Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 15, 1944, Page 2, Image 2

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    Oregon ® Emerald
Managing Editor
Advertising Manager
Published daily during the college year except Sundays, Mondays, and holiday* and
final examination periods by the Associated Students, University of Oregon.
Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice, Eugene, Oregon.
• 0 »
' Mauilt-Jiotuvi, fen>eatUr
Last night at 8 Dr. John Ducasse, noted lecturer and traveler,
spoke to such of the University students as were interested
enough to attend on “Criticism of Art and Literature.” His
talk was a part of the University lecture series, sponsored by
the faculty and presented by them for the benefit of the stu
It is said that King Henry Christophe, the “black Napoleon
of 1 laiti, patronized the arts in his own assiduous, but decidedly
peculiar fashion. He is reported to have imported a world
famous architect to construct his formidable citadel atop the
sea cliffs of his country, and to have run him through with a
>word after receiving the keys to the great fortress—after which
he rewarded the dead man’s family handsomely. AVe students
arc like that, in a way. AVe praised Dr. Ducasse wholeheartedly
for the breadth and content of his lecture. A few of us may
possibly remember some of the worthwhile points which he
brought up for as long as two or three weeks afterward. But
when Dr. Walter Miles, of Yale University, gives his lecture
tonight we are willing to wager that the attendance on this,
a Saturday night, will be considerably less than on Friday.
* * * *
AVe have not exactly skewered our purveyors of knowledge
and culture, but the honor which we have paid and will pay
them is robbed of all its meaning by our subsequent delin
quency. Our praises become “mouth-honor, breath,” and we
apparently don’t care very much, as long as we salve our con
sciences by heaping the praise on thick and fast enough to
drown out that slightly guilty feeling resulting from planning
to forego the next lecture for an evening of fun.
AVe are not trying to be pontifical in this matter, and we do
realize that praise and non-attendance is probably better than
no praise as well as non-attendance. AVe would merely like
to see both praise AND attendance.—N.Y.
fyuiM South America . . .
An exciting concert is in store for students when dark-eyed
It id n Sayao steps onto the McArthur stage next Wednesday.
A brilliant and beautiful good neighbor, Miss Sayao is by
all critical standards one of the best singers to appear in recent
years. Those who have heard the rare recording of “The Blessed
Damo/.el’’ understand the difficulty of performance it creates.
It was this lyric work by Debussy which Miss Sayao chose for
her American debut at the Metropolitan in 1936. Critics ap
plauded the "exquisitely sensuous quality'’ of her voice.
Her accomplishments are impressive. She has sung' in every
major opera house in Italy and in Paris, Buenos Aires and
Lisbon. It was in A1 i 1 an that she met Toscanini, who later intro
duced her to America. Wherever she travels, the autographed
pictures of I'ranklin Roosevelt, Kleanor Roosevelt, President
Vargas of Brazil, and former President Ortiz of Argentina
go with her.
Throughout her travels this tiny goodwill ambassador has
observed the differences between peoples of North and South
America. This is what she says, "You must thaw out this tem
peramental barrier between us. Little by little you are realiz
ing that Palin Americans are divided into twenty different na
tions, each with a separate and proud culture of its own. Plow
we feel about each other now is important, and a singer or
dancer is as important as a trade mission."
"You are beginning to break through the barriers and that
is good. But still bow few of you know that while the rest of
Latin America speaks Spanish, in Brazil they speak Portu
guese; that when it’s summer in the United States, it is winter
in South America!" She has a suggestion to further good rela
tions, "1 think that one thing w ill carry us along the road of
good will further than nearly anything else that can be thought
of, pay us the compliment id' learning our language first. It
will be easy to go on from there."
Bulu Savao studied music secretly when slie was a young
girl, because careers for women are the exception in her coun
try. Her gift for song overcame such prejudices and since that
time she has portrayed the operatic roles which sound like
magic, "Manon," Mitni, Kosina, Violetta, Zerlina. Xorina, Su
sanna, and Juliet.
The Latin 'glamour girl of the Metropolitan opera" is surely
a charming addition to the University concert roster.—M.M.G.
Globally Speaking
The imminence of the invasion of western Europe by the
Allies brings the tangled French situation to the forefront.
General de Gaulle is the most enigmatic and difficult of all
the leaders of the United Nations to deal with. He was built up
originally by the British Broadcasting company as a focal point
of French resistance. Now de Gaulle’s chief value in French
eyes is freedom from Anglo-Amer
ican control.
At present the French commit
tee is being split apart by de
Gaulle’s attempt to kick General
Giraud upstairs by removing him
as commander-in-chief of the
French armies. Giraud refuses to
accept the figurehead post of in
spector-general and declines to re
linquish his post as supreme head
of the French armed forces.
