War Women By MARY JO GEISER ‘‘This is Miss Blank, your announcer, saying ‘goodbye’ until this same time tomorrow ...” and so might en da program an nounced, produced, written, acted or directed by a feminine crew of radio operators. Yes, radio is now calling talented college women to its ex clusive fold. Before the war, men held practically all key positions in radio and women activity was limited. The keys of the industry are in women’s hands for the first time if they care to use them. If radio is your dream job, and there are radio shoes you want to fill, consider the possibilities offer ed through the courses here on the campus. In charge of radio coordination „ is Kenneth S. Wood, instructor in speech and dramatic arts. Compre hensive courses offered are the prerequisite fundamentals of broad casting, then program production, radio scrip writing, and the radio workshop. “At present the radio workshop classes build and produce two pro grams a week over the Corvallis station KOAC, totaling three hours a week over the air,” explained Mr. Wood. “Other schools and de partments cooperate on these shows, the journalism and music department, for instance.” Possibly next year, Eugene’s sta tion KOliE will have completed plans for a regular U. of O. cam pus program release. Experience on these small programs is inval uable since the smaller station is considered the finest training ground for the individual who wishes to work into and up in the industry. Right now the radio industry is divided into the networks, their managed and owned stations, self owned stations which are affiliat ed with the networks ,and inde pendent or non-network stations. There are 950 stations operating on the 29 available channels. Sta tions may vary in size from 100 watts to 50,000 watt clear channel stations. Writing for radio is not limited to dramatic scrips, although these are very important. Varying types of programs make up a station schedule. A check has shown that on the average 52 per cent are musical; 9 per cent drama; 8 and 5-10 per cent variety; 11 per cent talks and dialogue; 9 pgr cent news; 5 per cent religious and de votional; 2 per cent special event; 2 per cent miscellaneous. Because of the war, the percentage of news commentaries and talks has gone up materially and music and spe cial programs have gone down. Today you can’t talk about ra dio without dreaming about tele visions. Television probably will come out of this war as radio did in the last. Its popular use is not so much a technical problem now as one of economics and produc tion. Although techniques for na tional television broadcasting are unperfected, local television with in a 200 mile radius will be possible as soon as supplies are again avail able for civilian use. Nine V. S. television stations are broadcasting regularly now, three In New York, one in Seheneetady, one in Philadelphia, two in Chiea go. and two in Hollywood. New television sets will be avail able within six months after peace in Kurope. Television’s pictures will depend on receiving sets, but probably will range from 8 in. by 10 in. up to approximately 20 in. by 24 in. The best reception is within 60 milt's of the station. Television will carry any seene that a camera ean record from the studio or field. Frequency modulation and inter national short wave further will enlarge the field of activity and point to the new vocational oppor tunities. (FM is a high-fidelity, al most static-free radio system, op " Dear Sirs: In the Emerald of Decern- 1 1 her 29 (I think that was the " ■ > date) you published a num- - . * her of tributes to the mem- ,, ,, ory of our son, Donald. Both ,, ,, Mrs. Erb and I were much , moved by them. Would it be possible for us to have as many as half-a dozen copies of that number, if you have them ? If you will send them on, together with '1 a bill for them, I shall gladly " send you stamps to cover. " " Thanking you for giving 1 this request 5’our attention, I am , Sincerely yours, J. LAWRENCE ERB l( r.S.: Dec. 29 is the date. Browser Prowls By ERVIN WEBB This is a tale about Percy. Percy is Ophelia’s brother, only Ophelia doesn’t know it. Percy un like his sister, has been around for years. He’s tried everything from law to surgery, and claims if he doesn’t get a degree in janitoring come spring, he’s going to OSC. When he told us that, we told him a better place to go. Everybody knows Percy, and those who don’t soon do—vicious circle isn’t it? But here is the tale. Percy opened the door quietly and trying hard not to let it squeak, lest the noise disturb the occupants of the room. He stepped inside. The air was filled with snores, heavy breathing, and sky bound legs. Bodies, like sacks of dampened straw, and as numerous as California drivers at a circuit court, were popped up in every imaginable attitude throughout the room. Percy’s eyes popped like yo-yo’s. Thoroughly astonished at the spect acle sprawled before him and at the fact that 110 per cent of the population were of the female var iety, Percy beat a hasty retreat. Outside, in the corridor, he re read the sign on the door. He was much relieved to find that “This Room is for Recreational Reading —it is not a Study Hall.’’ Percy sighed with both tonsils, and went back into what he now knew to be the Libe Browsing room. “Mighty funny how some people read with their eyes closed, mouth open and heels higher than their head,” he breathed as be eased his hulk down beside a sleeping cutie. After the davenport had molded to fit him, Percy took a sofa’s-eye view of the room. Over in the right hand side of the left hand end of the north terminus of the room was a drowsing coed with a 1910 edition of Vogue in her hand. Ev ery three minutes one eye would open, squint at the fashions and go to sleep again. Hanging over one arm of the chair was a head. Its body was draped down the side and over part crating in the same ultra-short wave region as television.) As global communication develops, short wave alone will offer an ad ditional field of activity as com plete as that of television or radio today. Short wave will become the front line in the psychological