Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 30, 1944, Image 1

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Girl Students
Given Chance
In War Effort
'"*■ University women have been
given a new opportunity to
contribute to the war effort
through requests from the
Lane county price and ration
ing board.
Coeds have been asked by
the Lane county price and ra
tioning board to help relieve
the shortage of workers by vol
unteering their services. Two
girls will be sent to the ration
Jjfoard headquarters on Eleventh
and Willamette streets each after
noon, starting next Monday.
Anne Craven, head of the cam
pus war board, received the notice
of the urgent need for help and
has placed Anne Scripter, YWCA
war board chairman, in charge of
organizing a committee and regis
tering volunteers. Present commit
tee members are: Mary Lou Welch,
Altha Paul, and Charlene David
Newcomers Needed
"This is the first time that the
YWCA has joined the service hoa
€>faries in helping the war board,”
said Miss Craven when she named
Miss Scripter as committee chair
man, "A great deal of credit goes
to "Y” President Joan Dolph for
extending the services of that or
ganization on the campus this
"Helping the ration board is the
first major task under war board
promotion this year,” the head of
the board continued, "and it is up
to the individual student to see
that the job is done successfully.”
Dean Lawrence Writes
Article on Democracy
An article entitled “Wanted: A
Workable Mechanism for Effective
Democracy” by Dean E. F. Law
rence of the school of architecture
and liberal arts was published in
a recent issue of the "Boletin,”
which is the bulletin of the com
mission of Pan-American municipal
cooperation. The Boletin is pub
lished in Havana in the Spanish
and English languages.
Center Slated
For Mexicans
L. O. Wright, head of the Span
ish department, spoke at a dance
which was held last night down
town in Eugene for the purpose of
raising funds for a new Mexican
recreation center. Mr. Wright, who
is a native of Mexico, spoke to a
group of Mexicans in their lan
guage. Miss Linda Sanchez, who
was queen of the Mexicans at their
Independence day celebration on
September 15, was guest of honor.
Miss Sanchez is a former Univer
sity student.
Students are invited to visit the
center and it is hoped that soon
there will be exchange classes in
both English and Spanish for those
who are interested. Most of these
Mexicans are well educated, some
having attended universities. There
will be many activities at the cen
ter and those who are interested in
meeting some of their southern
neighbors are welcome.
Clark Elected
Speech Official
Robert D. Clark, assistant pro
fessor of speech and dramatic artc,
learned this week of his election as
vice president of the Western
Association of Teachers of Speech.
Both he and W. A. Dahlberg, di
rector of speech and dramatic arts,
will participate in the spring con
(Please turn to page four)
Wreck Victims
Asked for Help
If among the navy veterans on
the campus there are those who
have survived shipwrecks, some
information they have may be
of help to the U. S. navy train
ing center at Bainbridge, Mary
land. Blank forms on which re
ports may be made are avail
able at the office of Karl W. On
thank, dean of personnel ad
The physical instructors’
school at the Maryland center Is
seeking this advanced informa
tion from veterans in order to
improve teaching methods, life
saving equipment, and for the
safety of all men going to sea.
Co-ops Commence Year
With Dinner. Fireside
In spite of the fact that many
Oregon students are visiting their
respective homes, a few indepen
dent houses on the campus have
engaged in, or are making plans for
social activities for this weekend.
At the Campbell men’s coopera
tive, members and their guests
gave a farewell dinner in honor of
Mrs. “Billie" Hodgens, who was
cook for the house last year and
who carried on this year until an
other cook could be found to fill
her position.
Miss Janet Smith, University
employment secretary, was a guest
speaker at the dinner.
Again as guest speaker, Miss
Smith will address the “fireside”
which is to be given at Highland
Mouse, in conjunction with Rebec
house this Sunday evening. The
event is to be sponsored primarily
to help the freshman girls to get
acquainted with Oregon traditions,
co-op houses, and one another.
Miss Smith will give a little of the
history of the cooperative houses.
Men Wanted
Because of the manpower short
age, Campbell club reports plenty
of room for any new men who wish
to join. The house will definitely
be open this year, according to
Dr. S. H. Jameson, professor of
sociology, who is in charge of the
(Please turn to pane three)
Met Artist Slated
To Sing Here
October 26 has just been an
nounced as the date of the first
ASUO concert at McArthur
court this season. The program
will feature ltaoul Sabin, Metro
politan opera tenor.
Fun Draws
Church Goers
Despite Rain
Competing with Frankie Mas
ters’ band, who was playing a
one-night stand at the Armory
last night, Eugene churches
held open house for all Uni
versity students — and the
crowds who attended were
Dodie Yankovitch and I de
cided to visit all the churches
despite the rain and all the blocks
between them. At the Congrega
tional church an amazing array of
notable people in formal dress
greeted us as we glided down the
receiving line apologizing that we
were only from The Emerald.
Among the personalities in the
spotlight were: Chancellor and
Mrs. Hunter, Mrs. Warren Price,
the DeCous, Dr. Wright, Dean On
thank, Dean Earl, the Stillmans,
the Lomaxes, Dr. Clark, and num
erous pillars of the church. Helen
Luvaas played background music
on the organ while pretty girls
passed punch and cookies.
Robin Hood provided the inspira
tion for the decorations at St.
Mary's Episcopal church. We were
greeted at the door by a stuffed
bear and several owls. Leaves and
shrubbery directly from Sherwood
forest set the pastoral scene
through which couples casually
danced to records, played bridge,
billiards, darts, pingpong, and
drank cokes. The British atmos
phere was enhanced by the pastor’s
delightful accent.
