Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 29, 1944, Page 4, Image 4

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    Academic Schedule
Undergoes Revision
Several drastic revisions in the University academic sched
ule are evidenced by the newly-issued 1944-45 schedule for the
coming year. The changes have been undertaken to synchron
ize the term schedules of the civilian students with those of the
army specialized training pupils.
A short summer vacation is in
order since graduation is on June
4, and fall term registration will
be held from September 11 to 16,
School will begin approximately
two weeks earlier than it did this
The main provisions of the
Schedule for 1944-45 follows: sum
mer session runs from June 10 to
August 25, with the first half end
ing July 18. Fall term opens with
freshmen week, September 11 to
10, which will leave a summer va
cation of little more than three
months. Registration will be Sep
tember 15 and 16, and first class
es Monday, September 18. The
term ends Friday, December 1.
Winter term opens Monday, De
cember 4, almost immediately
after finals, with the usual Christ
mas vacation omitted. The vaca
tion, no longer between terms, is
set for December 23 to January
1. The term ends Friday, March 2.
Spring term opens Monday, March
Send Mother
candy boxes
The Date
Feb. 14
S^timou vX
'‘;k/no*vn |w ()0(m1 jootl"
and you’ll want vitamin
“enriched” b r e a d for
extra power on the green.
1,760 K. 13th
12, and ends Saturday, .Tune 2.
Commencement day is set for
Sunday, June 3.
The coming academic year will
have but three holidays—Thanks
giving day (one day only), No
vember 30; the Christmas vaca
tion, and Memorial day, Wednes
day, May 30. These are in addi
tion to the breaks between terms.
Dorothea Thomas
Shines in 'Victory'
Special acclaim should be giv
en to Dorothea Thomas, junior in
liberal arts, for her convincing
portrayal of the sophisticated
novelist, Alden Baline in last
night’s performance of “Dark
Leads, Kay Korn and Frank
Krasnowsky, gave their expected
excellent performances and, to
quote Stage Manager Barbara
Huntington, freshman in liberal
arts, “The play really clicked last
night. I’d like to be able to give
a few bouquets but it always hap
pens I’m in a coiner where I can’t
Ruthe Foreman, assisting stage
manager, asked only one ques
tion: “Did you see the knot
holes?” She painted them for the
Vermont scene.
“I think the supporting cast is
wonderful,” moderately acclaimed
Robert Forman, stage crew mem
ber and part of the supporting
J. C. Merriam Named
To Steering Committee
Dr. John. Campbell Merriam,
who has been doing writing and
research on the campus for sev
eral months, has been appointed
a member of the steering commit
tee of the new science planning
committee recently appointed by
the University of Oregon chapter
of Sigma Xi, science honorary.
This is the correct Merriam rather
than Willis B. Merriam whose
name was inadvertently included
in the story published in the Em
Beavers Battle
(Continued from page onej
The teams will enter the game
on even odds and anything can
happen. The Orangemen made the
Huskies tight to the final gun
last week as they lost two close
contests. This was the same
team that the Ducks were defeat
ed by so easily in the last games
they played.
Probable starting lineup for
Oregon State will be: Simms and
Reiman at the forward positions,
Puddy at center, and Anderson
and Lee as the guards. This line
up, besides giving the Beaveis
power, will also give them a
speedy quintet.
For the Wcbfoots the probable
starting lineup will be Danner and
Caviness as forwards, Bray at
center, and Hamilton and Hen
wood at the guard positions.
The above lineups are not fea
tured by tall players but rather
by fast ones. The game should be
one that features fast breaks and
long shots instead of stalling.
ASTU's Will Vte
(Continued from page one)
The lineup tonight will be:
Worth and Kulesh at forwards,
Nail at center, Cuthbert and
Kramme at guards.
Victory Petitions Due
Petitions for chairmen anti
executive board members of the
newly-organized Total Victory
league must be turned in to
Peggy Magill, temporary chair
man of the group, at the Delta
Gamma house by noon Monday.
