Politically-Minded Freshmen To Vote on Constitution Jan. 17 Freshman embryo politicians will get their first taste of campus politics Wednesday, January 17, when they vote on a class constitution and nominate officers for the 1945 term. The constitution to be submitted for their approval contains primarily the same provisions found in the immediately pre vious class constitutions; and, as directed in the ASUO constitution, is in accordance with ASUO rul ings. Under this constitution, officers of the class of 1948 would consist of a president, vice-president, sec retary, and treasurer. With the ex ception of the presidential office, all vacancies are to be filled by decision of the remaining officers. Other appointments also are made by the officers. All members of the class of 1948 are eligible to vote and to hold offices, according to the suggested constitution. At one time each class required the purchase of a class card as a prerequisite for voting or holding office but the executive council outlawed the practice spring term, 1942, making it illegal for any class to include a class card provision in its con stitution. As with all class constitutions, nominations are to be held at least seven days before elections, al j though the nominating assembly | winter term the first year is held two days before elections. Certifi cation of eligibility and declaration of intention to run must be sub mitted to the ASUO president at or before the nomination assembly. Differing from previous consti tutions, no provision is made for dark horse candidates who might decide to run for office after the nominating assembly is held. Only persons whose petitions are sub mitted previous to the nominating assembly or at that meeting are eligible for election. A ballot recount may be request ed by a petition containing names of 25 members of the class and pre sented to the president up until two weeks after elections. The constitution provides that a quorum consists of one-fifth of the members of the class. Amendments and by-laws are subject to a two third vote, plus approval by the ASUO executive council. WATCH Those Red Points With the meat shortage more acute than ever, you want quality plus good values in exchange for those points. Eugene Packing Co. 675 Willamette Phones 38 and 39 START THE YEAR RIGHT VICTORY 1945 • Buy Bonds ® Donate Blood • Roll Bandages * Save and Conserve Municipal Electric and Water Utilities Oregon W Emerald Friday Advertising Staff: Jean Bauer, day manager Lorraine Berkins Layout Staff: Marty Lance Office Staff: Norma Gigone Barbara Hendrickson CAMPUS CALENDAR All committee chairmen plan ning the Dad’s Day weekend pro gram will meet this afternoon at 4 in the men’s lounge in Gerlinger with Weekend Chairman John Craig. John Craig Tells (Continued from page one) follows: dance, Marguerite Witt wer, sophomore in journalism; pub licity, Flora Furrow, sophomore in journalism; program, Ervin Webb, sophomore in liberal arts; housing, Joe Grimm, senior in business ad ministration; mothers, Mary Mar garet Ellsworth, sophomore in journalism; contest, Robert Schott, senior in art; campus tour, Dean Bond, freshman in liberal arts; re search, Jeanne Simmonds, fresh man in journalism, and Donna Knight, freshman in liberal arts; registration, Lois Evans, junior in journalism, and Jean Jones, fresh man in liberal arts. Seventeen Committees Decorations, Virginia Harris, sophomore in journalism; corres pondence, Beverly Carroll, sopho more in liberal arts, and Donna Sullivan, freshman in liberal arts; special ceremonies, Jill Leachman, freshman in journalism; entertain ment, Del McKay, freshman in lib eral arts; and state publicity, Doro thy Godknecht, junior in journal ism. These committee chairmen will meet with Craig and the faculty Dads’ Day committee in the men's lounge of Gerlinger this afternoon at 4 to discuss plans for the event. ISA, Greeks (Continued from page one) class election completely handled by the freshmen themselves and excluding the possibility of polit ical pressure groups as experienced in former years. The original plan was amended to follow the outline described in the second paragraph. Ducks Give Hollywood (Continued from page one) and peekaboo bang" of film fame were portrayed by Janet and Helen Hicks and Nancy Knight, who were enthusiastically received by the audience. Bob Moran played and sang his version of “Little Red Riding Hood,” and “Brother Bill," a Louis Armstrong novelty tune. The rally squad introduced three new yells and Bill O'Hearn an nounced that the Beaver-Duck game will be this Saturday night at Corvallis, with a rally dance following, the game. Calls were made for band members and peti tions for rally squad positions. Audrey Holliday, ASUO presi dent, announced that there are two positions on the executive council open and asked that petitions and eligibility slips be turned in to her. She also said the freshman nominations for class officers will be Wednesday night, January 17, and stated that she hoped there would be no direction from blocs concerning these nominations. Boris Karloff — in — "THE CLIMAX" Symposium Slated In Portland Soon Two University faculty members will participate in a symposium on early man to be conducted Satur day, January 13, at the Academy of Science in Portland. Dr. L. S. Cressman, head of the anthropology department, and Dr. W. D. Smith, head of the geol ogy and geography departments, will represent the University. Ore gon State college is sending Dr. Ira S. Allison of the geology de partment, and Dr. H. P. Hansen of the botany department, to the symposium. These four men have cooperated _ in archeological work in eastern Oregon and will participate in the program. Right After Buell (Continued jrom page two) cratic governments of western Eu rope now fighting for their lives or are we going to pursue a hands off policy as Mr. Stettinius seems to think we should? Eighty thousand determined Bolsheviks took over Russia from the liberal Kerensky government. Should we allow the same thing to happen again? We believe a last ing peace can only be won by fol lowing the Atlantic Charter and not by dividing Europe into two spheres of influence—one British and one Russian. "LITTLE JO”.... by KNOX We have "Little Jo," that cute Campus Cap by Knox, of course. . . which means that it has that added "Oomph" that Knox has such a flare for! In exclusive Juilliard Zephyroy* Corduroy 2.98 570 Willamette Phone 99 804 Willamette and 917 Willamette 100 for $4.23