Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 21, 1944, Image 1

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    Dads Begin To
Arrive on Campus
—See Column 2
Campus Serenade
Set for Sunday
—See Page 3
Nominations Click as Planned
Oregon’s embryo politicians will
cast their votes tomorrow between
10 and 3 at the YMCA for fresh
man class officers. At the first
freshman class meeting of the
year last night, two candidates
were named for number one posi
tion and two for number two po
sition. The ASUO-proposed class
constitution was approved unani
Aworvtuig to schedule, Leon
Williams and Alice Buckingham
were nominated on the Independ
ent ticket and Beverly Carroll and
FWrenee Hintzen on the Greek
Introducing Williams, number
one on the ISA ticket, Russ Mon
ahan recommended him on the
basis of his leadership in high
school, as student body president
and president of the sophomore
class and Master Councilor of the
DeMolay, and his vital interest in
campus affairs since coming here.
Marge Allingham introduced
Beverly Carroll for top Greek po
sition, telling of her leadership in
high school activities, her chair
manship ofi the Christmas seal
drive here last fall, and her inter
est in speaking. She has been chos
en to represent the campus as a
member of the symposium group
to travel through the state.
(Please turn to pacic four)
Play Opens
For Dads
“News has gotten around of
our special “Dark Victory” per
formance on Dad’s day, January
22, and the tickets are going fast,”
Doctor Horace W. Robinson an
nounced today. “The Guild hall
curtain will go up at 9:30 imme
diately following the Oregon
[Washington basketball game.
“There are still a number of
good seats available, but it is very
likely that there will be no tick
ets sold at the box-office Satur
day evening, so it would be wise
to get reservations now,” Robin
son added.
Contrary to some opinion, this
stand is not a dress rehearsal,
Robinson pointed out. It is a reg
(Plcase turn to page four)
Dads Begin to Arrive
For Traditional Weekend
Tomorrow belongs to dads. As the seventeenth annual
Oregon Dads weekend gets into swing with some dads arriv
ing tonight, the whole campus is getting ready to play host to
fathers and mothers who will be down here to visit sons and
daughters, and attend the annual Dad's day functions.
Peter Howard
Funeral Today
Public funeral services for Peter
Benson Howard will be held at
4:30 today in the auditorium of
the music building. Bishop James
C. Baker of Los Angeles, an uncle
of the deceased, will have charge
of the services.
Assisting the Bishop will be
Reverend L. O. Griffith, pastor of
the Methodist church. Lt. R. G.
Davis will speak briefly concern
ing the military work of Howard
and Professor Quirinus Breen will
tell of his scholastic work.
Pallbearers and ushers will be
members of Company D, the ROTC
company of which Howard was a
member. Pallbearers are John B.
Robinson, Clifton C. Wilcox, Dick
T. Igl, David K. Stone, John W.
Harms, Lt. Donald Treadgold.
Ushers are Norman B. Mann
heimer, Howard L. Vierling, Vic
tor W. Doherty, James B. Thayer,
Charles W. Roffe.
Interment will be at Rest Hav
Panhellenic Awards
Six Scholarships
The winners of the six Pan
hellenic scholarships, which are
given each year, have been an
nounced by Lora Case, president.
The girls are Frankie Werst,
freshman in music; Katherine
Mallory, junior in liberal arts;
Margaret Ott, senior in liberal
arts; Audrey Holliday, sophomore
in physical education; Virginia
Durckel, senior in liberal arts; and
Marg Evelyn Campbell, junior in
First event, on the program,’
after registration is completed
will be the annual luncheon held
at the Eugene hotel this year. The
255 reservations already made
point to the popularity of this
event which will feature Ernest
Haycox. University graduate and
well-known speaker and author.
Tickets to the luncheon are ?1
Ed F. Averill, president of the
Oregon Dads, will be toastmaster
at the luncheon.
Dr. Robert Cushman, professor
of religion, will give, the invoca
tion and this will be followed by
a voeal solo by Barbara Bentley,
accompanied by Phyllis Taylor.
R. C. Groesbeck, Klamath Falls,
will represent the Oregon state
board of higher education, and
Mrs. Herbert Busterud, president
of the Oregon mothers club, will
be introduced.
Orlando Hollis, acting president
of the University will give greet
ings, and Major W. S. Averilt,
c-ommandant, will also speak.
Nancy Ames, ASUO president,
and Marilyn Campbell, AWS pres
ident, will be introduced.
