Letters.To The Editor These comments were to be de livered at the Tuesday, October 3, meeting of veterans planning to organize a social club, but your civilian-written editorial Saturday '‘Home Again . . .” prompts sub mission to The Emerald. Emerald editorial writer “N.Y.” says: "Because of the immeasur able difference between your pres ent environment and that which you recently left, you form an ele ment of the student population which is totally new.” True, all of us have had a taste of military life. Some more than others. Some very little. Now, by our own choice we are in a univer sity to enjoy the advantages of civ ilian education, activities and social contacts. We did not come here for something military, but something that service interrupted and should again be continued. Editorialist N.Y. goes on to say: “You men . . . are . . . bringing with you sociological, political and personal ideas which have seldom, if ever, been introduced in strength to the academically and socially sleepy old U. of O.” Fie on N.Y. He should have read the registration news. You can’t have an academically sleepy old U. of O. and have President Hollis announce, as he did: "The school is trying to raise academic stand ards. (Already generally consid ered good.) If your performance does not indicate profit, the schol arship committee may ask you not to return to school.” High academic standards are fortified with a liberal opportunity to choose courses of one’s liking in this N.Y.-labeled “academically sleepy old U. of O.” President Hol lis lias also said: “Not a single division, department, school or col lege will lie suspended during the coming (1944-45) academic year, in short, any student interested in one of the fields of study assigned to the University of Oregon may be certain that he can pursue bis .major academic interest at the University this coming year with out any waste of time.” “Socially sleepy” N.Y. also says True, 2(18 men and 127G women may make all campus males so cially “sleepy”; but campus social' activities need not be gauged to problems arising from a prepond erance of one sex against another. .As for the campus veterans now •organizing a campus veterans’ or ganization “to promote the social status of veterans,” it is fitting to inquire; Why not ask the broader, more representative student body and ASUO executive council to get busy on campus social life ? This is not a problem peculiar to vet erans alone. Your N.Y. continues: “You are agitated, discontented, possibly cynical as a result of what you have gone through and what you have seen. . . . You will be centers •of attraction.” >'.■ Certainly not that. We are out of service, ou the campus, and will want to pursue a healthy, well balanced student social and aca demic life with the hundreds of fellow civilian students with whom wo associate daily. YVliy then make us centers of. attraction? Those self-appointed chairmen who in tend to organize campus veterans Will do, as writer N.Y. predicts, “make us ceuters of attraction.” There is reason to question the adviseability of veterans segregat ing into a military unit, insofar as membership qualifications are con cerned. This would tend to separate the veterans from those class mates, whose association they want, and their association that the classmates want . . . both the men and women. We veterans are now civilian students in a civilian university. We want to enjoy the advantages l Ph ase turn to pdiie three) Oregon if Emerald ANNE CRAVEN Acting Editor ROSEANN LECKIE Business Manager NORRIS YATES Managing Editor FRANNIE MAiEK Advertising Manager ELIZABETH HAUGEN News Editor LOUISE MONTAGr PEGGY OVERLAND Associate Editors Betty Lou Vogelpohl, Executive Secretary Marguerite Wittwer, Women’s Editor Winifred Romtvedt, Assistant News Editor Jean Lawrence, Betty French Robertson, Assistant Managing Editors Gloria Campbell, Pat McCormick Librarians EDITORIAL BOARD Edith Newton, Carol Cook Published daily during the college year except Sundays, Mondays, and holidays and final examination periods by the Associated Students, University of Oregon. Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice, Eugene, Oregon._ _ Ml. feiichei Sp&aUl. . . Whether you are a Democrat or a Republican the speech to be delivered by John W. Bricker in our McArthur court Octo ber 12 is one you should not miss. The Republican nominee for vice president is at the moment one of the most important men in the United States. It matters not what issue he will take up on his Eugene visit; he is sure to discuss some major point in the presidential campaign and for that reason his speech will be worthwhile. We should remember that Bricker will discuss problems which must be solved soon, and many of the students on this campus will take part in meeting those problems and finding a solution. Mr. Bricker has campaigned throughout the country and is an excellent speaker. He was long discussed as a possible presi dential candidate. We should consider ourselves lucky to have such a speaker come to our campus. It has often been a criticism of this college community, or any college community for that matter, that students tend to forget world and national affairs and bury themselves in purely college matters. Here is a chance to prove that students do think about problems outside of getting assignments in on time and coke dates at the Side. A speech of major importance in the national history of our country will be made on our campus and we will be privileged to go to the auditorium as free think ing people and listen to a top figure in national politics. And when we leave the auditorium we should not stop thinking but continue to talk and discuss the issues, to look for holes in the arguments, to praise and bolster the speakers’ points, to com pare his speech with others, and to form our own opinions. For Democrats and Republicans alike here is a speech which should not be missed.