VOLUME XLV NUMBER UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 4. 1944 ------- --—------+' | TonightLast Opportunity To View \Dark Victory' “Dark Victory’s” reappearance tonight at 8 in Guild hall, marks the successful completion of the second production by the University theater in accordance with their ambitious four-year plan to acquaint University students with every type of dramatic work. Of the four plays scheduled for this year two have now been pre sented, a comedy, “Out of the Frying Pan” and a drama, “Dark Vic tory”. Left to be considered are the experimental drama, on which work is already being started, and the musical review in the spring. W. A. Dahlberg, director of speech and dramatic arts,°in com menting on the production said, “I think it excellent. I was particularly impressed with Mr. Krasnowsky and Miss Korn. To me the play ‘Dark Victory’ represents one additional step in the University theater’s new policy.” Mr. Dahlberg continued that he especially wanted to congrat ulate Director Horace Robinson in his cooperation with the drama de partment on this new program. He also described “the old maid,” Margie Robinson’s portrayal of the old housekeeper, as excellent. Mrs. Eyler Brown, treasurer and former president of Eugene’s Very Little Theater also pronounced the play “very splendid’., adding that it was the “most restrained and consistent thing I've seen in a long time.” Likes, Dislikes Key to Individual “I am interested far more in the i construe tive, forward-moving! drives that, give shape and color to., an., individual., regardless., of whether he is happy or not,” assert e#lVIiss Leona E. Tyler in her lec ture last night in one of the Uni versity lecture series. “It seems to me that we come closest to getting at these by means of the inventories of the likes and dislikes which have been work ed out for measuring vocational in terests.” Miss Tyler, who, as assistant pro fessor of psychology, has made a special study of the development of various methods of evaluating personality during the last 25 years, stated that there is abundant evi dence that people can be differen tiated in this way. She said that although we tend to think of a per son's likes and dislikes as being ephemeral and changeable, they are not; from adolescence on they are as stable as anything about the per son. Acording to Miss Tyler, those years of trial-and-error research have resulted in three main types Of personality test technique: the maladjustment or symptom ques tionnaire, the interest inventory Which probes your likes and dis likes and interprets through them your vocational tendencies and per sonality traits; and the projective tests like those where the individ ual is given abstract ink blots and a^ftbd to tell what he sees. (Please turn to page Jour) Experimental Drama Set for Spring Term An experimental drama, as yet Unannounced, was accepted unani mously by the University Theater guild as their third production of the school year on the nomination of the advisory board yesterday eve ning at the winter term group meet ing, faculty adviser Horace W. Rob inson announced following the meeting. U'he play was read through for Comprehension by the assembled members of the Theater guild and selective casting will begin imme diately. Mr. Robinson has an nounced that anyone, man or wo man, who would care to try out for the production should get in touch With him or some member of the guild. Candidates for tryouts need not belong to the guild or be en rolled in any dramatic courses at the University. The first part of the meeting was devoted to the hearing of reports from the advisory council on the ffew personnel card filing system being inaugurated, the Guild Ga zette, the organization’s paper being sent to service alumni; the vaude ville unit, and map and publicity projects. i Judges Appointed In Story Contest Judges for the annual Marsha 11 Case-Haycox short story contest have been announced as Miss Ju liette Gibson, instructor in creative writing and journalism, Eugene high school; Glen Hasselrooth, re porter, Register-Guard; and Mrs. Arthur Hunter, daughter-in-law of Chancellor Hunter. Deadline for the contest is Mffrch 1. All stories must be handed in to Frofessor W. F. G. Thacher, pro fessor of English and advertising, by that date. The contest is open to any registered undergraduate student, except previous prize winners. Each contestant is limited to one original short story, but he is not restricted as to length or sub ject. Stories should be typed, double spaced, on one side of the paper only, and must be submitted in duplicate. The author's name should be written on a piece of paper and put into an envelope, on the face of which is written the name of the story. FATHAH BAILEY AND HIS CREW . . . . . . consisting of Owen Bailey, Gail Myers, James Seurloek, John Sheviak, Walter Hayes, Pat Hageiueye*, Bob Stotlar, Fred Petterson, “Ace” Fehlberg, Merle Getchell, Carl Gutmann, "Whitey” W hite, Jack B lumen* tliaul, Sue Welch, Ralph Sutton, George Barker. ASTUdents Invite UO Faculty, Personnel to Military Formal Tomorrow’s gala formal, the an nual Military Ball, is open to facul ty members and University person nel, as well as to civilian men and military students from other units on the campus. Representatives of the ASTP men who are sponsoring the Ball an nounced that students with out-of town dates need show only one Uni versity affiliation or army identifi cation card per couple. As previously announced in the Emerald, this is the only admission requirement, because army regula tions prevent the performance of iFifty Coeds Help Nation Fulfill Nursing Demands By WINIFRED ROMTVEDT Between 50 and 60 pre-nursing students enrolled at the Uni versity are helping to meet the nation’s requirements for nurses, both service and civilian. Most of these students are freshmen. By July 1, it is necessary that 65,000 students nurses be attending schools in the United States, and this quota has not been reached, Miss Henrietta