Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 04, 1945, Image 1

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‘Mardi Gras’ Theme Chosen
For Junior Weekend Activities
Junior Weekend committee heads
went into a huddle late last term
to select a theme for the annual
Junior Weekend, scheduled for
May 4, 5, and 6. The result, Junior
Weekend 1945 will be based on the
old French celebration “Mardi
Gras.’’ Co-chairman Ed Allen an
nounces, “The class of ’46 is going
ahead with plans to transform the
campus into a miniature New Or
leans with gay, festive Mardi Gras
All of the old Junior Weekend
traditions will be carried out. Al
ready scheduled are the campus
luncheon, all-campus sing, terrace
dance, junior prom, and sunset
serenade, with new additions and
surprises promised. ODT regula
tions prevent the regular schedule
of Mothers' Day events, but the
executive council of Oregon Moth
ers will meet in Eugene that week
Co-chairmen Ed Allen and Jean
Kirkwood, juniors in pre-law, have
selected the following committee
chairmen: Dorothy Simonsen, all
campus sing; Ann Van Valzah,
campus luncheon; Mary Margaret
Ellsworth, coronation; Signe Eck
lund, junior prom; Maxine Cady,
cujMet serenade; Betty Butler,
Anita Young, and Ted Loud, pub
licity; Janet Douglas, tickets;
Joanne Holstad, executive secre
tary; Charlotte Calder, finance;
Mary Corrigan, clean-up; and Bob
Hamilton, traditions.
Rushing for women who wish to
enter sororities this term is under
way today, and rushees may pick
UjT bids for dates between 8 and
11 a.m. at the dean of women’s
office. Rushing will ' continue
Thursday and Friday. Campus
clothes will be worn for all lunch
and dinner dates, with the excep
tion of Friday night, when short
silks will be worn and preferences
Bids for pledging will be avail
able Saturday morning at the dean
of women’s office.
Plans for spring rushing were
made at a Penhellenic meeting
Tuesday afternoon in the men’s
lounge of Gerlinger hall.
Students Number 1731
legist ration material was is
sued to about 100 additional stu
dents Tuesday, bringing the
total to date to 1731 students.
At the end of the second day
last spring, 1406 students were
enrolled. C. L. Constance, as^jst
ant registrar, anticipates a
spring enrollment of 1800.
The spring term series of free
motion pictures begins tonight
with “Combat, America,” a war
film starring Clark Gable. There
will be two showings, 7:30 and
in 207 Chape :•> o fea
tured are “Texas, ' and “i itnw
in Nutrition.”
UO SERVICE DEAD are honored by ibis myrtlewood memorial plaque
now banging- in Johnson ball. One hundred and thirty-four names
of University men and women who have died in World War II were
included on the first list.
World War II
Students Lost
The namfes of 134 University of
Oregon men and .women who lost
their lives while in the armed
forces in World War II have been
placed on a memorial plaque in
Johnson hall.
This myrtlewood plaque, carved
by Art Clough, a Eugene wood
carver, will be replaced by a per
manent brbnze marker at the end
of the war. Until the final list of
names is compiled, printed lists
of names will be inserted as offi
cial government notices of their
deaths are received. This list will
not include prisoners of war.
Dean Karl W. Onthank, head of
personnel administration, . and
Nancy Ames, Portland, ASUO
president last year, started the
movement to secure this plaque at
that time.
Complete records of all the more
than 5500 men and 200 women
University students who are now
in the armed services are being
kept in the alumni office by Miss
Doris Hack, acting alumni secre
U 0 Student Wins
Forensic Award
Speaking on “Enlightened Self
ishness,” Beverly Carroll, sopho
more in liberal arts, won first
place in the women’s division of
the oratorical contest sponsored by
the Oregon Intercollegiate Foren
sic association at Pacific college,
March 26. Miss Carroll, represent
ing the University, won a $10
First place in the men’s division
went to Wallace Coleman of Ore
gon State college. Oth r schools
which entered the contest were
Willamette university, L .field col
lege, and Pacific col •
Graham Wins
50 First Prize
In Contest
Walter Graham, sophomore m
liberal arts, won $50 as first prize
in the Marshall-Case-Haycox an
nual short story contest, it was an
nounced by W. F. G. Thacher in
his short story class today. Sec
ond prize of $30 was awarded to
James R. McGill, junior in liberal
arts'. Jean Lawrence, sophomore in
journalism, won third place and
$20. All three students are mem
bers of short story classes.
First prize last year was won by
Mary McClintic, junior in journal
Judges for the contest were:
John McCloskey, assistant profes
sor of English; Mrs. Blake O’
Haggen, Co-op librarian; and Ar
thur Priaulx, public relations offi
cer for the Willamette Valley Lum
bermen’s association.
Jean Lawrence
Edits Oresana
Jean Lawrence, sophomore in
journalism, Tuesday was selected
1945-46 editor of the Oregana by
the educational activities board.
The appointment is subject to ap
proval by the ASUO executive
Miss Lawrence was managing
editor of the 1944-45 Oregana and
served as editor of this year's
Piggers Guide. She has been ac
tive in theater work on the cam
pus and is a member of Kwama.
