r4, Auacufl Jlaue.. , , Ramanee fynteUio-ned: RitUfi, Rice Abo-und By M. M. ELLSWORTH and MARTHA THORSLAND \\ ith the Military Ball over and the memory of one huge success behind us, we sort of hoped there would be lots of ro mantic news. We can tell you this much: ADPi \ \ onne Rdwarcis has an eastern fraternity pin, from what we can find out, but is not ready to divulge the fellow’s name. Xow is that fair? Pi Phi Audrey Cardell recent! v tnnt- n SAE pin which belongs to Bob Mills, formerly of Nevada. Hearts and Fliers As soon as things can be arrang "53 Marge Cordon, Pi Phi, will fly to California to marry Lt. Plin Laurence of the army air corps which gives a “they-lived-happily ever-after” ending to a high school romance. Alums are still getting married: Nelda Rohrback, Alpha Chi and ex-little colonel, to Lee Spitzer, Phi Sig, in New Orleans this month. Another Alpha Chi and another big event in New Orleans was the mar Fur-Collar Coat with the quiet, rich lines that speak of high quality and good taste. Warmly beautiful, this can be a coat for day or night wear. MATTHEW'S FUR SHOP 111 W. 7th DON’T MISS THIS BILL "TO BE OR NOT TO BE" CAROLE LOMBARD JACK BENNY “VALLEY OF THE SUN’’ LUCILE BALL JAMES CRAIG riage of Clint Childs, SAE, and Fran Johnston, on January 6. King Parade Even more engagements:—Gerry Stowell and Mick Maddren, Alpha Chi and SAE announced theirs last week. AWS Alot&i For the UO coed: Do you have at least one or two extra hours a week (left over after classes, furious studying ? ? ? and such es sential things as eating and sleep ing) which you fill by pouring down cokes, playing bridge, gos siping, or moaning about life in general ? Ked Cross Ah—you have ? Then why not trip over to the Red Cross center to fill those hours profitably for the war effort. They do need more girls and perhaps it would help make amends for the accusations of such persons as Damon Runyon whose unpublished article “I beg your pardon, girls” seems to have practically ‘‘torn the girls of Amer ica apart”—telling of women’s failure to answer the nation’s call to uniform. But since many of us want our educations and are lucky enough to be able to get them now, one way of helping almost as much IS to HELP—in just such things as Red Cross. Marines More about women—and college girls, too—Mrs. Stuart Strong, past dean of Mills college, will be the principle speaker at the AWS assembly next Tuesday, February 15, at 4 p. m., speaking on “Women and Democracy.” Two marine staff sergeants, Adaline Franks and L. L. Pittenger will tell of opportun ities for women and training re quired in the marine corps. Several AWS cabinet members from O.S.C. v- iH also be present to give us an idea of our “rival’s” activities to date. And don’t forget, Thursday, February 17, are annual AWS elec tions. This is the last assembly or affair in general conducted by pres ent AWS officers—after that it’s up to the new officers. By BETTY LU SIEGMAN President Robert M. Hutchins of Chicago won the De Forest orator ical prize at Yale as had his father before him. WE HAVE EVERYTHING FOR VALENTINE'S • Suits • Coats • Dresses • Accessories - DOROTHY DUREE 1080 Willamette Women’s Page's taff Co-Editors: Betty Ann Steven: Carol Greening Staff: Mary Margaret Ellsworth Martha Thorsland Margery Skordahl Betty Lu Siegman Ophelia Ophelia snuffled. She was read ing a tender message on a Grade A cabbage leaf, from Gordon, the garbage man. She knew it was from Gordon because it was sign ed, “Your loving door-to-door bore.” He was on important man euvers . . . including- a mission which covered half of Eugene. So, no Military Ball. Ophelia formed a stag line of one . . . looking her usual lovely self garbed in a papier-mache form al. Someone tried to lean . . . Ophe lia rustled haughtily. “Pahdon me?” he awsked and mumbled something about the scenery. To keep the conversation going she gestured at him ... too quick, he ducked and feinted ... or fainted . . . with a right . . . good will. Floor burns! Ophelia squared away and set her course, (note: nautical terms) . . . for Major Averill. Had some military secrets to whisper about. Couldn’t find him . . . when he wasn’t with his wife. Ipana Grin Party getting- a bit dull . . . climbed the