Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 04, 1945, Page 4, Image 4

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    Marines Recruit UO
Women this Week
University women who enlist in
the marine women reserves this
week will be allowed to complete
spring term before being placed on
active duty lists, according to an
snnounceemnt from marine head
quarters, Marine recruiters, Staff
Sgt. Tia Lange and Sgt. Flora
Scarello will be in the men’s lounge
in Gerlinger every afternoon this
week from 2 to 3:30 to interview
prospective applicants and answer
questions concerning service with
the marines. Enlistees must be be
tween the ages of 20 to 36 and
transportation to Portland for the
physical examination and swear
ing-in ceremonies will be provided
toy the marine corps.
Men on the campus nearing-the
age of 18 will be interviewed by
the two recruiters at the same
time. The motion picture, “So
Proudly We Serve," and techni
color motion pictures taken during
1 he battles for the Mariannas is
lands and Tarawa will be shown
Friday at 2 and 3 p.m. in 207
Chapman hall.
“We think that everyone on the
campus would be interested in see
ing these films regardless of
whether they are planning to en
list or not." the recruiters said,
adding that their motto for this
campaign is, "Wear the green of a
woman marine."
The average college girl isn’t
i inch interested in what her man
is saying unless he’s talking to an
other girl.
"Gang's AU Here
with Alice Faye, Carmen
Miranda and Phil Baker
— and —■
"They Got Me
with Bob Hope and
Dorothy Lamour
Plans for Softball
1'lans for the intramural soft
ball season will be made Friday
at 4 p.m. in Anse Cornell’s oi
flce in McArthur court, Mr. Cor
nell, athletic manager, urges all
hall athletic managers who con
template entering a team to at
tend the meeting.
Lt Bob Sabin Wounded;
Receives Purple Heart
Second Lt. Bob Sabin has been
awarded the purple heart for
wounds received in February while
he was serving in Italy with the
10th mountain division of the 5th
army, according to word received
here by Charlotte Calder, his fi
ancee. Lt. Sabin is back in action
now, having recovered from the
fiesh wounds.
Lt. Sabin was on the campus
with the junior ROTC, _ and re
turned last year with the advanced
ROTC. He received his commission
last October at Ft. Benning, Ga.,
and went overseas the first of this
Pre-Med Aptitude
Test Scheduled
An aptitude test, required for
pre-medical students who will apply
for entrance to medical schools
during 1945 or the spring of 1946,
will be given Friday, April 13, at
2 p.m. in 105 McClure hall. Ap
plications should be sent to Dr.
H. B. Yocom, head of the biology
department. This test, a requisite
for admission to a medical school,
was adopted by the Association of
American Medical colleges, spon
sors of the test.
Given annually to ascertain the
student’s potential ability in med
ical schools and to measure his
general information and scientific
background, this test enables the
committee to draw accurate con
clusions from a given set of data.
Peterson Jo Lecture
Dr. E. L. Peterson, assistant
professor of physics, will present a
report on “A Mechanical Measure
of the Ratio m e for the Elec
tron'’ at the meeting of the physics
seminar on Thursday, April 0, at
4 p.m. in 105 Deady hall.
Sailor swimming in jungle lake:
"Are you sure there are no croco
diles around here?”
Nut:vo: “Yessah. De sharks done
.-rare ’em all away.”
Voice from rear of taxi: “Why
are you stopping, driver?”
Driver: "I heard someone tell me
to stop.”
Voice: "Drive on. She wasn’t
talking to you.”
For Picnics and
Midnight Snacks
* Rolls, Cakes.. Cookies
* Salads and Cottage Cheese
* Pies and Doughnuts
* Other Sweets
Military Rites Held
For Ex-Student
Staff Sgt. Donald H. Guild, 36,
class of ’31, died February 23 at a
Fairbanks, Alaska, hospital fol
lowing a brief illness. A military
funeral was held at the Presbyter
ian church at Fairbanks. A mem
ber of Chi Psi and of Scabbard
and Blade, Sgt. Guild was born in
Honolulu and attended Grant high
school in Portland. He had ar
ranged for a furlough in March in
Portland, where his sister, Mrs.
William E. Lockwood, lives.
Committee chairmen for Junior
JVeekend will meet upstairs at the
Side, Thursday at 4 p.m.
* * «s
An important meeting of the
war board is scheduled for 4 p.m.
today in the war board office in
McArthur court, Carol Wicke,
chairman, announces. All commit
tee chairmen are urged to attend.
* *
Leaders of choruses in the Jun
ior Weekend all-campus sing will
meet at 7:30 tonight in the men’s
lounge of Gerlinger hall.
* * *
Committees chosen for the But
ler’s Ball will meet at 7:30 tonight
in the men's lounge of Gerlinger
'Seng for Miss Julie'
with Shirley Ross and
Barton Hepburn
— and —
'Crime Doctor's
with Warner Baxter
<5 jmCy MMMJB
"Blonde Fever"
with Philip Dorn and
Mary Astor
— and —
"This Man's Navy"
with Wallace Beery and
Tom Drake
A marine who dropped into town
for the races strolled into a down
town bar and sat on a stool along
side a good-looking lass. “Do you
care for horses?” he asked at
length. “No,” came the uninter
ested retort, “I wait on tables.”
“Is the oak leaf cluster a new
decoration?” “Heck no. Adam
wore one.”
As one drug addict said to an
other drug addict: “Hi, what's
Free and easy wool skirts to see you through a busy
season; sturdy, interesting rayons that thrive on hard
wear'; all with well defined tailored lines, sharp pleats.
Blossom Time Blouse Treats
Good enough to eat; softly draped rayon
crepes, filmy sheers; white, bright colors.
Musica Maestro... Have a Coke
i / yr
Jrv i /
/ /
\ — \ \ x \ sc*t
...or the cue to making friends in Cuba
At fiesta time the gay little isle of Cuba is a mighty cosmopolitan
corner of the globe—where the familiar American greeting Have
a Coke is just as happily understood as their own native Salad.
From Hanover to Havana, the pause that refreshes with friendly
Coca-Cola has become a symbol of the good-neighbor spirit.
,© 1945 Tha C-C Co.,
Hogan's Grocery and Cook's Market
544 E. 13th
Phone 2065