Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 09, 1944, Page 2, Image 2

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Oregon W Emerald
Managing Editor Advertising Manager
News Editor
Norris Yates, Joanne Nichols
Associate Editors
Betty Ann Stevens Edith Newton Mary Jo Geiser
Betty Lou Vogelpohl, Executive Secretary Betty French Robertson, Chief Night Editor
Warren Miller, Army Editor Elizabeth Haugen, Assistant Managing Editor
Carol Greening, Betty Ann Stevens Marguerite Wittwer, Exchange Editor
Co-Women’s Editors Mary Jo Geiser, Staff Photographer
Published daily during the college year except Sundays, Mondays, and holiday* and
final examination periods by the Associated Students, University of Oregon.
Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice, Eugene, Oregon.
Bach the Attach . . .
With the appointment of Anne Craven to the war board on
the campus, the second year of the board has neared completion
Jean F'ridcger has carried on Leu Barde's work in making the
Avar board one of the major year-round campus activities', and
has incidentally put the University on the national map Avith
the super salesmanship job of making over $260,000 in a Avar
bond sale.
That the Avar board has been a success this year is almost
beyond doubt. Scrap drives have resulted in the turning in of
much needed tin cans for conversion purposes. JeAvelry has been
collected for the men in the South Pacific through the “Go Na
tive’’ dinners held one "Wednesday night. It was fun, and though
it Avas a little thing to do, it helped. Issues of the Emerald have
been paid for by the Avar board and sent out to men and Avonien
in the service, bringing a bit of Oregon to army, navy, marine,
and coast guard stations. That these papers Avere appreciated is
evidenced from the number of letters that hav ccome in and are
still coming in to the Emerald office. Books for prisoners of
Avar and cigarettes for overseas service men have also been col
One of the most important of the Avar board's activities this
year has grown, under the chairmanship of Carol Wicke, to the
status of a separate Red Cross chapter, complete Avith its own
charter. The Avork done bv Red Cross workers on the campus has
been of great value in furnishing surgical dressings and bandages
for the wounded. Nurses' aides Iuia c contributed time and energy
in easing the work of regular nurses, Avhose ranks in civilian
hospitals have been cut because of the Avar.
In all, the campus war board has proved that the students
here realize that there is a war, and more than that, that they are
Avilling to do their part to help the war end sooner. Next year
the job will be as great and the number of workers is likely to be
fewer because of an almost inevitable enrollment decrease. It will
take lots of work, lots of planning, and lots of plain stick-to-it
iveness to keep the war board up to the standards of previous
years. And there is every reason to believe that it can and Avill
be done.—M. Y.
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Editor’s note: The interesting
nature of the opinions expressed
herein, not necessarily an agree
ment with them, led to the print
ing of this letter from a soldier in
A friend of mine has sent
me your article (Globally Speak
ing) concerning the Irish mix-up.
I realize that you no doubt mean
well but you suffer from faulty im
pressions conjured up by the Brit
ish government in order to explain
their illegal hold on the northern
part of Ireland.
Taking your article piece by
piece we find the following: you
state that Britain and U.S. have
finally to get tough with Eire. The
fact is that the U.S. is not going
to get “tough” and if Great Britain
were to do so it would not be un
usual but merely a continuation
of her age-old policy towards Ire
You state that members of the
I.R.A. are relaying information to
the Germans in Dublin. I defy you
or any man to state one case in
which such has been done. Our
own state dept, has been unable
to do so and Mr. Hull himself has
said it is merely a safeguard for
the future.
Your remark about “DeValera
and his people” living in the 17th
century is completely asinine.
True, they cherish the thought of
those times and respect those an
cient leaders but no more than we
Americans do the thought of the
Revolution and the Civil war.
You mention the Black and
Tans very lightly. I only hope
that your readers check to see
how the “Tans” got their name
and also check on the record of
their activities. If they do so,
they’re in for a shock. Your men
tion of the Free States obligation
to English landlords is very funny.
