Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 03, 1944, Image 1

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    Oregana Again Wins All-American Rating
Yearbook Gains
Honors for 9ih
Consecutive Year
The Oregana has done it again and scored All-American
honor rating for the ninth consecutive year in competition with
annuals from all over the United States, it was learned Monday
^hen notice was received from the National Scholastic associa
tion of the University of Minnesota.
The 1944 edition of the Oregana, edited by Helen Johnson,
received high praise m the NSPA
score book for views of the cam
pus and portrayal and coverage of
life at the University.
Departments Kate
Also meriting high praise was
the section of schools and depait
ments as well as the section on
The 1944 Oregana gave the pres
sent campus generation a change
in the page size of the book which
wjas streamlined from 13’^ by 10
inches to a 9 by 12 inch size, the
size generally used in college year
Chief assistants to Miss Johnson
who is now in New York were
Nancy Brownell, managing editor,
and Joan Dolph and Adele Riggs,
associate editors. Edith Newton
served as business manager of the
1944 book and will edit the 1945
Staff lasted
Other members of the editorial
staff last year were:
Betty Towe, Flora Kibler, June
Hitchcock, Jenelyn Gaston, Betty
Ann Keup, Charlene Pelly, Bar
bara Lamb, Ruth Van Buskirk.
Evans Cantrell, and Donna Wil
The business staff was made up
of Edith Newton, Barbara Young
er, Marge Cowlan, Dorothy Ras
mussen, Betty Sailor, and Dorothy
Routt. The behind-the-scenes men
were Horace Robinson, acting edu
cational activities manager, and J.
Warren Teter, official Oregana
Thirty Sherry Ross hail coeds
trooped up the slippery sides of
Skinner’s butte last night to
give Oregon’s mighty emblem,
the “O,” a color transfusion. At
the risk of life and limb, the
dauntless patriots attacked their
task with vitamin B1 fury and
left the blue blemished “O” a
bright lemon yellow, the symbol
of Old Oregon’s fighting heart.
Girls Revive
Aged Sport
^The rooting section cheered.
The mascot was chained to a tree,
and the game went on! The score
was tied, but the Alpha O’s were
really getting on the beam, and
were about to make another touch
down—yes, a toudchdown.
All the talk about lack of ma
terial for a football team this
year hasn’t phased the Alpha O's,
and Sunday night saw some of
them out on the gridiron — the
front lawn of University high—for
their first practice game of the
The girls mopped up on the op
posing team, composed of a dozen
oj.so teen-aged boys, and (with the
exception of those laid up in the
infirmary) all agree that football
must be carried on at U. of O. at
all costs!
Her job, to fill the shoes of last
year’s All-American Oregana edi
tor, Helen Johnson.
WAA Frolic
Plans Set
“Fun Night,” the coed’s answer
to the manpower shortage and en
suing problems, starts its 1944-45
activities Friday, October 6, in
Gerlinger hall at 8 p.m. To be fea
tured is a Shadow Graff projection
of nine different sports on a movie
screen. Each projection will last
approximately three minutes and
should clearly introduce the vari
ous girls’ sports to the new cam
pus coeds. Following projections
and explanations of them a twelve
team elimination volleyball tourna
ment 'will be featured. Five min
utes of extra play is planned for
the two top teams.
The annual all-girls intramural
volleyball tournament is to begin
October 18. Entries for team par
ticipation are due October 16. Ap
plications must be turned in to
Jay Edwards, tournament head, by
that date.
Favorite contenders in the Octo
ber tournament are seen in the
Hillcrcst lodge champions of last
year’s playoff, and in the Theta
team with their speedy Terry Wat
son and Mary Riley. Definite
threats to this year's title are also
seen in the University house and
ADPi teams.
The Outing club will start its
new year’s activities with a hike
to Spencer’s butte. Plans are to
leave the campus midafternoon and
return sometime in the evening.
Further information may be ob
tained by contacting the hike
Rushing Ended,
Council States
All official rushing by the
Greeks is banned until further no
tice from the freshman week com
mittee, Lorraine Davidson, presi
dent of Panhellenic, said today.
It is believed that announcement
of its continuance will be made in
two or three weeks.
(Please turn to page jour)
ASUO Petitions
Now Desired
Four activity positions are open
to students, reports Jean Taylor,
second vice presiden tof the ASUO,
in charge of petitions. Petitions
must be turned in by Thursday
noon, to Miss Taylor at the Alpha
Phi house. Each petition must be
accompanied by an eligibility slip,
obtainable in either dean’s office.
Any junior or senior, with a ■
cumulative grade point of 2. or
above, may apply for the chair- ■
manship of the student union com
mittee. The position was formerly
held by Gene Conklin, junior in
The office of sophomore repre
sentative is open to applicants who
have completed no less than 24 and
no more than 75 hours of Univer
sity work.
Two positions are open on the
yell squad. Applicants may be
members of any class, and should
have had previous experience eith
er in high school or college.
Applicants will be asked to ap
pear before the executive council
at the Thursday meeting.
