Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 04, 1944, Image 1

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Miss Anne
Craven To
Head Paper
Anne Craven, acting editor
of The Emerald, last night was
appointed 1944-45 editor by the
educational activities board.
The appointment is subject to
the approval of the ASUO ex
ecutive council.
Miss Craven fills the posi
tion left vacant when Marjorie
Young did not return to the
Commenting on her appoint
ment, Miss Craven said her policy
would be one of presenting the
news accurately and completely on
the news pages with fair and un
biased criticisms and opinions on
the editorial page. She announced
no changes in staff positions at
this time. Upper staff members in
clude Norris Yates, managing edi
tor; Elizabeth Haugen, news edi
tor; Peggy Overland and Louise
Montag, associate editors.
Miss Craven, a senior in journal
ism, is also chairman of the cam
pus war board and associate editor
of Old Oregon.
Young GOPs
Slate Parade
The all-campus parade and rally
planned by the Young Republicans
club will be changed to a snowball
rally from living organizations only
in case of rain, it was decided at
the meeting yesterday by the com
mittee in charge.
Present plans announced by
Harry Skerry, chairman, include a
general rally of houses organized
by their individual representatives
and a parade which will form at
the railroad station in Eugene to
welcome vice-presidential candi
date John W. Bricker. The parade,
including if possible a band and
the rally squad, will proceed up
Willamette street, assimilating
townspeople on the way, and cli
max at McArthur court where
Bricker will speak to the public.
Red Cross
Hears Speech
Mrs. Cora Pirtle spoke to about
30 University Red Cross members
at Gerlinger Tuesday on the origin
of the Red Cross and its services
in the. war. Mrs. Pirtle, the execu
tive secretary of the Lane county
Red Cross, also brought samples
Of the comfort kit, a bag given to
service men before they go over
To fill positions on the Univer
sity chapter of the Red Cross this
fall, five new chairmen were chos
en Tuesday afternoon.
^Heading the sewing committee
will be Eileen Fisher. Other com
mittee heads are Phyllis Perkins
on the accident prevention com
(Please turn to paye four)
Whose job it will be to keep her
finger on the pulse of student ac
tivities at the University for the
ensuing year.
Guide Work
Pigger’s Guide workers started
yesterday to type the names, ad
dresses, and phone numbers so
essential to campus life, Miss Jean
Lawrence, editor, reports.
Students typing for the directory
are Karen Martin, Mary Bruce
Crane, Patt Skinner, and Naida
Fishback, freshmen in liberal arts;
Betty Ditto, freshman in art, and
Berta Reische, sophomore in lib
eral arts. Eileen Fisher, sophomore
in liberal arts, will be the assist
ant editor. Annamae Winship, na
tional advertising manager of the
Emerald, is the business manager.
The cover design will be done by
I Please turn ta page four)
Vetoed by
V eterans
Forty-five of the sixty vet
erans on the campus last night
voted down the formation of a
committee to form plans of or
ganization of a separate group
of veterans on the campus.
Kenneth Geiger, who orig
inated the plan for the meeting
and veterans’ organization, was
called upon by George Luoma,
who was elected temporary chair
man, to explain the purposes and
functions of such an organization.
According to Geiger, who said last
week that the organization was “to
form an active social veterans'
group,’’ the motive now would be to
help incoming veterans “overcome
any obstacles they may encounter
as they register.”
Parley Held
An open discussion was held in
regard to the formation of such an
organization. A general feeling for
the use of more initiative on the
part of all campus men students
to promote social and other activ
ities was expressed by several vet
“This view was brought forth
particularly due to the present
lack of a definite social program
for all students,” said Mr. Luoma.
Action Deferred
The organization of an active
campus veterans' group, either as
a membership for all veterans or
some kind of advisory council,
should not be considered a dead
issue, according to Luoma, because
of the group’s decision not to
formulate definite plans at this
New Adviser System
Put to Use This Term
“With all arrangements at last completed there goes into
effect this fall for the first time a new system for conference
between advisers and students,” Mr. L. K. Shumaker, director
of lower division advisers, announced yesterday.
The lower division advisers’ office, on the left as one enters
Johnson hall, will be used as a conference room for meetings
between advisers and students.
Some advisers who have many
advisees are nearly swamped just
before and during registration by
students trying to arrange sched
ules for the • next term. It is
planned that sometime during the
term, preferably the middle, each
adviser and student will meet in
the conference room.
