Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 28, 1945, Image 1

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Mary Decker, one of the Reil Cross nurses’ aides here on the campus,
serving Frances Powers, patient. The nurses’ aides are rendering vita1
services on the home front, relieving graduate nurses for active duty
Campus Donations to
Red CrossTotal $186
Pi Beta Phi topped all other campus living organizations
Tuesday by being the first house to report 100 per cent 1945
membership in the current Red Cross drive. A silver cup will
be awarded Saturday night, March 3, at the half time of the
Oregon-Oregon State game in McArthur court, to the living
organization having the highest average contribution per mem
ber, according to Phyllis Donovan,
drive chairman.
The University quota of $1200
must be met by 5 p.m. Friday,
March 2. Before-Tuesday evening
$186.09 was gathered, according to
Mary K. Minor, in charge of col
lections. For those students living
ig^town who wish to contribute to
the Red Cross through the Univer
sity, a booth will be opened in the
Co-op Wednesday and Thursday
afternoons of this week.
High National Goal
The national goal of the Amer
ican Red Cross is 25 per cent high
er this year than last. To carry on
the extensive program of the or
ganization costs over six dollars
a second. Last year the Lane
county Red Cross spent $1,900 on
outing flannel alone, and this was
made into hospital gowns for
wounded soldiers by volunteer
workers in Red Cross chapters.
The American Red Cross is ex
tremely active wherever our fight
ing men are located. Distribution
of life-giving blood plasma is one
of the greatest services of the Red
Cross. Canteen workers in Red
Cross recreation centers are a
great boosting element to the
men’s morale and Red Cross field
workers are constantly establish
ing contact between wounded men
and their families.
Helps Fighting Men, Veterans
In addition to being at the fight
ing man’s side on all fronts, the
Red Cross home service helps
thousands of returning veterans
every month with their problems
of readjustment. This service an
swers any questions the veteran
may have concerning the G.I. Bill
of Rights and its relationship to
him as an individual.
Marjory Allingham Portrays
Cassandra in Troian Women’
Getting a well-rounded view of
the drama department is Marjory
Allingham, University theater
business manager, who is building
sets in the theater workshop and
now rehearsing Cassandra for “The
Trojan Women” opening March 7.
“Cassandra is the one who didn't
quite stand the strain of it all,”
remarked Marjory lightly in de
scribing the half-mad priestess
who visualizes the tragic ruin of
the Greek house of Atreus which
has just vanquished the Trojans.
“In the play the Greek warriors
affe coming to take Cassandra to
be the wife of Agamemnon, a
Greek king of the ill-fated house,
and in her half-crazed visions she
sees that she will bring destruction
upon him and revenge the Tro
jans,” Marjory summed up.
Former Interest Was Radio
This is Marjory’s first year in
drama although it is her sopho
more year at the University. For
merly she has been interested in
radio, having worked two years
for KGW-KEX in Portland, and
she plans to return to radio work
when she graduates from college.
She graduated from Girls’ Poly
teflfnic high school in Portland in
“We're certainly learning Greek
history the hard way,” commented
University theater business man
ager is her job, and Cassandra is
her role; quite a combination and
enough to drive anyone crazy—it
did Cassandra.
Marjory explaining that Cassandra
was the daughter of Hecuba who
was the mother of Hector, the de
fender of the Trojans, who was
killed by Menalus when he came to
recapture Helen of Troy!
Youth Responsible For Future
Of World. Declares Kerensky
Speaking informally before a
small group of journalism stu
dents Tuesday afternoon in the
faculty club. Dr. Alexander Keren
sky, Russian military leader of
World War 1 and prerevolutionary
statesman of that country, stressed
the important role the younger
generation is going to play in post
war years. “You are responsible
for the future of the world," he
Kerensky was very much inter
ested in any discussion clubs on
the campus that deal with world
affairs. The younger generation
m u s t understand international
problems “better than their fath
ers did,” he said solemnly. To be
able to face the responsibility of
the future, the Russian lecturer
believes that the study of inter
national relations, history of na
tions, and the psychology of the
peoples of the world is essential.
He stressed the need of active par
ticipation in the U. S. government
and the understanding of the aims
of foreign governments as prepara
tion for the building of future in
ternational policies.
