VOLUME XLV NUMBER S6 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. EUGENE, FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1944 Two More Houses Go All Out For Red Cross Membership The 1944 Red Cross membership drive gathered momenturr yesterday when two more houses added to Tuesday’s four re ported 100 per cent membership: Alpha Delta Pi with $48.50 and Alpha Omicron Pi, $43.80. According to co-chairmen Dorothy Rasmussen and Mary K Minor, nine more houses turned in the results of Wednesday's v.win.^LlUilO . uauici ifiJ-.UW, Hillcrest lodge, $20; Birch lodge, $17.75; Hilyard house, $15; Alpha Gamma Delta, $15; Casablanca, $13; Chi Omega, $10; Kappa Alpha Theta, $10; Highland house, $5.50. The fact that the competition is being judged on a percentage basis was stressed by the chairmen. The house, no matter how small, whose members contribute the most money individually will receive the first prize cup awarded by the war board. Second prize of records totaling $2.50 will go to the next house, also rated on a percentage basis. Dorothy Rasmussen reported that today is the last day when the Iiwamas will be stationed at tables before the Side and in the Co-op to receive contributions there. All students not living on the campus should avail themselves of their last opportunity to sup port the campus drive by making their donations at the Kwama ta bles today. For the convenience of men living off the campus a box has been placed in the YMCA buildings for their contributions. Emphasizing again the exten siveness of the services rendered by the Red Cross and the import ance of generous support of this war fund campaign, the officers of the campus drive remind the stu dents that in wartime the Red Cross must do for the individual soldier what his own family and friends would do personally. “The best way to reach your service man with your help is through the Red Cross. Wherever he is, the Red Cross is at his side and your contributions will give him the food, medicine, cigarettes, blood plasma, and morale building en tertainment he asks for.” It is not only the soldiers and sailors on actual duty that receive aid from the Red Cross, however. When disaster strikes on the home front the 3756 chapters of the or ganization are ready to assist in rescue and medical care and pro vide food, shelter, clothing, and re habilitation. Last year when scores of families in Eugene’s neighbor community. Springfield, were left homeless and destitute after the Willamette river flooded their dis trict, the Red Cross was ready With blankets, warm food, and med (Please turn to page four) JEANNE BRIGGS . . . . . . will play Cybel in the Great God Brown, to be presented by the University theater this term. MARY ELLEN FOLLAND . . . . . . will play the other feminine lead in the Great God Brown, the part of Margaret. Postwar Rehabilitation Discussed By Miss Schrottsky for Assembly “One of the greatest problems will be the rehabilitation of the home,” stated Oleda Schrottsky, leader in the national dramatic department of the Girl Scouts, in her speech at the AWS assembly yesterday. Miss Schrottsky discussed problems coeds will have to face ^Gtv and after the war. She cited examples of homes wheie Public Administration Fellowship Offered Dr. F. M. Davenport and Dr. Henry Reining of the National In stitute of Public Affairs will be on the campus March 28 to interview applicants for their annual fellow ship, Karl W. Onthank, dean of personnel, announced Thursday. The fellowships of the National Institute of Public Affairs, ap proximately 40 of which are given each year, provides for a year’s internship in public administration work in Washington, D.C. Jeff Kitchen, former business (Please turn to page four) com parexiLa aic wuimua >u v** fense industries and the children are left more or less to shift for themselves. “We have so little time today for the little niceties of life." Schools, she commented, are un able to adequately provide a back ground upon which children could base their living. The speaker de scribed a school in Willow Run which she visited as an example, There were 900 pupils and onlv 20 teachers. The principle of the school had assured her that t.hr influence of the Boy and Girl Seoul organizations was extremely im portant. “Today, more than evei before, we need scout leaders,' asserted Miss Schrottsky. (Please turn to page four) Conklin Fills Post Gene Conklin, chairman of j the all-campus Student Union I committee, was elected by a majority vote of the ASUO ex ecutive council Thursday to fill the junior representative spot on the council. Conklin fills the post left vacant when Phyllis ] Horstman was upped to the ' position of secretary of the council on the graduation of ! Martha Jane Switzer. Conklin was tapped for Friars, senior men’s honorary, at the sophomore Whiskerino. This is his first year on the campus. In 1941 he attended George Washington university in Washington, D.C., and at the same time worked in the bill clerk’s office in the house of representatives. Conklin’s sophomore year was spent at Eastern Oregon College of Education where he was busi GENE CONKLIN ness manager of the associate*# students and a member of Theta Delta Phi, national honorary so ciety. He has also been active in junior Chambers of Commerce at La Grande and Wallowa, Oregon. The ASUO nominating assembly date was set for Thursday, Apiil IS at 1 pan. Elections for ASU*> and class officers will i*' held o.