Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 24, 1944, Page 2, Image 2

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    Oregon W Emerald
Managing Editor Advertising Manager
News Editor
Norris Yates, Joanne Nichols
Associate Editors
Betty Ann Stevens Edith Newton Mary Jo Geiser
Shirley Stearns, Executive Secretary Carol Greening, Betty Ann Stevens
Warren Miller, Army Editor Co-Women’s Editors
Bob Stiles. Sports Editor Betty French Robertson, Chief Night Editor
Mary Jo Geiser, Staff Photographer Elizabeth Haugen, Assistant Managing Editor
Published daily during the oollege year except Sundays, Mondays, and holidays and
final examination periods by the Associated Students, University of Oregon.
Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice, Eugene, Oregon.
cMosuvialde ^bidcftatoje
Susan Campbell hall will soon have doors again.
As the echoes of marching feet fade from Susie hallways,
carpenters have begun the work of reconversion for feminine
use. And since those feminine users demand that their rooms
have doors to screen their privacy, the carpenters are now
refinishing and repairing the doors which were removed by
the army, stored in the Susan bacement, and damaged slightly
in the recent fire there, and will rehang the doors for the benefit
of next fall term’s dormitory-dwellers.
Although the reasons for the army’s removal of the doors in
the first place were never entirely clear to the civilian ob
server, always traditionally bewildered by the somewhat ob
scure and startling acts of the military, apparently the motive
was imitation of an army barracks to remind the soldier stu
dents that they were still in the army, Mr. Jones, and that “pri
vate rooms anti telephones” were not standard G. I. equipment.
If that were the idea, it was successfully accomplished.
Susan Campbell’s former feminine occupants would scarcely
have recognized their campus home in the sternly austere bar
racks that was Company C's headquarters. Not only were the
doors gone, but the lacy curtains were removed, and double
bunk beds were placed in what was the study room of the
various coed suites. Showers were installed in place of bath
tubs. I fospital ward severity replaced the girls’ attempts to
make their rooms comfortable, colorful, and attractive. Per
haps the most startling aspect of the rooms’ appearance was
that all signs of human occupancy were eliminated. A stranger
would have thought that no one lived in those bare rooms.
Present plans are that women students will live in Susan
Campbell next fall. The floors are now being refinished and
damages occurring in the basement fire, amounting to $2500 to
$3000, are being repaired. All army equipment has been re
moved. The hall will soon be ready for feminine residents—in
fact, reservations are now being accepted.
And when the coeds hang their gay curtains and pictures,
cover the studio couch with a colorful spread and bright pil
lows, toss scatter rugs on the floor, cram the closets with skirts
and the dresser drawers with sweaters, amf spread their arrays
of perfume bottles on the dresser tops—then Susan Campbell
hall will cease to be a barracks and will become a dormitory
again, officially out of the army after a year of honorable
service.—J .N.
R&U of JlucJz, Manic!
The University owes a real salute to Marie Rogndahl who
has already earned lame throughout the United States and ap
pears to he oil the road to success in the world of music. Going'
on from the class of regional winner to become a finalist in the
General Klectric’s Hour of Charm’s Undiscovered Voice con
test, Miss Rogndahl has earned herself the opportunity to be
heard from coast to coast on the radio and have the whole
nation appreciate her voice.
M e know everyone is going to like Marie when she sings
April 2 because we know Marie ourselves here on the campus.
Me not only know her voice and her fine ability to sing, but
we know her personality, her personal charm, and her willing
ness to cooperate and be friendly. M e have all heard her sing at
Dad's day, at Matrix. Table and the numerous other times she
has been so gracious in appearing on various programs.
And knowing Marie as we do, we have perfect confidence that
she will go on in this contest to be judged tops, just as we know
she deserves.
Marie has been studying voice for many years and her long
hours of work have definitely shown that she has trained
herself well—now she is having the opportunity which she
definitely deserves. M e salute you, Miss Rogndahl, and wish
v ott the best of success on your program in April. We'll all be
listening and be very proud of you.—K.N.
Clips and
Kissing- the boys goodby and the
welcoming of spring seem to have
been the most spectacular activ
ities on campuses across the nation
recently. The liquidation of the
ASTP, the cruel, cruel purge of
so much young and handsome date
material, has wrung many a pro
test from coeds from coast to
The most stoical reaction was
from the lieutenant colonel at the
University of Utah. “We haven’t
had word and Washington doesn’t
know who goes where, who re
mains, or how the reduction of the
ASTP is going to operate,’’ he
stated. . . . Mum’s the word, boys,
we don’t know nothin’ and don't do
nothin’ till you hear from me.
At the University of Washington
-Japanese language AST’s celebrat
ed the occasion with an “it’s de
McCoy” tea. The Japanese-born
wife of one of their instructors
entertained at her home. Fifty sol
diers removed their GI shoes at
the door, and bowing with quasi
Jap courtesy and speaking only
Japanese sat on the floor sipping
tea and nibbling dainty little cakes.
. . . Honorable GIs have velly good
time, indubitably, yes?
