Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 19, 1943, Image 1

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Events Slated
Initial Casaba Tilt
Toniqht at Igloo
Tonight at 8 p.m. the strong
Fee's Music Makers independent
team will attempt to hand Coach
Hobson’s boys a pre-season shel
lacking as the Oregon team
makes its 1943-44 debut.
The Webfoots will place a good
deal of hope on the sharp-shoot
ing qualities of three or four
■fl^eshmen who are likely to see
action during most of the game.
These are Luke Baccelleri, chunky
5-foot 10-incher from Roosevelt
high of Portland, William Phil
lips, 6-foot guard who also hails
Jaom Roosevelt, Edwin Allen, and
^ pan Henwood.
>“The “shorties” seem to have it
this year, which may be why
Hobson has stressed speed and
ball handling in working out his
offensive combinations.
A bit of good news for the
Squad was the fact that George
Bray, towering 6-foot, 4-inch
center, who sprained his ankle
father badly early in the week,
W getting around on it quite
Well in practice, and will proba
bly be ready to start in the game.
Bray transferred here from
Southern Oregon College of Ed
Other probable starters will be
Bob Caviness, southpaw sopho
more from McMinnville, and Ken
Hays, who frequently alter
nates with Bray at center.
Saturday night the Oregon
five will play the Medical school
quintet here.
Rally Squad Sets
Pep Serpentine
For Saturday p.m.
Plans for a snowball rally at
2:15 p.m. Saturday climaxed the
football game preparations that
were decided in two hurriedly
called meetings of the rally
squad Wednesday and Thursday
It was also settled that coeds
should be seated in a solid block
with soldiers on either side of
them for the game. Cheering will
be organized, and over 2,000
mimeographed yells will be dis
tributed throughout the crowd by
members of Phi Theta, junior wo
men’s honorary.
Lieutenant R. G. Davis, ASTU
athletic officer, announced at the
meeting that there would be at
least two, and probably three
bands performing for the game
■—the ASTU band, the air corps
band, and a high school aggre
gation. There may also be a half
time show put on by a corps of
drum majorettes.
The rally will start at the cor
ner of Thirteenth and Onyx and
pick up as many people as pos
sible as it goes along, the squad
Beet Pickers Needed
A large number of agricul
tural workers will be needed
Saturday to pick beets. They
are to meet at the Eugene em
ployment agency at 7:45. The
trip will be canceled if it rains
Friday night.
Second WSSF Drive Commences
In Conjuntion With Chest Fund
Students of the University will be given a second chance to
donate money toward the help of their fellow students in foreign
lands when the second World Student Service fund drive gets
Under way Monday, November 22.
The drive has now been amalgamated with the campus war
chest fund, and will have the backing of local civic and commun
ity leaders. The srnal has heen set at $1 Oftf) anrt it is hnneH that
the students as well as the peo
ple will contribute 100 per cent.
Three Day Run
-^The drive will run through
three days, ending Wednesday.
Students living off the campus
Will be contacted by Phi Theta,
junior women’s honorary. All do
nations should be turned into the
campus war chest headquarters
n= = — — ——
to be forwarded to the WSSF.
As part of the war chest, the
money donated will go not only
to struggling college men and
women in other lands, but also
to the War Prisoners’ aid, United
Seamen’s Service, the USO, the
United States committee for care
of European children, the ■ Ref
(Please turn to page jour)
" - ---- ' ,:==n
Tomorrows Emerald will contain information, and
the challenge on an issue vital to student welfare. Five
hundred extra copies of this edition will be sent to alum
ni all over the United States, and to interested persons
in the State of Oregon. It is important that all students
read and discuss information which it will contain, and
that they keep their copies for future reference.
Nancy Ames, ASUO President
Marjorie Major, Emerald Editor
Salt Lake Team
Invades Campus
The Salt Lake City air base,
football team, one of the most
powerful aggregations to hit the
campus, arrives today at noon.
This team includes University of
Michigan’s 1941 all-American,
Bob Ingalls, who heads an ar
ray of former big time stars.
This game winds up the foot
ball on the University campus
for 1943 season. Although it is
impossible to have a Homecom
ing game because of transporta
tion, the game will have much
the same atmosphere and color.
Two military bands and the Eu
gene high school band will be on
hand with the high school's ma
jorettes. THere will be special
cheering sections for the air corps
and the engineers.
One of the things probably
overlooked by the general pub
lic is the matter of the officials,
one of the finest staffs in the
Northwest conference, according
to Lt. R. G. Davis. George Mirn
naugh, official referee, has been
used by the Pacific Coast confer
ence colleges. Dick Reed, Dick
Ashcom, and Shy Huntington,
all well-known former gridiron
greats of the University, com
plete the list of officials.
The GI Ducks have come a
long way since the first game of
the season with the Willamette
Navy Cats. The game two weeks
ago with the Marshfield cavalry
team showed that the G.I. boys
are ready for this game. Because
of the former “greats” on the
Salt Lake air base team they are
the favorites for the game.
