Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 21, 1944, Page 2, Image 2

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To the Editor
To the Editor:
Unless Mr. Dewey’s supporters
are hopelessly blinded by partisan
ship, they must be appalled by the
falsity of his charge that Mr.
Roosevelt “did nothing to prepare
the American people for the war.”
Indeed, this accusation is so far
from the truth that it justifies Mr.
Roosevelt’s assertion that the Re
publican candidate is resorting to
Hitler’s technique of having a lie
believed by making it big enough
and repeating it often enough. How
large this particular falsehood is
can readily be established by the
There were three principal mea
sures which prepared this nation
for war and which saved western
civilization from conquest by Nazi
Germany. They were: Repeal of
the arms embargo, adoption of the
draft and passage of lend-lease.
Mr. Roosevelt initiated and sup
ported every one of these mea
sures. From the Republican side
came almost overwhelming oppo
sition. Here is the actual record:
On repeal of the arms embargo,
15 Republican senators voted
against and 8 voted for. In the
house, 143 Republicans voted
against and 21 for.
On the adoption of the draft,
10 Republican senators voted
against and 8 voted for. In the
house, 112 Republicans voted
against and 52 for.
On the passage of lend-lease, 17
Republican senators voted against
and 10 for. In the house, 135 Re
publicans voted against and 21
voted for.
And on the very threshold ol
Pearl Harbor, after General Mar
shall had appealed to Congress for
retention of the draft, the Repub
licans voted this way: In the sen
ate 13 voted to demobilize the. se
lective service army, 7 to retain it.
In the house, 133 Republicans voted
to deprive America of her army
and 21 Republicans voted against
this madness.
So there is the record. Had only
Republican votes been counted,
there would have been no repeal
of the arms embargo, there would
have been no selective service and
no lend-lease.
The votes of the Republican
party could have destroyed Amer
ica. It was against such irresponsi
bility and such partisan stupidity
that Mr. Roosevelt fought for the
only measures of preparedness that
we had.
To the Editor:
On Tuesday of this week an in
teresting editorial entitled ‘‘Hate
Must Go" appeared in the Em
erald. Whoever wrote it (it was
initialed L. H.) should he com
mended for the general thought
expressed therein. The author
pointed out that, in order to have
a peaceful post-war world we must
rid ourselves of the hatred we have
assumed toward the Japanese peo
ple and must welcome home, whole
heartedly, all those Japanese-Am
ericans returning from the reloca
tion centers. It is refreshing to
hear such expressions of thought
when we have heard, for so long,
only the doctrine of hatred.
We know that the important
factor in war psychosis is neither
justice nor reason, but rather, a
blind disgust and unreasoning hat
red directed not against the poli
cies of a people so much as against
the people themselves.
I would like to take exception,
however, to the statement which
the writer made, that ‘‘when the
military fighting is over, a great
reconversion will take place. Fignt
ing men will return home to take
up relatively normal lives, and
in a 'normal,' peaceful world, there
is no room for hate.”
I doubt, myself, that such a re
conversion will be possible. It is
(PIcase turn Id fki<yr three)
Oregon W Emerald
Editor Business Manager
Managing Editor Advertising Manager
News Editor
Associate Editors
Norris Yates, Edith Newton, Carol Cook
Betty Lou Vogelpohl, Executive Secretary
Betty French Robertson, Women’s Editor
Winifred Romtvedt, Assistant News Editor
Darrell Boone, Photographer
Jean Lawrence, Assistant Managing Editor
Gloria Campbell, Pat McCormack,
Betty Bennett, Music Editor
Published daily during the college year except Sundays, Mondays, and holidays and
final examination periods by the Associated Students. University of Oregon.
Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice, Eugene, Oregon.
yVa ^imz la Slack . . .
AVas is often an elusive factor on a college campus. The word
becomes a general term used to explain the lack of cigarettes
or the shortage of gas. But it is not a word to cause any
However, war loomed up into a much more convincing and
realistic object this week on the University of Oregon campus.
