Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 25, 1944, Image 1

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"Drive Midway
In Fund Quota
For Red Cross
With §569.37 collected by Fri
day night in the third day of the
University's 1944 Red Cross war
fund drive, over half of the §1000
quota has already been reached.
According to Mary K. Minor and
Dorothy Rasmussen, two more
houses have reached the 100 per
cent membership goal and brought
total up to eight houses. Al
pha Phi, §35, and Gamma Phi
Beta, §44, receive the honors to
day. Kappa Alpha Theta has
brought their total up to §10.50,
and Laurel lodge their total to
The men’s living organizations
are beginning to show an interest
in the drive; Steiwer hall turned in
§22, and Campbell co-op contrib
uted $6. Several houses on the
campus have made no report as
yet, and the chairmen urge the
house representatives to turn in
their contributions so that they
may be recognized, also.
Carol Wicke, head of the Red
gross, stated, "While we are en
joying life here on a college cam
pus, going to classes, leisurely
drinking cokes at the Side, kibitz
ing at a game of bridge, canoe
ing on the millrace, getting sun
tans during warm afternoons, eat
ing three good meals a day, play
ing tennis, going to shows on
dates with army men—soldiers and
sailors .are getting a preview of
hell in the blood and mud of fox
holes in the South Pacific, China,
and the European theater.
"The only way you students can
help them is by contributing every
thing you’ve got to the Red Cross.
The Red Cross will see that your
Servicemen get the things they
need and want. So how about it?
How about giving up just one milk
shakes, one show, even one coke
and giving that money to the mem
bership drive, giving tliat money to
some boy you know over there?”
Miss Wicke asked.
Essay Contest
OffersTrip, Bond
An all-expense trip to the Re
■•piJblican National convention of a
§100 war bond is the first prize
to be awarded the winner in the
Young Republican National federa
tion essay contest.
Subject of the contest, which is
open to all who will cast their first
vote for president in 1944, is “A
First Voter Looks at the Repub
lican Party.” Essays must be lim
ited to 1500 words and must reach
the federation’s office, 1337 Con
necticut avenue, Washington, D.C.,
before May 1.
The winner himself will be al
^te'.yed to choose whether he will
take the war bond or the trip to
Chicago with a ticket of admission
to all sessions of the convention,
Starting June 26. The winning es
say will be printed in the June is
sue of The Republican, the national
party magazine.
Second prize will be a §50 war
bond, and third prize, a §25 bond.
Entries will be judged on the
basis of value of appraisal, sound
ness and forcefulness of reasoning,
and interest.
Judges include Mrs. Clyde Cor
bin, national chairman of the
Young Republican National federa
tion, one governor, one senator,
one representative, and two mem
bers of the Republican National
committee, and the editors of The
Red Cross Head
To Visit Campus
Miss Elizabeth Robertson, newly
appointed field representative for
Red Cross college units, will visit
the recently-chartered UO chapter
April 3 to 5.
Assigned to assist Red Cross
chapters in the operation of college
units, Miss Robertson will confer
with Carol Wicke, head of the
campus Red Cross, and other chap
ter officials. Expansion of Red
Cross activities on the campus and
further coordination of chapter and
campus services will be on the
Before her Red Cross assign
ment, Miss Robertson was em
ployed by the Curtiss-Wright cor
poration as a personnel supervisor
for a group of one hundred college
women who were training for en
gineering positions. Prior to this
association, Miss Robertson was
president of the national student
federation of America. She is a
1939 alumna of Texas State college
for women, where she was student
body president.
Miss Robertson’s Red Cross ap
pointment and her visit to Eugene
are part of the national organiza
tion’s plan to utilize the tremen
dous talents and energy available
in American colleges.
Business Manager
Petitions Due at Noon
Prospective business managers
for both the Emerald and the
Oregana must turn in their peti
tions to the educational activ
ities office today at noon, it was
announced by Horace Robinson,
acting activities manager.
