Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 29, 1944, Image 1

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. . . lo welcome mothers to the campus for next weekend the Mothers’ day committee displays their
greeting;. Left to right, Mary Bush, Marguerite Wittwer, Dorothy Rogers, Chairman Gloria Malloy, Janet
Barringer, Roseann Leckie, and Joyce Whittle.
Clean-Up on Calendar
_ Coeds m Jeans
to Scrub Campus
Despite possible protests from
A1 Young, the air corpsman who
leers at jeans, Dean Hazel P.
Schwering has given her official
consent and next Thursday all
coeds who are helping clean up the
campus in the spic-and-span cam
paign before Junior Weekend, may
wear slacks and denims.
In an effort to present a picture
of the University in shipshape ap
ple-pie order for the benefit of the
large numbers of visiting parents
expected May 5, 6, 7, Gloria Mal
^-loy and Bob Smith, co-chairmen of
the clean-up campaign, have or
ganized a program which will uti
lize the energies of every girl will
ing to work.
The campus will be divided into
Sections for which each living or
ganization will be responsible.
Members of the houses will be de
(Please turn to page four)
Thieves Inactive;
No Clues Found,
Say City Police
Since the robbery of four cam
pus living organizations Monday
k. night, no activity of thieves has
been noted, but doors have been
more carefully locked at night.
And as a member of one of the
robbed houses, Alpha Chi Omega,
fcaid, “We get leery in the middle
of the night.”
Police are working on the case,
tut have found no clues other than
those discovered Tuesday morning
at the Alpha Chi Omega house.
There a window to the second floor
gunroom was wide open, and foot
prints were found on the ground
beneath a cedar tree just outside
the window.
• A total of $284 was stolen from
Alpha Chi Omega and Kappa Al
pha Theta on 15th street, Hillcrest
lodge on 19th street, and Sigma
Kappa on Alder street.
Nothing to Stop Fall
Of Auction Hammer
Rain or shine, come what may, Bob “Joe College” Smith and
Ralph Rathjen will be on hand at the College Side Wednesday
afternoon at 4 to auction off dozens of articles—lost and for
gotten at various places on the campus. These articles have
accumulated at the Co-op, the Side, and the lost and found
office in the physical plant. Now the associated women students
QasuHesi Jtiti
Suutj, In GlcM
Professors spoke louder, stu
dents pricked up their ears. . . .
Some campus listeners wondered
Friday if the group of Mexican
nationals contracted for summer
work in the region had arrived
ahead of schedule. Others were
reminded of evenings when
Spanish students in the ASTP
filled the air with strains of
“Alla en el Kancho Grande” and
other south of the border hits.
Emerald reporters Friday
night solved the question with a
call to Dr. L. O. Wright, Span
ish department head. No Latin
serenaders—no ghosts—Friday's
“ethereal” tones were produced
by one first year Spanish class
traditionally learning some of
Mexico’s favorites.
Finding that singing in lan
guage classes both improves pro
nunciation and gives a taste of
the living language to an other
wise grammatical first-year
course, Dr. Wright has taught
songs of Mexico in his beginning
classes for a number of years.
Most popular among tunes (as
measured by gusto in singing
them) are “Las Altenitas”—bet
ter known to Americans as “A
Gay Ranchero” and “Rancho
will sell them to the highest bid
Mary Riley, AWS president, and
Signe Eklund, chairman of the
sale, called off the auction last
Wednesday under the impetus of
threatening skies, and empty
Chief attraction from the Co-op
collection of three boxes of articles
are a few fountain pens,* and there
also are books, textbooks, and
notebooks. From the Side will come
such items as bandanas, jackets,
(Please turn to page four)
Prom Next Saturday
Promises Fun, Sun,
Flowers. Formals
With the accompanying promise that there will be good
.veather for Junior Weekend (she has an '‘in’’ with the weather
-nan), Phyllis Horstman yesterday announced the final piano
:or the biggest all-campus dance of the year—the Junior Prom.
The dance will begin at 9 o'clock and will run until 12, Satur -
day night, May 6, at the Igloo, Miss Horstman said. It is to
Swimmers to
Tell Secrets
"The Story of a Lifeguardess”
vill be told by the members of
Amphibian, women's swimming'
lonorary, next Friday afternoon
Tom 3 to 5 in Gerlinger pool.
Details of the story to be told
ire a secret, said Charlene Browns,
Teshman in liberal arts, a mem
ser of the committee in charge.
3ut she promises the memoirs of
i lady lifeguard will be most in
ieresting and entertaining to
Special group swimming acts di
vide the program, and diving ex
libitions performed by individual
nembers of the group will also be
Other members of Amphibian
,vho are in charge of the program
ire Doris Trask and Pat Ferguson,
announced Milo Woodward, senior
in liberal arts, president of the
The Amphibian show will be
part of the campus-wide entertain
ment which will be presented by
various groups during Junior
Weekend. The public is invited.