Student Religion
Confab Begins
The state conference of the
Methodist Student movement will
open tonight following registra
tion and a fellowship dinner at
the First Methodist church. Ses
sions planned on the theme "To
Serve the Present Age” will con
tinue Saturday and Sunday.
Members of the Student Youth
movement at Willamette univer
sity and Oregon State college and
the Wesley foundation on the
Oregon campus will explore
methods and technique in wor
ship, recreation, and world mind
edness as they relate to college
Dr. James Chubb of the Meth
odist board of education will be
the guest speaker at the confer
ence. Discussion groups will be
led by Leslie Brockelbank, junior
in libei-al arts, Stella Spears of
Oregon State college, and Paul
Jaquith of Willamette university.
The leadership training session
will begin at 7 p.m. Friday with
a mixer followed by a message
by Dr. Chubb. Sessions resume
Saturday at 8:30 a.m. with a dis
cussion period and a speech by
(Please turn to page jour)
Men Barred from Gal Affair
As Women Peer into Future
Weeks of hectic preparation, sudden conferences over cokes,
and several nights’ late permission for skit actors will culmin
ate tonight in the production of Coed Capers, annual women’s
frolic at the University.
Beginning at 7 p.m. and lasting until 11, the Capers will
feature skits by the various classes, by the faculty, and by
“activity girls.”
Army Ork
Plays Sunday
Owen Bailey ancl the army
dance orchestra will present the
second in their projected series
of campus serenades Sunday af
ternoon at 3 p.m. in Gerlinger
The orchestra is slated to pre
sent a number of tunes which
they consider to be the most pop
ular among soldiers and students
here on the campus. In addition
they will offer several melodies
new to their repertoire. Songs
which will definitely be included
are "Southern Fried," a Glenn
Miller arrangement of "St. Lou
is Blues,” Bailey's "Bivouac
Bounce,” and the theme, "Cam
pus Serenade.”
Several novelty acts have been
prepared, headlined by Sy Klcmp
ner, who has promised to pre
sent another of his skits. John
Witty will return to the stage
with a song narrative similar to
those he did at the last show.
Sue Welch and Joe Dongarra
will offer the lyrics of several
tunes. The ASTU glee club will
make its first public appearance,
and the “band within the band”
will present another jive session.
Chairs for the audience will
again be set up by soldiers. This
week the detail will be made up
of a group of volunteers from B
The various women’s living or
ganizations, Orides and other on
affiliated women’s groups will
attend in costumes in fitting
with the general theme of “Wo
men of the Future’’ and the slo
gan, "When Women Reverse the
Universe.” A prize will be award
ed to the group carrying out the
idea of the theme in the best
manner. Reports have leaked out
that one house is coming as a
football team and another as a
group of shipyard workers.
Food will be sold on the sun
porch and in the little dance
room in back of the main gym
nasium, according to Connie
Fullmer and Lorraine Davidson.
Decorations will carry out the
theme of the Capers, and are un
der the super-vision of Folly Gor
don. Cleanup will be taken care
of by a committee headed by
Irene Jolivette.
Monday Brings
Mysteries seemingly beyond
the average person's comprehen
sion will be demonstrated by the
Great Virgil when he brings his*
mystic show to McArthur court
next Monday at S:15 p.m.
Billed as the greatest magi-*
eian in the country, he has b<cn
compared to Houdini, with whom
he once traveled, for his facility
for getting into and out of tight
spots. His three-hour show in
i' Ph ase turn to potto four)
Former UO Man Hits
Big Time as 'George*
“George,” a leading role in the University theater produc
tion, “Out of the Frying Pan,” set for November 26, 27 and De
cember 3, 4, was first played on Broadway by a former Oregon
Bill Terry was known as Bill Thienes while treading the
boards at Oregon in ’32 and ’34. He appeared prominently in the
University productions, “Winter Tale,” “The Chief Things.”'
and "Gods of the Mountain.’’
At the completion of his soph
omore year Thienes got a. schol
arship to the Pasadena. Play
house and played in a number of
Playhouse roles and two or three
semi-professional engagements.
In 193(5 he headed for New York
where he ended up playing oc
casional parts in road companies
and summer stocks, most of them
His one strong part during this
time was "George” in "The Fry
ing Pan" which ran for a year in
New York and on the road.
Following his successful ap
pearance in “The March of Time"
in which he portrayed a typical
American youth entering the
army, and a short entitled "Pri
vate Smith of the United States
Army,” Sol Lesser of RKO
signed Thienes to play opposite
Cheryl Walker in "Stage Door
At present he is completing a
sequel to ."Private Sjpith entitled
"Lieutenant Smith of the United
States Army,” and is much- in
demand by other studios.
Tickets will be available Mon
day, November 22. at 104 John
son hall from 10 to 12 noon, and
from 1 to 5 p.m.