Greeks Name Nominees
Promise Show
| Of Art, Music
Enough material in the form oi
short stories, essays, and poem?
has been turned in to Odeon, the
annual campus creative talent
show to insure a worthwhile pro
gram, according to Norris Yates
general chairman of the event.
Results from the music and art
schools have not yet been tabulat
ed, but considerable material is ex
pected from them. Master Dance
will also put on an exhibition.
The show will be held April 8,
in Gerlinger hall and the music
auditorium. A program consisting
of original musical compositions,
stories, poems, and essays, will be
presented; then the audience will
move over to Gerlinger, where the
Master Dance routine will be per
formed and the art exhibits dis
played. Refreshments will also be
Because of increased costs this
year, a small charge will be made
for the program at the music audi
Bon Voyage Luncheon Honors
Marie Rogndahl on Eve of Trip
Courtesy Register-Guard
Sunday Libe Concert
Given by UO Grad
The program for the Browsing
Room Recorded concert, which
will be held Sunday at 4 p.m. in
the library, will be given by Glenn
Hasselrooth, Register-Guard staff
writer and graduate of the Univer
sity. His program is designed to
stress requests made by the
The program includes six op
eratic selections by Bidu Sayao
from the .operas: Llguarno,
Romeo and Juliet, Madame Butter
fly, Ninon; festival of Brazilian
music by Villa-Lobos; and selec
tions from “Oklahoma."
Hostesses for the concerts are
as follows: Mu Phi Epsilom, pa
tronesses, Mrs. James Horton; Mu
Phi Epsilom, activities, Genevieve
Graves; Mu Phi Epsilom alumnae,
Mrs. Nell Murphy Dixon; house
librarians group, Jean Mellies; and
librarian staff, Mrs. Mabel Houck.
Wishing hep bon voyage, Eu
gene's Mayor Elisha Large pre
sented Maria Rogndahl with an
orchid at a farewell luncheon given
for her Friday at the Eugene hotel.
“I present this orchid to you as
appreciation for the honor you
have brought to Eugene and the
University,” said Mayor Large.
Miss Ilogndahl leaves today for
Albany, New York, where she will
appear on the Hour of Charm pro
gram, Sunday, April 3. The young
singer expressed herself as l>eing
very happy about the opportunity
that has been offered her.
Sponsors of the program, Gen
eral Electric, have sent Carl Wer
ner of Portland to act as Mis.Q
Rogndahl’s publicity man, and t«
accompany her to New York. Oth
ers presented to the group were
Miss Maude Garnett, associate pro
fessor of the public school of mu
sic, and Sigurd Nilssen, professoi
of voice.
Mr. Nilssen said, ‘‘Miss Rogn
(Plcasc turn to page four)
Bloc Leader Reveals Candidates
For ASUO, Class Spring Election
Following close on the heels of the announcement of the dato
for ASUO and class nominations, Greek bloc leaders Friday
released their candidates’ names fqr spring term elections,
Nomination date, as set by the ASUO executive council Thurs
day, will be April 133, with elections on April 18.
Phyllis Horstman, newly-elected secretary of the council,
Entries Added
To Speech Tilt
Two more schools have entered
the Oregon High School Speech
league contest to be held on the
campus March 30 to April 1. The
latest entries are Roseburg and
Cottage Grove, coached by Miss
Amanda Anderson and Mrs. Fen
ton Charles. Five other schools
have already sent applications to
R. D. Clark, secretary of the league
■ and assistant professor of speech
| and dramatic arts.
I Most of the contests will be held
i in Rooms 107 and 12 of Friendly
hall with the radio speaking in
| the radio studio. Debate finals are
; to be broadcast over IvOAC at 8:30
I p.m. Saturday from (he studio in
the extension building.
Roseburg, third-time debate win
ners last year, came into perma
J nent possession of the “University
j Cup” given originally in 1929 by
j Professor Edgar E. DeCou and
j Elizabeth Fox DeCou.