Four UO Alumni
Get Commissions
Four Scabbard and Blade mem
bers, Albert Allen, Richard Ral
ston, Robert Blickenstaff, and
Frank Baker, have been commis
sioned as second lieutenants in
the army. All four recently grad
uated from th officer candidate
school at Fort Benning, Georgia,
where they took a course includ
ing technique of handling infantry
weapons and tactics of leading
small infantry units in combat
plus a study of varied subjects
which officers must know along
the lines of administration and
military law.
The men were all graduated
from the University in 1943. Allen
was also a member of the Order
of “O”; Ralston belonged to Sig
ma Delta Psi, physical education
honorary, and was senior class
treasurer; Baker was house man
ager for Sigma Delta Chi fratern
ity and played freshman basket
ball and varsity tennis.
Bill Goldstein
Surrenders Date
Bill Goldstein sophomore in lib
eral arts, and the fellow who won
a date with Irene Gresham, Ore
gon’s “Bonds Away Girl’’, by pur
chasing the largest bond bought
by a male student, has relinquish
ed his date to any soldier student
whom Miss Gresham chooses.
The dinner will be paid for by
the campus war board which spon
sored the contest and dancing and
champagne will be supplied by
the Eugene hotel.
Pre-Mets Eye
(Continued from page one)
Reed cagers ahead of the Mets in
height, but they also boast a
strong outfit which includes stars
who formerly played at Iowa
State and Kansas university.
What the Pre-mets lack in
height they hope to make up in
speed. All week the Hendricks
quintet has been polishing up its
fast break and quick-opening
block plays and they are set to
use these maneuvers to keep their
victory record intact.
Should the Portland cagers
throw up a zone defense, the Ore
gon five will be content to use
tile same offense they used in last
Sunday's victory—potting long
shots from the center and side.
Tip-off time is slated for 3 p. m.
Mitchell and Stakkestad will prob
ably open at the forward spots
with Medlin and Thompson hold
ing down the guard posts. Butkus
or Bovyer will start at the pivot
Westminster college alumni i:i
the service now number more
than 650.
in the
Persian Room
Dancing 9 'til 12
Every Sat. Nite
Oregon ^Emerald
City Desk Staff
Edith Newton, city editor
Virginia Scholl
Yvonne Zeek
Bob Stiles
Night Staff
Betty French, Norris Yates,
co-night editors
Virginia Scholl
Mary Jo Geiser
Day Staff
Mary McClintic, day mgr.
Dottie Maddox
Layout Staff
Kay Leslie
Patti Smart
Betty Frey
(Continued from page one)
life, such as how to get along with
others, from activities than from
a purely formal education.”
With regard to the pass-fall
system Dr. Jameson said that,
"The abolition of all grades would
be the desirable end, but since
grades as definite as those in the
classroom exist in society, I do
not see the practicality of a pass
or flunk system.”
Westminster house will have
open house from 8 to 12 tonight
and the whole campus is invited
There will be dancing and games
for everyone, and- refreshment;
will be served.
Nine Dances, Show Fill
Ducks' Social List
Social events on the calends 1
show a pretty busy Saturday nighl
for Oregon Ducks. Nine house
dances are scheduled besides the
University theater production
“Dark Victory’’ and the basket
ball game between Oregon anc
OSC at Corvallis.
House dances on the calendai
are: Alpha Xi Delta, Chi Omega
Sigma Kappa, Alpha Omicron Pi
Hawthorne lodge, Laurel lodge
Kappa Kappa Gamma, Alpha
Gamma and Highland house.
Ice Cream
^ Specialty
Visit Our Modern Dairy Store
Toasted Sandwiches — Salads
Fountain — Waffles
Gustafson’s Dutch Girl
1224 Willamette St. Phone 1932
Hungry for Cake ?
Try our chocolate cakes
with thick creamy frost
ings that are really tops
Mrs. Brooks Home Bakery
Drop in and see what we have to offer -
to fill that between-meal emptiness
13th and Patterson
Phone 95