Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 25, 1944, Page 2, Image 2

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Oregon If Emerald
Managing Editor Advertising Manager
News Editor
Norris Yates, Joanne Nichols
Associate Editors
Betty Lou Vogelpohl, Executive Secretary Betty French Robertson, Chief Night Editor
Warren Miller, Army Editor Elizabeth Haugen, Assistant Managing Editor
Carol Greening, Betty Ann Stevens Margurite Wittwer, Exchange Editor
Co-Women’s Editors Mary Jo Geiser, Staff Photographer
Published daily during the oollege year except Sundays, Mondays, and holiday* and
final examination periods by the Associated Students, University of Oregon.
Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice, Eugene, Oregon.
fyan. lotal 'Uictosuf, . . .
Tonight at 7:30 the alumni room in Gerlinger hall will be
the scene of a wartime discussion of victory. The Total \ ictory
league has scheduled its first all-campus meeting, with keynote
speeches to come from President Peggy Magill. Dr. Victor P.
Morris, dean of the school of business administration, and
University of Oregon students themselves—as many as will
raise their voices to praise the league, or condemn it, or present
any other views of the controversial subject of postwar plan
The very worthy league has been a much-misunderstood
organization. It is not pacifistic but anti-pacifistic. It is not
a peace-now movement, but an all-out war movement. It stands
for what its name implies—total victor}'. Total victory, to the
league members, is comparable with total war. Total victory
means, as the organization’s slogan declares, “winning that part
of the war w>e lost last time-—the peace.” To the members of the
league, winning the peace is no less vital than winning the war.
The two are equally important. Both must be accomplished, and
the accomplishment of both will necessitate thoughtful plan
ning and forceful action. Winning the war must come first.
Without that, all postwar plans are superfluous and merely
time-wasting. But, Total Victory league members believe, vic
tory in war is only an armistice, a postponement of trouble
unless it is accompanied by a victory in peace.
* * * *
Victory leaguers felt a sincere and deep-rooted desire that,
when victory for the Allies ends this total war, the victory
should in the same sense be total. From this desire was born
the concept of a Total Victory league which would endeavor
to stir student interest in the question of howr to secure total
victory and from which would evolve suggestions, plans, and
possibilities of means of securing total victory. The league
began in a small wav, with only a few members. But those few
felt that the urgency and importance of the cause for which they
crusaded would inevitably win other supporters, and that the
league would grow as Oregon students awoke to the real mean
ing Lit the words “total victory.”
Sometime this war will end, and peace will dwell serenely
throughout the world. The Total Victory league was organized
to insure the serenity and permanence of that peace and to
make the war which preceded it a costly but worthwhile pur
chase price and not just a wasted, futile sacrifice.—J.X.
A/ot to Mention . . .
In the mail this morning there was a letter from the coast
guard containing a "Fact Sheet on the Coast C.uard,” beginning
with the statement that "Officially there are four branches to
the armed forces. To be complete and accurate, copy about the
military services should mention army, navy, marine corps,
and coast guard." The coast guard doesn’t want to be forgotten.
They are in this war—"The coast guard is a fighting force,"
the fact sheet went on to say—and they want and deserve
due recognition.
This is another example of the way in which minorities are
frequently forgotten. On the campus, the air corps students
often were slighted and ignored while the AS’L'U students were
here. Now there is the same tendency almost to forget the pre
professional students, since they are a smaller group than the
air corps. Civilian men have the same problem facing them,
since the coeds overrun the campus. Bitterness sometimes
arises out of the ranks of the minorities, a bitterness which is
apt to say in effect, "They have forgotten us; they do not
recognize our existence; we shall withdraw into ourselves and
live apart." To say this, to think this, is to insure an even more
complete forgetting of the minority.
* * * *
Another attitude which might be taken by minorities is one
of the "We’ll show ’em" type, heeling that they are ignored,
members of a smaller group will set out to do something to
show that thev are worthy of recognition. Such was the attitude
taken by the men on the campus Friday night when they put
over mi all-men’s smoker. They had fun and they showed that
Clips and
The University of California
publishes frequently a report from
their bureau of occupations (em
ployment office, in plain terms)
stating available jobs for students.
Examples: men students wanted to
dust cars, 75 cents per hour; stu
dents to wash glassware, 75 cents
an hour; women to work in li
brary as pages, etc. . . . Good idea.
Corsages to you and a wheaties
box top.
Jack Pierce, a dancer in the
Follies Bergere which recently ap
peared on the Seattle stage, told
reporters at the University of
Washington that he was so im
pressed with the facilities of their
school of drama that “providing
the current tour doesn’t take me
too far away” he hopes to come
back to the university for the sum
mer session.
Death rides his white horse over
campuses, too. At the University of
Kansas eight persons died in an
infirmary fire which started in the
basement laundry. And at the Uni
versity of Washington a chemistry
instructor was found dead in his
own laboratory. With a strange
poison of his own concoction which
could not be analyzed he commit
ted suicide because, his note stated,
“I am unhappy and no longer wish
to continue.” The former honor
student was only 25 years old.
Talking about campus politics!
The only two candidates for ASUU
president at the University of Utah
are two cousins. The two men are
running against each other for the
third time in three years and are
the best of friends, spending even
their summers together.
J-.}, .j,,{, -j. .p q,.},,j, q,.}, q,.J- -• q, 4, q, -J..}..