I Debate teams are judged on
their knowledge of the subject;
| skill in analysis of the question;
[skill in refutation, rebuttal, and
| extemporizing ability; delivery, in
|eluding platform manners, body ac
[ tion, voice, and enunciation, and
j persuasiveness, including tact,
humor, fair-mindedness, and agree
[ ablencss.
Former Professor
Here on Short Visit
Lt. F. D. Walker, former pro
fessor of English at the Univer
sity, returned to the campus for
a brief visit during a between-train
stopover, Friday afternoon. Lt.
Walker, who is famous among
students here for his Very Little
Theater acting, is at present sta
tioned at Patterson Field, Ohio,
J (Please turn to page four)
will head the ticket as Greek nom •
inee for number one position, presi
dent of the ASUO.
Greek Bloc Leader Jean Tay
lor was picked as Miss Horst
man's running mate to run for tho
vice-presidential spot.
Although there are two senior,
junior, and sophomore representa
tive positions, only one Greek can
didate was selected to run for each!
one of these posts. Alysone Hales,
junior in business administration,
will run for senior representative,
Phyllis Evans, sophomore in lib
eral arts, for junior representa
tive, and Florence Hintzen, fresh
man in liberal arts, for the sopho
more position.
Only presidential and vice-presi
dential candidates were picked to
run for class offices. Marty Beard,
junior in liberal arts, and Arlisn
Boone, junior in journalism, aro
candidates for the number one amt
two positions, respectively.
On the junior ticket, Virginia,
Wright, sophomore in liberal arts,
and Marilyn Holden, sophomore in
liberal arts, will hold down the
Greek fort.
Barbara Pearson, freshman in
liberal arts, is running for sopho
more president, and Betty Tovve,
freshman in liberal arts, for vice
(Please turn to ['age four)
Students Will See Free
British RAF Flight Film
“Target for Tonight,” a British
film showing a flight of the It A V
over Germany, will be shown Wed
nesday, March 29, at 8 p.ni. in the
Chapman auditorium, Horace Rob
inson, acting educational activ
ities manager, announced today.
This picture has actual shots cf
the RAF in action and was pre
sented recently at the McDonaM
theater. There will be no charge
for the film.
A short feature, “Shock Troops, ’
also a British production, will ac
company the production.
Mme. Lavaska Now Working in Museum
After Career on Russian Operatic Stage
Once the toast of all bolshevist
Russia and the darling of the op
eratic stage, Mme. Anne Ivanovna
Lavaska is ending her brilliant
career as a name. The responsibil
ity, according to the dynamic little,
white-haired Russian instructor,
lies with the ASTP, or rather with
the dissolution of it. "Since my
students have gone, I am in deep
sorrow. After their departure I
was placed in the art museum on
the campus to do some translation
and interpretation, but if my sor
row continues, I expect to remain
as a piece of art indefinitely."
If circumstances forco Mme.
Lavaska into the museum, future
University students will have cause
for greater sorrow than she, be
of the teacher and the personality
they will have missed. For her life
is as exotic and strange as the
language she teaches.
Madame, Lavaska (simplified
from LaVaska since her citizen
ship) was born in Kiev, Russia,
and studied music at the univer
sity there. After a very early mar
riage she continued with her music,
and by the time the holshcvist
revolution swept over and oblit
erated her class, she was a young
wife with three small children, a
degree in music, and a budding ca
reer in concert work underway. 14
was licr super!* voice that saved!
lier from the national fury which
touched every relative, Including.*'
her husband and her brother-in
law. Her sister managed to escape
to China and Mme. Lavaska sen®
her children there also.
For seven years after the revo
lution she was employed by tho
government in the Russian Gramt
Opera under government sponsor
ship. “I worked for seven years,
and had only three days off. Whilo
I loved the theater, I was was al
ways under strain of fear, constant
fear! I would not have dared to
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