Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 02, 1944, Page 3, Image 3

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    M. fj. 2>u*ut
eMeadi, &f cMouiei, PteJUf.
CtijatfA. ctfelpitUj, People
A dark shock of short hair bent over a small plain coke at
the Side, then a quick-flashing smile as Irish-appearing “M.J.”
Dunn, elucidated, “Yes, I'm living out of the house now . . .
you know, that brick place behind the Beta house . . . with
Heads of houses prexy for the past year, Tri-Delt Mary
jane eonunuea in ner son, clipped
manner, “Yes, it has been a more
inexperienced group this year.
There've been more people to help.
I liked it very much, because I like
to work with people. Of course, it
was harder from the standpoint
of the dean than for me. W've had
to work with 27 houses, and last
year there were only 15.’’
xw.cn.y jany me eucist, ana
lived in Coquille for a time, where
she graduated from high school.
"Oh, I like the mountains too,” she
protested, "especially the ones
along the Umpqua . . . Murphy’s,
just below Scottsburg ... a kayak
and swimming.” Besides Coquille
and Eugene, she has lived in Wood
burn, Corvallis, and Shedd.
Since she won’t have to be wor
rying about saving money for
school in' the fall as she has in
*j;'ears past, Alary Jane has accept
ed a position as counselor at Camp
Nemanu, a girl scout camp on the
Sandy river.
Mary Jane’s small, blunt, swift
moving hands traved a pattern on
the table. "I like Sinclair Lewis’
‘Babbitt’ or any social book,” she
said, frowning slightly. A major in
sociology, she wants to go into
personnel or social case work in
the Eugene public welfare office.
"Either that or personnel work on
the campus,” she elaborated. From
there she wants to branch out in a
large city.
"San Francisco?”
"Mmmmm,” she admitted, eyes
"And live with four or five of
my friends . . . not permanently,
of course. I like small towns. I
don’t want to be pushed around.”
Finally, Mary Jane would like to
live in Eugene or Sacramento. "I
like Eugene because it’s just the
right size, a University town, up
and-coming, and not industrial . . .
beautiful too.
"I’m glad to be graduating, yet
it scares me too,” she continued,
expressing the mixed emotions of
a senior.
Mary Jane admires friendliness
and natural people. "The more
^fiends the better, and no one who
wears, a lot of masks like ‘The
Great God Brown’.”
Final wish of M. J. is for $1,000
"so I can travel all over the United
States and Mexico, then I’d want
to go to South America and Eng
land . . . England because I’ve read
so much about it . . . Buckingham
palace and Stratford-on-Avon.”
Do you want a
good looking
piece of jewelry?
Then see our
selection of
620 Willamette
This coming Wednesday will be
the AWS auction. It will be held at
4 in front of the Side. There will be
many articles of wide variety to
be sold and all will go at bargain
prices. Bob Smith and Ralph Rath
jen will be the auctioneers for the
day. Lots of excitement is prom
ised for all who attend.
Write today! You will want your
mother to enter into the Oregon
activities that are planned for Mo
ther’s Week-end. So write now to
your mother and see if she can
come to Oregon for the week-end
of May 5, 6, 7. It's going to be lots
of fun and a great deal of time
has been put on activities that are
planned for the entire time that,
she will be here. Get your dads to
come too, they will enjoy next
weekend here at Oregon as much
as your mothers will. So write
Do’s and Don’ts
In the AWS council meeting4
Gerd Hansen was elected campus
social chairman for next year.
Gerd has been very active in cam
pus affairs since she has been here
and she has many ideas concern
ing next year on the campus.
Support the ice cream sale that
is to be held on May 9, a week
from Tuesday. It is going to be an
all-day affair, stated Chub Watson
who is in charge of the committee.
The rally held last week-end for
the ushering in of Junior Weekend
was a big success. Chuck Pelly was
mistress-of-ceremonies and did an
excellent job of stalling for time
until Bev Carroll arrived on the
scene to present the skit that she
and three other Alpha Phis had
planned for the occasion. The sign
showing Mother Goose dropping
eggs on Hitler and Tojo won the
first prize. Patti Van Hoosear of
the Alpha Phi house had drawn
the poster. Many soldiers and pre
meds were present at the rally and
from all reports they thoroughly
enjoyed seeing some of that good
old Oregon spirit.
Hang out your signs for Junior
Weekend and make them as gay as
possible and put up one welcoming
all the Oregon mothers to the cam
pus. Write today and see if your
mother and dad can’t come. You
will want them especially when
everyone else’s will be here, so do
write home and extend to them
your own desire to have them on
the campus this coming weekend.
■—By Roseann Leckie.
Phone 2968
11th and Hilyard
• Wanted
and dinner hour help at the An
Carol Greening,
Betty Ann Stevens,
Marguerite Wittwer,
Martha Thorsland
Roseann Leckie
M. M. Ellsworth
Around the campus . . . lots to
be seen . . . mostly brought out by
that elusive sprite called Spring'.
. . . Freshmen studying under trees
behind the libe, taking in both
knowledge and vitamin D. . . . And
traditional spring term canoeing
activity down on the "race" com
plete with sunsuited coeds aiming
for varied degrees of tan . . . turn
ing the inevitable and discouraging
red . . .
