklin. “We have let
Gene Conklin, Student Union com
mittee chairman, announced his
plans to resign at the assembly
Interdorm Formal
Tonight Features
Arabesque Theme
Tonight at 9 o’clock the annual
dormitory dance will he held in
the “Arabian Room” of John
Straub hall for all the dorm stu
dents and their guests. This ex
travaganza was postponed from
Tfe.st Saturday due to the death of
President Roosevelt.
The “Arabesque Ball” will fea
ture the music of Art Holman and
Today at 4 in the Side, cam
pus houseboys will give a short
informative preview of “their
five favorite dishes” and a little
“something” about their But
ler’s ball.
his orchestra. The dance is formal,
but corsages are not allowed. Stu
dents who live in dorms may ask
anyone they wish for guests, in
cluding Greeks, servicemen, and
frtfcnds living off the campus.
Chairman A1 Land promises a
good time with plenty of unusual
surprises in store for everyone.
Patrons and patronesses are Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth Shumaker, Mr.
and Mrs. Bud Jermain, and Mr.
and Mrs. Keith Fennell.
New Service Stripes
The new service stripes on the
blouse of Staff Sergeant D. K.
McEachern, D.E.M.L., show that
he has completed his first three
year enlistment in the army as of
April 15. Sergeant McEachern en
ter:*' the army from Washington
university, St. Louis, Mo., and has
been at U. of O. since February,
the right people know that the stu
dents sincerely want and need a
student union building. I am glad
to think that I might have had
some part in bettering the Univer
“Tomorrow I am going to resign
as chairman of the student union
committee in order that I might do
justice to my studies in the law
school,’’ he concluded.
In his speech, which covered the
history and the future of the stu
dent union project, he explained
that the student union program
has been in existence since 1923,
when it was proposed by John Mc
(Please turn to page four)
Pageant Planned
By Amphibians
For Jr. weekend
Preparing to splash their way
into the University limelight with
their Junior Weekend water pag
eant, the Amphibians recently ap
pointed committees for this event.
Chosen chairman was Doris Trask,
while Beverly Bennett was selected
assistant chairman.
The other committees chosen
are: program committee — June
Rogers, chairman; Sylvia Sachter,
Marilyn May, Charlotte Wicke, and
Peggy Finnell; properties—Wanda
Lu Payne, chairman, Robbieburr
Warrens, Dorothy Currier, Betty
Lu Cramer; decorations — Betty
Crabb, chairman, Ruth Shipler,
Ada Anderson, Marilyn Sage, Mary
Anne Hansen,- Suzanne Sadler,
Jeanne Simmonds, Betty HindSj
Peggy Ziggler; music — Nancy
Hecker, chairman, Shirley Mult
haulf; costumes—Mary Lu Welsh,
(Please turn to page four)
Today's World
mand announced for the first
time that its armies are storm
ing Berlin’s approaches on a
150-mile front and are said to
be in some places within 9 miles
of the German capital.
FORCES reached the northern
tip of Okinawa island placing
them 325 miles from Japan,
while other forces on Mindanao
swept 35 miles up the island
coast line in the second invasion
of that major Philippine island.
WHITE HOUSE buried the hat
chet with a pledge of mutual co
operation expected to bring the
most harmonious relations since
the early days of the first Roose
velt administration.
jected Russia’s second request for
admission of the Polish provis
ional government of Warsaw to
the San Francisco world security
cMeaSiA at a tyaxf Jli+te
“This weather reminds me of
summer, it’s so nice,” remarked
a woman to a man standing be
hind her in a downtown cigar
ette line Thursday afternoon.
“You know,” she continued, “I
didn't smoke very much until
last month. I hate to stand in
line during the rain. But now
it’s so nice, I don’t mind at all.
I guess I’ll start smoking again.”
Karl W. Onthank, dean of per
sonnel administration, says:
Odeon is a fine and unique
Oregon tradition, displaying the
best of student talent.
UO Houseboys Name
Five Favorite Dishes
In what will probably go on record as one of the quickest
and most efficient contest judgings in Oregon’s "girl” contest
history, campus houseboys selected five of the University’s
most comely women as finalists in their “favorite dish” contest
for the Butler’s ball. The decision was made in 30 minutes.
The best judgment of campus houseboys chose Marylin
Moore, Alpha Phi; Erna Gawehn, Pi Beta Phi; Catherine Rob
bins, Alpha Delta Pi; Norma Davidson, Alpha Chi Omega, and
Betty Ditto, Sigma Kappa, as the five finalists. One of these
girls has already been selected as
their favorite “favorite dish,” but
her name will not be revealed until
Saturday night at the ball when
eyes of the entire campus will feast
upon Oregon’s newest queen.
Adding to the grandeur and ex
citement of the Butler’s ball will
be the music of the Klamath Falls
marine band, an organization
which boasts of side men from
such name bands as Dick Jurgens,
COMMITTEE MEMBERS who are presenting the third annual student
art show, Odeon, next Monday, April 23, are (left to right): Claudine
Biggs, writing; Betty Jane Bennett, music; Peggy Overland, chair
man; Pearl Peterson, modern dance; and La Verne Erickson, art.
