Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 04, 1944, Page 2, Image 2

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    Oregon cJ§ Emerald
Managing Editor
(jL,UK1A MAiviiU Y
Advertising Manager
News Editor
Norris Yates, Joanne Nichols
Associate Editors
Betty Ann Stevens Edith Newton Mary Jo Geiser
Betty Lou Vogelpohl, Executive Secretary
Warren Miller, Army Editor
Carol Greening, Betty Ann Stevens
Co-Women’s Editors
Betty French Robertson, Chief Night Editor
Elizabeth Haugen, Assistant Managing Editor
Marguerite Wittwer, Exchange Editor
Marv Jo Geiser, Staff Photographer
Published daily during the oollege year except Sundays, Mondays, and holidays and
final examination periods by the Associated Students, University of Oregon.
Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice, Eugene, Oregon.
Ql&G4tup, JjQSi Qamfianif * . .
Visitors, etc., have been remarking for some time now that
this campus needs a face wash. One too many candy bar
wrapper floated into the old campus, it seems. But the exec
council is going to change all that as of today. I'or the time
has come for “campus cleanup” day which will brighten Ore
gon’s lawns and paths for Junior Weekend.
While the girls don slacks and look hopefully for the sunnier
spots (thinking of the sun tan, you know), and while they
rake and pick up and sweep, perhaps we’ll all get the notion
that the lawns would look fine that way ALL THE TIME!
:|c * :|: *
Gripe upon gripe concerning student carelessness with their
papers and cigarette remains have come in this year. Students
have been requested to keep things neat through every living
organization—repeatedly. All to little avail.
This morning the campus looks a little messy but by 5
o’clock this evening it should look fine. Perhaps if all of us
register a good “before” and “after” set of pictures in our
minds today as the campus cleanup goes into action, we’ll get
the drift. We’ll see quite plainly that nobody should have to
clean up for company, which is what we're doing today.
—M. M. (1.
r 9 0
^Jlte Revil'd, tf-i/ie
\\ e noticed that 111 the \\ aruer 1 * rot lie r.s ] > ic lure '" I kis sage
to Marseilles, which has been playing1 recently at a local
theater, tlie leading character grabs a machine gain and mows
down three helpless men who are standing atop their sinking
plane waving their arms in hope of rescue. Now we do not see
how anybody can lind the slightest justification for that type of
nun del, whether committed by us, our allies, or our enemies.
Granted that the three Germans in question who were killed
in this manner had just been perpetrating exactly the same type
of murder upon the men of whom the killer was one. Granted
that the na/.is have been guilty of much real butchery of the
same type. l>ut we do not believe that these, or any' other rea
sons for that matter, justify "fighting the devil with fire." Nor
by so lighting him one becomes a devil oneself.
\\ e Americans pride ourselves on our notions of humanity
and mercy. Is the motion picture industry, then, justified in
using its enormous influence to sanction the very tactics so
often used by our enemies?
M 1 think not. \\ e believe that \\ arners , in allowing* that
scene to pass unchallenged through the cutting room, was
guilty of exceedingly bad taste. And we trust that no students
ol the University of Oregon will be influenced by this scene
toward the countenancing ol any such atrocities.—X.Y.
" There is no easy answer to Britain’s India problem and we
should lie tolerant and restrained in our judgment of what she
is forced to do there. The moment Gandhi dies he changes from
a man to a saint and 1 shudder in fear that his detail may bring
on the bloodiest uprising in India since 1807. He is an astute
Politician and at the same time a great religious leader and so
one never know s which side of his nature may be dictating any
more. The Mohammedans and Hindus hate each other greatly.
I he Mohammedan despises the Hindu as one might despise a
dangerous snake. Politics in India is always governed by re
ligion. I he two groups don l even do business together, nor
do they intermarry. Of course all peoples should be free, but
the problem is not just that simple in India. Kngland has made
many mistakes, but in general her government has been good,
Borne of us in America are taking too much to ourselves Brit
ain's India problem."—Statement by l)r. D. Wilson MacKinley,
superintendent of Pinch memorial hospital at Washington State
college, who has spent six years in India.
