Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 24, 1944, Page 4, Image 4

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    Ensign Tells Women
Of Need for More Waves
“This talk about the manpower shortage is not so much imag
ination and fluff,” Ensign Elizabeth Hill of the Wave recruit
ing office in Portland, told several University of Oregon stu
dents who were interested in the Waves. “There is a genuine
need for additional enlistments in the women’s services," she
A graduate of Miami university,
Oxford, Ohio, in 1936, Ensign Hiil
received her master’s degree from
Wellesley college a year later and
then taught Latin in high school.
While in college she was a Phi
Beta Kappa, and a member of Mor
tar Board and Delta Gamma
Asked what chance a college girl
has of becoming an officer, Ensign
Hill said that officer candidates
are still being taken directly from
civilian life, but some of the best
officers arc those chosen from the
ranks after six months of training.
Officers must have had four years
of college or two of college and
two of business experience.
Requirements for Wave enlist
ment demand that the recruit must
be at least 20 years old, and if
under 21 have her parents’ con
sent; teeth must be in good condi
tion at the time she signs up; her
vision must at least be cori’ected
with glasses; she must not be
shorter than four feet eleven inch
es; with weight in proportion to
height; the latest educational re
quirement is that she have com
pleted at least two years of high
Alter "boot training at wunter
college, where naval history, or
ganization, correspondence, and
personnel, drill and physical educa
tion is learned, a Wave is allowed
to choose her own post and as
nearly as possible is sent there.
She is eligible for 14 days’ leave
every year and receives an ample
number of 48-hour passes.
Ensign Hill also said that there
Is little distinction made between
the uniforms of the officer group
and the enlisted group. Base pay
begin at $50 for an apprentice sea
man, is $78 for a third class petty
officer (a rating often received
after advanced training), and is
$138 for ,a chief petty officer.
There is a $200 uniform allowance
and no room, board, tax, or med
ical expense to pay. Ensign Hill
reports that there is very little
close supervision of Waves in the
A girl may be sworn in on her
20th birthday if she begins ex
aminations and papers a month
beforehand. First papers may be
signed at the recruiting station
here, and the navy will pay trans
portation to Portland for the
swearing in process.
There are many openings for
yeomen and storekeepers, the re
cruiter said, and 20 per ent of the
Waves work in aviation as link
trainer instructors, control tower
operators, parachute riggers, avia
tion machinist mates, and pho
tographer's mates. Other oppor
tunities exist in the hospital corps,
in radio technician work, in post
offices overseas censoring and
sorting mail, r.nd in assistant chap
lain work as organists.
“The navy will never be able
to get along without the Waves,1'
Ensign Hill quoted Vice-Admiral
Marie Rogndahl, Finalist
(Continued from page one)
from Meier and Frank’s store win
dow. Her appearances are being
handled by Carl Warner, repre
senting Phil Spitalny’s all-girl ra
dio show.
The first of the finalists ap
peared last Sunday, and another
will sing Sunday, March 26. No
indication has been made as to
how many finalists will be chosen.
From them, three contestants will
be selected to compete in Cleveland
in June. The winner will be of
fered a contract with the Hour of
Charm program.
Because Miss Rogndahl will be
absent Tuesday, March 28, a con
cert in which she was to appeal’
on that date has been postponed
until Tuesday, April 11. The young
singer is expected to return April
10, in time to appear on this pro
gram with other students of Sigurd
Nilsson, professor of voice.
Postwar Rehabilitation
(Continued from page one)
Co-featured at the assembly was
the installation of associated wom
en students officers. Mary Riley
was installed as president; Ardis
Jensen, vice-president; Signe Elt
lund, secretary; Mary McCland
less, treasurer; Beatrcie King, ser
geant-at-arms; and Rose an n
Leckie, reporter. Symbol of their
responsibilities, a red rose, was
given to each of the new officers
by Marilyn Campbell, retiring
Ensign Elizabeth Hill from the
Portland recruiting office, was in
troduced to the girls by Miss
Campbell, and she announced that
she would be in the dean of wom
en’s office all day Friday to speak
to any coeds interested in t'ne
Waves. Ensign Hill, a graduate of
Miami university, member of Phi
Beta Kappa and Mortar Board,
emphasized the fact that she was
not urging girls to drop out of col
lege in order to enlist in the
armed forces. However, she stated
that 92,400 Waves are needed by
the navy before the end of 1944
and every woman should recon
sider her future.
Two More Houses
(Continued from taqe one)
ical care for the victims. Several
months ago when the tragic crash
up of two oncoming trains—one a
passenger train, the other carrying
troops- occurred in the southeast,
Red Cross ambulances were among
the first to arrive on the scene.
Ice Cream '
^ Specialty ^
vfiS Products rffiw
Visit Our Modern Dairy Store
Toasted Sandwiches — Salads
Fountain — Waffles
Gustafson’s Dutch Girl
1224 Willamette St. Phone 1932
ASTP, Air Corps
To Mess Together
The ASTP has joined the air
corps. Only in the matter of eat
ing, however. Beginning today
the pre-meds on the campus will
eat at Hendricks hall with the
air corps men.
