Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 24, 1944, Image 1

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    Henry, the Dead End
Kid, Is on the Campus
-—See col. 4
Hallowe'en Mixer,
Cider and Trimmings!
See col. 45
Back row: Noreene Kay Sauve, Donna Wilbanks, Beverly Brunton, Betty Jane Ditto, De Lu Simonsen, Nikki Johns. Frances Olsson, Maxine Cady, Nancy Kirkpatrick, Jen*
Alice Carkin, Sallie Timmons, Sue Welch. Front row: Bette Johnson, Norma Green, Esther Carter, Yvonne Prather, Helen Webb, Anna Belle Wilkerson, Hose Zena Eatta.
These girls, choices of various University living organizations, are competing this week on the stage of the McDon aid theater for a trip to Portland as Miss Lane County,
ISA Senate to Meet,
Room 5, Commerce,
Tonight; Bring Dimes
The ISA senate will meet to
night at 7:30 in Room 5, Com
merce building. Alice Harter,
■""president of the independent stu
dents association, requests that
senators from all the houses be
present. She also asks that they
bring the dimes they have col
lected to finance the year’s ac
Best Poster
Will Receive
*25 War Bond
A $25 war bond has been offered
as first prize in the war loan
poster contest, which is open to
art students in the high schools
and colleges throughout Oregon,
according to an announcement by
the Oregon war finance committee.
Second prize will be $10 in war
stamps, and ten additional prizes
of $5 in war stamps and ten prizes
of $1 each in war stamps are of
Posters must be submitted not
later than November 5 to Schoois
at-War Poster contest, 1233 Am
erican Bank building, Portland 5,
Oregon. All entries will become the
Soperty of the Oregon war fi
nce committee, and the posters
selected will be used throughout
the state during the sixth war loan
The posters, which will be judged
upon originality, composition, and
salesmanship, must be designed to
emphasize one of the divisions of
the war finance committee in the
Sixth war loan: agriculture, bank
ing and investments, labor, pay
roll savings, schools-at-war, and
the women’s division.
Judges will be Vernon Jenkins,
Foster & Kleiser; Pers Crowell,
commercial artist; and Del Snider,
Taylor and company.
Ex-Emerald Chief
To Meet Writer
Bud Jermain, editor of the Em
erald in 1939-40, will speak to all
“shack rats’’ in the “shack” Wed
nesday at 7:30 p.m.
Shack rats are those alert, curi
ous people addicted to printers’ ink,
black coffee, cigarettes, and ac
customed to spending long late
hours at the press tenderly putting
the Emerald to bed.
Unimaginative persons call shack
rats by the following names: re
porters, headline writers, and
Shorts writers.
Everyone in those classifications
is requested by Marguerite Witt
wer, news editor, to attend this
SueWelch Wins First
Tryout for Miss Lane
Sue Welch, dark-haired Alpha Phi, was the first winner to
be chosen this week in the eliminations for title of Miss Lane
county. The finals are being held this week from the stage of
the McDonald theater.
Miss Welch, one of five University girls to compete last
evening, sang Bizet’s “Habanera,” from Carmen.
I he other contestants for the
evening' included Maxine Cady.
Gamma Phi Beta, playing her own
piano arrangement of “Mary Had
a Little Lamb”; Betty Johnson,
Alpha Omicron Pi, in an original
skit; Jean Carkin, Alpha Omicron
Pi, singing “My Hero,” from
Strauss’ Chocolate Soldier; and
Sallie Timmons, Gamma Phi Beta,
who sang “He’s Funny That Way.”
Tonight's audition, which will be
held at 8 from the stage of the
McDonald tehater, will include
Helen Webb, soprano from Hend
ricks hall; Gayle Nelson, vocalist
representing Kappa Kappa Gam
ma; De Lu Simonsen, Susan Camp
bell’s pianist; Anna Belle Wilker
son, dramatist from Hilyard house;
and Nancy Kirkpatrick, Kappa Al
pha Theta, vocalist. The winners
each evening are determined by an
accumulative vote of anonymous
judges scattered throughout the
tehater audience.
Miss Lane County, who will pe
(Please turn to fatjc tour)
Bill Buell, Sinnott
Debate Planned,
"Free” Systems
Free enterprise leads to mon
opolies and produces bad social and
psychological effects, asserted Bill
Buell, speaking for planned econ
omy at Westminster house Sunday,
October 22. Debating the subject
of Planned Economy versus Free
Enterprise, Buell listed chemicals,
aluminum, U. S. Steel, and Ameri
can Telephone and Telegraph, as
examples of monopoly organiza
tions. He quoted the objections to
the free enterprise system, listed
by Nicolai Lenin: That it produces
monopolies, financial oligarchy, in
ternational interference, and car
A system of planned economy,
(Please turn to fiai/c four)
Dates Must Be Listed
Before Noon Today
All reservations for dates on
the fall term social calendar
must be turned in to Mrs. Alice
B. Macduff, assistant dean of
women, by noon today.
No other social events may be
scheduled for the fall term after
the calendar is published Wed
nesday, Oetol>er 25.