Downtown the Christian church
featured songs by the new girls'
vesper chorus. It was a mixer party
with games and music and stu
dents from NCC and UO meeting
each other informally. Lots of good
spirits and laughing and fun.
The Baptist church turned into
a southern plantation for the even
ing with a large mural of a colon
aded plantation house and a life
sized slave cabin, complete with
real wash board and tub. Live oak
trees, dripping crepe paper moss,
made the atsmosphere. Girls all
(Please turn to page three)
Libe to Feature
Volume Displays
Puzzled freshmen may find the
library a big help to them in be
coming a part of the scheme of
college life. Miss Bernice Rise, cir
culation library, has arranged on
the large table in the front of the
browsing room and at the circula
tion desk displays of books which
will be of particular help to the
new student.
There are books on all phases of
college life—how to study, how to
get dates, etiquette, and many
other topics. Freshman girls, espe
cially, will gain much from these
books, Miss Rise says. The vol
umes at the circulation desk may
be checked out.
Karl W. Onthank, dean of per
sonnel administration, has encour
aged this annual display, and
recommended to the library appro
priate books for the collection. He
has personally purchased a number
of them.
. . . Came through by the
“Skin of His Teeth’’
Hollis Slated
For Address
Acting-President Orlando J. Hol
lis will be the first speaker in the
regular Sunday night forum series
at Westminster house Sunday at
6:30 p.m. His topic will be “The
Student’s Place in Post-War Re
construction.’’ Traditionally the
president of the University has
addressed the first forum on some
topic of general student interest.
Housing, race problems, child
welfare, and labor problems will
be taken up at the next forum,
October 8, by Bettie Mae Hall who
participated in the student in in
dustry program in Seattle this
summer and was president of the
group there.
Dr. Cushman will address the
third forum on October 15 with the
topic, “Ground for Moral Values.’’
The discussions feature faculty
and student speakers on subjects
of current interest to students.
Flora Kibler is in charge of the
meetings and a social tea precedes
the forum at 6 p.m. Sunday morn
ing at 9:45 a morning worship
group meets under the leadership
of Andy Montgomery.
Gobble Day Set
For November 23
It may be a little early to think
about turkey but all U. of O. gals
and guys can move their Thanks
giving appetites up a week. Due to
a correction in the University cal
endar for 1944-45, Gobbler day will
be November 23 instead of Novem
ber 30 as listed on the calendar.
wngnt. Director Horace Robinson
announced the majority of the ca-d,
late last night as the completion
of tryouts.
Mrs. Antrobus, or Eve as Wild 'c
would have her also known, wtH
be played by Dorothy Weygandt,
junior in music who has been ac
tive in the University theater ia
the past two years.
The maid, Sabina, played by
Tallulah Bankhead on Broadway,
will be portrayed by Beverly Brn»
ton, a newcomer to the University
theater. Gladys Antrobus, daugh
ter of the eternal couple, is Mari
lyn Rowling, sophomore in liberal
Playing the part of the son, Hen
ry Antrobus, also known as Cain,
is Shubert Fendrick. Mr. Fitz-.
patric, the stage manager, an ac
tive role, will be Del McKay.
Betty Jean Miller, also a. new
comer to the University theater,
is to portray the gypsy fortune
teller, the only one who sees anti
understands the future.
Cast in lesser roles are Eliza
beth Dean, Libby Helen Spiruta,
and Dedo Misley as E. Muse, M.
Muse, and T. Muse, rcspestiveb ;
Del Jones, Hestor; Virginia Wood-,
Ivy; Paul Lum, the doctor; amt
conveners, Farrell Rust, Fr. d
Woods, and Kenneth Roberts.
Described by the New York Her
ald Tribune as "daffy and illum
inating," and the New York time's
as "cockeyed and impudent, pro
vocative and unusual,” “The Skin
of Our Teeth" is the unorthodox
history of civilization written by
an unorthodox playwright. The ac
tion, from the ice age to after the
present war, leaps from Excelsior,
New Jersey, to the Atlantic City
Boardwalk, and back again cen
turies later. It differs from an
other Wilder success “Our Town ’
in that there are stage settings,
although of an unusual variety.
Only three members of the pres
ent cast have had former Univer
sity theater experience. Louis Vog
ler won the University Theater
award for the best male role la; t
year as Dion Anthony in "The
Great God Brown” and also ap
peared in comedy roles in the two
other productions of the year, "Out.
of the Frying Pan" and "Dark
Victory.” Dorothy Weygandt, do -
ing her freshman year, played the
sister to "My Sister Eileen" art*
last year appeared as Kate in "Out
of the Frying Pan." Marilyn Row
ling appeared as a stereotype*
secretary in “The Great Get*
Rehearsals will be posted on the
bulletin board in the drama studio
and are to begin immediately. The
opening production date has be/flt
•set as October 27.
Marie Rogndahl Plans
Return to Music Studies
Marie Rogndahl, owner of the now famous “undiscovered
voice of America,’’ will trill her last aria or two on Phil"’
Spitalny’s Hour of Charm this Sunday. Immediately following
the program Miss Rogndahl will leave New York and is ex
pected to arrive in Portland next Thursday.
Mr. Sigurd Nilssen of the school of music reported that the
the blonde soprano will be playing
a return engagement when she
comes back next weekend to finish
her senior year here. Under his
direction, Miss Rogndahl will learn
three operatic roles before she
graduates in June. Her post-gradu
ation plans include returning to
New York soon.
Mr. Nilssen also revealed that
Marie Rogndahl has been ap
proached by one of the major mo
tion picture companies in Holly
wood and, if there is time, will bo
given a. screen test in New Yorlt
before her departure for Oregon, <,