Oregon W Emerald ANNE CRAVEN Editor ANNAMAE WINSHIP Business Manager MARGUERITE WITTWER Managing Editor PATSY MALONEY Advertising Manager WINIFRED ROMTVEDT News Editor LOUISE JIONTAG, PEGGY OVERLAND Associate Editors J.-.ne Richardson, Phyllis Perkins, Vingima Scholl, Mary Margaret Ellsworth, Norris Yates, City Desk Editors Bjorg Hansen, Executive Secretary Flora Furrow, Women’s Editor Jeanne Simmonds, Assistant Managing Editor Murlov reters. t met .Mgiu I'.umu Darrell Boone, Photographer Betty Bennett, Music Editor Gloria Camobell, Mary K. Minor Librarians Jack Craig. World Xews Editor EDITORIAL BOARD Norris Yates, Edith Newton Published daily during the college year except Sundays, Mondays, and holidays and final examination periods by the Associated Students, University of Oregon. Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice, Eugene, Oregon.__ Alani fl/ete>ianA,. . . Sob-sister svmpathi/.ing doesn’t help :i veteran who is tramp ing the streets near the campus looking lor "for rent" signs lo find a plaee to live for himself and his family while he attends tiie Universitv under the (11 Hill of Rights. The l niversitv ■administration is aware of the acute housing shortage in Jtugene and remedial action machines which were cranked up when registration figures showed an increase in veteran stu dent- have heen accelerated h\ Momlay’s editorial in the Hu ge lie Register-tluard and letters sent to townspeople by Bryant Del’ar, commander of the local post of Veterans of Foreign! .Wars. According to Dean of Men Virgil Karl, the immediate prob lem is housing for married veterans. Incompleted returns on .spring term registration show a total of l,8 veterans on the campus, 20 of these matriculating as new students. Several wore are in the process of registering. Many of these men are married and want to live with their wives. The (II Hill of Kighls allows them tuition and $75 per month for themselves and dependents. Single men are no problem, Karl said, because there i- more than enough room for them in the Universitv dormitorv units, (hi- term, at least. Hut married men looking for apartments find that within commuting distance of the campus living units cost from $30 to $(>5 per month and over; most ot these are near the $50 rent level and few are unoccu pied. \o matter what the poets have to say on the subject, it Minplv is not possible for two people to eat, dress, and huv hooks on $25 per month. Obviously, the University itself is not able now to provide apartments tor married students in the University-owned dormitories. It may he a good plan to note the possibilities of ti e postwar construction of University-owned apartment build ings tor married students. These buildings could he managed along the same lines as the present dormitories, w ith common l.'iuulrv and recreation facilities but with individual cooking f. cilities in each kitchen bath-hedroom-livingroom unit. Sta Clips and | - Comments j By JANE ELLSWORTH and BETTY BUSHMAN ‘Nuts’ to You No matter how hard you study these days, the profs will get you if you don’t watch out. A be wildered student went up to Pro fessor John DeHaan of Michigan State college the other day to find out what on earth he had given her for a philosophy test. It seems that an abnormal psych test had crept in, and there she was—con fronted with a question on manic depressives. And Now Tomorrow A puzzled coed at the University of Washington doesn’t know what to expect next. One day a crate of rhubarb arrived for her, and the next day she got 1000 daffodils from a fellow she says is just a friend. What can he be leading up to? Wampus Hits Campus This week at USC has been de clared “Bye-Now and Smirk Week" to promote sales of their campus luimor magazine, the Wampus. Attractions being planned for the week include a goldfish gulping contest and a three-legged race for mothballs, but the Daily Trojan warns that they are only being planned and will not be held. Maybe this is because there is a shortage of goldfish and three legged students. Ode to a ‘Code’ It doesn’t breathe It doesn't smell It doesn't feel So very well. I’m quite discouraged With my nose The only thing it does Is blows. —OSC Barometer Strange Fruit When the sleepy Pi Phi at the University of Idaho heard a mas culine voice on the other end of the line say something about “lemon” she thought it was one of her gentleman friends playing a practical joke. Grumpily she re plied, “You’re a lemon? I'm a grapefruit from Texas. What do you mean calling me at eight in the morning? I wanted to sleep in!” A startled laugh came from the voice at the other end of the wire. “I'm afraid you don't understand, this is Dr. Lemmon of the psy chology department.” Dangerous Journey? Jay Allen, newspaperman who specializes in dangerous journal istic pursuits, received his diploma at Washington State college last week just 19 years after he was graduated. He explained this by saying that he was in Paris in 1920 when the graduation exercises were held. Allen attended the UO in 1921 22. IF A BUDDY ] ; MEET A BUDDY*| By JEANNE WILTSHIRE The latest news of the ATO’s activities overseas has been received by Mrs. Dorothy Wilson, the ex-ATO cook. In his letter to her, John Boone, ’43, mentioned that Gene Brown, ’42, was in the fighting at Bastogne; Bud Vandenynde is now in the Pacific; Dick Ralston, ’43, is in the European theater of war (Germany), and A1 Rouse, also of the class of ’43, is with the 8th air force stationed in Eng land. John Boone described the fight ing in Belgium as pretty tough. He said, “We haven’t had a picnic our selves, but that's to be expected. I had my dispatch case shot off me in one attack and artillery shells landing all