De Gaulle is a paradoxical
Frenchman—six feet four; most
Frenchmen are of medium height
— elosemouthed — Frenchmen are
the world’s best talkers—a royal
ist before the war—his main sup
port today comes from the left;
once Petain’s aide and protege, he
is now the marshall’s bitterest
De Gaulle was only a colonel in
May, 1940. At Sedan, for his skill
ful use of tanks, he was made a
brigadier-general. Paul Reynaud
called him to Paris to become un
dersecretary of war. De Gaulle was
unable to accomplish anything.
France was doomed. He made a
vain effort to persuade Reynaud to
move the government to North
Africa and to continue the fight
from there. The prime minister
was completely under the influ
ence of his Pompadour, Comtesse
Helene de Portes.
The aging Mme. de Portes swore
at de Gaulle like a Billingsgate
fishwife, declaring that the Ger
mans were invincible and her “cher
Paul” would stay in France and
suffer the fate of his compatriots.
De Gaulle flew' to London.
British Backed Him
De Gaulle formed the Free
French under the aegis of the Brit
ish. The movement was entirely
subsidized by the British treasury.
He lost prestige by the abortive
There’s no doubt about Lt. Bob Deverell, class of '43, not
doing his part. Bob has bombed every Jap air field on Bougain-1
ville during his first tour of duty in the South Pacific. He re
ports that he has made 14 strikes against enemy gun emplace
ments, harbor installations, shipping facilities, supply bases and
bivouac areas. Everything seemed to go along comparatively
smooth except on his fifth raid of
which he says, “They must have
had my range. They hit me in the
right wing and also knocked off
the tip of one of my propellers.”
That boy must have come in on a
wing and a prayer.
Furloughs have brought a lot of
the boys back to the campus dur
ing the last couple of weeks. Eaile
Maynard, a five year student in
the law school when here and now
a lieutenant, is home now in Eu
gene. He’s in an artillery outfit at
Camp Cooke and was previously
stationed at Fort Sill, Oklahoma.
Earle has been seeing quite a bit of
Phyllis Horstman. The claim is
“just old friends.” Brother Cadet
“Wheezey” Maynard of the air
corps will also be home this week
Seen around the Gamma Phi
house last week was Cadet Boh
Aiken who is now in advanced
training. Alpha Phi Virginia Hales
has just tripped gayly off to Port
land to see Ensign Warren “Pinky”
Treece who just received his com
mission upon graduation from Co
lumbia. Bob Hodgens and Jim Ben
nett of the navy were in last week.
The latter seems to be having a
rather difficult time trying to
catch fiancee Pat Lynch before she
leaves for Hawaii.
Corporal Bob Tramp, gunner in
the air corps and stationed at Lin
coln, Nebraska, spent his time
looking up old friends while here
last week.
Ensign Abbie Jane “Skipper"
White, stationed in Boulder, Colo
rado, will be home Monday for a
six-day leave. The Gamma Phis
are already making plans to re
ceive her royally.
Betti Hodecker, Alphi Phi, has
taken a week off to see Cadet Pete
Miller who is stationed at Merced,
California. Pete is in advanced now
and is expecting to get his wings
by summer.
Those wedding bells just don't
I seem to stop ringing! Ensign Art
| Hanifin and Carolyn Loud were
married in Texas two weeks ago.
Art is an instructor in the naval
air corps. Dorothy Engel is on her
way back to New York to take the
fateful step with newly-commis
sioned Ensign Chuck Powers. For
a beautiful ending to a six-year ro- ,
mance Jean Brice and Lt. Hal
Jackson of the army will be mar
ried May 1.
Dam it! Everybody’s doing it.
Dakar affair in November, 1940.
His dictatorial tendencies soon be
came apparent. He placed the re
publican Admiral Muselier undij^
“house arrest.”
In 1942 the allies planned their
invasion of North Africa. De Gaulle
had no support there among the
French armed forces. Giraud was
brought by submarine from France
to head the Free French armed
Last summer the French Com
mittee of National Liberation was
set up with de Gaulle and Giraud
as co-chairmen. Giraud and his ap
pointees were quietly edged out of
the picture. Our state department
does not trust de Gaulee; refusing
to recognize him as chief of the
French government in exile. It pre
fers to leave General Eisenhower’s
hands free to decide on the
what form of government shall be
set up in France after the landing
of our troops.
"Cry Havoc"
Margaret Sullivan
Joan Blondell, Ann Southern
"Swing Fever"
with Kay Kyser
"Klondike Kate"
Ann Savage
Tom Neal
Mystery Broadcast*
Frank Albertson
Rose Terry
"Chip Oil the Old
Protect your investment with proper
building materials
W hile we usually have a waiting' list
we are filling orders reasonably soon.
For service call Springfield 313 or Eugene 85