Thinning Made Easier
With the help of the student's
balance sheet, prepared by Mr.
Shumaker to show exactly what
requirements have been met and
what the student has yet to com
plete, his next term’s schedule can
easily be planned and registration
will become simply a matter of
collecting a few signatures and
paying one’s tuition. If the regis
trar or dean of personnel needs to
be consulted they are readily avail
able, since all the offices are now
in Johnson hall.
Previously duplicates were kept
of each student’s record, but since
that involved a great deal of cler
ical work and resulted in errors
and delay, Mr. Shumaker is keep
ing only the originals on file this
year. The conference room will be
Mr. Shumaker’s headquarters until
registration ends October 7.
Appointments Urged
Students who wish to take
adaptability and ability tests (voca
tional guidance) and are not tak
ing any educational clinic courses
(methods of study, etc.) should
make an appointment with Mr.
Shumaker or Dr. Killgallon. They
can be contacted by phoning Mrs.
Cullender, secretary of the per
sonnel administration.
Comprise the YWCA committee which aims to recruit new workes.
From left to riffht are Charlene Davidson; Ann Scripter, chairman}
Mary Eon Welch, and Altha Paul.
First Assembly Scheduled
For ASUO Thursday Morning
The opening University assembly, to be held this Thursday
at 11 o’clock in McArthur court, marks the restoration of the
popular Thursday assemblies after a year’s lapse.
The purpose of this formal assembly is to arouse more inter
est in campus activities and to stir up “school spirit.” A full
attendance is expected as all 11 o’clock classes on Thursday
Prizes Await
Best Ticket
Drive Heads
There are three $5 prizes yet to
be won by the living organizations
and three $3 prizes for their chair
men who come through 100 per
cent in the current athletic ticket
drive, according to Gerd Hansen,
About 700 basketball tickets
have been sold, with the Alpha
Gamma sorority the first house to
go over the top. It was followed by
the Delta Delta Delta sorority,
which won second place, and the
Delta Gamma sorority, which took
third place.
Basketball tickets will be turned
over to house chairmen when they
present the voucher cards to Miss
Hansen. When a house goes 100
per cent, she should be notified im
The tickets, which cost $4.80, en
title the holder to view 8 pre-con
ference games and 8 conference
games. This represents a saving of
$7.60, for the regular admission
prices for these 16 games would
total $12.40.
have been omitted.
"Why Are We Here?” will re
the topic of President Hollis' ad
dress, a current subject whir b.
should be of interest to every st.i
dent on this campus.
Student Prexy to Speak
Audrey Holliday, ASUO presi
dent, plans to "Keynote the Yea” ”
in her address, touching on the
main points of student activities!
and of the attitude of the student;
The University band, organized'
and directed by John Stehn, wtU
make its first appearance of the
season. The band is made up of
forty-five members, most of who <1
are girls. The number of boys in
the group, however, surpasses that
of last year. The band will be head
playing "Mighty Oregon,” several1
well-known marches, and a group
of service songs, including "An
chors Aweigh,” “Marine Hymn,”
and the “Caisson Song.”
Plans are underway for prp
assemblies in the future.
Political Fix
The Well-dressed coed’s in quite a
She’s heard of the national politics,
And can’t decide which the pret
tiest are—
The buttons'of Dewey or P.D.R.
Art Museum Will Open
Doors Sunday at 3 pan.
The Murray-Warner Museum of Oriental Art will open fri
the first time this term Sunday, October 8, at 3 o’clock. Til's
has been announced by Mrs. Gertrude Bass Warner, donor of
the art.exhibitions and director of the museum.
Excepting for one exhibition which is the Russian Icons, atf
other pieces in the museum have been devoted to Oriental air.
uunng me summer, several
changes took place in the museum.
Two Chinese painting galleries
were reorganized. One of these gal
leries is hung with pictures which
have never been exhibited in the
Collection Augmented
Another addition to the museum
has been made on the first floor.
New exhibitions of Chinese textiles
have been hung up for exhibition.
Another interesting room to be
found on the first floor is the bor
der line room which is devoted t<i
material from Cambodia, Tibet,
Mongolia, and Korea.
Students may visit the museu'A
of art during these hours: Wed
nesday, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m.; ar;d
Saturday and Sunday, 3 to 5 p.r.i.
The museum library is open on
Monday and Tuesday, 3 to 5 p.m.;
Wednesday, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m.; ai d
Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday*
3 to 5 p.m.