Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 09, 1945, Section 1, Page 3, Image 3

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    Women Express
Marriage Views
(Continued from page tzco)
ewkured, etc. However, let’s not be
too hopeful that one will become
so by madly dashing from this bit
of culture to that. The statement:
“It is easy to become narrow
minded by living a quiet life,” is
lertainly presumptuous. Probably
some of the most narrow minded
individuals are those who flutter
from this to that and have much
information but no knowledge.
Give Mrs. Average Housewife a
chance. Let her keep her major
interests in the home, fasten on
one or two outside interests, read
sf^reat deal, and do wrhat she does
well. Perhaps women can “afford
to be starry-eyed” but it would be
very easy to walk over the cliff
gazing at same, and I doubt if the
Big Dipper would dip one up. This
is a pretty complex civilization we
live in; let’s not expect the house
wife to be acquainted with all
phases of it.
Edith Newton:
Not only in married life, but in
any career, it is quite possible for
girls to slip into mediocrity; for
th| type of person who would do
this in married life is the same
type of person who would do this
in the business world. When a girl
marries she should strive to strike
a happy medium between home
life and outside events. By doing
this she is more likely to make her
home a happier place, as well as
add to her own enjoyment.
Joan Dolph:
I am inclined to agree with the
Mills college article. However, I
think they are taking themselves
much too seriously.
University women are on the
whole rather well-balanced people,
but I suppose one might become
“embroiled” as the article declares.
I really wouldn’t know because I’ve
never been married myself. You
see this process of becoming “em
broiled” has interesting connota- ]
Photo by “Dot” Dotson
Ready for a big' evening! Virginia Bradfish, Alpha Phi, wearing a
blaek date dress from Miller’s. Note the effective use of white around
the neckline. Something new this spring.
ions. I think I’d like to try it
Seriously—I have seen this take
place, among my high school
friends who were married and who
never attended college. However, I
think that college people are not
so likely to forget the things they
have been exposed to. I’m strictly
idealistic though go you'd better
ring my bell in a couple of years
and I’ll tell what this marriage
business is all about—I hope.
Signe Eklund:
Of course one shouldn’t limit her
ife to the four walls of her home.
Should she devote a good share of
the home-making time to music,
art, and literature is the question.
Naturally, that would depend upon
the individual interest of the hus
band and wife. But, personally, I
would rather believe that ideal
home life would include a wider
range of interests. A good college
or university education is a good
means to broaden the individual’s
interests and understanding in
many fields in preparation for the
future years.
Roseann Leckie:
While a man and wife both can't
invite you to come in
and look over their
With Spring just
around the corner,
you'll be wise to
make vour selec
tion now.
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have a career at the same time and
rear their children properly, a'
wife should be prepared to follow!
a line of work if necessary. Not
only is a college education valuable !
as a preparation so she may sup
port herself and her family accord- ;
ing to the standards to which they
are accustomed, but it is valuable
because it gives a background in
the liberal arts which are so neces
sary in giving her family a cul
tural background.
Barbara Younger:
I think that an active interest
in the outside world is excellent,
but I think well bred children and
an efficiently run home are more
important because women usually
make their best or worst contribu
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