College Women Needed By Marine Corps Now ‘ We've had a very successful week here at the University of Oregon,” Staff Sergeant Tia Lange and Sergeant Flora Ecarello, women marines, said Friday before leaving the cam pus to return to recruiting headquarters in Portland. The ma rines have been on the campus this week on a special recruiting campaign. No University women enlisted but the sergeants report that a dozen coeds were interviewed and plan to enlist in the marines when they become of age. According to Sergeant Lange, Staff Sergeant Roy Vernstrom, former Oregana editor and now serving as head of the public rela tions department of the marines headquarters in Portland, said re cently, “I'm glad to hear that my old school is working behind our fighting boys by supporting this marine recruiting campaign.” University women who wish more information about the women marines may write to the recruit ing office in 208 U. S. Courthouse, Portland 5, Oregon. “In every corner of the eartn marines are carrying forward re lentless offensives by land, sea, and ail-. America needs its com bat marines at the front. America needs women to take over a ma rine's job here and release him to fight over there,” said Colonel Sfjreeter, director of the marine corps women's reserve. “The wom en of the military services do not join up for glamour. We are look ing for strong, intelligent, willing women who show the same smart ness and snap which characterizes the men of the marine corps.” In order to qualify for enlist "KISMET" ^ with Marlene Dietrich and Ronald Coleman "Crime By Night" with Jane Wyman "TONIGHT AND EVERY NIGHT" with RITA HAYWORTH r JANET BLAIR and LEE BOWMAN ment a woman must be 20 to 35 years olds, have a minimum of two years of high school or business college; sound physical condition, height at least five feet, weight at least 95 pounds, no children under 18 years of age. Women marines receive the same pay as the men of the corps, and they enlist to serve for the duration and six months. Women are accepted in the marine corps on a basis of absolute equality with men and will be expected to quali fy with their standards. Indoctrin ation training lasts six weeks, ad vanced from four to 20 weeks de pending on the field. Marines are assigned to the field in which they seem most likely to succeed. After six months of service in the continental United States, women marines may now volun teer for overseas duty. College women who enlist now will be al lowed to complete spring term before being called to active duty. Two Halls Get New ’Mothers’ Miss Estelle Armitage and Mrs. Nina Mills are on the campus this term as new housemothers of Zeta and Sigma halls, located in John Straub. As housemother of Zeta hall, Miss Armitage is replacing Miss Donia Williams who is now work ing in a rehabilitation hospital in San Francisco. She is a graduate of the U. of O. and before return ing to Eugene recently to make her home she taught for 38 years in the Washington high school in Portland as a Latin instructor. During her years of teaching she has made many friends among her students and now corresponds reg ularly with 20 men, and several women now in the armed services. Mrs. Mills, who has been house mother of the guest houses of Camp Adair and Fort Ord is now housemother of Sigma hall. She is replacing Miss Beulah Cardwell who has left for San Francisco to be married. Mrs. Mills also organ ized a guest house at Camp Rob erts and has lived on the Univer sity of Washington campus as a housemother. PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT For a * "strike" in an evening of fun bowl at U-Bowl Corner 11th and Willamette WEAK THE GREEN OF A WOMAN MARINE In a navy launch these women marines, volunteers for overseas service, are speeding- across the bay of some island in the Hawaiian group, toward their new duties. Diggin' Deep (Continued from page tivo) you really surprised, Wally? Maybe the boys in the Chi Psi house had better just watch the mill race from now on. (Instead of the house across it). We wanted to put in Bob Hamil ton’s current flame, but just couldn’t keep up with him. Almost forgot—it seems that no gossip column is complete without “Sally Mann and Dick Savinar, cheers and more cheers.” Bill Sinnott is tall, isn’t he Anna mae? P’haps we’d better ask Aly sone Hales. Jean Beaver had a grand time up at Mt. Hood during spring vaca tion. In fact, she had such a good • CLASSIFIED ADS • Lost BLACK BILLFOLD near Gerling er. Reward. Mary Patton, Chi Omega. • For Sale ONE PAIR slightly used Spald ings. Size 5B. $5.50. No stamp. Helen Luvaas, phone 3874. HEILIG "Let's Go Steady" with Pat Parrish and Jackie Moran — and — "Code of the Prairie" with Smiley Burnette time she broke her leg. By the way, Schoenfeldt, did you see Jim my Kroeder in Portland, too ? We have a new BMOC. He’s I’eter St. Pierre, and he owes his fame to his Maxwell (1925 model, if you're interested, girls—the car, not Peter). We’re hoping that “Hoppe” isn’t as fast a worker as the before mentioned navy flyer. Is he, Riven burgh ? We don’t have to worry, though, George Walker, Beta, may be in Italy, but he’s not forgotten. Oregon ^Emerald Ad Staff: Gloria Grenfell, day manager Pat Powell Bobbie Fullmer Lura Givnan Verley Florey Layout Staff: Pat Powell Pat Johnson Bobbie Fullmer Lura Givnan Verley Florey Office Staff: Phyllis Kiste Anne Burgess CAMPUS CALENDAR All Yeomen are to meet Monday at 7:30 p.m. in the men’s lounge of Gerlinger hall. Election of officers will be held. Vesper choir rehearsal will be held at 3:30 p.m., Sunday in Ger linger hall. LATEST RECORDS!! - Used records only 20c apiece. Why pay more! EUGENE RADIO SHOP 128 E. 11th Ave. Phone 4954 Three thrilling new shades for nails and lips Madm fn as. a. W W • PINK SAPPHIRE • ORIENTAL SAPPHIRE • BLACK SAPPHIRE Now, dress your nails in the clear, exquisite brilliance of preciou* sapphires. These shades are totally different from any you have ever worn before — so clear—so newly elegant — so very distinguished. You’ll be firsHvith the newest. Chen Yu lipsticks by the same names to harmonize. The lacquer 75^ — the lipstick $1.00 (tax extra). CLAYPOOL DRUG