The Cutting Room >
If a mad artist were locked up for six months in a paint
factory with a copy of the complete works of Sigmund Freude,
he would probably emerge with something like “Lady in the
Dark ’’ Technicolor to the seventh power is the star of this
$3,000,000 extravaganza. Every scene features all the colors of
the spectrum and at least half a dozen nature never heard of.
Luxurious costumes and iurmiure
of fantastic design and dazzling
hue force the actors into the back
We know an art major in love
with magenta and chartreuse who
saw “Lady in the Dark’’ three
times in an effort to satiate his
greedy eyes on the riot of pig
ments. This color-gone-mad is of
ten quite effective, but there is too
much of it. It is slapped onto the
picture with the uncontrolled pas
sion of a six-year-old on the loose
in a candy store.
An undue proportion of the film
is devoted to dream sequences
which bear a slight resemblance
to dreams but serve principally as
an excuse for over-imaginative
production men to go on a spree.
A total of 13 minutes is spent in
an Alice in Wonderland circus that
transmogrifies itself into a court
room where Ginger Rogers is tried
for the heinous crime of not mak
ing up her mind. This trial provides
an excuse for Miss Rogers to sing
the best single number in the show,
the clever “Saga of Jennie” who
did make up her mind but in 2'i
languages couldn't say no.
Although the story is sound psy
chology, it possesses little more
depth or profundity than a first
grade reader. Miss Rogers is the
editor of a swank fashion maga
zine who so burdens herself with
work that she has no time to be
Miss Mars
Uncle Sam doesn’t have to look very far in Eugene for
women who are doing what they can to expedite a successful
American war. On the University of Oregon campus generous
and public-spirited women students have given several hours
each week to rolling bandages for the Red Cross in Gerlinger
Four-Star Coeds ★ ★ ★ ★
The instructors, who must work
consistently from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.
on Tuesday and Thursdays, and 0
a.m. to 12 noon on Saturdays, are
certainly four-star coeds. Carol
Wicke, chairman of the Red Cross
on the campus, has devoted 76 in
structing hours to the Red Cross.
Second in number of bandage-roll
ing hours is Dorothy Rasmussen
with 55 instructing hours. Others,
among the 13 instructors arc four
star coeds Charlotte Wicke, 51
hours; Evelyn Stephens, 29 hours;
Patty Van Hoosear, 10 hours;
Marty Beard, 29 hours; Mary
Stanley, 38 hours; Marian Schaef
fer, 7 hours; Jeanne Harris, 19
hours; Mary It. Minor, 23 hours;
Mary Jane Sick, 27 hours; Pat Fer
guson, 10 hours, Barbara McCIung,
9 hours, and Betty Ann Keup, 24
To become an instructor one
must work 18 hours and take the
three-hour surgical dressing course
Saturday mornings.
“We hope to have more instruc
tors next year to take care of a
larger number of girls,” said Doro
thy Rasmussen, chairman of the
surgical dressing activity. “We
are short of instructors now.”
★ ★ ★ ★
Three girls, other than instruc
tors, are four-star coeds because of
their records in hours spent rolling
bandages. Jeanne Howard is first
with 25 hours, Mrs. Lela Fenton
has 21, and Dawn Trask is third
with 17 hours.
Within the last two years, when
the work has been in existence ori
the campus, seven four-star coeds
have won their pins for 52 hours of
surgical dressing work. The gills
are Mary Stanley, Carol Wicke,
Dorothy Rasmussen, Betty Ann
Keup, Mary K. Minor, Marty
Beard, and Sally Spiess.
Each month a cup has been
awarded to the house with the
greatest number of over-all hours
in coed Red Cross work. Top house
and consecutive cup-winner is the
Alpha Delta Pi house with a grand
total of 329 hours. Second is Chi
Omega with 159 hours, and Alpha
Omicron Pi, with 122 hours, is
★ ★ ★ ★
Anyone on the campus is eli
gible to help roll bandages for
wounded relatives and friends over
seas. If interested, call Miss Ras
mussen at 700. She wants to get
instructors lined up for next fall.
Certainly the girls mentioned
are the few unsung Miss Mars on
the campus who are genuinely
four-star coeds.
★ ★ * ★
thev were capable of doing something on a large scale, even
though their numbers were few. The men showed that they
could carry on, although many of their former numbers are
now in the armed services—the army, the navy, the marine
I corps, AXD the coast guard.—M.Y.
female. Oppressed by worries and
fears, she takes her troubles to a
psychoanalyst. In four easy lessons
at 20 bucks each the good doctor
explains to her what anyone who
had read three chapter;® -of an ele
mentary psych text could do equal- '
ly well and much piore economic
ally. She learns that when she was
a little girl she acquired an in
feriority complex about her looks.
She buries herself so in her work
because she is afraid to compete
with other women for the favors of
the opposite sex.
Once she realizes the nature of
tier difficulties she very scientific
ally chooses from three suitors (Kay
iVIiiland, Warner Baxter, Jon Hall)
the one best suited to her person
ality, assumes a normal feminine
role, and lives happily ever after.
In spite of its color-drunkenness,
dependence upon spectacle, and
somewhat shallow story, “Lady
the Dark’’ is excellent entertain
ment. Unlike the typical all-star
hash musical spectacle it has
snough unity of plot to keep it
from degenerating into a mere suc
:ession of vaudeville acts. And no
Dne will ever go to sleep looking
at Ginger’s legs.
Your Smartest
Coat is a
This is a coat that was
inspired by your hero.
It’s a “winged victory”
for spring and summer
wear. . . . Slips on so
easily over suits.
1044 Willamette
"Beyond the Blue
Dorothy Lamour
— and —•
Richard Dix