Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 09, 1945, Section 1, Page 19, Image 19

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    Choir Wifi Sing Sunday
At Term’s Last Service
The last University vesper service of the term will be pre
sented March 11 at 4 p.m. under a new and revised program,
"Announced Helen Luvaas, director of the vesper choir, recently.
A policy of student leadership will be introduced Sunday when
Leslie Brockelbank, senior in sociology, will read the scripture.
±msj new student leadership will
eliminate the formal address, thus
devoting most of the half hour pro
gram to the choir.
The program includes a string
quartet, consisting of Marion Salt
ness, Marilyn Olson, Joyce Whittle,
and Robert Gilmore, playing “Lar
go Sostenuto’’ by Haydn; the ves
per choir singing Palestrina’s
“Tenebrae Factae Sunt,” the read
ing of Isaiah 1, 1-20, by Miss
Brockelbank, the choir singing a
Jfcussian melody, “My God and I ”
13th and Kincaid
this term
and next!
13th and Kincaid
For someone special . . .
a string of pearls chosen
from our selection.
“Better Time at Dales”
11 West 11th Ave.
Dittersdorf's “Andante” played by
the quartet; the choir and quartet
in Bach's “Crueifixus” and “Inter
ludium in Modo Antico,” by Glaz
ounow, played by the quartet.
Miss Luvaas has asked that the
change in time from 5 p.m. to 4
p.m. be noted.
Dramatic Writing
Sought by Alliance
The Dramatists’ alliance of Stan
ford university offers four awards
in dramatic writing' in the tenth
annual competitions of the organ
ization. The Stevens award of $100
is offered for serious plays of full
length in either prose or verse;
the Etherege award of $100 will
go to the writer of the best full
length comedy sent in. Brief plays
of one act or in short unified scenes
may compete for the Alden award
of $50. The Gray award of $25 is
offered for dramatic criticism in
lucid, vigorous style.
The most produceable of the
plays among' these competitions
will be staged in the summer of
1945 during the Dramatists’ as
sembly. All prize-winning items,
and the leading contributions
among the works given honorable
mention, are recommended to pro
ducing and publishing units cf
established worth. The contests are
open to all persons who write in
Other opportunities extended to
contributors include opportunity to
obtain brief critiques of their work
for a nominal fee of $3 beyond the
registration fee; introduction of
promising dramatists to members
of the alliance already placed in
theater and cinema, for advice and
assistance; and the appearance of
every item contributed in the con
tests, in the lists of the bulletin
issued each year and sent to li
braries and producing groups and
individuals throughout the coun
Writers should send for regis
tration forms and information as
early as possible. The final date of
this season’s competitions is March
25. All communications should be
addressed to the Dramatists’ alli
ance, box 200Z, Stanford univer
sity, California.
at the
35 W. 11th
Ph. 3284
With all due respect to Ho Hum
and giving him all the credit al
lowed by the OPA, we feel that
one person or one column can not
be in a position to “observe” ev
erything worthy of print. Firmly
believing the above is true we pre
sent the following collection of
dust, dirt, and g'rit, that escaped
the proverbial “I.Q. rug” at sweep
ing time.
Anita Fernandez having a won
derful time with Elmer Sahlstrom.
Natalie Brown going' steady with
Dick Bartholomew. Wally Johnson
taking over Jeanne Robinson when
Bill O'Hearn withdrew, green with
jealousy. Now Jeanne has to leave
for home, doctor's orders, and just
when she and Wally were getting
so well under way.
Elizabeth Gilmore, sporting two
luscious baby white orchids from
SAE Ted Baker, seen at the Gam
ma Phi house dance. Has John
Ruble left petite Betty Green,
Kappa, or is he just playing the
field with anticipation of returning'
to Betty?
Chuck Plum was really chalking
up a good time Friday night, with
Robbi Bowman around to help!
Dick Dahlstrom literally swept
Becky Burkes off her feet at the
Gamma Phi dance and did a little
of the same at the river on Sunday.
Bev Carroil Will Enter
State Oratorical Contest
Beverly Carroll, sophomore in
liberal arts, has been selected to
represent the University in the
"Old-Line” oratorical contest spon
sored by the Intercollegiate Foren
sic association of Oregon, to be
held on March 27 at Pacific uni
versity, Forest Grove.
Representatives from five other
colleges in the state will also par
ticipate. The speakers may select
any subject, the length of the ora
tion to be from 10 to 12 minutes.
