Oregon Quintet Leads Th Civilian League Northern Division Standings W. L. Pet. Pf. Pa. Washington 2 0 1.000 107 63 Wash. State 2 1 .667 137 125 Oregon State 2 3 .400 187 213 Oregon . 1 2 .333 114 141 Idaho . 1 2 .333 117 110 Civilian League Standings W. L. Pet. Pf. Pa. Oregon . 1 0 1.000 52 33 Wash. State 2 1 .667 137 125 Oregon State 2 3 .400 187 213 Idaho . 1 2 .333 117 110 In the conference games Wash ington State was knocked from the ranks of the undefeated by Idaho as they broke into the win column with a 49-43 victory over the Staters. Washington still holds the lead as they drew a bye over the weekend. In other games Ore gon defeated Oregon State, 52-33, to score their first victory of the current conference season. In the civilian league Oregon holds the lead with 1 win as against 0 defeats, being follow ed by Washington State, Oregon State and Idaho respectively. If A Buddy (Continued, from page tii'o) cidentally, Willy is doing rather well on the Ryan Field first string b^iketball team. Jackson Cramer is finishing basic flying training at Garner Field, California, while brother Bill is in AMGOT training at Princeton. Phi Delt’s Howdy Hall, '46, is now learning the "cut throat business’’ of the U. S. Rangers somewhere in Tennessee. (Thanks lots, for the tip, Gordon.) John Windall Gilfry, ’49, major in business administration, re ceived his commission from Am arillo, Texas, last month. He is now safety inspection officer in the 302nd technical school at Keesler field, Mississippi. A very unusual V-mail letter w£g received at the Emerald from Pfc. John J. Mathews, now serving with the Air Transport Command. His whereabouts was revealed in a very interesting way. In banner lines at the top, "SHACK-RAT DISCOVERED" while underneath read, "John J. • Lost LOST — Dominican ring with words 1943 Veritas. Blue stone in gold setting. Reward. Call Bar dava Puccinelli 1024. •j ■ ■ COM JfcCOO CCD >40 Until the Temperature Soars! There’s spring in the air, hut don't be deceived! There’s many a cool day of rain and frosty night left before it's really summer. So refuel that diminishing supply of coal, wood or fuel oil and keep warm and toasty! Call 651 Manerud Huntington 997 Oak Mathews, onetime associate edi tor, reveals self in Australia". Rather novel, don’t you think! Tau pledge Pete Miller is sta tioned at Ryan Field, Hamet, Cal ifornia. Pete will graduate from pre-flight training in two weeks and from there he will go on into basic. There was a regular homecom ing in the Side yesterday. Don Xreadgold, Phi Beta Kappa, and a member of last year's Senior Six, sports a gold bar now. He was seen sipping coke with Edie Onthank. Also in on furlough and appearing at the old hang out was 2nd Lt. Don Campbell of the Marines. Just out of school in California, he will go from here to South Carolina. And, too, looking very neat and trim was 1st Lt. Paul Bocci. He’s been sta tioned at Camp Shelby, Mississip pi. Weekend Tilts May (Continued from page one) take the floor against the Huskies. The team that will be travelling with Hee Edmundson will be a civilian team, and not one that is reinforced by navy-marine trainees. Washington boasts a strong starting team with Haug and Mallory at forward, Mar and O' Neil as guards, and Nichols in the pivot position. Five out of every six members of the 1943 graduating class in the agriculture at Washington State college are in the armed service. Of those who are not in uniform three are working for state gov ernments or institutions, one is teaching vocational agriculture and two are farming. Houses to Compete For Badminton Title The annual badminton tourna ment between houses will begin Tuesday, January 25, at 4 p. m. Entry blanks are being delivered now to all houses and should be returned as quickly as possible. The deadline for entering is Jan uary 21 at 5 p. m. Teams may start practicing Wednesday. Other practice times will be Wednesday evening at 7:30, Tnursday at 4 p. m. or Saturday at 9 a. m. Schedule of matches will be posted on the bulletin board at the entrance to the women’s dress ing room in Geriinger, Monday, January 24. Each team will consist of four players. The top two ranking will play on the number one doubles team, while the last two will play on the number two doubles team. All four players will be scheduled to play singles. Equipment must be furnished by each team, includ ing rackets and one shuttle for each match. First Oregon Chinese (Continued from page one) Portland. For eight years she was accompanist for professional and amateur soloists in Portland and San Francisco and at the Univers ity of California, Stanford uni versity and University of Oregon. She has traveled in both China and Japan. And with her knowl edge of Chinese, which she speaks fluently, she is scheduled for a vital job for the U. S. Navy. Before joining the waves, she was a stenographer-bookkeeper for the Professional Credit Serv ice at Eugene. Proposed Freshman Class Constitution (Editor's Note: Following is the proposed class constitution for the Class of 1947, published at the request of the ASUO executive council.) CONSTITUTION CLASS OF 1947 Preamble We, the students of the Class of 1947, to the end that educational development and social well-being of the Class of 1947, of the Uni versity of Oregon, be maintained and perpetuated and in order tc establish greater uniformity of purpose and administration of class activities, do ordain and establish this Constitution. Article 1 Name The name of the association of students under this constitutior shall be the CLASS OF 1947 of the University of Oregon. Article II Membership All registered students in the Class of 1947 of the University ol Oregon shall be members. Article III Officers and Duties Section 1. The officers of the Class of 1947 of the University of Oregor shall be the President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Section 2. Officers of the Class of 1947 of the University of Oregon shal assume their duties immediately following elections. Section 3. Vacancies: Clause 1.