Tht land was Ireland’s 900 B.C.
and I invite you to check the date
I of the first Anglo-Saxon invasion
for a key to the legality of their
You make a very common (Brit
ish-sponsored) mistake in men
tioning “Protestant Ireland.” That
is the basis for the separation and
although there is no longer any
religious difficulty the British
would lead us to believe that the
“horrible monsters” from the Free
State would cut off their religious
Harry Dunham
D Btry 800 AAA AW
Camp Haan, Calif.
P.S. Ta Tn La A’Teaclit! (Gae
lic: The Day is Coming!)
.. - -
See Our Lovely
620 Willamette
Globally Speaking y
The whole world impatiently awaits “D” day. Only a few
“brass hats” know when and where the opening of the Secotid
front will take place. The Bern correspondent of the “Svenska
Dagbladet” informs us that the highest Swiss quarters are cer
tain that the invasion will start between May 5 and June 7.
The present strength of Germany is the unknown quantity
that will determine the success or failure of the invasion. After
the debacle ot Kummei s Ainaa
Corps in. Tunisia, there was a ten
dency in allied circles to underes
timate the fighting potentialities
of the Reich. Certain observers be
lieved Germany had been bombed
so thoroughly that her surrender
was a matter of days.
It would be well for us to look
at the present armed strength of
“Festung Germania.” Since the
“Polish invasion of Germany” on
September I, 1939, the Reich has
lost from 2,250,000 to 4,250,000
men Trilled, captured, or missing.
Hitler is believed to possess an
army of 320-340 divisions plus 40
administrative and training divi
sions. These divisions would add
up to 7,500,000 lo 9,200,000 men.
The German satellite countries
of ..Bulgaria, ..Romania, ..Croatia,
Hungary, Finland, and Slovakia
have from 70 to 100 divisions with
which to relieve the wehrmacht of
policing and occupation duties. Of
these satellite troops, only the
Finns are first class fighters.
Elite Guards on Job
Less than two-thirds of the Ger
man armed forces are scattered
from Greece to Norway, from Fin
land to France. This is a small
force to defend the farflung fron
tiers of the “new order.”
The Fuehrer has some 20-30 di
visions of Elite Guards, totalling
from 1,250,000 to 2,000,000 men
with which to preserve order in
Germany itself. These Elite troops
are the Praetorian guard of the
Hitler regime. They are being kept
in reserve to be used against the
general stall or to put down a pal
ace revolution in the Nazi party.
In some insiances German weap
ons are still superior to anything
we possess. The mobile Nebelwer
fer, or multi-barreled rocked
launeher is far ahead of any like
weapon in our armies. The German
88 mm. and 170 mm. guns are bet
ter than our corresponding arms.
The Italian campaign has shown
what very excellent defensive
fighters the Nazis are. They make
the fullest defensive use of the ter
rain. They are adept at using
portable pillboxes and land mines
to delay our forces.
The Germans are operating on
interior lines of communication
which enable them to have a flexi
ble defense against any invasion.
The “Fat Boy’s” battered luit
waffe stil! possess five air fleets
of some 5500 fighter planes. Two'
fleets are in th east, one in the I
south, and two in the west. Ger
many’s air strength, in relation to
that of her enemies, is only from
one-fifth to one-tenth as much as
it was four years ago, however.
Navy Negligible
The German navy is either sunk
or bottled up. The submarine men
ace was conquered a year ago.
Now more subs are being sunk
than the number of ships they tor
Germany’s economic produc
tion, through bombing and man
power scarcity, is down some 8 tu
15 per cent. The Reich has devel
oped synthetics that have freed
her from the effects of the block
ade. The plants making these pf&4
ucts have been bombed repeatedly
—thus necessitating scarce steel,
iron, building materials, and man
power to bring them into produc
tion again.
Xvfanpower is Germany’s greatest
scarcity, even though she has con
scripted slave labor from all over
Europe. In the last few months she
has lost the manganese and grain
of the Ukraine, the iron ore of
Sweden, chrome from Turkey, and
wolfram from Spain.
Germany will fight until the bit
ter end. The Nazi leaders know
that surrender means death for
them. The general staff, however,
would surrender if they belie v ecTin
the inevitability of defeat. The in
vasion will be a grim struggle, with
the Reich staking all on our re
pulse in the west.
Ronald Reagan
Humphrey Bogart
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