Don't Forget the < Plays in Guild Hall Tonight at 8:30 —See Page 2 Oregon Mothers' Day Services ] In Eugene Churches Tomorrow —See Page 2 VOLUME XLV UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, SATURDAY, MAY 6, 1944 NUMBER 13? Queen Anita to Rule Prom Mother Goose to Appear With Dancers Tonight At Junior Prom in Igloo aiouier ctooso cnaraciers wm come alive on the walls of Mc Arthur court tonight in a new war time guise, when “Mother Goose Goes to War” at the Junior Prom the last dance of the year. The ball room of the Igloo will be I ringed with large colorful prints of fairy-tale people in their new capacities. Phyllis Horstinan, chairman of the Prom, has announced that dancing will begin at 1) pan., to t he music of Bill Fisher’s band from Portland, and it will last till midnight. Flowers, formats, soft lights and all the glamour of years gone by will be in order for the climax of the Junior Weekend cele bration. Honored guests for the Prom will be her majesty, Queen Anita. Fernandez, and her court, Elaine Wilson, Phyllis Horstman, Frances voiton, and Pegge Klepper. TI?-> royal court will be presented to the audience during intermission, by Marion Gage, president of the junior class. Also to take place during inter mission is the presentation of the Gerlinger and Koyl cups to the outstanding junior woman and the outstanding junior man. The Burt Brown Barker award to the women’s house with tlio highest scholastic, achievement for the year, wilt also be made at the From. The award which usually goes to the men's house with tluo finest record has been discontinued until after the war. Refreshments will be served din ing intermission to the patrons* and patronesses on the floor. Mo thers and fathers watching thp Prom from the balcony above vvfl be served by members of the Eu gene Oregon Mothers’ club. THE KOVAL COURT . . . . . makes ready for an entrance today at the Campus Picnic, who: ■Queen Anita Fernandez will he crowned. In the picture, from ief to right: Princesses Pegge Ivlepper, Phyllis Horstman, Queen Anita Elaine Wilson, and Frances Colton. NEW PRIME MINISTER . . . . . . Bol) Kirby sits with his running mates from the air corps. Fron left to right: Harlowe Bohn, Bill O'Beirne, George Wilson, Kirby Dick Foss. PICNIC PREPARATIONS . . . . . . are being made by Flora Kib ler, left, and Sally Spiess, co-chair men of the Campus Picnic for today. WHO? ME . . . . . . says a member of Asklepiads to the skeleton practicing tapping the picnic today. Both the med ical honorary, right, and Mortar Board, senior women's honorary, left, will tap their new pledges at that time. Campus Picnic To Feature Food, Canoe Fete The green lawn of the lower campus will be the focus of attention of students and visiting parents alike today at 5:30 p.m., for the all-campus picnic. Lunches are to be brought by the various living organizations. Soldiers are instructed t > pick up their lunches at Hendricks hall on their way from the Terrace Dance. The lunches nu im iirmy win c-e made up py Mrs. Genevieve Turnipseed, direc • tor of dormitories. Coffee and u <> cream, supplied by the junior class, will add the final touches t > the supper brought from home. | At about 6 p.m. the strains ! “Pomp and Circumstance" w.'V usher in her majesty, Quc< n i Anita Fernandez, the newly-* elected prime minister, Bob Kirby, and her court, Princesses Elairo Wilson, Phyllis Horstman, Peggv Klepper, and Frances Colton, ac-. companied by their escorts, tht> aides to the prime minister, George* {Please turn to page four)