On Thursday we heard Major Frank Peter Ashton relate his
experiences as a commando in the British forces. Friday morn
ing UP war correspondent Don Caswell described his job in
the southwest Pacific to the senior editing class.
This is an appropriate time to have such visitors for the
local paper drive reached a climax on Friday and the scrap
drive will begin Monday. Soon sixth war loan officials will
start the new war bond drive.
After the many recent victories, people have been lulled into
believing the war is nearing the finish line. But it will be a
long time before the bells and whistles will ring to celebrate
peace. The visits of Major Ashton and Mr. Caswell reminded
us that we are still fighting a war and the need for paper, scrap,
and money is even greater than before.
We mustn’t stop helping the war effort until peace is assured
by the surrender of our enemies. On the contrary, we should
redouble our efforts to aid in the final smashing blow for
v i c t or y.—M. A. C.
Muiic and the. Student . . .
If you have ever read the most modern treatise on inter
nationalism available to the eollege student today, you have
probably felt the first faint wonder at the mind capable of
originating- such opinions. Apart from the intellectual ideas in
‘‘One World,” there was evident a breadth and completeness of
understanding which has seldom been equalled by any man for
the men of every race and creed, and although you admired
it you must have realized just how minor the knowledge of
the average university student is in respect to the national
peculiarities of other races.
You experience in the current news and in history has con
vinced you that the word “isolation” as commonly used in this
war will never be nationally recognized again. You will have to
learn about your fellow races because you are going to be
talking about them and working with them for a long time to
•come. Your knowledge of them will be the ultimate result of
your studies in the academic courses relating to national affairs:
Hut your understanding of their temperaments and of the way
they think will depend entirely upon your acquaintance with
their native cultures.
In the music of a country moves the soul of the people—
their emotions, and their racial characteristics are never so
unerringly revealed, as through the symphonies and the melo
dies of their national composers. Something of the vigorous
energy, the occasionally tender yet sorrowful nature of the
Russian people stirs in their music; the extraordinarily beauti
ful folk-songs of Norway reveal somewhat, the forces behind
their long history of peace and national dignity; and the elusive,
delicate songs of the French are the best means we have to their
Kvery Sunday afternoon the student has his opportunity to
relax before a roaring fire, surrounded by good books and com
fortable chairs and hear the voices of all the people on earth
speaking to him personally and intimately. It is part of his
education, just as much as getting an A in that math final or
rolling bandages for the Red Cross, to become acquainted with
the cultural side of civilization and the Browsing Room concerts
are the best means to that end.—P.F.O.
The nitro-paraffin industry had its starts in the chemistry
laboratories at Purdue university. From nitro-paraffins come
ingredients in the army's raincoats, floor wax, camouflage
paints, solvents, cosmetics, and insecticides.
QloJudUf, SfiecJzUiXf,
The conferees at Dumbarton Oaks drew up a charter for the
international organization to be set up after the war. The
United Nations would be an entirely new world state; not a
revived League of Nations.
President Roosevelt has come out against a permanent seat
for the new attempt to preserve world order. He believes the
sittings should rotate among the
capitals of the various member
We think it a pity that the mag
nificent buildings of the old league
at Geneva should not be used.
Switzerland is the traditional home
of international organizations.
Russia is believed to have vetoed
any return to Geneva. Stalin can
not forget that the League ex
pelled the U.S.S.R. in 1939 due to
her unprovoked aggression against
Finland. The Soviets had previous
ly broken diplomatic relations with
the Swiss confederation because
the Red envoy at Berne had been
assassinated by a White Russian.
Most people do not realize that
the various agencies of the League
have carried on their functions
since the exodus from Geneva in
1940. The League and the Inter
national Labor office, of which the
U. S. is a member, moved to Mont
real and Princeton, New Jersey.
For All Countries
The United Nations would con
sist of all countries ultimately.
