Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 12, 1944, Image 1

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    Fun Planned
For Frosh
. —See col. 1
Do You Want
—See page 2
Frosh Party
By Kwamas
The first party of the year for
freshman girls only, sponsored by
Kwama, sophomore women’s hon
orary, will swing into the spotlight
Saturday night.
With Bob Moran as singing mas
ter of ceremonies the party begins
at 7 and will last only an hour to
, accommodate those women who
I have dates later that night.
although only women will be al
lowed to attend the party as
guests, the entertainment will be
provided by men. Cliff Mallicot
and Jack Howell will play the
piano, and Bob Smith will lead the
men in singing all campus and
fraternity songs. A skit with an
all-male cast is also on schedule.
Campus clothes will be worn.
Any boys interested in partici
pating in the entertainment are
requested to contact Roseann
Leckie, phone 3200.
Art School
Shows Talent
Of Oregonians
Two Oregon painters are repre
sented in the selection of paint
ings by America’s younger artists
now on display in the gallery at
the school of architecture and al
lied arts. They are Morris Graves
and Darrel Austin.
Although Mr. Graves attended
school in Texas he was born in
Oregon and grew up in the North
west Mr. Austin has lived most of
his life in Portland, where he re
ceived his training as a painter
at the school of the Portland Mu
seum of Art.
The great variety of expression
evident in the paintings was noted
by Dr. Wallace Baldinger, a new
member of the school’s staff. Com
mentaries prepared by the Museum
of Modern Art are beside each pic
The gallery is open to the public,
week days from 8 to 5 and Sundays
from 2 to 5. It is reached through
the southwest entrance to the
building. This exhibition will be
open until October 27.
A -
Audreys Day -
This is somethings the gals at
Vassar, Bryn Mawr, Cornell, and
Syracuse ought to hear about. Re
Here in the spacious and occa
sionally semi-wild west we still do
original things in college.
Audrey Holliday, president of
the associated students of the Uni
versity of Oregon checked her offi
cial headaches last weekend, drove
300 miles into the Oregon hinter
land accompanied by a red hat and
a 30-caliber deer rifle.
Result? Audrey’s Sigma Kappa
sisters are having venison steak for
dinner this week. . . . Shades of the
frontier days when Pop used to
go get a critter fer supper!
Vice-presidential candidate Bricker will speak at McArthur court
tonight, 8:30. In honor of his appearance on the campus, a parade
will he staged to welcome him.
Derby Dates Changed
The dates for the Bunion
Derby have been changed to this
Friday and Saturday, Dennis
Johnson and Betty Butler, co
chairmen, announced yesterday.
The derby on Friday will be from
6:30 to 9:45 and on Saturday
from 12:30 to 5. The complete
visiting time schedule will be
published in tomorrow’s Em
Propellor Gift
Buys Volumes
For Port Club
The University of Oregon stu
dent port, affiliated with the Na
tional Propeller club, will use its
1944 gift of $100 from that or
ganization to buy certain special
ized books in this field of interest,
it was announced Tuesday by Pro
fessor A. L. Lomax.
This gift, given annually to the
local ports connected to lhrge uni
versities, is used to further stu
dent interest in shipping, geogra
(Please turn to page four)
New Projects
Scheduled by
UO War Board
Meeting for the first time with
their new chairman, Carol Wicke,
members of the War board Wed
nesday found part of their work
eliminated, but began plans for
several projects.
In order to cooperate with Lane
county in their November scrap
drive, living organizations ai’e
asked to start saving tin cans.
Waste paper, too, should be stored
in the event of a drive in the fu
War stamp dinners, or "dime
digging dinners," as they were
called last year, will be arranged
again. Through the ration board
committee, coeds are already
assisting with work at the Eugene
Houses will be asked to appoint
War board representatives by next
Monday to work with the board on
Members of committees no
(PJcase turn to fane four)
Gov. Will Speak
In Mac Court
Patterned after the homecoming game football rallies, the
parade this evening will welcome Gov. John W. Bricker with
blazing torches, signs, and a revival of pre-war Oregon spirit.
Republican vice-presidential candidate Bricker will appear :\i
McArthur court at 8:30 tonight and immediately following his
arrival will go on the air over national broadcasting systems.
Rally Squad
To Appear
At Assembly
The rally squad will make its
initial appearance of the term at
the ASUO assembly this morning
at 11 in McArthur court.
Audrey Holliday, ASUO presi
dent, will introduce Joan Holstad,
chairman of the rally squad, who
is in charge of the assembly. The
rally squad will then lead the stu
dents in school yells, and the Uni
versity band will accompany the
student body as they sing several
Oregon sings, designed to promote
school spirit.