Alums Receive
Army Honors
Two former U. of O. students
now in the armed forces have re
cently received appointments, ac
cording to word received here last
Forrest D. Howerton was recent
ly promoted to the rank of cor
poral' in the marine corps. His pro
motion was received following
graduation from the marine avia
tion supply school at San Diego.
Marine Second Lieutenant Hen
ry L. Burns was recently assigned
to the second battalion of the in
fantry training regiment at Camp
Lcjcune, N.. C. He is acting as
company commanding officer.
While attending the University of
Oregon, Lieutenant Burns was a
physical education major. He was
also a member of Phi Delta Theta
Coast Guard
Calls For Men
Enlistment in the United States
coast guard reserve will be opened
October 1 to 17-year-old men, Lieu
tenant (j.g.) L. A. Murray, offi
cer of the thirteenth naval district
(Please turn to I’ai/c four)
All-Campus Rally
To Welcome Bricker
Reviving the old Oregon tradition of giant all-campus rallies
and noise parades will be the rally October 12 to welcome vice
presidential candidate John W. Bricker, governor of Ohio.
Bricker will speak to the public of Eugene and the student
of the University in McArthur court October 12. The parade
:o welcome him, sponsored by the Young; Republicans club.
Health Service
Issues Warning ;
A warning not to swim in the j
millrace has been issued to Ore
gon students by Dr. Fred N. Mil
ler, bead of the health service.
“The Willamette river is an
open sewer for several towns
above Kugene, and since the
millrace is a part of the Willam
ette, anyone who swims there is
doing so at his own risk,’’ he ex
Dr. Miller added that typhoid
and other infections had been
contacted from the millrace, al
though nothing serious has been
reported recently.
The health service opened yes
terday to accept patients in its
hospital division. This action had
been postponed until this time
because there was not a com
plete nursing staff in attend
So far, Charles Butler is the
only patient to receive treat
ment in the hospital.
Visiting hours are between 2
and 4 and Instween 7 and 8.
U. O. songwriter may be lost to
Broadway but not to a marine
overseas unit.
Young Demos Climb on Bandwagon,
Organize to Promote F.D.R. 'Victory'
All students interested in work
ing for a Democratic victory in
the November elections are invited
to attend the organizational meet
ing of a Young Democrats club to
be held at 7:30 Friday night in
207 Chapman.
Officers will be elected and com
mittees chosen at this meeting. An
open forum will be held to discuss
the coming campaign.
According to the group of stu
• dents responsible for its inception,
the organization will conduct an
intensive campaign for the Demo
cratic candidates. Pins and litera
ture will be distributed, donations
collected. A special effort will be
made to urge students to attend
the forum sponsored by the League
of Women Voters, scheduled for
October 11. Senatorial candidates:
Morse, Smith, Mahoney, and per
haps Cordon, will participate in
this discussion.
will be composed of studentfj.
Chairmen of the rally are Bob "Joe
College” Smith and Barbara Pear
son, sophomore in liberal art;.',
named yesterday by Harry Skerry,
president of the Young Republi
cans, and Jean Taylor, secretary.
Personnel Listed
Roseanne Leckie, sophomore in
liberal arts, is in charge of signs;
Duane Autzen, cars; Barba a
Younger, junior in journalism, and
Marguerite Wittwer, sophomore in
journalism, publicity. Lois Mc
Konkie, junior in liberal arts, itj
chairman of the committee to or
ganize the Greek houses for Urn
parade; and Alice Harter, junior
in liberal arts, will round up the
independent houses.
Further details concerning" the
organization, itinerary, and star.t
ing point of the parade will be re
vealed after the meeting of the
committee members today at 4.
Westminster To
Meet Today
The Westminster house fresh
man discussion group will meet
this afternoon at 4 to organize and
elect a chairman. All campus
freshmen are invited, Mrs. Jim
Bryant, Westminster adviser, said
The group, organized to orien
tate freshmen, will decide upon
procedures to be used for futuro
Sergeant Brings
Music to Marines
Bound for Duty
Broadway may temporarily havo
lost a top songwriter, but a ma
rine unit overseas has found a little
bit of home in the music of Tech.
Sgt. Larry Wagner, UO alum, be
recently changed a mono ton or ■*
ocean voyage into a. 'round-the
clock session, with all the rninia
masters from Bach to Goodman.
Sergeant Wagner, bound for Pa
cific zones, aboard & transport,
noticed that the men’s spirits wee
lagging, and he decided to tal e
matters into his own hands.
A former arranger with Gl« i\
Gray’s Caia Loma orchestra, Lar
ry organized a series of concerto,
planned to satisfy all music lov
ers, from symphony enthusiasts to
“boogie-woogie” addicts. He wrote,
among other tunes, the famous
“No-Name Jive.”
"Church music for the chaplain,
martiaj music for the long-tinto
marines, ‘One o’clock Jump’ for
the jitterbugs—that's my motto,''
Larry says. "And we’ll give ’e a
Strauss and Romberg for good