war fare to win the peace, perhaps. The Cutting Room By BILL BUELL “Old Acquaintance” is a story of love affairs as tangled as a restor ation comedy and of undying friendship that makes Damon and company look like local 72 and the International Boilermakers. We were surprised to learn that the source of the script was neith er the Good Housekeeping nor the Woman’s Home Companion hut a successful Broadway play. This drama may well make a deep and profound impression upon mid dle-aged middle class housewives. The picture glorifies the life long friendship of two female nov elists. Bette Davis writes good books no one will buy. Miriam Hopkins, motivated by sub-con scious jealousy of her friend’s suc cess, prolifically dashes off best selling trash. Miss Hopkin’s husband (John Loder) falls in love with Miss Davis. Miss Davis renounces his offers because Miss Hopkins is her best friend and “one just doesn’t do that sort of thing.” Mr. Loder politely removes himself by joining the army. Several years elapse. Miss Hop kin’s daughter (Dolores Moran) grows up into a sweet and brain less young thing who falls in love. But the young sheik whom she loves (Gig Young) is practically engaged to the cradle-snatching Miss Davis. Miss Davis gallantly renounces the dictates of her heart and gives Mr. Young to Miss Moran. The picture ends with the two middle-aging novelists drinking flat champagne and looking for ward to a manless future. But then, of course, they have their beautiful friendship. Why the attractive and intelli gent Miss Davis continues to put up with the lint-brained and ego centric Miss Hopkins is something we never quite figured out. In spite of the banal plot and much corny dialogue “Old Ac quaintance” is almost an excellent picture. Director Vincent Sherman makes the most of his inferior script. Bette Davis, who could make a good part out of anything from Tarzan’s mate to a horse opera heroine, turns in a typically distinctive performance. John Lod er also handles his job capably. Miss Hopkins, however, ruins many scenes by shrilly overplaying her rather neurotic part. We’re never quite sure when she’s serious and when she’s burlesquing her self. of the floor. This particular carcass snored. “Recreational reading',” sneered Percy as he turned his head in the other three directions and found himself staring a yawning mouth in the teeth. “Come to think of it,” he added, “Sleeping is recreation.” Survey ing the other almost alive bodies and deciding that he was too con spicuous, took a Red Ryder Comic book out of his watch pocket, browsed through it and was soon drowsing through it. Browsing room or drowsing room, that is the question, accord ing to Percy. Oh, but if only Bill Shakespeare were here! Ei'imiiii BETTE DAVIS and MIRIAM HOPKINS in "OLD ACQUAINTANCE" *lwa Qaad 9deal •. . Hawthorne lodge and Highland house put across sotJjip "open house” parties which seem to have hit the social nail on the head. This is what happened at Hawthorne. At their first mixer this term, no turnout, no fun. A pow-wow showed that many of the boys invited didn’t know how to dance. When the next open house rolled around, soldiers and girls were learning dance steps in droves and having a terrific time. Now they’re learning to rhumba and conga! Highland house solved the date problem for their house this way. Having decided that three couples dancing in the liv ing room didn’t constitute a good time, they proclaimed, and put over an evening of darts, ping-pong, checkers, and just gab- ' bing. This same idea has drifted through the campus before; the campus canteen was started on the same principle. As one soldier told us once, “We like to go bowling, and play games as weTTas dance. When we’re off for the weekend we don’t go for a lot of formality and artifical deals ...” M. M. G. Oregon Emerald MARJORIE M. GOODWIN EDITOR ELIZABETH EDMUNDS BUSINESS MANAGER MARJORIE YOUNG Managing- Editor ROSEANN LECKIE Advertising Manager ANNE CRAVEN News Editor Norris Yates, Joanne Nichols Associate Editors Betty Ann Stevens EDITORIAL BOARD Edith Newton Mary Jo Geiser Shirley Stearns, Executive Secretary Shaun McDermott, Warren Miller Army Co-editors Bob Stiles, Sports Editor Carol Greening, Betty Ann Stevens Co-Women’s Editors Mary Jo Geiser, Staff Photographer Betty French, Chief Night Editor Elizabeth Haugen, Assistant Managing Editor Published daily during the college year except Sundays, Mondays, and holidays and final examination periods by the Associated Students, University of Oregon. Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice, Eugene, Oregon. Q. 9. Muscled.... So the hand-me-down ditty goes .. . “Sing a song of colleges. Tell us were to go . . . Oxford where the knowledge is . . . Cor nel where they row . . . Harvard with its bloomin’’ swells. Notre Dame, and then, good old Princeton for its yells, and Ore-gon for MEN. Snatched or adapted, the song had a bit of significance last week when Oregon’s A.STU students were rated tops, phys* ically speaking, in the nation in the performance of push-ups, sit ups, pull-ups, ten-yard pick-a-backs, 300-vard run, not to men tion the burpee. No, don’t forget the burpee. Dean Ralph W. Leighton, of the school of physical educa tion, says the University s rating' is superior to any of the nearly 50 units tested. That’s good. * * % Sfc Senior-sixer Edie Onthank whipped over the obstacle course last year in cumbersome blue jeans and a t-shirt. She didn’t establish a lecoid, but obstacles courses were strange . . . espC1 cially with girls running them. ’I he Emerald news editor rubbed her hands together and muttered, “A feature!” Last year too, moans and the stench of liniment arose from men’s living or ganizations as compulsory p.e. was enforced. Obstacle courses and burpee tests aren’t strange now. 1 he), re a paxt of the program and pattern of militarized student life. It’s a well-ordered, rewarding pattern. B. A S. GIFTS FOR VALENTINE'S DAY . \ £ Stationery • Striking Myrtlewood Jewelry • Playing Cards Valleg Printing & Stationery Co. 76 W. Broadway To all you students . . . HAPPY VALENTINE from JEWELRY STORE 620 Willamette