Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 25, 1944, Image 1

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FOR SALE . . .
, . . Wednesday will be these artieles displayed by Signe Eklund, Bob
Smith and Mick Riley, AM'S president. The auction will be sponsored
by AM S.
Assembly to Herald
Weekend Festivities
A snowball rally this Friday evening, beginning at the Gam
ma Phi house and Casablanca lodge, will start off the proceed
ings of Junior Weekend this year, said Anne Craven and Edith
Newton, co-chairmen of Junior Weekend, Monday.
The rally, beginning at opposite ends of the campus at 8:30
n.m.. will meet midwav on the camnus and continue to the
Student Union
Meeting Slated
All Student Union committee
■chairmen and members, as well as
anyone else interested in Student
Union, will meet Wednesday night
at 7 in 104 Journalism building, it
was decided at an all-campus Stu
dent Union meeting Monday after
“AH committee chairmen are re
quested to contact all their com
mittee members, as it is impera
tive that they be at the meeting,”
Gene Conklin, chairman of the all
campus committee, announced.
At this meeting each chairman
will give a report on the progress
and work accomplished by his com
mittee. Among these are the three
i^iass committees who within the
past week have been surveying
student opinion on Student Union
facilities. At the Monday meeting
the freshman group reported on
possible club and game facilities
for the building.
Paul Lum, junior in liberal arts,
was appointed chairman of a com
mittee to compile a complete his
tory of the Student Union move
ment on the campus. Anyone inter
ested in aiding with research is
asked to contact either Lum or
Marty Beard, secretary of the all
campus committee.
Phi Theta Upsilon Elects
Signe Ecklund President
New Phi Theta Upsilons were
initiated and 1944-45 officers were
elected at a meeting Monday night
at the Sigma Kappa house.
Signe Eklund, sophomore in lib
eral arts, was elected president by
the new group of 29 members of
the junior women’s service honor
ary. Virginia Wright, newly-elect
ed junior class president, received
the vice-presidential position.
Mary Corrigan, sophomore in
journalism, and Mary McCandless,
sophomore in liberal arts, were
elected secretary and treasurer,
New custodian will be Sally
Twohy, sophomore in business ad
library at 9, where it will pick up
the air corps. From there it will go
on to a rally assembly at Ger
linger hall.
A special program has been
drawn up, said the co-chairmen.
The air corps band will play and
there will be songs and yells di
rected by the rally squad. It is
rumored that Margery Priest, jun
ior in physical education, will pre
sent a skit.
An old custom, which is being
revived at the rally, is the drawing
of the name of a living organiza
tion out of a hat. That house will
then sing a impromptu number.
Signs to be carried in the rally
by living organizations should be
begun as soon as possible, cau
tioned the co-chairmen. The signs
should follow the Junior Weekend
theme, Mother Goose Goes to War.
A prize consisting of $2 worth of
records will be given to the house
with the best sign. The winning
(Please turn to page four)
Oregana Positions Due
Petitions for the positions of
managing editors and positions
on the upper staff of the 1945
Oregana are due today at 5 pun..
Edith Newton, editor, announced.
They should lie turned in to the
Oregana office in the journalism
Students with experience on
the Oregana or other yearbooks
are asked to turn in petitions
stating the applicant's experi
ence and plans.
I 1 1 ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■■■■
Dr. Sanchez
Speaks Today
Luis-AIberto Sanchez, who will
speak tonight at 8 in 207 Chapman
hall on “The Latin American Novel
and Its Social Content,” is con
sidered the outstanding critic of
Spanish-American literature. Dr.
Sanchez, a 43-year-old native of
Peru, has written many books and
articles dealing with literary criti
cism, as well as politics and his
His visit to the University cam
pus is part of a special trip to til
United States under the auspices
of the Institute of International
Relations, and his talk is one of a
series of faculty lectures. Several
years ago he visited the United
States at the invitation of the Li- j
brary of Congress and several oth- j
er groups. During his stay he did [
research in the Library of Con- j
gross, taught at Columbia univer
sity, and traveled throughout the
This enabled him to become ac
quainted with the American peo- 1
pie, and as a. result he wrote a book
upon his study and understanding
of them.
Director of the national library i
in Lima, Peru, he received the de
gree of doctor of history, philos
ophy and letters from San Marcos
university there. San Marcos and
the University of Mexico are the
two oldest universities on the Am
erican continent. Dr. Sanchez has
(Please turn to page four)
Order of O’ to Enforce
Traditions Starting May I
As it does every year during the week previous to Junior j
Weekend, the Order of the “O” next week will enforce the
time-honored traditions of Junior Weekend, announced Sally
Spiess, chairman of traditions, Monday. Herb Hoffman, sopho
more in business administration, will be in charge of the "O”
UO Theft ofOSC
Talent Revealed
A theft comparable to the
stealing by California of Ore
gon’s Crater lake and Mount
Hood was uncovered Saturday
morning. Shortly after Satur
day’s Emerald was circulated,
staff member were informed that
the University had unintention
ally “stolen” Jean Heather, iden
tified in a story as an Oregon
graduate. That was bad.