Miss Brayton to Give
Libe Record Concert
The recorded concert in the
browsing room for April 30, will be
presented by Virginia Locke Bray
ion, a senior majoring in history,
rhe program will begin at 4 p.m.
ind is as follows:
Brahms, Symphony No. 1 in C
Minor, 1st Movement; Mendel
ssohn, Violin Concerto in E Minor;
Tschaikowsky, Symphony No. 5
n E Minor, 2nd Movement—An
lante cantabile.
Request program: The following
songs sung by Nelson Eddy—Hills
>f Home, Fox; None but the Lonc
y Heart, Tschakowsky; The Pil
grim’s Song; The Lord’s Prayer,
Malotte; Nauges, Claude Debussy.
Hostess for the concert will be
Mrs. Arthur Miner, Mu Phi Ep
silon patronesses; Mrs. J. Murry
(I'lease turn to page jour)
Rallying Students Meet
Junior Weekend Court
A heyhall snowball rally which .
began at Casablanca and Gamma <
Phi, met at the library, whipped ■ j
through it, picking up stray air j \
corps men and pre-meds, ended up ,
last night at Gerlinger for a good '
Chuck Pelly of the rally squad t
was mistress of ceremonies to the ,
spirited crowd which almost filled (
the gym. ■
The air corps band played sev- .
eral numbers which got every- j
thing off to a good start. Rallymen
Ralph Rathjen and Bob Smith led (
some good yells—though they ran i
into a little trouble with the split |
yell, when Smitty forgot the "e” ]
in Oregon on the first try.
Beverly Carroll, Jean Bar.er,
'arolyn Wells, and Betty Sailor
(resented a clever satire on push
mtton radio tuning, which includ
d several good punches for Junior
Margery Priest almost slipped
ip and sang “Minnie the Mer
naid," but the the last minute
hanged her mind and gave an un
jinatra-like rendition of “Curb
tone Clitic," which was well ap
ireciated by the crowd.
Alpha Oraicron Id was the house
hosen to sing when their name
»as pulled from a small-sized bar
>er's mug. They sang “Deep in
ify Heart.”
(Tlcasc turn to patjc jour)
be a formal occasion, and flowers
may be worn.
The theme of the weekend, "Ano
ther Goose Goes to War,” will bo
carried out in the decorations of
the dance, which will be under tho
direction of Mary Riley, junior in
liberal arts, and Folly Gordon-,
junior in architecture and allied
arts. The costumes of Queen Anita
and her court with hoop skirts and
fancy furbelows, will also carry
out the fairy talc scheme.
During- the program, Queen
Anita Fernandez and her court,
Princesses Peggge Klepper, Elaine
Wilson, Frances Colton, and Phyl
lis Horstman. will be presented to
their subjects by the president of'
the junior class, Marion Gage.
Also taking place during tlio
dance will be the annual presen
tation of the Gerlinger cup to tho
outstanding junior woman by Dean
Hazel F. Schwering. Mrs. Sehweir
ing will also make scholarship
awards. Burt Brown Barker,
prominent Oregon alumnus, wilt
present the Koyl cup, traditional
award to the outstanding junior
man of the year.
Refreshments will be served dur
ing intermission to the patrons ar.it
patronesses. Mothers and fa the i s
watching- the proceedings of the
dance from the balcony above will
also be served. Marty Beard, junior
in liberal arts, is in charge of serv
The patron and patroness com
mittee is chairmaned by Alva
Granquist, junior in journalism,
and the program committee list
(Flcajc turn to page four)
Building Plans
Under Discussion
Building committee members cf
the state board of higher education
will meet with University official*
this weekend to discuss future con
struction plans for the campus.
Among the building plans to bo
considered will lie the proposed
Student Union which has beets
recommended for number one posi
tion on the University constructions
list by Acting President Orlando
J. Hollis.
State board building committee
members to meet on the campus
this weekend are, Dr. R. E. Klein
sorge, Silverton, committee chair
man; Robert W. Ruhl, Medford,
and Leif S. Finseth, Dallas. Tbo
building committee will consider
University building needs to bo
presented later to state board of
higher education members.
Five Coed Journalists
Pledged to Honorary
Five outstanding women in jour-*
naljpm were pledged Friday after
noon to Theta Sigma Phi, national
women's professional journalism
honorary, at the annual spring
term informal pledging.
They are as follows: Ruth Kay;
Collins, junior, Louis Montpgv
sophomore; Margaret McGee*
sophomore; Aleanor Patterson,
sophomore, and Ruthe Forman,
The girls will be formally
pledged sometime later this term*