Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 19, 1944, Image 1

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    Reminiscences on
—See Page 2
Watch for Freshman
Issue, April 28
Audrey Holliday Wins First
^ Mrs. Reynolds
Resigns Post
In Panhellenic
In protest against the methods
employed in this year’s campus
elections, Mrs. Marjorie Reynolds,
executive secretary of the Oregon
chapter of Panhellenic, resigned
her post early Tuesday afternoon.
“I believe no national sorority
would foster or tolerate the pro
' cedure of the Greek bloc campaign
in this election,” she said, “and I
feel that the tactics of the bloc
in the election are degrading to
sororities and beneath their stan
dards of conduct.”
Mrs. Reynolds felt that it was
unfortunate that sororities on the
Oregon campus have united in a
manner that would bring censure
upon them rather than bend their
efforts in projects worthy of
“I have enjoyed very much
working in the Panhellenic in the
last four years. However, I have a
limited amount of time and energy
to devote to activities outside my
home and position in the library
and I prefer to use it in some
cause commanding my complete
respect,” she stated.
Mrs. Reynolds wished to make it
clear that her action was taken not
because of her feeling towards any
of the candidates in the election,
but because of the tactics used.
Dean Schwering
Comments on 'Debunker'
Declaring that the “scurri
lous” pink sheet printed and dis
tributed on the campus the
morning of elections was “dis
illusioning,” Dean of Women
Hazel P. Schwering Tuesday af
.*«■». ternoon said that it was a “sad
commentary on college women
and their future that they would
stoop to such action.”
She promised that a full in
vestigation was being carried on
and that as soon as enough evi
dence was found the matter
would be brought up before the
disciplinary committee.
New Red Cross Heads
Announced by Board
Elizabeth Gilmore, freshman in
journalism, has been appointed
chairman of the disaster relief
committee for the Red Cross, Jean
Mellies, junior in liberal arts,
chairman of the sewing committee,
and Annamae Winship, chairman
of the first aid committee, accord
ing to an announcement by Carol
.Wicke, Red Cross chairman.
The selections were made at a
board meeting Tuesday afternoon.
Positions are still open for the
nurses' aide, home nursing, scrap
book, or nutrition committee. Miss
Wicke announced that anyone
wishing to become chairman of
these committees should get in
touch with her, telephone 1309.
Miss Wicke said that Elizabeth
~ Robertson, Red Cross field worker,
may be on the campus some time
this week to see what has been
done so far in the local chapter.
Greeks Swing Into Top
Positions in All Classes
By a slim margin of 91 votes, Audrey Holliday, ISA backed candidate, was elected presi
dent of the ASUO for 1944-45. Of the 1243 votes cast. Miss Holliday polled 667 and Phyllis
Horstman, Greek candidate for the position, gathered 576. Miss Horstman will be the new
first vice-president. Coming in as second vice-president is Jean Taylor, Greek candidate,
who received 343 number two votes. Secretary-treasurer for next year will be Adele Riggs,
ISA candidate, who received 319 number two votes.
. . . new ASUO president.
C/asses, Housing
Offered Students
In Summer Work
Designed to accommodate stu
dents interested in industrial
work during the summer, the Pa
cific Northwest Student YMCA
and YWCA groups are sponsoring
projects which will be established
both in Portland and Seattle, ac
cording to H. D. Willits, regional
secretary for YMCA and YWCA ill
the Northwest. “This is not a pro
ject organized to enroll students in
(Please turn to page jour)
Latin American Critic
To Lecture April 25
Louis-Alberto Sanchez, Latin
American literary critic, will speak
on “The Latin American Novel anil
Its Social Content" in a lecture on
Tuesday, April 25, in 207 Chapman
Mr. Sanchez is a lawyer, writer,
special lecturer, and has served as
a faculty member of universities
in Panama, Chile, Cuba, and Ar
gentina. He is now a professor at
the University of Chile and assist
ant manager of Casa Ercilla, a
large publishing house. His visit
to the campus is a part of a special
trip to the United States to tour
the country under the sponsorship
of the Institute of International
The 43-year-old lecturer is a na
tive Peruvian but is in exile be
cause he is a member of a liberal
movement called Aprista. He was
exiled in 1932 by President Cerro
and again in 1934 by President
An other top positions were won
by the Greek candidates. For the
senior class, Marty Beard. Greek,
took top honors with 65 votes ar.d
Alice Harter, ISA, was elected
vice-president with 44 votes. Arliss
Boone, Greek, was elected for tnc
number three spot and Edith New
ton for the number four spot.
Virginia Wright, Greek, is the
new junior class president with
193 votes and Esther Griffiths will
be vice-president. She polled 99
votes. Marilyn Holden, Greek, was
elected secretary, and Charlotte
Calder, treasurer.
Barbara Pearson, Greek, received
225 votes to win the sophomore
class presidency, followed closely
by Alice Buckingham with 195
votes. She will be vice-president.