Odeon will be held in the auditorium of the music building at 8 p.m.
Odeon Program to Include
Original Play by Students
For the first time since 1943, the student creative art show,
Odeon, is including on its program to be presented next Mon
day, April 23, in the auditorium of the music building, a one
act play written and produced by undergraduate students of
the University. Although the idea was dropped last year due
to manpower difficulties and lack of material, plans have been
made to stage an original play
along with the remainder of stu
dent work for this year’s Odcon,
Peggy Overland, chairman, said.
Selection has been made from
several plays contributed in re
sponse to a plea for material from
Miss Overland, and casting is now
in progress. The play chosen was
“Station in Transit” by Bob Mc
Gill, junior in liberal arts, and re
cent winner of first prize in the
1945 Marshall-Case-Haycox short
story contest.
Mary Krenk, prominent member
of the Eugene Very Little theater
and director of the recent VLT
smash hit, Kiss and Tell, read the
contributions and decided upon Mr.
McGill’s play as the most suitable
for staging and production at
A fantasy in one act, requiring
nine characters and modernistic
presentation, it promises to receive
the approval accorded the 1943
play, “Family Portraits,” by Vir
ginia Lippman. Following some
what in the footsteps of two form
er Guild theater plays, “The Skin
of Our Teeth,” and “Heaven Can
Wait,” both of which deal with
bizarre concepts of mankind’s rela
tions to the world about him and
to the other world, “Station in
Transit” is concerned with the role
played by God as judge over hu
manity's souls. The treatment is
highly realistic with the setting
placed in the office of a coordin
Students cast for the play which
went into its first rehearsal on
Thursday, April 18, are: Eddie Ly
ons, Shubert Fendrick, Valerie Ov
erland, Dedo Misley, Lawrence
Campbell, B. J. Miller, Evelyn
Woodworth, Ray Beeson, and Dar
rell Boone. Rehearsal has been
scheduled for today at 2 p.m. in
the auditorium of Villard, accord
ing to Mary Krenk, director.
Tickets for Odeon may be ob
tained at the Co-op store today
from 10 to 11 and 1 to 3 p.m. The
show will begin at 8 p.m., Monday,
April 23, in the auditorium of the
music building and the art exhibit
will follow on the third floor of
Phi Theta Asks
For Activity Lists
Phi Theta Upsilon, junior wom
en’s service honorary, requests that
all aetivity-minded third term
sophomore girls turn in activity
lists to Signe Eklund at the Delta
Delta Delta house not later than
4 p.m. Monday, April 23.
These are not petitions for mem
bership, but lists of activities in
which the student has participated
and should inculde the student’s
cumulative GPA and last term'3
grade, which must have been at
least a two-point.
Les Brown, Johnny Nichols, and
numerous other leading- national
bands. The band is composed of IT
musically tranied marines who
have been together since March,
1942. The original band was or
ganized at Camp Elliot, Calif., and
after a month was sent to Samoa,
thence to New Zealand, and finally
to Guadalcanal.
Played for Admirals
During their south Pacific so
journ, the band played for Ad
mirals King and Nimitz, and was
scheduled to appear before Mrs.
Roosevelt until she cancelled the
visit to their camp.
“One fellow we enjoyed playing
for because he is a real marine was
Col. James Roosevelt, the late
president’s son,” said ' Zamzow
(then leader of the band). “Anoth
er was Carlson, of Carlson’s Raid
The band plays hot martial mu
(Please turn to page tour)
For Juniors
Honors Dean
A fund for the Hazel P. Schwer
ing Memorial scholarship for out
standing junior women has been
established by students and friends
of the late dean of women, accord
ing to Kathryn Dunn, past heads
of houses president and member of
the scholarship committee.
The $300 scholarship will be
awarded during Junior Weekend to
the junior women most represen
tative of standards set by Mrs.
Schwering. “The recipient of the
award shall be a girl Hazel
Schwering would have been proud
of,’’ said Mrs. Perrie Dolph, state
president of the University Moth
ers and promulgator of the schol
The requirements, as formed by
committee representatives this
week, are: the applicant must be a
junior woman, reaching senior
status by next fall term; her rec
ord must show scholastic ability,
an interest in campus activities,
high moral standards, and must in
dicate a definite need for financial
Applications Due
Applications must be submitted
to the dean of women’s office by
Wednesday, April 25, and should
include the cumulative GPA, activ
ities, economic status, and char
acter references. Applicants will
be interviewed by the committee
Monday, April 30.
The initial fund has been col
lected by the heads of houses or
ganization. Further contributions
may be sent to Miss Dunn at the
Chi Omega house.
Members of the committee in
clude Mrs. Dolph, permanent chair
man; Dr. Eurt Brown Barker, vice
president of the University; Mrs.
Golda Wickham, acting dean of
women; Mrs. Gordon Stapleton of
Roseburg; Janet Douglas, secre
tary of heads of houses; Frances
Anderson, treasurer of heads of
houses; Mary Riley, outgoing AWS
president; Marty Beard Bienvenui,
president of Mortar Board; Signe
Eklund, president of Phi Theta
Upsilon; Martha Thorsland, presi
dent of Kwama; and Miss Dunn.