Vy»" —Courtesy the Eugene Register-Guard •EC AM) MRS. GEORGE HART, JR. A sliulent at the I'niversity in 1940-41, and son of George Hart, city editor of the Eugene Register-Guard, Hart was reported killed in notion in Holland, November 2. This picture of Hart, and his wife, the former Adele Say, was taken at the time of their wedding, October 2, 1943. Hunter Makes Speaking Tour After giving a series of ad di >sses in eastern Oregon dealing u Hi the 10-year building program of the state system of higher edu cation, Dr. Frederick M. Hunter, chancellor, is expected to return to the campus today. Every two years before the state legislature meets, th.o system sends speakers to in fi ''{national meetings throughout Oregon. Each school in the state system is responsible for a zone, and the alumni arrange the meet ings. Dr. Hunter spoke* on “Oregon Ingredients of Postwar Porgress" or November 27 to the chamber of commerce and joint service clubs of La Grande, and the joint cham bers of commerce of Milton-Free water. On November 28 he spoke at a luncheon for the chamber of commerce, the Kiwanis, and other service clubs of Pendleton. Dr. Hunter visited St. Helens Novem ber 16. Apart from series talks, he spoke November 25 in Pendleton to the American Association of Uni versity Women. His topic was: “What We May Learn About Edu cation from the War.” Other series speakers from the University include Orlando John Hollis, acting president, whose schedule is: The Dalles, December 5; Hood River, December 6 and 7. W. A. Dahlberg', director of speech and dramatic arts, spoke in Dallas November 17. Lucite Dresser Sets $4.50 to $15 Coty's Gift Sets $1.50 to $18 Cookie Jars Assorted Colorful Designs Bath Powder Mitts $1.00 Men's Leather Travel Kits $2.50 to $15 Poker Chips Poker Racks Pleasing Styles Dorothea Thomas Plays Britisher in 'Corn is Green Dorothea Thomas starring as the spinster English school teacher, Miss Moffat, in “The Corn is Green” opening at Guild hall December 1, considers her role “wonderful, to put it mildly!” “It’s definitely a character role, an acting problem which gives you something to think about besides just playing,” she added. Acting is a lot ot worn out it is worth it. It’s putting yourself into another’s place, and getting the thought behind the character, thoughts that sometimes also apply to everyday life.” Miss Moffat, according to Doro thea, is different than any part she has ever had. Last year she played Alden in “Dark Victory,” a comedy part of a cynical and sharp-witted authoress. A senior in English, Dorothea came to the Uni versity last year from St. Helen's hall, Portland, where she was also very active in dramatics. She con siders herself “completely a black sheep” when it comes to drama as no one else in her family is inter ested in acting. “Miss Moffat is a character of over 40, very British but the ac cent wasn’t much of a problem, direct and vital and intelligent. That makes it hard for me,” she laughed in describing her role. She enthusiastically labeled the “Corn is Green” cast as “a swell bunch of kids!” But the work concerned in a lead role ? Dorothea has a question there. “When do I study and sleep —that’s all I want to know!” Be not afraid of going slowly; be afraid only of standing still.— Chinese proverb. you KNOW/ JANET, I ACTUALLY PUT AWAY MORE MONEY AS A WAVE THAN I WAS EVER A AAE, j ABLE TO DO AS A TOO, { A CIVILIAN XmARYJ WAVE pay starts at $141.50 a month, counting food and quarters. The Navy needs thousands more young women, IF YOU WANT A VACATION JOB FILL IN THIS APPLICATION — - LI PM AN WOLFE & CO.. PORTLAND 7. OREGON I would like to work at Lipman's during the Christinas Holiday season. Here are my qualifi cations : Name Age ... Experience Tvpe of work desired . I can work from Address . to . There’s a job {.>" vou at Lipman's during Christmas vacation ... a job that will give you some valuable mer chandising and sales experi ence. as well as an opportun ity to earn some extra cash. And you'll save money, too, by enjoying an employes’ discount on your own pur chases. Just fill in the appli- -* cation above and send it, along with the address at which you can be reached, or if you will be in Portland this week apply at the Per sonnel office. 7/1 VI ~\5 £inmw Wdfc & Go " PPRunvvn nmrx PERSONNEL OFFICE NINTH FLOOR