Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 19, 1944, Page 3, Image 3

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    Pcujincj, ^boH . . .
<Gupi<& tyJojJzd. Overtime.;
'hJ&h&Uuj, Belli, (lUuj,
Weddings get top billing in this week's news. . . . The bells rang
out from Honolulu last Saturday for Lois W’insley, ADPi, Kvvama, and
general activity woman, whose wedding to Bob Silverman must have
been the reason “Lolo" was so anxious to get back to the Islands
last term.
Allen Mason and Marjorie Jensen, who graduated last year, were
married in Eugene recently and are making their home here now.
The Tri Delts add two brides to
the list . . . Margaret “Dizzy”
Deane’s marriage to Bill Sommers
in January was just announced,
r&ill was with the ASTP engineers
stationed here. Second is Roberta
Garth who married Jim Morris,
Delt from OSC.
More Marriages
Married in Tillamook, the bride’s
home, April 5, were Sigma Nu
Johnny Bubalo, ex-BMOC, and
Jeannette Nielson who graduated
from the U last year.
When I called Kappa house Sun
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day night things were in a state of
confusion. ... It seemed that
freshman glamor girl Marilyn Pol
lard was at that moment announc
ing her engagement to Keith Mur
phy, Oregon yell leader, which was
a big surprise to everyone judging
from the excitement.
Alpha Chi Elaine Wilson of the
Junior Weekend Queen’s court an
nounced her engagement the other
night to Jack Payne.
Peg Isely, Lombardy lodge, an
nounced her diamond status re
garding Lt. (j.g.) Eric “Candy”
Evanson who is with the naval air
corps in the South Pacific.
June You-Know-What
Wedding bells will ring out in
June, the traditional time, for Eve
lyn Missoff and Jim Johnson who
was a Sigma Tau at Willamette
before joining the coast guard.
Another man now at Camp |
Cooke (California’s own duplicate
of Dante’s Inferno) will come bade
to Oregon to claim his future wife.
It's Roy Clark who was an engin
eer in Co. B here. His engagement
to Evelyn Wells was announced
last week at University house.
Pi Phi Jo Hemmenway surprised
her sisters at a midnight party
last week with the announcement
of her engagement to Bill Hoth,
late of the ASTP and now in
Soloist in the brass section for
this week is Elizabeth Eid who
wears Jim Powell's Sigma Nu star
under her Alpha Gam pin. Jim is
another of the victims of Camp
Cooke’s rigors.
PRINT . . .
with the draped
shoulder line.
Other beautiful
Dresses, Coats,
Suits and
1004 Willamette
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Carol Greening-,
Betty Ann Stevens,
Co-women’s editors
Martha Thorsland
Penny Nichols
M. M. Ellsworth
Even with the hot political cam
paign that is raging on the Oregon
campus at the present time, the
female element can still seem to
look like a picture straight from a
Vogue cover.
Cotton prints are having a hard
time coming into their own this
spring and there is only one thing
to blame for it, and that is the
rainy weather. We did see a few
outstanding cotton numbers this
week and so here goes.
Sally Twohy was wearing a seer
sucker tailored sport dress the oth
er day that we liked very much.
The color combination was a very
unusual plaid of grey, pink, yellow,
white and blue. The strictly tail
ored style is very becoming to Sal
ly and we bet she finds seersucker
one of the most wonderful things
there is to wash.
In an unusual off-shade blue
denim dress we saw Liza Houston
going through the Co-op. The
square neckline and scalloped
sleeves were greatly emphasized by
the white tape binding. With a
white bow in her hair it was a
perfect picture.
Busy as usual was Heidi DeKose
the other morning. Her mannish,
long beige gabardine jacket caught
everyone’s eye. Brown stitching
set the collar off and gave it that
extra touch that is needed.
Still very good during this rainy
Oregon spring is a light wool dress.
Nancy Baker wears a soft red and
white checked one. The neckline is
quite high with a bow. A ruffle
down the front to the belt gives
that added effect. She has sleeves
which are long and that have the
same ruffled idea.
Marilyn Whitman looks very
nice in her two-piece wool dress.
She wears a white shirt-waist col
lar with it. Her skirt is pleated in
very small pleats. The dress has
those comfortable quarter-length
Polly Gordon looked very out
standing at the Frosh Glee Satur
day night in her black crepe dress.
The drape effect was carried out
completely. The chess was very
plain other than this and definitely
shows what can be done with a
little decoration on a dress that
has perfect lines to it.
For a brightly colored outfit we
wish to refer you to Helen Eiclic
meyer. She wears an olive-green
corduroy dirndle skirt with a short
\flaist-length jacket. The skirt has
gold military buttons on it. To
complete the color scheme she has
red shoes. -By Martha Thorsland.
Holiday Inn
Bing Crosby
Fred Astaire
"Son of Monte
Louis Hayward
Joan Bennett
Pendleton Lantern Tops
Oregon Prep Papers
The Pendleton Lantern, Pendleton high school newspaper,
has been judged the winner of the state high school newspaper
contest s Arnold Bennett Hall cup for the best all-around high
school newspaper, according to George Turnbull, acting dean,
of the journalism school. This is unusual as the cup usually
uugcr seiiooi.
Entries numbered 62 this year!
as compared to last year’s 35. The
contest was held ir. lieu of the cus
tomary Oregon high school press
conference, a war casualty for
this year.
Winner of the Guard cup for the
best paper in a school of over 500
pupils was the Klamath Krater, '
Klamath union high school. Frank-1
lin high school's Franklin Fost re- 1
ceived honorable mention.
The Register cup for the best
paper in schools of less than 550 j
went to the Forest Grove Viking 1
Log, Forest Grove high school. 1
with honorable mention going to
the Beaverton Hummer, Beaverton :
high school.
Again taking honors for the best
mimeographed paper, weekly and
bi-weekly, the Carlton Hi-Life,
Carlton union hit'll school won the
Eric \V. Allen cup for a. second
consecutive time and the Yernonht
Timberline, Yernonia high school
again got honorable mention.
The association cup for the beat
mimeographed monthly paper went
tc the McKenzie Echo. McKenzie
high school, and honorable mention
to Creswell Crescendo, Creswell
high school. The Harris Ellswbr'th
award for the best school news
notes published in a local paper
went to Grants Pass high school.
The committee of judges for the
contest was headed by Robert C.
Hall, associate professor of journ
alism and superintendent of the>
University press. Judges Ann Leo,
senior in journalism; Charles Po
litz and Norris Yates, juniors in
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