* April 18 and installation will be <»«* April '10. Petitions Due Saturday Petitions for the positions ot Oregana and Emerald business managers are due Saturday, March 25. They should be turned in at. the educational activities office by noon Saturday. The board will decide on the ap-» plications April 3. Petitions for editorship of tho publications are due April 1. — ■ — i Committee Chairmen Chosen For All-Campus Sing Contest Committee heads for the All-Campus Sing to .be presented during Junior Weekend have been announced by Arliss Boone, 1 chairman of the sing. j Marty Beard, junior in liberal arts, is chairman of ushering ! and seating arrangements for the Sing. Anyone wishing to work [ with her on this committee should contact her at Alpha Delta Spring Term Heralds New YMCA Activities The University YMCA showed signs of new life and activity as the new student advisory cabinet held its first meeting of the spring term yesterday morning in the YMCA committee room. Presided over by Acting Presi dent Donald Jeppesen, freshman in liberal arts, the meeting ran into a two-hour discussion of “Y” post war planning, present “Y” condi tions and various activity projects to be undertaken. Discussion of membership enlargement occupied a notable part of the meeting. Harry Granger, freshman in lib eral arts and acting secretary, and Dick Peters, also freshman in lib eral arts, were appointed to make membership plans. Ervin Webb, freshman in liberal arts, was ap (Ptcasc turn to page four) Pi house. Chairman of the men's section of the program, men’s songs and those skits to be presented by either men students or soldiers, is Rollin Wood. Wood announced to day that all men wishing to par ticipate in the Sing, or to appear in skits, can reach him at Campbell club. Among the students who are working on skits in preparation for presentation of them during Junior Weekend are Joan Dolpb, junior in journalism, Betty Ann ■Stevens, junior in journalism, and Jean Templeton, sophomore in drama. Miss Boone asks that anyone wishing to work on any commit tee for the. All-Campus Sing con tact her at 130“. Houses which have not turned in their song titles for the Sing, should do so at once, as the dead line is Friday at 5 o'clock, Miss Boone cautioned. Marie Rogndahl,Now Finalist, Wins Audition on Hour of Charm A finalist among; regional win ners, Marie Kogndahl will leave ; Sunday for Albany, New York, where she will sing; on the Hour j of Charm broadcast of Sunday, April 2. Finalists were chosen ] from records of the voices of 13 ; regional winners in General Elec tric’s Hour of Charm contest for i the “Undiscovered Voice of Amer : ica.” The. recording of Miss Ilogn dahi’s voice was made when she j sang at the regional contest in ! Portland last month. Miss Rogndahl will be accom panied cast by her chaperon, Miss ; Maude Garnett, an associate pro j fessor in the music school, and her mother, Mrs. Inga. Rognciahl of Portland. Expenses for herself and her chaperon will be paid by the sponsors of the contest. After a sendoff and flowers from the Eugene chamber of commerce Friday night at a luncheon at the Eugene hotel, Miss Rogndahl will leave Saturday morning for Port land. At 1 p.m. she will appear at the Victory center there. Later she will be a guest at a. luncheon given by H. Q. Cox, assistant manager | of KGW. Saturday night tlic blonde so prano will take part in a broadcast, previewing the Four Freedoms, (Please turn to page four/ Trap Laid for Writer Bowing (o the inevitable, the> Emerald is sending out a call for sports writers with an eye to finding an assistant sports edi tor. Anyone interested should write a sports column, something on the order of Duck Tracks, concerning either men’s or w om en's sports or both and turn it in to the Emerald news editor. South of Border Picture Scheduled Adventure of an American busi nessman "south of the border' will provide laughs and action at. the scheduled presentation of "Do New York a Huipanguillo," a Mex ican-produced film to be shown at the Mayflower theater Tuesday, March 2S. Announced by Mrs. Ethel B. Nichols as "a recent filir* hit in Mexico,” the picture has also been shown with success in parte* of the United States. Third Mexican production to ap pear within recent months, “Hin i' Please iurn to fage jour) Negotiation of Army Contract Completed Negotiations for the settlement of last term’s army contract wilt* the University of Oiegon wero completed yesterday, according' to Dr. Will V. Norris, academic direc tor of the soldier program. Lieutenant Colonel Irwin Claw son, field artillery from Fort Doug las represented the army in tbo negotiations, aided by Major W. S. Averill, commandant of the ASTP. Representing the University were J. O. Lindstrom, business# manager; Dr. Earl M. Pallett, ex ecutive secretary and registrar; H. A, Bork, comptroller and acting budget officer; Paul Waldren, busi ness manager of Oregon State col lege; Dr. C. D. Byrne, secretary cl the state board of higher educa tion, and Dr. Norris. Others wei» called in during the negotiation?# to represent special phases of tin# contract. Messing, housing, instruction, medical aid, and physical education? expenses concerned the remainder of the settlement.