—M.A.C. All- Am&ucGM fy&i cHele+t. .. This is for a girl somewhere in New York City who has probably just received the good news. At the moment she is either tramping those very, very hot sidewalks downtown near 42nd or she is proudly spending the returns of a paycheck some magazine decided she was good enough to receive. For Helen Johnson, editor of the 1944 Oregana, has received the All-American rating for the book she put out last year under extreme difficulties. The announcement must have made her just a little home sick for that busy little office up on the second floor of the Journalism building. It must have certainly brought an I-told you-so grin, because Helen had to struggle against a number of obstacles imposed not only by wartime restrictions but by those that were the result of wartime morale. Shortage of paper, shortage of printing equipment, shortage of help, forced her to condense the usual yearbook material into a thinner and smaller package. Naturally some things had to be dropped completely, so that she was faced with the prob lem of not only gathering and assembling the material, but also of selecting the most important. Her job was a hard one. It was made harder by the usual “campus kicking" and the pessimistic predictions that a smaller Oregana wouldn’t "have a chance” in the finals. Helen man aged to circumvent most of the drawbacks to a smaller year book by revolutionizing the layouts, introducing new styles, and in general packing a lot of pep and show into the edition. Her idea worked ... in the manner that most of Helen’s “brainstorms" worked. The Oregana received the rating be cause it'had "such an interesting organization,” because "the pictures were the best they had seen,” because the "coverage was so excellent.” Now this year’s editor, Edith Newton, can pin up the traditional All-American rating where all the editors before her have pinned them up. And for those students who worked on the staff with Helen and believed what she believed, and were willing to prove it. the rating means just as much. For Helen it probably meats a "job well done” and, incidentally, an added boost to that new job she is busy plugging.—P.O. Slifi oJj the Jlifi By BETTY SAILOR ^ From the number of pins and rings being sported around the haunts of the Webfeet this fall, it looks as though Dan Cupid was really working overtime. The combination of rice and wedding bells is even pushing ye olde Oregon brand of mist into the position of atmospheric runner-up. Latest wedding in the Theta house has been that of Sally Bowerman to Dick Rathburn, and, from the realms of the KKGs comes word of Junior Weekend Princess Pegge Klepper middle aisling it with Chi Psi Bud Fenton. Alpha Phis were pleasantly sur prised by the news of former house president, Kay Jenkin's, marriage to ATO Clyde Hollenbeck on Sep tember 16. Pi Phi flash of the week—Dodie Lakin and Lieutenant j.g. James Cutler, graduate of Stanford, where he was affiliated with SAE, were married in Port land Sunday. Alpha Xi Charlene Brown is back on the campus this term after her marriage to navy man Bob Davidson during the sum mer. That huge solitaire worn on the third finger left hand of Betti Ho decker, Alpha Phi, is from ATO Pete Miller, now a flight officer— and have you seen DeeGee Rannie Flatcher’s new ring—from Pete, the SAE whom she met when he was stationed in Boise where she lives. Yep, it’s a diamond for Jan ice Hough from Marine Lieuten ant William Otto. The culmination of a Webfoot-ASTP romance was the announcement of the engage ment of Jean Lawrence to Marlen Yoder, now overseas, at the Alpha Gam house the other evening. Speaking of rings, you’d better keep an eye on that zircon that Tri-Delt Pat Percival is wearing— from Orin Weere, now on campus. It might turn into a diamond one of these days. Looks like it’s going to be a January wedding for ADPi Laura Kimball. Big news at the Pi Phi house last week was the announcement of the engagement of Dora DeJahnatt to George Wood. It’s an engagement for Al pha Phi Toni Sutton—lucky man is Dick Bates, Beta, from the Uni versity of California—the wedding is scheduled for November, unless Uncle Sam has other plans. Char lotte Fehley, Alpha Xi Delta pledge, and fiance Charles Boss are altar-bound in Ihe near future. DeeGee Jackie Kenfield returned with a ring from her California man, and Alpha Xi Ruth Van Bus kirk recently announced her be trothal to Phi Delt Dave McGuire, pre-med. Kappa Marge Hill and Bill McElhenny tied the final knot in a summer ceremony. A headliner (Please turn to page three) Grade Allen For President By SEN. P. ROWBOAT GUGGENHEIM Once again an election year has shoved its red, white, and blue face across the threshold of Dr. Gallup, and it behooves us—the common man—to consider for some length the quality of candidates who are again determined to fool the peo ple. Riding the rods in from Portland on the Dewey special, I was par ticularly struck by the modesty of the man. Not a mention of Manila or the Maine. Here is a man who has something to say — and it’s too bad he doesn’t say it. Nevertheless, far be it from me to present the wrong view of blis sterling (copper) candidate. In fact reports from Washington al ready say that someone has hung a sign on the White House read ing: “Uncle Tom’s Cabin.’’ On the other hand, we nave that sterling (brass) candidate for re election for the 98th or 99th time, Franklin Benjamin Roosevelt. It is rumored that Mr. Roosevelt is backed by the communists, the fascists, the anarchists, and even a few scattered democrats. But what Roosevelt loses in the north he will gain in the deep, or “solid’’ south, for it is a well-known fact that there are no republicans in the south, except for two New Englanders who have been stranded c* a large Louisiana catfish float ing through the Mississippi delta. It is said that the republicans, un wise to democrat ways, were sold a ticket on the catfish by the De troit office of ODT, and have made better time than any known South ern Pacific train has done between those two great metropoli, Port land and Eugene, to anyone’s re membering. And then there’s the prohibition candidate. There’s also a man named Morse, who, since he cannot play the guitar, has faded into the back ground, along with his horse, which he forgot to change in the middle of the stream. Special Lou) Rates for Students and Faculty on LIFE TIME FORTUNE Place subscriptions in our < trade book department the "CO-OP”