-—The order of succession to the office of President shal be the Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Clause 2.—All vacancies except in the case of the office of Presi dent shall be filled by an appointment to be made by the incumbent officers of the Class of 1947 of the University of Oregon. Section 4. Duties: r STUDENTS Is the Food Mom Sent All Gone? On your way back to the campus drop in and stock up. UNIVERSITY GROCERY 709 11th Phone 3164-R i ... ....mii Clause 1.—The President shall be the presiding officer of Ur class, shall schedule class meetings, shall appoint such committee as are deemed necessary to the best interests of the class. Clause 2.—The Vice-President shall assume the duties of th: President in his absence or inability to act. Clause 3.—The Secretary shall keep a- record of the proceeding - of each class meeting and shall file the same in the office of th - Educational Activities Department of the Associated Students at tin close of the school year. Clause 4.—The Treasurer of the class shall be in charge of an i responsible for the class finances ns provided for in Article VII of thi* Constitution. Article IV Privileges and Eligibility Section 1. All regularly enrolled students in the Class of 1947 of the Uni-* versify of Oregon shall be entitled to any and all privileges of the class. Section. 2. Any member of the Class of 1947 of the University of Oregon who is in good standing in the University as determined by the Schol arship Committee of the University of Oregon shall be eligible be hold an elective class office or an appointment necessary for the best interests of the Class of 1947 of the University of Oregon if ho can identify himself as a member of the Class of 1947 as provided in Article II of this cohstitution. All Appointees and candidates for n class office must, however, hold membership in the Class ef 1947 am; the A.S.U.O. prior to his appointment or nomination. Article V , Nominations and Elections Section 1. Nominations: Clause 1.—Nominations shall be made at a nominating assembly called by the President of the class except, for the incoming Freshman Class, in which case, the A.S.U.O. 1st. Vice-President shall call ami conduct the meeting at such time as the A.S.U.O. Executive Committee sees fit. Certification of eligibility and declaration to run must be submitted to the President of the class, or in the case of the in coming Freshman class, to the 1st. Vice-President of the A.S.U.O. before the nomination assembly. Clause 2.—Notice of nomination assembly shall be given in two. issues of the Oregon Emerald. Section 2. Date of election shall he set by the President: Clause 1.—The 1st. Vice-President of the A.S.U.O. Executive Committee shall supervise the elections and shall be known as th>: Director of Elections. He shall be assisted by an election board of the Class of 1947 comprised of the Vice-President of the class, the Clas'* Advisor, and one representative of the A.S.U.O. Executive Committee. This election board shall have immediate charge of the class election and the counting of the ballots. Clause 2.—The Director of Election shall specify the exact loca tion of the elections. Clause 3.—Each person who fulfills the requirements of mem bership set forth in Article IV of this Constitution shall be entitled to one ballot. Clause 4.—The preferential Australian balloting system shall used for voting. Clause 5.—There shall be no voting by proxy. Clause 6—Final results of the balloting shall be posted upon com pletion of the counting. Clause 7.—The ballots cast in the elections shall be turned ove r to the Dean of Men of the University of Oregon and shall be held for a period of two weeks during which time a recount may be called fee by a petition presented to the Class President containing the names of twenty-five (25) members of the class. Article VI Procedure Section 1. Clause 1.—Meetings shall be called by the President of the Clae'i or upon the presentation to the President of a petition signed X'J twenty-five (25) members of the class. Clause 2.—Notice of all meetings other than those named in Article V, Section 1, Clause 3 of the Constitution shall be given by an announcement in the Oregon Emerald one clay prior to said meeting. Clause 3.—A quorum shall consist of one-fifth (1.5) of tbe members of the class. Clause 4.—Gregg’s Parliamentary Procedure shall govern tiro procedure of meetings and shall apply to any parliamentary question which is not covered by the Constitution or any by-laws which may be established under it. Clause 5.—The Class President shall designate the exact time and location of class meetings. Section 2. All appointments shall be made as they arise by the President t. f the Class. Article VII Finance Section 1. It shall be the duty of the Class Treasurer to act as Finance Chairman of all class activities; to keep the class informed at a t times of the financial condition of the organization; to see that, permanent records of all financial transactions arc kept and to carry out all other duties pertaining to his office. Section 2. A financial statement of the Class of 1947 shall be published jo; the Oregon Emerald at the beginning of each term. Section 3. All purchases made in the name of the class must bo requisition ed through the Treasurer and the Educational Activities Office and the said requisitions must he signed by the Treasurer. Article VIII Interpretation Section 1. The Judiciary Committee of the A.S.U.O. shall have supreme st.d final authority in any matter of interpretation arising under this Constitution or by-laws. Section 2. Said amendments and by-laws shall be adopted to (his Consti tution upon the affirmative vote of two-thirds (2y3) of the member present and the approval of the Executive Committee of the A.S.t O.