around me. When you see 10 and 12-inch trees cut in two you can imagine what a shell can do to a man.” Master Sergeant Sidney Sinclair has been awarded the soldier’s medal “for heroism not involving actual combat.” The occasion for the award, which occurred in the Mediterranean sea in 1943, is de scribed in the citation as follows: “Sergeant Sinclair having ob served a soldier struggling in the water and heeding the soldier’s cry for help, rushed to the drowu ing man’s aid. Despite the personal danger of a strong undertow, he was able to reach the man. Ser geant Sinclair fought his way back through the unusually rough water to shore in time for the successful application of artificial respira tion.” During his two years at the Uni evrsity, Sinclair appeared as a baritone soloist with the symphony orchestra. Marine Second Lieutenant Ever ett J. Dickerman has been selected, to serve with the first all-marine carrier aircraft group as a fighter pilot. He is now stationed at the marine corps air station at Santa Barbara, California, where hi3 squadron is undergoing training. The squadron’s assignment to duty will mark the first time the corps has operated from its own car riers. Lieutenant Dickerman left his studies here. to enter flight training in July, 1942. He was com missioned in October, 1943. Home on leave is marine First Lieutenant William Hopper, who has recently returned from the central Pacific where he was a pilot with a fourth marine air wing lighter-bomber squadron. From bases in the Gilbert and Marshall islands his unit carried out bombing missions against en emy installations on the atolls of M'ili, Jaluit, and Maloelap in the Marshalls. He participated in 33 missions, logging 300 combat fly ing hours, and is credited with a direct hit on a gun emplacement. Lieutenant Hopper is a member of the Phi Delta Theta. He entered flight training in August, 1942, and was commissioned at Corpus Christi, Texas, in April, 1943. ... n, inn nj Casting' Around -I Hollywood has taken Graham Greene’s superb mystery story. Ministry of Fear and molded and patterned it into a rather disgusting thriller that has very faint and somewhat bizarre resemblances to the original tale of a man, acauitted by an Knglish court of the mercy-killing of his wife, who can not find peace from his own thoughts. in the turn version which played over the weekend at the Mac theater, there is very little evi dence to be seen of Greene’s clever and subtle treatment of a man continually obsessed by the thought that he has killed a woman too well-bred to ask her husband if he has doped her milk. Instead we find that Ray Millar.d has not even administered the drug which ended his wife’s incurable and painful disease, but has absently left it about the house for her to find and use. Custom-made Why this should torture Mr. Milland was beyond me. However, he didn’t seem to believe it too well himself, referring to his re morse only once in a rather half hearted and confused manner as though he felt it the only gentle manly thing to say under the cir cumstances. The mystery at the Mac takes tistics from other universities indicate that there will be an increase in married students attending school together after the war. The University should use the present housing prob lem as an experimental project to work out possible housing facilities for our postwar married students. Acting President Orlando Hollis admitted Tuesdav, after discussing the problem with Dean Earl and George Aiken, sent by Governor Snell to inquire into the situation, that the pinch comes between now and when general construction can begin in Eugene. By appointing a committee to represent the Univer sity in the meeting called by De Bar, President Hollis has indicated the definite interest of the administration in this problem which might otherwise be considered merelv the con cern of the individual. The University is anxious to keep her G1 students; the Veterans of Foreign Wars want to do what ever they can for their buddies, and Eugene landlords are eager for anything they can get out of University students. Between them the problem of housing should be ironed out, or at least steps in that direction be taken, at the meeting Thursdav —MAY. the barest thread of Greene's plot and manages to twist it into an absurd and run-of-the-mill spy thriller. The original plot con siders a young man who wanders into an English country fair and wins a cake intended for someone else, thereby propelling himself in to the midst of a series of fan tastic and sinister events. He dis covers that a powerful spy ring is operating under the guise of a charity movement headed by a young girl and her brother, and that he has fallen in love with the girl. Grade F The film story in adapting this plot manages to omit the most dramatic and sinister events and pads the outline with Hollywood's usual gilt and sawdust tripe. Also I considered Mr. Milland’s selec tion for the role as unfortunate and that of the girl as absurd, and altogether the picture palpably in ferior to its source. Its accompanying feature “The Man in Half-Moon Street," al though a rather anonymous^ro duction, presented two interesting and unusual personalities—Hek.a Walker and Nils Asther. Shades of Valentino Nils Asther, a former silent screen star who is beating a long and hard way back to fame through a series of B productions, continues to impress me as one of the better foreign lovers whose standing in the cinematic world has been established so firmly by Charles Boyer. Although a strong personality actor he also handles his dramatic scenes with precision and understanding. ^ Miss Walker is one of the most beautiful women on the screen to* day.