Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 19, 1945, Page 3, Image 3

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    Duck Champs
Honored at
CC Banquet
Oregon’s Far Western NCAA
basketball champs were honored
guests of the Portland chamber of
commerce at is weekly forum and
luncheon in the Multnomah hotel
Monday afternoon.
Coach John Warren and mem
bers of the squad who made the
special trip to Portland were salut
ed by the chamber for their highly
successful season, which included
winning the Northern Division
crown, the Far West title, and
placing third in the Western NCAA
Mac Wilkins, father of Forward
Dick Wilkins, arranger of the pro
gS^m, was himself honored unex
pectedly when Dick presented his
dad with an Oregon “O” for his
loyalty in supporting the team and
attending most of the games this
The award was voted by the
members of the Oregon squad.
American League
Hamilton Leaders 8, Campbell
club 0.
Esquires 3, Omega 2.
'f National League
Purity Boys 9, Alder 2.
Sherry Ross 11, Yeomen 4.
Friday Gaines
Hamilton Leaders vs. Omega.
Purity Boys vs. Yeomen.
Race Characteristics Exhibited
In Anthropology Photo-Mural
“The Races of Mankind,” a col
lection of photo-murals, went on
display Wednesday in the exhibit
room of the art school, Dr. L. S.
Cressman, professor of anthropol
ogy and director of the University
museum of natural history, has an
The exhibit will make available
to the public scientific information
on the nature of races, pointing out
that “Democracy and American
Library Honors
Late F. D. Roosevelt
Display cases in the circulation
department of the library are now
featuring an exhibition of mater
ial relating to current events.
One case, dedicated to the mem
ory of Franklin D. Roosevelt, con
tains numerous pictures of the late
president, as well as views of the
White House. Also displayed are
pamphlets and books about him
and his role in shaping the history
of the world.
Several of the cases feature lit
erature and pictures about the ap
proaching United Nations confer
ence in San Francisco. One display
is devoted to the economic prob
lems to be considered at the meet
ing; another treats of the men who
will attend; another considers the
necessity of tolerance in the peace
A special display case honors
Pan-American day which was ob
served April 14.
I will start now to be
ready for V-Day and
his return ... as lovely
as time and effort can
make me.’’'’
Right-hand aid to thousands
of women who know that
beauty is as beauty does . . j
DuBarry Beauty Preparations
are the "beauty habit” used in
the famous Success School.
They are co-related ... formu
lated to work together for
better results. They are your
daily insurance measures for a
glowing, radiant beauty, today
and ... tomorrow! All Richard
Hudnut beauty aids at our
cosmetic counter.
ism, which we are fighting so hard
to maintain, are not, and never
have been a matter of race or an
cestry.” It will also provide an
swers to the propaganda that na
tionalies are races, that the Jews
are a race instead of a religion,
that the “Nazi ideal Aryan" is sup
erior mentally and physically and
that the love of war is inborn.
‘‘Both war and peace have made
us all neighbors again,” and those
who seek to rise above warfare
as a means of getting what they
want, will find basis for argument
against aggression and race prose
cution at this exhibition, which was
made available by the public af
fairs committee, Washington, D.C.,
and distributed through the Chi
cago civil liberties committee.
Considered of special value to
classes at the University, the ex
hibit comes to Eugene from Port
land, where it was on exhibit at t.ne
city library. It has been employed
as a regular program in presenting
social studies to the students in
New York schools, and has been on
display throughout the United
The doors will be open to the
public until Monday, April 23, be
tween 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. on week
days, 9-12 a.m. on Saturday, and
1-5 p.m. on Sunday.
Contest Entries Due
May 4, Says Li be
Friday, May 4, is the deadline
for entering- the annual library
contest sponsored by the Associa
tion of Patrons and Friends of the
University of Oregon library. En
tries must be made by 6 p.m. of
that day at the circulation desk.
Entry blanks and rules may be
obtained at the desk.
Students will arrange their books
in the space allotted by 10 a.m.
May 5, where they will be left on
display until 6 p.m. May 6.
Prizes offered are as follows:
First prize, $15 worth of books;
second prize, $10 worth of books;
and third prize, $5 in books.
Oregon Mothers Meet;
Will Plan Scholerships
Applicants for the Oregon Moth
ers scholarships will be discussed
Saturday when the state board of
the organization holds a meeting
in Portland, Karl Onthank, execm
tive secretary of the group, an
nounced Wednesday. Mrs. R. R.
Huestis, Eugene, treasurer of the
board, will attend the meeting, as
will Mr. Onthank.
Reports on the scholarship ap
plications will be presented to the
women at this meeting.
Dames to Play Bridge
At Army Wives Meeting
Mrs. J. S. Beardsley has extend
ed a special invitation to a bridge
party at 7:30 p.m. Friday at her
home at 535 Fifteenth avenue east
for those who signified an inter
est in bridge at the March meeting
of the Dames club, army wives’
Map Display
On display at the natural his
tory museum is an exhibit of maps
which includes examples of the
various kinds of maps, what they
are used for, and a display show
ing how a map for Fortune maga
zine is made. The exhibit was sent
to the school through the courtesy
of Time and Fortune magazines.
VETERANS and wives: Residence
club offers excellent living ac
commodations. Reasonable rates.
1306 East 18th Ave., Phone 5112.
Mrs. Gray.
Easy,comfortable fit;;. dis
tinctive, yet casual style.
Carefully tailored all-wool
models in a handsome group
of cheerful plaids, rich her
ringbones and neat checks.
Colorful solid tones, too!
Fashionable, smooth-weave ga- ,
bardine—splendid "mixers" for
suit coats, sport coats. Expertly
1059 Willamette
Phone 4200
Modern jbaHce
One of the four arts to be represent
ed at the all-student presentation.
Free tickets will be given
out at the Co-op on Friday.
Music Auditorium 8 p.m. Monday, April 23
Open All the Time
At Greyhound Bus Depot