ASTP classes were dismissed
early at Oregon State in recogni
tion of the Army Day celebration
there. The farewell bidding was ac
claimed as the most outstanding
occasion of the year. Co-sponsored
by the soldiers and the coeds, every
minute of the day was filled with
some planned activity. The coed
drill teams competed for the girls’
drill championship; there was an
anti-aircraft demonstration from a
crack outfit from Camp Adair who
was attacked by three large flights
of fighter and bombing planes.
The championship basketball game
between former ROTC boys and an
army team was played, and the
climax of the day was the Military
Ball at which the Oregon State
pin-up boy was presented to his
The effects of spring seem to be
universal. Coeds arc leaving off
the pancake and trying to get
natural tans. As one coed from
this campus remarked, “We usual
ly get everything out of bottles—
our hair color, stockings, faces,
nails, even sun tans.” . . . and an
other Oregon wench added, “Yeah,
and our spirits, too!”
At Louisiana State university
the effects may be serious. The stu
dent newspaper reports that coeds
and soldiers are frantically making
kites from bits of string and paper;
everyone is gaily capering over the
campus with their heads and their
kites in the clouds. There is a pic
ture on the front page of an in
structor in physics (getting first
hand information on the nature of
wind currents, no doubt) sitting
nonchalantly on the lawn with a
ball of twine in his lap while his
little kite flies way up in the sky.
. . . Idea for the Junior Birdmen,
tia-la, tra-la.
A rude, crude, and so attrac
tive football player was seen
crouching on the lawn at Drake
University in Iowa. Big tears rolled
down his weathered check; tender
ly cupped in his hand was a broken
blade of grass. “Someone stepped
on it,” he sobbed; “Bruised the
first little growing thing of
spring." . . .
One of the professors there was
found muttering to himself,
"Spring? What does the text say
about Spring? Spring comes every
year. I think ALL the authorities
will substantiate me on this.” . . .
The women’s dorm diet of cottage
cheese and beans will be aban
doned and only hassenpfeffer and
turnip greens will be served hence
forth. Housemothers are to don
cheesecloth tunics and do an in
terpretive spring dance during the
dinner hour. . . .
And final spring note from
JleMete to- tlte tsditoo,
(The writer of this letter is a senior in journalism at the
University, who left the campus early in March for Morris
town, N. J., in order to enter training for the purpose of obtain
ing a seeing eye dog.)
Morristown, N. J.,
March 17, 1944
Well, I finally got around to writing a few lines, but I’m
afraid it will be just that.
In Chicago I attended a play by Eugene O’Neill and also
some musicals. The train was late and a fellow from Texas and
myself looked the town over and went to some of the shows. I
hope to see some of the broadcasts on the way back. ^
The training here at the seeing
Eye is a lot of work and a lot of
fun. The first day we were ob
served, that is they watched us and
judged our temperament and our
ability to get around. The next day
we went for a walk with our train
er to give him a chance to discover
the type of stride we used.
The third day we received our
dogs. Mine is a small black German
shepherd dog named Lona. She
has some tan on the lower portion
of her legs as well as a little under
her chest. She is friendly, in fact
too friendly, so I expect I'll have
some fun trying to keep the kids
a,t home from playing with her.
She is about twenty inches high at
the shoulders and her coat is fairly
The training itself is work and
fun. We get up at six in the morn
ing to exercise our dogs at what
is known in the aristocratic circles
is the park. At seven breakfast
and then work. The first days we
uent exclusively by station wagon
to Morristown where we took cer
tain specified routes. The trainer
Drake: The Sig Alph frat men
gathered in front of the library
wearing big juicy Frank Sinatra
ties and solemnly chanted:
“Cadets got class,
And oomph, you bet!
But listen, women,
We ain’t dead yet!’’
was right with us and watched for
mistakes. He warned us against
letting the dogs wander off when
crossing the street and similar
The dog is supposed to check for
curbs and all obstacles, but they
are like little kids and often will
try to do as they please, then we
give them leash corrections. We
jerk on the leash which sets the
canine rascal on her tail.
The equipment consists of a
leash attached to a choke chain col
lar for correction and leading when
the dog is not working, then we
have a stiff leather harness with
a U-shaped handle for guiding.
You can feel the dog’s body move
and can tell the different positions
of the dog through the harness
handle. After training on a straight
route for a week or so we started
what is called the boyscout hike.
The hike is an obstacle course for
seeing eye dogs. They take you
across routes and through mud-**
holes also over highways and
through narrow hedges.
Lona worked perfectly on that
trip, but the next day she back
slid a little and tried chasing squir
rels. Her trouble consists of cats
and squirrels which distract her
from her work The result is a
snappy leash correction and a ra
ther sorry dog tends to business
until another cat or squirrel shows
The people here are very friend
ly. The trainer is with you from
the time you leave the bus until
you leave. Our trainer, a Mr. Wee
man, is a good joe. He’s a harcf~
teacher, but a regular guy, gives
you your mistakes but in a way
that doesn’t anger anyone. We get
candy and beer and things from
town through him, which makes a
lot of extra work on his part.
Here I am at the bottom of the
page and the trainer is calling us
for work, so will see you in at
least two weeks.
Goodbye for now,
Bags of fine leather and fabrics
in pastels, gay and dark colors.
Gloves in a soft suede-finish fabric
in colors to match your bag.
Jewelry—lapel pin's, earrings,
necklaces, bracelets . . .
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