Evans Cantrell will sing “I've
Got Rhythm,” and Bob Moran will
render his original “Little Rabbit
Song,” which he introduced at tal
ent shows at Swan Island shipyard
last summer. An original skit will
then be presented by Cliff Malli
coat and Bob Moran. The program
will conclude with several boogie
woogie selections by a three-piece
rhythm combination.
Theater Guild Announces
Tryouts for Second Play
All students interested in drama
are invited to attend tryouts Octo
ber 17, at 7:30 p.m. in Chapman,
for the second Guild Hall theater
production of the year. The play,
which will be decided upon later,
will be under the direction of Mrs.
Ottilie T. Seybplt. There are many
parts available for men and lots of
fun is in store for those who turn
out, according to the Guild Hall
Candidates Favor Strong World Union
Two Democratic candidates and
one Republican candidate for the
| U. S. senate last night pledged
themselves to support a strong
world organization and blasted
pre-war isolationist spirit preva
lent in both parties.
Speaking in McArthur court un
der the auspices of the Lane county
league of women voters, the three
candidates discussed “Congress
and foreign relations.’’ and at the
close of their speeches answered
questions submitted by the audi
Upholding President Roosevelt
as the “man of destiny’’ for 1944,
Willis Mahoney, Democrat oppos
ing Guy Cordon, gave his support
to a change to majority ratifica
tion of treaties by the senate and
the house of representatives. He;
favored the plan of maintaining
world peace by regional forces con
trolled by the United Nations. Such
a plan, he said, could mean large
standing and possibly opposing
armies for the powers upholding
the peace in the various sections
of the world unless the United Na
tions controlled the distribution of
Wayne Morse, Republican nom
inee for the six-year term, called
for a non-partisan peace made as
statesmen rather than according
to party affiliations. He cited the
need of complete cooperation be
tween the white house and the
Criticizing those Americans who
shipped war materials to belliger
ents during the present conflict,
he said a repetition of "that great
offense” should be guarded against.
Morse did not favor changing the
two-thirds rule on treaties in the
senate, stating that such a move
would "establish executive tyranny
in the government” if the execu
tive was in control of the ma
“Limitless, unconditional sov
ereignty is finished,” said Edgar
Smith, Morse’s opponent. This has
been proved twice in this genera
tion. He favored the regional basis
for preserving peace. Military con
scription after the war also re
ceived his support.
Mrs. Eric Peterson introduced
Dr. Edna Landros, head of the
classics department, who presided
at the meeting.
The program at the Igloo begins
at 8 p.m., and all University people
are asked to be in their reserve
seats at that time. ,
Following the Bricker speech,
all campus girls’ living organiza
tions are holding open house for
visiting men. According to an an
nouncement by Mrs. Alice B. Mar
duff, assistant dean of women, 1 o
the Heads of Houses meeting, the
time is 9:30 to 10:30.
Barbara Pearson and Bob Smith,
co-chairmen of the affair, expe.t
at least 500 students to congre
gate at the Southern Pacific depot,
north end of Willamette street, at
6:30 tonight. After an early dinner,
students affiliated with camp- g
(Continued from f>a</c two)
Book and Map
Presented to Libe
By John Patric
John Patric, a former University
of Oregon student, recently sent
to the library a copy of his book
"Why Japan Was Strong,” along
with a map of Japan and surround
ings. The map was inscribed, “To
the University of Oregon library
from a bum old student, John
The book, published in 1943, has
received commendations fro i
Time magazine, the New York.
Times, Book-of-the-Month clnb
news, and other publications.
Patric was special correspondent
for the National Geographic soci
ety for several years, and he has
had articles published in the Read
er’s Digest. In 1936 and again <>i
1938 The Emerald published ar
ticles about him.
Preceding his trip to Japan to
gather information for the book,
Patric spent three months living
in the United States as a Japanc,-*>
lives in Japan, in order to save
money for the trip and to conri
tion himself for Japanese life.
Patric, a student of Oregon in
1933-34, was a member of the late
Dean Eric Allen's journalism clash.
Union Committee Urges
Support of New Building
To insure completion of the Stu
dent Union building, heads ai it
upper-classmen in all houses on tba
campus are ui-ged this week by tbo
Student Union committee to in
form freshmen and new studenih
about the plans already formulatt <1
for the Dr. Donald M. Erb mem
orial building.
Martha Thorsland, member of
the committee, said Tuesday tin t
although a property site and funds
have been approved for the mem
orial, plans for it may fall through
without student body support.