No U.S.-Kussian War
When asked about the possibil
ities of a. war between Russia and
the United States, Kerensky
laughed. He thinks that is a "very
stupid idea." “There is no great
competition or rivalry between the
two countries. Why should they
fight a war?” he asked.
He believes that the “big three"
will continue to collaborate on in
ternational problems after the wo#
Will Fight Japan
“It is inevitable that Russia will
enter into the war against Japan
before long," Kerensky stated. Rus
sia has had special interests in
the Far East since the 17th op-,
tury and trouble with Japan lor
almost that length of time.
One student asked, "are the ip
lomats that Russia, has been -• Tid
ing to Bulgaria, Romania. and "h-i
er countries part of a plan In*,
future annexation to Russia?'' Ken
ensky retorted that the puij.osu
was undoubfedly to enlarge The*
field of communistic influence in-*
ther than to make plans for any;
Kerensky said that, while Ri sria.
was a totalitarian state, its rrricv
concepts of communism were no,
different from the communist ic#i
ideologies of any other count ry.
namely that the state is recognii.t d*
as supreme. The provisional gov
ernment of 1917, of which he \ ,r-«»
president, was based on democ
racy, "freedoms,” and proto, ml
(Please turn to pane jour)
UO Cover Girl
To be Selected;
Identity Secret
The most photogenic woman on
the campus, the coed whose full
page picture on the front page of
the annual spring edition of the
Emerald, will make her the most
popular pin-up girl in the Univer
sity, will be chosen today when all
candidates in the Emerald cover
girl contest appear before the
judges. According to Annamac
Winship, Emerald business man
ager, the identity of the winner
will be kept secret until the spring
edition rolls off the press.
Three faculty members, consid
ered by the Emerald staff as best
qualified to judge feminine beauty
from the camera angle, will judge
the contestants this afternoon at
4:50 in the men's lounge in Ger
linger. Leonard L. Jermain, gradu
ate instructor in journalism; J. W.
Teter, manager of the University
photography bureau, and Dr. L. S.
Bee of the sociology department,
are the judges.
(Please turn to page (our)
Today’s World
German defenses before the
Rhine, U. S. ninth army forces
blasted ahead more than 10 miles
to the banks of the Erft river
almost to the edge of the Ruhr
industrial basin. Official sources
described the Germans as being
in “extreme confusion.”
troops to. the north broke tlie
Hochwald line where the Ger
mans have their last defenses
before the northwest corner of
the Ruhr.
nounced Tuesday that the Red
army had broken through the
defenses of central Pomerania
and smashed 43 miles westward'
into the heart of the German
complete occupation of Verde is
land off the southern tip of
Luzon, American forces secured
control of the western end of the
central Philippines water route.
Portland radio personality who will speak to women journalists at
the annual Matrix Table banquet Friday, March 2.
Radio Star Will Speak
At Matrix Table Banquet
“The Future of Women in Radio” will be the subject of Vero:
Kneeland’s speech at the annual Matrix Table banquet March.2.
Mrs. Kneeland writes and produces the program “Hospitality
House” for a Portland radio station.
She attended the University in 1926 and 1927 studying jcur
nalism. In 1929 Mrs. Kneeland,
whose maiden name was Glenna!
Heacock, entered the field of radio
as a singer. Following this she did
a woman’s variety show which she
wrote and produced.
Recently she has been commen
tator for several women's pro
grams specializing in interviews
of visiting personalities and food
and household hints. Formerly she
was dirfector of women’s activities
for one of the larger Portland sta
In addition to her professional
life Mrs. Kneeland maintains a
home for her husband and young
Marian Lowry, Guest
Marian Lowry, graduate of the
University in the class of 1930 ar.d
now a reporter for the Eugene
Register-Guard, will be the hon
ored guest at Matrix Table, Dorisi*,
Montag, chairman of the dinu<
announced Tuesday.
Outstanding high school studenls
selected to attend the banquet hid
Nancy Beltz, University high,
school and Harriet Ellon Harper,
Eugene high. These girls wf in
chosen on the basis of their wo.ic.
in journalism.
All junior and senior women irv
the school of journalism are in
vited to attend. Those desiring
tickets should contact Dear. Georgo '
Turnbull’s secretary at his off!co
in the journalism school. Also, any^
alumnae of Theta Sigma Phi wh«t
have not received invitations ami.
wish to attend should call tha
dean's office. t