The Cutting Room
A blend of a serious and dignified love story with the history
of one of the supreme achievements of modern science,
“Madame Curie” is a picture emotionally and intellectually
It succeeds in portraying realistically and without undue
sentimentality a relationship combining deep personal affec
tion with intellectual comradeship
and respect. When the eager young
Polish student Marie Sklodowska
(Greer Garson) is first placed in
his laboratory Pierre Curie (Wal
ter Pidgeon) who thinks women
have no place in science, is thor
oughly disgusted. But he soon
comes to admire her scientific gen
ius and almost without knowing it
they fall in love. '
They are married. During the
years filled with discouragement
and defeat in which they devote
themselves to the search for rad
ium, the bond between them be
comes continually stronger. On the
day of their final triumph Pierre
is killed in a street accident. Ma
rie, at first stupefied with grief,
finally decides to carry on their
work alone as he would have
wished her to do.
Pidgeon Good
Pidgeon, as the enthusiastic,
talkative, bashful, absent-minded
Pierre, turns in the best perform
ance of the year. Especially fine
are such scenes as the one where
he bursts into Marie’s room in the
middle of night with a proposal of
marriage, proclaiming that their
personalities fit together just like
the chemical formula NaCl; and
the one where in selecting a pair of
earrings for Marie he describes her
beauty to the jeweler.
Miss Garson is also excellent.
But she does not quite come up to
Pidgeon’s standard because of a
tendency to adapt the role to her
own Mrs. Miniver personality ra
ther than adapting her personality
to the role.
The attempt to dramatize the
search for radium is admirable but
not entirely successful. The script
was checked and approved by
Nobel prizewinner Robert Millikan.
The scenes of the initial discovery
and of the final isolation convey a
feeling of intense and jubilant tri
umph. But the sections describing
the years of boiling down pitch
blende and the 5677 separate evap
orating processes become rather
tedious. Novelist James Hilton,
who serves as narrator for these
expository interludes, sounds like
Oregon ^Emerald
Desk Staff:
Virginia Scholl, city editor
Wednesday Ad Staff:
Franny Meier, day manager
Marilyn Glenn
Jackie Kenfield
Might Staff:
Marian Schaefer, night editor
a combination of an English head
master, a traveltalk commentator,
and the type of professor who
reads his lectures.
Dr. Herring Outlines
(Continued from page 1)
tacked the former system of mak
ing diplomatic appointments out of
the gravy bowl, and said that we
have been sending- second or third
raters to South America.
“In the last 20 years there has
been some improvement, however,
and we’ve been trying to make up
for lost time,” he said.
Obstacles that will have to be
surmounted before the relations
can be strong, according to the
doctor, are the institutions of dic
tatorships in some South American
countries, the growth of violent
nationalism in others, and political
issues in the United States.
In answer to questions at the
conclusion of his talk, Dr. Herring
said that the resignation of Under
secretary of State Sumner Welles
had hurt the relations with South
America, because Welles was held
in high regard there. He also said
that the “career diplomats,” while
being well trained and discreet, did
not have enough imagination to
help either the South Americans
or the United States in these rela
Panel discussion leaders declared
in the second meeting of the in
stitute series Wednesday afternoon
Take your
Mother out to
Friday night
Fish 'n Chips
only 45c
764 Willamete
Announces a Free Lecture
on Christian Science
Charles V. Winn, C.S.B.
Member of the Board of Lectureship of tire Mother
Church, The First Church of Christ, in
Boston, Massachusetts
at the
Sunday, May 7, at 2:30
Students and faculty* are cordially
invited to attend
Book Collection Due
For Prisoners of War
Books donated by the various
houses in the war board cam-j|
paign to secure much-needed
books for prisoners of war will
be collected from the houses to
day, Florence Hintzen and Bib
bits Strong, co-chairmen, an
ounced Wednesday. The house
donations should be tied in
bundles or boxed and placed on
the front porch.
that bettering of Inter-American
relations rests primarily on an in
creased understanding between
peoples, to be gained partly
through the increased trade rela
tions expected ffollowing the war.
Based on iftie theme "Under
standing Inter-American Affairs,"
the forum was conducted by coir?
sultants Dr. Herring, Professor
A. L. Lomax, school of business
administration; Dr. Warren D.
Smith, geology and geography de
partments; Dr. Victor P. Morris,
dean of the school of business ad
ministration; and Dr. Anibal Var
gas-Baron, Romance language de
partment, chairman for the meet
© Wanted
and dinner hour help at the An
Drop in
and make your
Junior Weekend
For finer flavors
in iresh
Ice Cream
“Doc” Ireland, Prop.
'The Woman of the
"Tunisian Victory"