The Big Four plus probably France
would have permanent seats on the
council. Nine other states would
be elected as non-permanent mem
bers for a fixed term.
All countries would have one
vote in the assembly. In the new
setup, the council would possess
the sole power to make decisions.
The assembly is not permitted to
make recommendations even to the
An 18-member economic and se
curity council takes over the vari
ous continuing agencies of the old
League, including the I. L. O.
A comparison of the United Na
tions charter with the old League
shows a similar framework but
several differences aimed at mak
ing the new institution more effec
A few of the differences are:
1. The new charter is an inde
pendent instrument, unlike the
League covenant wrapped in the
Versailles treaty.
Preventing Wars
2. The United Nations would
have powers to deal not only with
acts of aggression or war, but
would have powers to act when
threats of war occur.
3. In the old League, the assem
bly and council were responsible
for keeping the peace. In the new
organization these powers are con
fined to a small security council.
4. The old League had no armed
forces at its disposal, but the Unit
ed Nations may call upon each
member state to hold a force avail
able to assist League action, and
to hold, immediately available, air
force contingents for emergency
Regional Enforcement
The proposal that any regional
enforcement action must be au
thorized by the security council
greatly expands the League’s '’Re
sponsibility. It gives to the League
power to decide whether such ar
rangements are consistent with the
principles of the United Nations.
This raises the question of whether
any member state could undertake
armed action on its own.
The unanimity rule, which so
hampered the old League, has been
dropped, except on the yet undecid
ed question relative to a vote oy
the security council on the use of
Establishment of a military staff
committee, composed of the chiefs
of staff of the permanent members
of the security council would be a
new feature.
Greater Cohesion
Greater cohesion in the various
economic, social, and judicial activ
ities of the new body is sought by
making the affiliated bodies of the
old League, such as the world
court and the I. L. O., integral
parts of the new League.
(Please turn to page three)
Air Alert
Greetings, fellow dial twisters—pull up a radio and sit down
while we make with the latest radio gab. But before we get
hopelessly entangled in radio chatter, we’d like to point out a
few of the more prominent stations you can pick up. There
they are:
The local radio station which clutters up the air waves at
1450 on your dial is known as
KORE and belongs to the Mutual
broadcasting system. Most radios
will at least pick up KORE.
KOAC is a state-owned station
which comes in on a kilowatt and
a prayer from Corvallis at 530 on
your dial. Most of the University
programs are broadcast from the
KOAC extension station here on
the campus.
Portland Stations
You can pick up NBC programs
over KGW at 620, CBS programs
over KOIN at 970, and Blue net
work programs over KEX at 1190.
These are all Portland stations and
with a little coaxing you may be
able to get them in the daytime.
Now to maul a few radio pro
grams. Last Wednesday night we
eluded our books and turned on the
radio for several hours as we are
often wont to do. (To my instruc
tors—please strike the preceding
statement from the records.)
Time to Smile with Eddie Can
tor over NBC came on schedule
from 6 to 6:30. With Nora Martin
and Leonard Sues’ orchestra, Can
tor was good, per usual. A new,
song called “A Yankee Christmas”
was introduced by Eddie Cantor,
Harry von Zell, and Nora Martin,
and it sounded as if it might be
headed for the Hit Parade. Listen
to the program next Wednesday if
you don’t get too interested in
your supper—Eddie is always good
for a few laughs.
First Nighter
The First Nighter program wri
the next show on our list—6:30 to
7 over KORE every Wednesday. If
you like romantic comedy, don't
miss this program next week—
they’ll have a new play and the
program is always tops.
One hour of music for you hep
cats, dispersed with gags, and a
quiz program—that’s the College
of Musical Knowledge with Kay
Kyser and Georgia Carroll. The
music was good, Ish Kabibble aired
some gags that obviously needed
airing, and the quiz part of the
program, which for a time re
sembled Truth or Consequences,
was all right if you like that
of thing. NBC, 7 till 8 every Wed
nesday — don’t miss it you jive