Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 04, 1944, Page 2, Image 2

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    Oregon H Emerald
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Published daily during the college year except Sundays, Mondays, and holidays and
final examination periods by the Associated Students, University of Oregon.
Entered as seconti-class matter at the postoffice, Eugene, Oregon.
Pait, PbeAent, and fyutuAe.,
Someone has said that the present generation is living in
the past and future but not in the here and now. It’s true in a
way. At the Side, in the living organizations, in the classroom,
in The Kmerald, and all around the campus, students talk of
what used to be and what will be when the war is over.
The plans for a Student Union building would seem to uphold
the statement. Oregon students started a fund for this build
ing in 1923. The structure was to be a reality in 1943, but the
war over-ruled any possibility of its becoming an actuality that
lack of funds had not already killed. On the face of things it
seems that the Student Union building is a dream of the future
not to be toyed with in the present.
It isn’t just a dream, though, now that the state legislature
lias backed up last year's drive and has put plans for the
building on its list of post-war construction projects. Plans for
the interior of the edifice are taking form with student prefer
ences listed for consideration.
To make this long-sought building a reality of the future, the
Student Union committee must work now so that there won't
be more delay because of lack of planning or campus interest.
That’s why the job of chairman of the committee is im
portant. lie or she will have the responsibility of keeping the
Student Union building in the spotlight, of finding out what the
students want, of seeing that the movement keeps going and
doesn’t stop short of realization.
Petitions for the position must be turned in to Jean Taylor,
second vice president of the ASUO, by Thursday noon at the
Alpha Phi house. l\ach petition must be accompanied by an
eligibility slip from either dean’s office. It’s a job that requires
a junior or senior with a cumulative grade point of 2. or above.
Here’s a job with a past, present, and future. Only with a
chairman who is really interested in working at it today will
the work ol the past be worthwhile and the dream of the future
become a reality.—L.S.M.
Zba*Uf&ir Studenti. at 'WoaJz. .
To a new student, the numerous dignified and ivy-covered
buildings on the campus may sometimes appear forbidding.
If lie does enter one in which he has no classes, the bewildering
assortment of halls and rooms may quickly discourage him
from looking further into what it offers. When he becomes an
upperclassman, he may not have time to find out what's inside
any of the buildings which he has only passed from time to
time, and he may feel that he would find nothing of interest
in them, anyhow.
The interiors of these buildings are not entirely of another
world, however. To certain students, each special department
or school has a particular lure of its own. It may be a little far
fetched to imagine future scientific marvels among any of the
experimenters in the chemistry lab, or to vision writing geniuses
and future artists among the students pegging away in the
journalism and art buildings, or brilliant lawyers budding forth
in the law school, although it is a pleasant conjecture. But,
nevertheless, the atmosphere and activity in these different
“laboratories" is one of practical and vital learning. The faculty
fend student members of these schools welcome "outsiders” who
are interested in finding out how the department "ticks.” It’s
possible to look in on their activities, and to trv to discover
V'hat particular attraction and what purpose they have, without
annoying people who are working. An introduction mav be ob
tained through a lricnd in a certain school or bv just curiouslv
peeking information.
The aim of the University is to prepare its students with a
^veil-rounded foundation of general knowledge as well as spe
cialized knowledge. These activities, which are a direct part
fof the curricula, are as much a part of universitv life as are
.war board, political, and other campus events. Here among the
different schools, located in a comparatively compact area, is
one ot the best possible opportunities for educating oneself
in the "how and why" of the various professional field*—K.H.
9rd Walk a Mde.. . .
(The following account of the Weed college disaster is reprinted
from the Wings Tribune of Smokers Hack, Oregon, in sincere hope
that such chaos can be averted here on our own campus.)
SMOKER’S HACK, Ore., Oct. 3—Seven Weed college upper
class students were severely mangled, and an undisclosed
number of lower division students were badly battered in an
nour ana twenty minute iree-tor
all riot on the museum exhibition
grounds early this afternoon.
On the spot witnesses claimed
the trouble began when a camel,
presented to the museum by Dean
Phil Morriss, president of the
Smoke Ringers of America, was
unveiled. The 1500 students and
townsmen attending the special ex
hibition were said to have stood in
awe for a breathless moment and
then to have apparently gone mad.
A hurried FBI investigation re
vealed, however, that not a came
lus dromedalus but an American
made camel manufactured by the
R. J. Reynolds company of Win
ston, North Carolina, caused the
disturbance. Further investigation
brought to light the facts that this
American-manufactured camel had
at one time been very popular with
Weed college students, but for
some time had been thought to be
Mr. Chester Fields of the Lucky
Strike Psychology School of Smoke
Analysis summed up the unfortun
ate affair as follows: “After years
of prolonged study of the human
mind and its functions I believe I
can say that the mere sight of a
thing thought to be extinct or at
least beyond the reach of most peo
pie will cause a great emotional
uprising. Such was undoubtedly
the case here at Weed college. The
students and townsfolk alike had
resigned themselves to never see
ing another Camel, when unthink
ingly the museum staged a special
exhibition of a genuine Camel.