Jean Lawrence, Greek, won third
position and Elizabeth Haugen,
ISA, fourth.
Since only two persons were up
for each of the two representative
positions on the ASUO council, the
votes were not tabulated. Senior
representatives will be Alysone
Hales, Greek, and Anne Craven,
ISA; junior representatives will be
Gene Conklin, ISA, and Phyllis
Evans, Greek; sophomore represen
tatives will be Leon Williams, ISA,
and Florence Hintzen, Greek.
In the Co-op elections, Marilyn
Sage was elected as sophomore
representative to the board by a
vote, of 597, as against Gay Ed
wards’ 499 votes.
The position of junior represen
tative position was more hotly
contested with Ed Allen, 652 votes,
and Joe Holstead, 642 votes, win
ning posts on the board. Mary Mar
garet Ellsworth had 615 votes.
. . new AStJO vice-president.
Poetry Contest
Deadline Today
Deadline for the Burgess-Kidd
poetry contest will be reached to
day, April 19, and any contribu
tions turned in later will not be
accepted by the judges for the con
test. Material is still coming in and
today will probably mark the
greatest returns, according to the
This is the first time this con
test has been held on the campus
and it probably owes its main in
spiration to Odeon, the annual cre
(Plcasc turn to ['age four)
Installation of Officers
Set for Thursday at 11
The annual ASUO assembly for installation of new ASUO
officers will be held Thursday, April 20, in McArthur court at
11 a.in. Classes for that hour will be dismissed, Karl \Y. On
thank, dean of personnel, announced.
Judge Arthur Douglas Hay, of the Oregon supreme court,
will address the students on “The Undergraduate Student and
the World at War.” Judge Hay
graduated from the University of
Oregon Law school in 1911. He is
an officer of the Oregon Dad's
association and has been an active
member of that organization for
several years.
His two sons, John, '39, and
Douglas, ex-’42, and daughter Mar
garet, '37, also attended the Uni
Nancy Ames, outgoing student
body president, will preside at the
assembly, introducing the new stu
dent officers and presenting awards
and recognition of honors. Miss
Ames will also introduce Orlando
J. Hollis, acting president of the
New members of Phi Theta Up
silon, junior women's honorary,
will be presented by Audrey Holli
day, president of the organization.
Music will include a vocal solo
by Marie Rogndahl, winner of the
western regional division of the
Hour of Charm contest for the
“Undiscovered Voice of America”;
and selections from the University
of Oregon band.
Star Sings
In Igloo
Bidu Sayao will slug: operatic
numbers and lighter songs tonight
at her concert in McArthur court:
at X: 15 sponsored by the educa
tional activities board. Students
will in* admitted on their activity,
cards. Reserved seat tiekets at
$2.10, $1.80, and $1.50, and gener.nl
admission tickets at $1.20 are e*n
sale at tlie office in McArthur,
court, and will be on sale tonight.
Soldiers will pay 50 cents.
The first section of the program
will include “Amarilli" by Cacchii,
the "Aria of Serpin” from "La
Serva Padrona” by Paisiello, "Ari
ette de Zemire et Azor” by Gretry,
and the aria "Batti, Batti, Bi l
Masetto” from "Don Giovanni” Vy;
"Ed Mercado do Das Esclavas,”
which the Brazilian coloratura will
sing at tonight’s performance, is a
song heard by a friend of the sing
er’s in an encampment of Spanish
gypsies. The version was made*
from her recollection by Miguel
Other numbers in the second sec-t
tion are a minuet from the Tona
dilla, "Los Amantes Chasqneados ’
by Bias de Laserna, "El Jilgueritb
con Pico de Oro”; "Dos Can tare r*
(Please turn to page two)
Wild Life to
Invade Court
Word has just been received
from sources close to Frank Buck
that rare and admittedly ferocious
animals, lions, tigers, bears, aixf
textbook devouring crocodiles, arc
planning an excursion to the Ore
gon campus to summon University
males to the all-men’s smoker in
McArthur court Friday night, Bill
Buell, promotion director, revealed
Negotiations with Mr. Buck havo
been under way for quite som«
time now, Buell said. All that
stands in the way of the wild ani
mal invasion has been the obstacle
encountered in India when piano*
priorities for the jungle entourage
were temporarily refuse 1 by Lot i
Louis Mountbatten, allied com
mander in India. The matter has
been referred to Air Chief Gen.
H. H. Arnold for immediate atten
tion, Buell iterated.
Meanwhile Charles Politz, smok
er general chairman, reports that
final preparation are rapidly being'
molded into shape.
The faculty German band is re
ported to have wired Adolf Hitler*
at his Berchtesgaden retreat re
questing a list of his fav onto
Open House CaUed Off
Open house will not In held
by women's living organizations
tonight because of Bidu Knjao's
concert. The Wednesday night
event will be resumed next week.