Reason for the joint eating
facilities is that the kitchen at
John Straub hall is equipped
for a much larger number of
people and it would not be eco
nomical to maintain separate
Response to Weather
Brings Pill Patients
Recent changes in the weather
of sunny Oregon also warrant a
surge of infirmary patients. Those
on the report from the health cen
ter for Thursday, March 23, in
clude, Doris Lakin, Maurine Staub,
Katherine Korn, Mary Winn, La
vedda Varlay, Halsey Taylor, and
Floyd Stapp. Soldiers on the list
are, Peter Colstad, Wendell Lien
hard, Don McSparrin, Jerome Ne
merow, and Edwin Poehlman.
Roberta Madden was discharged
today after a serious illness, as
was James Campbell of the army.
California was never like this.
South of the Border
(Continued, from page one)
panguillo” is sponsored locally by
the Oregon chapter of Sigma Delta
Pi, national Spanish honorary, and
Spanish students of the Eugene
high schools.
The film is slated for one show
ing, Mrs. Nichols announced, to
begin Tuesday afternoon at 4.
Tickets, priced at 30 cents, are on
sale in Romance language depart
ment offices, or may be purchased
Tuesday at the Mayflower.
Public Administration
(Continued frontpage Qjie)
manager of the Oregana, was
awarded the fellowship last year,
and is now in Washington complet
ing his internship.
Dr. Davenport and Dr. Reining
will be entertained Tuesday with a
lunch at the Rotary club, arranged
by Dr. W. C. Jones, head of polit
ical science department; Dr. J. H.
Gilbert, dean of college of liberal
arts; Frederick M. Hunter, chan
cellor of tlie state system of higher
education; and Dean Onthank.
They will also confer with the
Bob Hamilton, versatile guard on this year’s Oregon hoop
team, was named on the Washington State all-opponent team.
Jack Nichols of Washington was the only other player in the
Northwest conference league to be named on the team.
Hobby Hobson, who is the only basketball coach in the
Northwest on the association board of directors, is now at a
DasKetoan association meeting.
Hobson is representing the North- j
west on a three-man committee
which will interview the national j
rules committee. While there he j
will present a number of protests. ,
Among the many things that are
considered by him to be wrong are
the marketing of new basketball
equipment without the approval of
the N.C.A.A. and the coaches.
Another point up for protest is
the raising of the baskets or the j
passing of rules to outlaw the
playing of men over 7 feet. Any
rule that would be passed against
the playing of tall men would be ;
very unfair to the men. They can’t
help it if they are tall and they
have just as much right to play
as a short man.
If a player is able to keep the !
opponents’ shots f rom going
through the hoop more power to
him. There are many teams in the i
nation that have ways of shooting j
to keep the goal tender from bat- I
members of the University staff on
the positions open to students in
public administration work.
Kitchen was one of the 40 stu
dents selected from United States
colleges and Universities on a com
petitive basis by this Rockefeller
endowed institute last year. Only
one other student has previously
been selected from Oregon.
Spring Term Heralds
(Continued from page one)
pointed to handle “Y” publicity
Regular meeting time for the
new student council was set at
10:30 Thursday in the YMCA com
mittee room. Attending the meet- j
ing and taking active part in the
problems presented was A. L. Hoi- j
mer, adviser and executive secre
Student Girls for
Lunch and Dinner Help
997 Franklin
Phone 30
Have your tire recapped
now! We will loan you
tires to run on while
yours are being recapped.
Pearl and 11th
ting down their shots. One team
was so skillful in shooting that
they arched their shots high an3fc
hit the backboard at a large angle
and thus kept the ball out of the
reach of the tallest player.
There has been a proposed rule
change that would prohibit the use
of a zone defense. Even though the
zone defense has been very effec
tive in use against the Webfoots
Hobson believes that the coaches
should be able to develop a way of
breaking through the zone.
The only thing he approves of
is raising the number of personal
fouls allowed from four to five.
Ten words minimum accepted.
First insertion 2c per word.
Subsequent insertions lc per word.
Flat rate 37c column inch
Frequency rate (entire term) :
35c per column inch one time a
34c per column inch twice or more
a week.
Ads will be taken over the telephone on
a charge basis if the advertiser is a
subscriber to the phone.
Mailed advertisements must have suffi
cient remittance enclosed to cover
definite number of insertions.
Ads must be in Emerald business office
no later than 6 p. m. prior to the day
of insertion.
For Sale
1930 Chev. Sedan ,good condition—
recently overhauled—good rub
ber. $125. Call 3200.
"Mad Ghoul"
Turhan Bey - Evelyn Ankers
— plus —
"Calling Doctor
with Lon Chaney
with Humphrey Bogart
— plus —
"Find the
with Jerome Cowan, Fay
Emerson, Gene Lockhart
K-225” '