Odeon Workers Asked
To Submit Efforts Early
Because the deadline for ma
terial to be submitted for Odeon,
student creative art show, falls
soon after the commencement of i
spring term on April .8, contribu- \
tors are urged either to submit |
their work before final week or to
spend extra time during spring
vacation whipping it into final
form so that additional time will
not be needed, Peggy Overland,
general chairman announced re
“This year, we are planning to
include a short, one-act play in
the program without lengthening
the time which last year's pro
duction required,” Miss Overland
said. “There will also be a good
section of master dance numbers
by Orchesis and several musical
compositions, both vocal and in
strumental.” Apart from these
special groups, Miss Overland said
that there would probably be po
etry, a few short stories, and es
says to be read.
Those students who submit writ
ten work to be read on the pro
gram should indicate whether or
not they wish to present the work
themselves. For'those who do not
the committee will supply experi
enced readers from the speech or
drama department who will meet
with the writers to discuss inter
pretation. All persons considering
contribution of written w o r k
should submit their material to
Claudine Biggs at Westminster
The art exhibit in connection
with Odeon, will open Sunday af
ternoon, April 22, the day before
Odeon and will remain open for
inspection during that day and the
following Monday. It will be held
in Gerlinger hall.
* Books * Magazines
* Back Number Magazines
128 E. 11th
Time to
Now’s tlic time to stock up on those swell-looking
Arrow ties! Arrow lias smart numbers to suit every
taste in a wide range of fabrics, including foulards,
macclesweaves, satins, and repps. Arrow ties are
extra special because they are made with a patented
lining which resists wrinkles, and tie into easy good
looking knots. Get some Arrow ties today!
$1 and $1.50.
i And how about some Arrow shirts? $2.24 up.
Hansen Breaks
Scoring Mark
While towering Vince Hansen of
VVSC was establishing a new -ill
time conference scoring record of
253 points, (topping Gail Bishop's
16-game and Laddie Gale's 20
game record), equally tall Red
Rocha of Oregon State nailed down
the runner-up spot with 225
Wilkins of Oregon was the only
other man to climb over the 200
mark. The leaders:
Hansen, WSC ...... 98 57 38 253
Rocha, OSC . 93 39 51 225
Wilkins, Oregon 90 27 46 207
Jorgensen, Wash. 72 3G 15 130
Hays, Oregon 67 24 34 153
Hamilton, Oregon 62 29 39 153
Hamilton, WSC .. 57 21 32 135
Pyne, Idaho 53 20 37 128
Carbaugh, Idaho 46 28 32 120
Ring, Wash. .50 19 29 119
The second 10: Smith, Ore., 116;
Bartelt, Ore, 112; McGrath, OSC,
104; Labhart, OSC, 96; Overholser,
Idaho, 92; Joslin, WSC, 90; O'Con
nor, Idaho, 90; Taylor, Idaho, 90;
Renniek, WSC, 89; McMillan,
Wash., 88.
10th Avc. at Pearl
Rev. Norman K. Tully, Pastor
Soldiers, Students ad Visitors
Cordially Welcome at Divine
11 a.m. and 7 :30 p.tn.
Broadway and High
Dr. Vance H. Webster. Pastor
University Group, 9:45 a.m.
and 6:00 p.m.
Morning Worship 11 :00 a.m.
Evening Service 7:30 p.m.
13th and Pearl
Rev. E. S. Bartlam, Rector
Services at 8 and 11 a.m.
Canterbury Club, 6 p.m.
Service, Wednesday in Gcrlinger,
7:30 a.m.
1166 Oak Street
Walter J. Fiscus, Pastor
University Classes, 9:45 a.m.
Dr. Victor P. Morris, teacher
Youth Discussion Groups, 6:15 p.m.
Fireside Meetings, 8:45 p.m.
Worship Services, 11:00 a.m.
and 7 :30 p.m.
490 13th Ave. East
Telephone 4192
Wesley Goodson Nicholson, Minister
Morning Worship 11 :00 a.m.
College Fireside, 8 p.m.
Student Director,
Mary Kay Williamson
6th and Pearl—Phone 4623
Harold Aalbue, Pastor
Morning Service 11:()() a.m.
Holy Communion last Sunday
each month
K.S.A. Sundays, 7 :00
1165 Willamette St.
Llewellyn O. Griffith, Minister
University Group
9:45 a.m.. 7 :00 p.m.
Morning Worship. 11 :00 a.m.
Wesley House, 1258 Kincaid,
Miss Mary Beth Carpenter
Student Director