Sunday morning brought out all
the juniors and seniors in Sunday
best for breakfast at the hotel . . .
each week bringing graduation
closer. . . .
From the Halls . . .
Many a coed went home to her
sisters with tales of something new
and different Saturday . . . tales
of romantic looking dark green
uniforms. . . . The marines have
landed and the situation is well in
hand at Camp Adair . . . much to
the delight of eager OSC coeds. . . .
Junior Weekend is upon us . . .
a walk by any house on the cam
pus will give evidence of how suc
cessful the All-Campus Sing will
be Friday night . . . song practice
is supplanting bridge games in
preparation . . , Queen Anita I is
out and around again after a week
in the infirmary . . . tradition
again . . . this time spring term
poison oak . . .
And did you notice an over
whelming number of Pi Phi pins
over the weekend ? . . . The Pi
Phi’s here played host to 51 (count
’em) sisters over from OSC. . . .
And have you heard in spite of
the good weather, the sniffles ? . . .
Rumor reports hay fever at the
Alpha Phi house . . . flu at the
Dee Gee house . . . mixtures of
flu and poison oak everywhere
else . . .
The usual signs are all around
us . . . flower tipped pigtails . . .
not artificial now but real . . .
some from raids on the old campus
cherry trees. . . . Bare armed, cot
ton clad coeds. . . . Sunbathing on
every roof. . . . Picnics at all the
favorite places. . . . Squeaking' liu
raches . . . even a few bare feet.
. . . All the familiar sights, sounds,
and smells that go together to
make "spring term at the U" the
perfect finish that it is for a hard
school year.
•—By M. M. Ellsworth.
'Forever and a Day'
Robert Cummings, Merle
Oberon and All-Star Cast
Constance Bennett
Bruce Cabot
Along with Junior Weekend, sun
bathing, picnics, and spring term
house dances, there are plenty of
new clothes to be seen, and don't
think I haven’t been taking ad
vantage of it. By the way, the
well-dressed freshman girl is wear
ing a green ribbon in her hair this
week in case you haven’t noticed.
Mike Sawyer has been wearing
a very good looking grey suit late- j
ly. The suit is very soft flannel
and strictly tailored.
It seems that suits are quite a.
very necessary part of every coed’s
wardrobe this spring and we were
very much attracted to the cherry
red suit that Gene McPherson has '
been wearing lately. The long!
jacket is very good looking and the
wide white braid on the collarless
jacket is one of the favorites this
Irene Gresham looked very nice
at the Junior-Senior breakfast
Sunday morning in her grey col
larless gabardine suit. She wore a
yellow dutch hat on the back of
her head and a matching yellow
blouse with a wide ruffle down the
Gabardine Gold
Gold is a very good color for
spring suits this year and Jean
Sutherland looks attractive in her
two-piece gabardine version. Her
suit is not an exception to the col
larless style. She wears a unique
gold lapel pin with her suit and
brown accessories complete the
Looking very charming the other :
morning was Bobbi Bealer in a
gold dirndl skirt and accompany-!
ing white linen blouse. The blouse
has a square neckline and is clever
ly scalloped. The short sleeves have
the same scalloped effect
One of the best looking print,
dresses we’ve seen this year is the
one worn by Betty Sprague. The
dress is flowered pique with a
white background and large blue
end red blossoms make up the col
orful pattern. Around the bottom
of the dress there is a wide strip
of red which adds to the original
ity of its style.
Another print dress that caught
our eye was Pat Fryer’s blue and
yellow striped sunback dress. On
the campus she wears a sweater
with the dress but imagine what
a wonderful California tan she can !
get this summer in that dress.
Sally Flood, new Alpha Chi
pledge, looks awfully nice in her
pale blue chambre cotton dress. The
"You toll such pretty lies, my clear,
When you bend low to kiss my ear;
But. honey, it's not any fun,
When you tell that to everyone."
"Why. sweet! There still is room
for hope;
You really have no cause to mope;
My darling, every word is true . . .
But other women have it, too!"
By Marguerite Wittwer.
top has an attractive design of
circles which is done in white
cording. The waist is tightly fitted
and the skirt very full. The round
neck is very good looking.
Jo Kasmeyer in her blue and
white checked skirt and white eye
let blouse makes a very pretty pic
ture on the campus. The blouse has
a square neckline. A unique fea
ture of her blouse is its round
white buttons with colored centers.
We’ve seen many good-looking
pinafores this spring and we espec
ially like the purple one that Car
men Green wears. Brightly colored
stitching helps emphasize the un
usual color of this pinafore.
An unusually attractive print,
dress is that being worn by Helen
Diersh lately. The brown and white
flowered print is very colorful.
Around the neckline and sleeves is
white organdy trimming with a
slight eyelet, effect.
Mary Jane Dunn was another
one of the attractive-looking sen
iors at the junior-senior breakfast
Sunday. She was wearing a red
and white gingham hat that caught
everyone's eye ... one of the
cleverest ideas for a hat yet seen.
- By Martha Thorslard.
Not you,
if your dress for the heat
in cotton ...
Refreshing as an
ice cream soda.
Sonic new
Tommy Austin creations
have just arrived
and they will suit your
every need.
$9.95 to $14.95
/ /