Previous to her appointment as
Oregana managing editor she was
assistant managing editor for the
Betty Lu Siegman, junior in
journalism and associate editor of
the Oregana, and Lois Evans, jun
ior in journalism and associate edi
tor of the Oregana, also applied for
the position.
The new editor will begin her
work this term.
Selection of Emerald editor will
be made Wednesday, April 11; the
business managers of the Oregana
and the Emerald will be chosen
Friday, April 13.
Wittwer, Romtvedt Advanced
On Emerald Editorial Staff
Appointment of Marguerite Wittwer as managing editor and
Winifred Romtvedt as news editor of the Emerald was made
Monday, April 2, at a meeting of the educational activities
board. Miss Wittwer and Miss Romtvedt, sophomores in jour
nalism, replace Elizabeth Haugen as managing editor, and Miss
Today’s World
The 3rd army’s 4th armored
division raced into the outskirts
of the old German city of Gotha
and reached a point 140 miles
from Berlin.
Red army troops drove within
8 miles of the outskirts of Vien
na and captured the chief Aus
trian industrial centers of Wein
er, Neustadt, Neunkirchen, and
U. S. troops won control of
nearly seven miles of Okinawa’s
east coast in the battle on Jap
an’s threshold while Gen. Doug
las MacArthur invaded the Tawi
Tawi islands 30 miles from
* * *
The senate killed the house
compromise manpower hill by a
vote of 4G to 29, but agreed to
confer with the house on some
form of similar legislation.
* * *
President Roosevelt has de
cided that the United States will
not request any additional votes
in the world assembly to be pro
posed at the San Franicsco con
ference, other than the one vote
agreed upon at Yalta.
Chemistry Seminar Set
The first spring term meeting of
the chemistry seminar will be held
on Tuesday, April 10, at 4:15 p.m.
in 103 Deady hall. Dr. W. M.
Swangard, veterinary surgeon in
Eugene, will speak on “The Poly
peptide Index in Relation to Surg
ical or Other Cell Damage.’’
Plans to Solve Housing
For Veterans Set by VFW
A bull-session to thrash out the
problem of housing for married
veterans who are attending the
University under the GI Bill of
Rights has been called by Bryant
De Bar, commander Post 293, Vet
erans of Foreign Wars, in the
assembly room of the Eugene hotel
at 3:30 Thursday afternoon. Vet
erans on the campus faced with
lack of housing for their families
and any students interested in the
problem and with practicable sug
gestions are invited by Commander
De Bar to attend the meting.
Virgil D. Earl, dean of men, and
J. O. Lindstrom, University busi
ness manager, have been appointed
by Acting President Orlando J.
Hollis to represent the University
administration at the meeting, and
to form the committee which will
participate m making arrange
ments for housing. William Tug
man, editor of the Eugene Regis
ter-Guard, whose editorial in Mon
day’s issue brought the urgency
of adequate living facilities for
veteran students to the attention
of the general public, will par
ticipate in the discussions Thurs
day. Officials of the CIO and AF
of L labor unions will be present
to discuss the labor available for
construction projects.
Governor Snell has delegated
Ceorge Aiken, state budget officer,
to make a survey of the needs and
plans. According to Mr. De Bar,
Aiken believes that the state de
partment realizes the need for
; housing and is willing to cooperate
1 in any way possible.
wittwer as news editor. The ap
pointments arc effective March 1,
1945, for the balance of the school
At the meeting- the educational
activities operating budget for the
coming year was adopted. Esti
mating a cash balance of $7,075.55
on July 1, and receipts of $31,577,
receipts are expected to total $38,
652.55. Expenses are estimated at
$29,512.24, and $5000 will go into
the reserve for mill race develop
ment. This leaves an estimated
cash balance of $4,140.31.
The budget committee consisted
of Horace Robinson, acting educa
tional activities manager; Audrey
Holliday, ASUO president; Mary
Riley, AWH president, and J. O.
Lindstrom, secretary-treasurer of
the educational activities board.
Thursday Tea
To Introduce
Marge Dibble
Marge Dibble, AWS president in.
1942-13, will be speaker and hon
ored guest at an AWS tea sched
uled for 4 to 5 p.m. Thursday in
Alumni hall of Gerlinger. Miss Dib
ble now is executive secretary for
Campfire girls at Portland. Mrs.
Golda Wickham, acting dean of
women, will pour at the tea. There
will be no receiving line and cam
pus clothes will be worn. Miss
Dibble’s talk will begin at about
Women interested in camp coun
selling will have the opportunity to
consult with Miss Dibble, who was
president of Phi Theta Upsilon and
winner of the Gerlinger cup her
junior y^ar at the University. She
was a member of Mortar Board,
president of Kwama, and vice
president of the sophomore class.
Basketball Banquet
Tickets Available Today
A limited number of tickets for
students will be available today
from the rally squad for a banquet
honoring the Duck basketball team
and the Eugene high school squ id.
The banquet, sponsored by a Eu
gene civic organization, will bo
held at 6:45 p.m. Thursday at the
Eugene Masonic temple. Admis
sion will be $2, and 400 people w'ill
be seated.
The program and speakers for
the affair will be announced in
Thursday’s Emerald.