Music School
To Present
Piano Recital
Two of Chopfh’s most brilliant
compositions, “Nocturne in G
Major" and “Scherzo in C-Minor”
will be included in the recital pro
gram to be presented at 8 p.m.
tonight by George Hopkins, profes
sor of piano. These compositions,
particularly the scherzo, are prob
ably the most resourceful of the
French compositions, sinde they
allow for extensive versatility on
the piano, according to Professor
The first group on the program
includes: Mozart’s “Fantasia in C
Minor” and Beethoven's “Sonoto,”
Opus 31, No. 3, with the “Allegro,”
“Scherzo,” “Minuetto” and “Presto
con fuoco” movements. In the sec
ond group Mr. Hopkins will play,
besides the two Chopin numbers,
one of his own compositions,.“Ga
votte.” A fourth number is Wag
ner-Brassin's “Magic Fire Scene.”
Four Spanish compositions v/ill
be played in the third group. These
are Debussy’s “Evening in Gran
ada,” "La Comparsa” by Lecuoma,
"Laquinita” by Elmerco, and “El
Vito” by Infante.
The piano Mr. Hokpins will use
for the concert was recently tuned
by Robert Strang of Baker, Ore
gon, who uses a stroboscope, to
make possible more accurate tun
ing than the human ear is able to
Meet Mr. Antrobus
He’s the eternal Dead End kid.
They used to call him Cain hut
since that unfortunate mishap with
the stone- well, Mr. and Mrs. An
ti obus didn't like to be reminded
of their loss, so they changed his
name to Henry.
Henry is an individualist. He be
lieves in every man for himself and
the devil take whoever isn't smart
enough to get there first. Even
after the war, with Henry on the
losing side, he and his father
couldn't agree on the postwar
Meet Henry Antrobus, Friday,
October 27, at 8 p.m. in Guild hall,
in the opening performance of
“The Skin of Our Teeth.” Henry
is played by Sliubert Fendrick.
Other performances are October
28 and 31, and November 1. Reser
vations may be obtained by Calling
Extension 316 after 10 a.m.
Bandage Rolling j,
Topped Saturday
By Gamma Phis
Saturday’s opening of the Red
Cross center found 52 coeds rolling
surgical dressings. Gamma Phi
Beta was best represented, with
Alpha Omicron Pi, Alpha Delta Pi,
and Hilyard house running close
Dorothy Rasmussen stated that
more girls are needed next Satur
day. She expressed the desire that
girls with at least 15 hours of ban
dage rolling training taken any
where contact her at Sherry Ross
hall to help fill the need for in
A number of volunteer workers
were turned away Saturday be
cause of improper apparel. It is
imperative that each girl bring
with her a cotton dress or blouse
and bandana to be worn while
working, Miss Rasmussen said. To
save time these articles may be
left at the center throughout the
Dr. Wright to Keynote
Religious Conference
ur. raui a. wrignt, pastor oi ire
First Presbyterian church of Port
land, will speak at the first of a
scries of conferences, sponsored by
the Student Religious councii, on
the “Meaning of the Christian
The first section of the confer
ence, on Thursday, October 26, will
consist of three lectures dealing
with the topic, “The Christian Con
ception of Man,” according to
Marty Beard, general chairman.
Dr. Wright’s primary address,
enuuea racts and KeaJities, will
be given at 11 a.m. Thursday at the
assembly in McArthur court.
“What Are We?” will be his
topic at the luncheon in Alumni
hall, following the assembly. Char
lotte Calder, luncheon chairman,
reports that 100 invitations have
been sent to campus leaders. The
luncheon will be attended by invi
tation only.
Dr. Wright will be at the Kappa
Alpha Theta house from 4:30 to
fc (I’lcase turn to page four)
Art School
Plans Fete,
Sets Date
The art school court will be the
scene of a Hallowe'en mixer spon
sored by the Allied Art league on
Friday, October 27, from S to 0
p.m. Cider and the traditional
trimmings will support the ther.-e
and furnish a background for dan -
ing and general fun. Gordon Ben
nett, president of the league, mg-M
that all art students, especially
freshmen, attend and help the
league start its activities for t. >o
Bennett, a returned veteran and
former student, plans an active
year for the league and founda
tions are already being laid for the
annual art bazaar which will be
held either December 7 or 8. At
this time the fall term work of t ie
art students will be exhibited ar !
many pieces will be offered for
sale. This is an unusual opportu i
ity for those who are looking for
unique Christmas presents, accord
ing to Bennett. Dusilla Johnson
has been appointed general chai
man for the affair and is arranging
a. program under the title of "Art
in Action.”
The league hopes to revive tire
Beaux Arts ball, an event of foj
(Please turn to page four)
Eggs Plus Flour
Don't Scramble,
WAA Hikers Find
"I’ve never before seen eggs th it.
scramble like this," Nadya Ramp
said as she pulled the skillets from
the fire.
"It looks like hotcake batter ‘i>
me," said another girl who was
waiting eagerly for her share of
food at the WAA “cook-out” at
Hendricks park Saturday morning.
Then Betty Bush confessed. She
had fixed eggs to feed 30 girls the
night before, and thought it wou'-tl
be good to use some flour. Tha
flour had settled to the bottom of
the jar, causing the sticky concoc
But the hikers hadn't put till
their eggs in one skillet, so they
still ate.
Skull, Dagger, Honoraiy
Taps Five Men at Dance
Five new members of Skull ami
Dagger, sophomore men’s servii e
honorary, who were tapped at the
"Hello” dance Saturday night, Oc
tober 21, include Terry Carroll,
Don Dyer, Bob Davis, Wally John
son, and Dave Moore.
Members are selected on tie
basis of scholarship, activities, and
service to the University.