Doldz. acting director of the department of nurs Washington State Whips UO 38-33 Washington State scored a 38 to 33 victory over the Oregon Web foots to square the series at one. apiece. This win puts the two teams back in a tie for third place in the conference standings. Washington State passed incess antly to solve the zone defense that the Ducks were using. It was not until the last two minutes of play that the Webfoots changed from their zone to a man-for-man de fense, and even this seemed to be a benefit to the Cougars. Until the last six minutes of play, when the Staters grabbed a lead they could hold, the ball game was very close with the lead changing five times in the first half and three times in the second. The 19 to 17 score at the half saw the Cougars on the long end. Borrevik, because of his perform ance the night before, was held in check and as a result only scored four points. High man for Wash ington State was Carstens with 14 points and for Oregon Humphreys with 7. (Flcasc turn to page three) ing education, said Thursday. Under an accelerated program, a pre-nursing student may receive her B.S. and H. N. degrees in 4.5 months, whereas this course norm ally takes 5 years. By the reduction of electives, requirements on the University campus may be met in a minimum of four quarters in stead of six. A nursing student, when accept ed in the professional curriculum at a medical school such as the University of Oregon medical school in Portland may receive fi nancial aid by applying through the school's director for enroll ment in the United States cadet nurses corps, Miss Doldz said. Staying in nursing for the dura tion either in civilian hospitals or for the armed forces, is the cadet nurse's only obligation. Uniforms are furnished and all fees and main tenance expenses are paid. In ad dition a stipend, or allowance, at the monthly rate of $15 for the first nine months, $20 for the next 21 months, and $30 for the last! three months, is given. Of the 45 months spent in train ing, no more than 30 may be de voted to classroom work, leaving the student free to spend her senior cadet period in a civilian or military hospital. Miss Doldz visits the campus (Please turn to page lour) an army band for a profit-making ■ affair. The band, is entirely com- ! posed of army men under the di- i rection of Owen Bailey, Co. A. As in former years, the Military i Ball promises to be the largest at AWS Assembly To Hear Marine "A Woman's Place in the War as a. Marine and the Training Neces sary" is the theme of a talk to be given by marine Sergeant Adaline Franks Thursday, February 10, at the AWS assembly in the music au ditorium. Doubling the attraction will be marine Sergeant L. L. Pit tenger who will speak on the affil iation of the two branches of serv ice. This is a. timely subject as the marine’s birthday will be celebrated I on February 13. j < Mortar Board will present a skit, the name of which has not been an nounced as yet. Guests will be AWS cabinet members from Oregon State who will tell about some of their activities this year. Another speaker has been scheduled but his name has not been announced. “Since this will be the only AWS assembly during winter term, all women students should arrange to attend," said Miki Campbell, AWS ’ president. ( raction of winter term and Ty© Simpson, publicity chairman, Sndi-* 'sited that preparations art- being narte for an attendance of 800* ’.(tuples. Fellow ASTP men will accords he basic III engineering student at he honor of heading- the gran# narc-h which will be led by Major A'. S. Averill, commandant of the init. These men comprise the first jroup of students who will.complete :heir entire three terms of basic mgineering at the University of Dregon. Don Dittman and Sy Klempner-’ t ill appear in one of their famouw lialogues. Chairmen in charge of he event have promised that Mr Vrthur court will hare sufficient ■becking facilities for the Ball, rhe program begin at 9 a. in. asts until midnight. Patrons and patroneses for tho :vening include: Chancellor am# Mrs. Frederick M. Hunter, Acting President and Mrs. Orlando J Hol is, Col. and Mrs. Charles L. Samp son, May W. S. Averill, command mt, and Mrs. Averill, Mai. fin Mrs. C. C. Woodbury, Dean an Mrs. Karl W. Onthank, Dean an Mrs. Virgil D. Earl, Dr. and Mia;' L. Schwering, Dr. and Mrs. D. 3.. Dedrick, Dr. and Mrs. R. D. Horn,' Dr. and Mrs. Leavitt O. Wright am# Mrs. Genevieve Turnipseed, director1 if dormitories. Scholarships in Many Varied Fields Offered to Women Graduate Students Scholarship possibilities for women graduate students bav®' greatly increased in the past few years, and now more than ever there are opportunities for graduate work in many varied fields* Karl W. Onthank, dean of personnel has reported. Dean Onthank stressed that students of this year's graduat ing class, or former graduates, should, if they are interested., make out applications immediately for graduate scholarships as some of these applications must be in by March 1. Most colleges and universities make their scholarship awards dur ing March or April and some even earlier and have a deadline date after which no application will be received, so it is advisable to plan carefully and begin early in search for a scholarship, he said. An example of the many scholar ships available to students who have completed their University re quirements is the business admin istration scholarship to Bryn Mawr college. One or two such scholar (Pleasc turn to payc three) Rollin Calkin and Choir To Highlight Vespers j Vesper services will again to held this Sunday, February 6, in the music auditorium. The program will featuie the ail girl vesper choir and Rollin Calkin, choir director of the Baptist church. Music for the services at 5 p. rn, will# consisted of Norwegian folk hymns. The 30-girl choir will sing threw Norwegian tunes with Mr. Calkii* as soloist for one of these. Rev. Lewellyn O. Griffith, Metho dist minister, has been .selected to* give the sermonette.