jbivMtot ..OREGON . Oregon State . Washington State Washington . Idaho . W .10 .10 . 9 . 5 . 3 L 5 5 5 11 11 Pet. .667 .667 .650 .312 .214 It s always easy to criticize the officials during a basketball [ game, and especially so when you're a college writer and natuially prejudiced, but we think it's worth while to take a chance by sticking our neck out and saying a few things that seem to need mentioning. 1 he Ducks were a pretty disgusted squad when they came home from Seattle three weeks ago after their two-game series with the Huskies. They were bruised and battered, and plenty mad over what they considered a "raw deal.” Unfortunately e were unable to see those games, but when a team makes live more field goals than their opponents and then gets 23 fouls called against them, something’s wrong! Either some ^fae was awfully jumpy tooting their whistle, or else the Ducks forgot about the ball game and went out to see how dirty thev could get. e did see the Oregon-Oregon State game on February 10 when the Ducks were beaten 55-51 and had 20 fouls called on them, against 11 for the Beavers. We also saw the game at Corvallis which the Ducks lost 45-43, and once again it was Oregon on the long end of the foul column. That night they had 22 against 15 for Oregon State. This year is about the first time in as long as we can remember,'or find out, that there have been over a few fouls difference in a little civil war game. Also, Slats Gill's Beavers aren't exactly known for their "Pardon me" attitude this year, or any vear. —-Possibly some Aggie or an official will be after us with a shotgun if they read this, but other teams also seem more than a little dissatisfied with the way the games are called. All in all, let's hope that the games are called right, and that it isn't any team's fault if the play gets out of hand. A win is all that Oregon or Oregon State need Saturday to come out on top of the league, so you can’t just laugh off the officiating element. Top Quality Sport Shirts Looking for sport shirts that fill the bill? Come in and i A see ours. 6 p * excellent fit * top quality * low prices * plaids & plains Eugene's Outdoor Store ARMY NAVY STORE 716 Willamette Phone 1051 Ducks Prepare For Beavers; Wilkins Tops Team Scorers Winner Saturday Cinches Tie For Hoop Championship Coach John Warren sent his Webfoot squad back to work yes terday after they had rested over the weekend, and warned them that it would take plenty of hard work this week if they want to be ready for the OSC game Saturday. The Northern division champion ship may well be on the block when the Beavers journey to McArthur court for the fourth and final round of the Oregon-OSC 1945 little civil war series. Oregon State will be able to field the tallest team in the league and Beaver Coach A. T. Slats Gill may use them in the Beavers' famed, oft-tried, zone defense. The Ducks have been unable to crack through the zone in their last two games, and Warren will probably spend part of the week sharpening up the Webfoot scoring punch. Also on the Webfoot practice calendar will be finding a way to stop both Red Rocha and Bob Lab hart, the two Beaver scoring specialists. Ken Hays did a stellar job of halting the high scoring antics of Rocha in the last game, but Labhart was poison to the Ducks with 14 counters in both games. With both teams locked in a tie, having 10 wins and 5 losses, the winner of Saturday’s game can fare no worse than a first place tie with WSC. And should the Cougars be beaten by Idaho during their weekend series, the winner of the McArthur court battle will have the coveted championship, plus an invitation to the M.C.A.A, tourna ment in Kansas City. Wilkins High Scorer Dick Wilkins, the rangy fresh man forward, tops the Duck scor ers in the 39 games played to date. Wilkins has seen action in 38 of the contests. Bob Hamilton, last year’s Northern division scoring (Please turn to page jour) TALL FIR IN' ACTION Ken Hays, six-foot, seven-inch sophomore center, goes up for the ball. Hays will be paired off against OSC center Red Rocha in Saturday’s game here. LETTERS — LETTERS — LETTERS . . . That’s your daily stint for the war effort. Write and keep “Joe" up on his toes. For stationery see us. Valleg Printing & Stationery Co. Phone 470 76 W. Broadway THE UNIVERSITY THEATRE presents TheTrojanWomen by Euripides March 7,8,9,10 Directed by Ottilie T. Seybolt Special Musical Background by Arnold Elston and Maude Garnett 8 p.m. 60c inc. Tax For Recreation — 3300 ext. 216 Guild Theater Johnson Hall