balcony, took over the spotlight. Ophelia shone. Chased a certain man all over the floor with it. He smiled up at her ... or around there ... his teeth shone like pearls. Thought of her pawn shop and smiled back. Dropped the spot”. Glass all over the place. Creaked to a sitting position. Ophe lia was thinking. Made up a speech about accepting the Cover Girl title . . . was candidate for her house, Staggers Inn. Words just wouldn’t come to her ... no one else would either. Winked ’til pop eyed at a Government Issue over in a corner ... he was pop-eyed to begin with. He started toward her . . , tears did a hundred-yard squish in her baby pink eyes. She stepped daintly forward . . . ob served speed limit ... slowed down to 30 mph. Put up her stop sign loo late ... he coasted right past her. Sadly Ophelia checked out . . . r Coed, aj ttte hVeeh . . . 'Real' Pea filer Jliked by P>i&xy By BETTY ANN STEVENS Dark, soft-spoken Beverly Goetz ; grinned disarmingly, "You know, I just detest things like this.'1 We ! muttered darkly, and she hastened to explain, ducking her head, “Well, | you know what I mean. It's em ; barrassing!” Following promises to make the interview as painless as possible, the WAA proxy continued, 11 What T like? Oh, dear! Well, for the last three summers I've been a counsel or at Camp Namanu . . . the ranch. I like animals and the out-of-doors, and I learned to shoe a horse. It was fun . . . the hills around . . . and we used to tease the horses and make them run and buck." What “Bev” likes about people, she "just can't explain. Well, it's just a feeling.” She appreciates sincerity. Youth-hostelling was another weil-developod like prior to col lege, and she has bicycled from her home in Grants Pass to New York. "When the war’s over I'm cruel life. “No love, no nothin'.” Decided to take in the "Love and Marriage” lecture Sunday . . . had a question for the box, doc. "Ophe lia, should you change your name to Celia, so men won't double deal y»?” Advices Answer Very proud of the question . . . j stumped speakers. Finally suggest i ed that she just call herself . . . ' Ophelia crawled. Never so insulted J... in front of so many people. Stumbled into Professor So 'n So who mouthed an “A ha!” and be jgan to beat on her . . . verbally. | “Why,” he shouted quietly, “did I you have to camp in the middle I of the floor at the Military Ball?” Ophelia murmured, "I’m a scout, clout, for the Mademoiselle. Just copying a few gowns to get the shape of things.” By MARGERY SKORDAHL, Twenty-six members of the Farm Victory Cadet corps during the month of July stayed on the Keuka college campus, Keuka, N. Y., to pick red and black raspberries on nearby farms. BOTANY-FLANNEL JUMPERS at $14.95 for something’ that’s clever and cute, see these Jumpers which come in red, green, yellow, brown, and turquoise. 1004 Willamette Phone 633 Salon on Balcony Budget Accounts Accepted going back to that for one thing. The people you meet are so swell.” Westminster house and its: at mosphere reminds her of hostell ing. "I'm not a very religious tier son," she hesitated, "so I didn’t see that side of it. but the people are so real." Flirt To a question concerning WAA’s successful venture, fun night, she replied, "Well, the main idea was in trying to fulfill the need! oi si nothing to do on Friday night, and that's about all on that point.” Besides being a Mortar Board, a past member of Phi Theta lip silon, and a "senior majoring phys ical education and minoring in sci ence," she is an Only Child, for which "I've never forgiven my oar cuts." About her dislikes . . , "Oh good ness! It must be people who never do anything for anyone else, and 1 like having things done for me,” sue stated with a mischievous giuit. ' Oh, you might put in that I'm a. nurses’ aide. I'm proud of that. I worked myself to death over the weekend.” GIFTS For your VALENTINE (Genuine leather w a I 1 c ts $2.00 and up America's best loved lipstick . . . RKVXON —World fam ous for its “ Stay on’’ quality, $1.00 Leather cigar ette cases $2.50 to $2.95 Hand embroidered corded and pearled edges, made in Portugal. You may have1 them initi aled. Prints 59c - 68c; White 65c - $1.00 I Earings $1.00 Sterling silver U$2.96 a n d up •j Gold V $5.95 - $11,95.