But what makes it worse is
the fact that she was “stolen”
from our Corn Valley rivals,
Oregon State college, which she
attended before graduating from
the University of Washington.
P.S.: Her real name is Jean
All the old traditions of years
gone by will be in force this year,
said Mrs. Spiess. For all fresh- j
man girls, announcement was
made that they are to wear green >
ribbons in their hair beginning
Monday, May 1. All freshman boys
must wear their class emblem- the
yellow and green rooters’ lids.
No walking.by anyone- on the
lawn of the lower campus will be
tolerated, nor will smoking on or
around the buildings of the old
campus be allowed.
Hello walk, the walk running
from Villard hall to Fenton hall,
will also be honored. All students
going down the walk must speak
to anyone they meet, whether they
know them or not.
Penalty for non-participation in
the famous traditions of Junior
Weekend will be stiff, Mrs. Spiess
(Please turn to fogc four)
First All-Campus
V League Meet Set
The first all-campus meeting of the Total Victory league will To
held tonight at 7:30 in alumni hall of Gerlinger. Everyone, regardless
of his opinions on the subject of postwar plans, is urged to come.
The idea is to look forward and to get people thinking about the
future, stresses Peggy Magill, president.
But the idea of community discussions, and on the campus the stu
dent body is a community, is not new. Old town meetings dated 'way;
back to colonial times. Entire townships were run on the theory that
everyone had ideas about how to solw certain problems, both present
and future. Some towns in this country are still organized under thi^
plan, with regular meetings, when everyone is expected to come and
"say their mind.”
Early in the 1930's the University of Oregon was selected by state
community planners as the institution which could best encourage and
direct open forums and community organization. Under the direction
of the social science department and with the help of state leaders in
this type of public meeting, groups met and talked over plans. But the
depression and other factors pushed the plan into the background.
Later a student international relations club was organized to discuss
the same problems, but it was later disbanded, also. The Total Victory
league hopes to arouse the enthusiasm which flared when these
previous groups began—not with the hope of outlining any course of
action, but with the aim of discussing all problems which will arise
after the war.
Discussion of Inter-American
Affairs Planned for Oregon
Citizens of Oregon will have the opportunity to learn more
about inter-American relations through an Institute of Inters
American Affairs, being inaugurated by the general extension
division of the Oregon state system of higher education. The
extension division is working in cooperation with the federal
coordinator of inter-American affairs, represented bv Churchill
Red Cross Hours
Net Win for Aopi’s
Earning 44 hours of credit for
Red Cross work done last week,
Alpha Omicron Pi again wins top
honors for the second week in a
row. Laurel lodge rates second
place, also for the second week in
a row, with 30 hours of surgical
dressings. This is the third time
the AOPis have worked the most
The schedule this week is: Tues
day, Alpha Gamma Delta and
Gamma Phi Beta; Thursday, Haw
thorne lodge and Highland house;
Saturday, Hillcrest lodge and Hil
yard house.
A Red Cross board meeting is
scheduled for this afternoon at 4.
A staff assistants’ course in gen
eral Red Cross work is being
planned for 7:30 Wednesday even
ings in town. For further informa
tion all persons interested should
call Carol Wicke, head of the Red
Cross, at 1309.
Hey, You Freshmen—
Don't Miss This
At 4:30 sharp this afternoon,
all freshmen interested in help
ing to put out the streamlined
freshman edition on Friday will
meet in room 10, Journalism
building, with ideas.
The following are especially
requested to he present: Betty
French Robertson, Marguerite,
Wittwer, Winifred Romtvedt,
Jean Lawrence, Ervin Webb,
Betty Sailor, Maryan Howard,
Don Nielsen, Louise Robson,
Barbara Smythe, Joanna Mapes,
and Marilyn Sage.
Murray, assistant director for the
Pacific coast area, of San Fran
cisco. A pamphlet outlining th*>
forms and aims and purposes of
the institute is being published at
the University press.
Forums for the discussion of
inter-American affairs have al-%
ready been scheduled for several
Oregon cities, as follows: KlamatW
Falls, May 2; Eugene, May 3; Cor
vallis, May 4; Portland, May 5;
and La Grande, May 6. Dr. Hubert
Herring, a. leading authority on
South American affairs, will be the
discussion leader for these pro
grams, which usually consist of
luncheon and afternoon and even
ing sessions.
Assisting Dr. Herring, whose
services have been made available
by the office of the coordinator of
inter-American affairs, will be a
discussional group comprised prin
cipally of staff members of tho
University and Oregon State col*
lege. Local organizations such a-*
service clubs, women's organiza
tions, and church groups are co
operating in sponsoring the for
Headquarters for the institute
are the office of dean and direc
tor of the general extension divi
sion, 814 Oregon building, Port
land 4, Oregon. He will arrange*
for lectures, conferences, and for
ums, and will furnish names of
qualified speakers.
A second feature of the institute
will be to serve as a depository an I
distributor of films and literature
furnished by the office of coord
inator of inter-American affairs.
An education bureau has been es
tablished in the department of
visual education at Corvallis, witix
Dr. Curtis Reid in charge of this
activity. More than 50 films pic
turing resources, life, and scenery;
in the other American countries
are available, for the cost of trail;;-*
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