Reservations should be made as
soon as possible to enable the hotel
to know how many people to pre
pare for. Reservations can be
made by calling the dean of men’s
During the evening the two
chief attractions will be the Uni
versity play “Dark Victory’’ in
Guild theater, Johnson hall, and
the varsity basketball game be
tween Oregon and University of
Washington. Tickets for the bas
ket ball game can be purchased in
the educatonal activities office in
McArthur court.
Saturday afternoon, following
the luncheon, dads will hold their
(Please turn to page four)
Annabel McArthurTops List
Of "Bond Girl" Contestants
By Thursday night $43,075 worth of bonds had been sold
at the Co-op towards the fourth national war loan drive. This in
comparison with some $9000 worth bought during a similar
drive held last term by Oregon State college.
Bond receipts may be turned in to the educational activ
ities office up until noon Saturday, Jean Frideger, campus war
UO to Meet
Huskies at8
Tonight the Webfoots will show
whether not. they are capable of
knocking over the- opposition that
the Washington Huskies will send
to meet them at 8 in the Igloo. The
Huskies will be playing away
from home and thus will he minus
the aid of their navy-marine
trainees that have already defeat
ed the Webfoots twice. Although
the men coming with Hec Ed
mundson tonight are not trainees
they will still pack plenty of pow
Their team has been greatly
• (Phase turn to (age jour)
Rally in Igloo
To Start Tilt
Entertainment scheduled for
tonight includes a rally in Mc
Arthur court preceding the game,
the Oregon-Washington confer
ence game, and music by the 70th
division.. (Ciamp.. Adair)., rhumba
band during the half.
Old yells will be smoothed out
and new ones introduced at the
rally to begin at 7:30. Yell leaders
Ralph Rafjan and Keith Murphy
will be on hand to help get the
yells down pat so that Oregon.
Dads can see the "Oregon .spirit'’
at the game Saturday night.
Seventy-five men from Camp
Adair will arrive in Eugene at 3
p. m. today and will march
through town to Willamette and
Broadway where they will put on
a program. They will stay for
the game as guests of the Uni
versity. Included in the group
is a military band, rhumba band,
a complete unit of infantry equip
ment and one piece of equipment
from every other branch.
ooara cnairman announcer!. ino
finalists wilt be announced at the
program Saturday afternoon and
all candidates should be in the au
dience, Miss Frideger stated.
Annabel McArthur, Alpha Phi,
tops the list of candidates for
■'Bonds Away Girl’’ with 5250
votes. Joan Van Doren, Alpha Ai
Delta, and Nancy Schmeer, Gam-*
ma Phi Beta, are running a close
second with 4800 votes each. Next
in line are Jean Carkin, Alpha
Omicron Pi, with 4525 votes and
Irene Gresham, Delta Delta Delta,
with 4475 votes.
Other candidates whose votes to
tal 500 or more are: Jean Villain,
Alpha Delta Pi, 3575; Joyce
Thompson, Lombardy lodge, 3200;
Betty Sprag-ue, Kappa Alpha
Theta, 2700; Lois McConkey, Al
pha Chi Omega, 2400; Virginia
Harris, Hawthorne lodge, 1225;
Lois McDonald, Birch lodge, 1050;
Nancy Heber, Laurel lodge, 076;.
Sue Stater, Delta Gamma, 925;
Bette Lee Barnes, Chi Omega,
000; Thomasine Rundell, Alpha
Gamma Delta, S25; Nanette
Holmes, Kappa Kappa Gamma,
725; and Margaret Murphy, Casa
blanca lodge, 700.
Ticket Quotas
Given to Houses
For Bond Show
All University students and
their dads and mothers will get
tree tickets to the Saturday after
noon bond program, Jean Fridc
ger campus war board chairman),
announced Thursday. Representa
tives from each house should call
at the Co-op this afternoon toi
receive their house quotas which
are figured oil the number of girlM
in the house plus tfieir guests. All
servicemen will be admitted free.
Headlining the program in Mc
Arthur court Saturday afternoon,
are Ramsay Ames, national pin
up girl, and Edgar Kennedy, popu
lar comedian. Five war heroes
will accompany the Hollywood
bond battalion. All have been
wounded in action and will tell
their experiences. Arnie Mills will
MC the program. Owen Bailey’s
/'hast' turn to pare four)
Fraternity Pledging
Put Off Indefinitely
Action has been taken by thp
Intcrfraternity council of the
University to postpone fraternity;
pledging indefinitely. Virgil IX
Earl, dean of men, announced yes
At a meeting held January 33,
representatives from 13 fraterni
ties voted to abide by the majority;
decision which was to postpone*