Student Union iAction9 (continue a jrom page rzvo j for a long- time have been assured would be turned in some beautiful future. Spe cifically, at that meeting the state board could decide these questions: First, will the Co-op rental fees totaling $2,400 per year be channeled, from now on, into Stu dent Union funds? Second, now that the ASUO debt is paid off, can the same per centage of these funds paid by students be used to build up Union reserve? Third, can there he definite assurance that a part of the revenue from athletic events spon sored by the ASUO will become a Stu dent Union income, as was authorized by the state legislature? These questions ought to be answered NOW. And the .students cannot legally answer them, thy state board must do that. Oregon students cannot delegate the use bf funds, wluit'they can do is present logi cal, sound proposals to the legal both-, which in this case is the State Board of Higher Education. This issue of the Emerald contains, for the first time, an understandable budget of actual Student Union funds at this time, and suggestions for future financing. The latter will finally resolve into the collec tion of unpaid pledges, state appropria tion', and the bond issue—but for now all the tag-end financial probabilities have to be tahen c ue of. 'I here is every reason for confidence in the future of our Student Union, it may even be that freshmen now on the campus will see the building so many thousands of students before them wanted to see. If the finances are cleared, as they can be, the real Golden Era, not of planning, but of enjoying the Student Union will be.very —M.M. near. f€cmtmmd- fnwr-jmrjtrfmn) hydraulic lift that .took her out of this world whenever the day’s editorials backfired. It’s a Woman’s Prerogative « Right next door were the ASTJO.. offices with the massive circular president’s desk marked off in three sections Greek, Indepen dent, and Coalition, with, the white leather 360-degree-swivel chair in the middle to expedite the mood he was in that day. Tommy Dorsey and Benny Goodman were playing for an all campus dance in the unlit ball room on the second floor . . . Then they took them off and put on Sammy Kaye and A1 Dexter. And on Guild hall’s great re volving stage Hamlet was worry ing over the lit department’s widely divergent interpretations of his personality while growing a “five-o’clock shadow” by the time he soliloquized into the fifth .act. Hurry, Hurry, Kiddies Back again in the circular cor ridor lined with coke machines, the loudspeaker in the nose of our ducknibus resounded, “Atten tion all students—this is Doctor Yocum—the time is 7:57—hurry, hurry -I lock my doors in three minutes—that is all.” We whizzed down a ramp into the basement, past the banquet rooms, and meeting rooms of the University lecture series, the ping-pong, chess, and African domino salon, offices of Old Ore gon, the alumni association, and the branch headquarters of the Daughters of the Daughters of Mothers Who Knew Washington, and entered the world’s newest type cafeteria. We alighted from our duckni bus, gazed reminiscently at the glass-enshrined portion of prune whip that stood on a polish ma hogany pedestal guarded by rep resentatives of the world’s lead ing gastric alleviation prepara tions, and then mounted a combin ation ski lift and breeches buoy with adjustable aluminum side trays for large and small eaters and were whisked down the row of steaming and frozen delecta bles. We couldn’t help noticing that the lift speeded up a little as we approached the butter sec tion. Habits are habit-forming they often say. Pretty Soon—the Pi Phis In the kidney-shaped, indirect ly-lit art gallery adjoining the landscaped basement terrace was an exhibit of the newest in sur realistic endeavor. Uniformed at tendants distributed the 12-vol ume explanatory text that ac companied the display. One of the most interesting rooms in the Union was the mil itary rehabilitation lounge where the Pi Phis were teaching some newly-arrived ex-soldiers post war reconstruction. . . . They tell us there were also some other rooms in the Union. Reconstruction. R-e-c-o-n— Fellow Students (Continued from page two) neled toward this building pro gram if the plans of twenty years are ever to be realized. Your ideas, opinions, and support are needed NOW! NANCY AMES President, Associated Students WANTED We have an opening for stu dent agents in several living organizations on the campus. For details phone 75 or call at office. EUGENE CLEANERS, 245 East Broadway. EUGENE HOTEL Presents ART HOLMAN AND HIS ORCHESTRA in the Persian Room Dancing 9 ’til 12 Every Sat. Nite 'Wintertime' with SONJAHENIE cixssim "WHAT'S BUZZIN' COUSIN" with Ann Miller "LEATHER BURNERS" with Bill Bo)rcl 'BLAZING GUNS' with Ken Maynard.... Hoot Gibson the East Side Kids