Quite naturally the strain on the
mind was too much and the entire
crowd reverted to nature in the
raw, the riot resulting.”
The above story might well have
been written regarding our own
school as the same conditions pre
vail here as at Weed college. Real
izing this to be true, however, spe
cial steps are being taken by the
faculty to insure emotional stabil
ity among our students.
It has become a common prac
tice among campus merchants to
give free one pack of Sensations
with each purchase of Dominos and
a stick of gum with other brands.
They hope this will insure safety
of their stores and stock. The slo
gan of this new psychological drive
is, “Remember, as soon as the war
is won and the Camel Caravan
goes back to North Carolina and
the fall elections are over, there
will be Camels in everybody’s
If a buddy meet a buddy, then they are certain to learn some
thing new, and it’s certain you chicks etc. (etc. meaning the
sparse male population) will be pleased to meet these men from
the University of Oregon who are now serving Uncle Sam.
Several promotions have been announced recently by the war
department to representatives ot
the University. Perhaps you'll re
member Robert Moran, class of '40,
Alpha Tau Omega member, who
was formerly a company com
mander in the infantry at Corvallis.
He has been promoted to lieuten
ant-colonel. Glendower Porter, who
left in '43, has been stationed at
Fort Knox, Kentucky, and was
commissioned a second lieutenant
recently. Also, Lloyd A. Wilson,
class of ’41, business administra
tion major, has been promoted to
major in the 8th air force in Eng
As for some “oldies,” Howard
Lewis, class of '30, recent major in
the army medical corps, has re
ceived the rank of lieutenant
colonel. Lewis graduated from the
University of Oregon Medical
school and belongs to Nu Sigma
Nu fraternity. Norman Hampton,
a Beta, assigned to the dental
corps at Medford, Oregon, is now
Captain Hampton.
Enough of promotions, it's easy
to see that Oregon men can take
their place as leaders, but promo
tions are not the only manner in
which the boosters of the yellow
ind green piove themselves.
Take for example Lieutenant Bill
Runey, science major who trans
ferred from Oregon State and
who left the campus the winter of
L940. Runey spent 13 months in
in Technicolor
Starring John Wayne
Paulette Goddard
"Night Plane from
with Robert Preston
and Ellen Drew
New Guinea as a fighter pilot and
recently as flight commander. He
has been awarded the silver star
for gallantry, the distinguished
flying cross, and the air medal
with clusters. And we might add,
just for a patriotic bit that Bill
entered the service just two days
after Pearl Harbor.
Perhaps some of you know Lieu
tenant Colonel Donald J. French,
class of '37, who was recently
awarded the distinguished flying
cross “for courage and devotion to
duty displayed during the air
borne invasion of Cherbourg penin
sula, and for the spirit and enthus
iasm shown during the extensive
specialized training that prefaced
the actual invasion.’’ French also
recently assumed command of a
troop carrier group in the 9th air
Second Lieutenant Arthur Price,
who left the campus the fall of
1940 and was assigned to an army
bomber, was reported missing in
action over Paris, France, since
July 16, 1942. Price was reported
killed In action, by the war depart
ment September 2$, 1944.
After many pleasant hours of
reading college papers from a.li
over the country, we’re growing a
little envious of interfraternity
dances, 2 o’clock permissions, var
sity football games, and colleges
overrun with millions of active
fraternities; so if we’re green at
this it’s just envy.
What, No Millrace?
At 3 a.m. one Sunday morning
a group of freshmen were initiat
ed in the folowing manner at the
University of Kansas: After being
walked around the campus for sev
eral weary hours, the girls were
lined up against a wall and made
to pray loudly for rain, the upper
classmen then obligingly poured
buckets of icy water over then
Coincidence of the Week
Headline in the Indiana -Daily
Sisters in the Band
The first and only band sorcMty
in the United States has been or
ganized at the University of Minne
sota. Membership to Theta Nu re
quires a B average and three quar
ters in band.
* * *
L. S. M. F. T.
(Louisiana State Medic Follows
A pre-medical student from LSU,
w ho is working his way through
college by serving as an assistant
in a local funeral home, delivered
twins recently in an ambulance.
The student answered an ambu
lance call from a maternity patient
15 miles out of town, and by the
time they arrived at the hospita!
there were two extra passengers.
The grateful mother named her
early arrivals, both male, for the
ambulance driver and the student.
Days of Democracy
Norman Thomas, Socialist candi
date for president, last week spoke
to a group of more than 1400 Re
publicans, Democrats," and Social
ists at the University of California.
His next campaign speech will be
in Palo Alto.
* !S #
What Will They Think of Next?
In a Brooklyn paper was the
following department store a IX
A Sergeant Schmoozler, veteran
wolf down Fort Benning way,
swears he’ll date no more women
war workers. Says they’re not
satisfied with a good time—they
want time and a half!
Oh, Horace—
The University of Colorado an
nounces that their October dra
matic production will be "The Skin
of Our Teeth” with a mixed cast
of faculty members and students.
Pick a hat from—
907 \\ illamette