Sigma Delta Pi Elects New Officers, Members Members of Sigma Delta Pi, national Spanish honorary, elect ed officers and new members at a business meeting on November 8. The new officers are: presi dent, George Schade, junior in liberal arts; vice-president, Mar garet Ambler, junior in liberal arts; secretary, Janet Fleisch hauer; junior in-liberal arts; and treasurer,. John Robinson, senior in Romance languages. Their fac » ulty adviser is Dr. Leavitt O. Wright, professor of Spanish, and former national president of Sigma Delta Pi. Six new members were elected, and they will, he initiated at the .annual initiation in January. The new members are: Regina Gar mendia, junior in business admin istration; Margaret Jean Harslj man, senior in Romance lan guages; Julia Rubin-Heichel, in - structor in Spanish; Margaret ;MuGee, .goRhopTore”"' Jp joyrnal ;.ism; Ethct-B. Nichols; instructor •in -Spftniebf -»»d-Mik> Woodward, junior in Romance languages. The group will help present “La Tertulia del Otono,” an en tertainment for- all second- - year, third year, and advanced. Spanish students which will be held in Gerlinger hall, November 26, at 7:30 p.m., under, the .direction of Mrs, Nichols.. .. ... Males Avoid Palace Where Hens Abound It.might have been a battle of the sexes' that housecleaned the infirmary so thoroughly that the ratio, is.five girls to. twa.poor de fenseless maids. The ihfnates in chide-:' Seymour Blank,-language; Elizabeth Johnson, sophomore; Pat . Maloney, freshman; Eliza beth Manners, freshman; James Powc;]], language; l^ais Pringle, sophomore; and Dorothy Pryor, sophomore. Joan Dolph States Deadline for Guide All those who have paid for their Pigger’s Guides but have not received them yet, must call for them at the educational activ ities office in McArthur court be fore Et-iday at 5 p.m., Joan Dolph, co-editor of the Guide announced. Starting Saturday morning all those that are not called for will be put on sale at the Co-op. First college YMCA building erected in America was built on the Hanover collego, Indiana, campus. Nelson F.ddy Susanna Foster Claude Rains "PHANTOM OF THE OPERA" Oregana Schedules Make-up Pictures Makeup pictures for the Ore gana will be taken today and Wednesday, Helen Johnson, Oregana editor, announced. All persons who have not had their pictures taken should have them taken at this time, Miss Johnson said. Overseas Ducks To Get Newsletter A new publication, University of Oregon Overseas Newsletter, has recently been issued by the Alumni association in collabora tion with the athletic board. The gathering of information, and handling of the issues is being done through the alumni office on the campus, with financial backing from the athletic board. The Newsletter is to be sent to all alums and former students of the University who are over seas and is a condensation of the information offered in the alumni magazine, Old Oregon. Issues will be mailed only to those whose overseas addresses are registered in the alumni files, and anyone wishing to have copies sent to men in the armed forces should Report their addresses to the of fice. The first publication is entitled “Hello Webfoots!” and carries a cartoon by Charles Politz as its heading, ft includes a letter of greeting- to all alumni overseas from President Erb, and and a brief survey of campus news and political'affairs, the athletic sit uation, and a summary of the fighting alums’ records. The Newsletter will be issued approximately three times dur ing the school year.. UO Symphony Director Publishes Violin Texts Rex Underwood, professor of music and director of the Univer sity symphony, is the author of two new texts for students of violin. The text books are titled “Rhythm Themes” and “Bow Art,” and are detailed studies of new and unique methods of ap proach to the difficult techniques of the stringed instruments. Their importance is shown in the fact that they were published this year when most publications of this nature have been postponed due to the paper shortage. Army Dramatists to Meet Tonight in Studio Soldier students interested in drama will meet Tuesday night at 9:30 in the drama studio, Hor ace W. Robinson, acting head of the drama, announced. All those who have attended the meetings before and anyone else interested are invited to at tend, Mr. Robinson said. Women students outnumber the men at the University of Tex as this fall. Our New Motto: "They come in a heap, Go out like a jeep." Firestone Stores t,-or Ijtjtttfi'- ruUniijtin's stop off at tho conitT of 11 th and Pearl CAMPUS CALENDAR Members of Hui-O-Kamaaina will meet at 4 o’clock today in the College Side Inn. Communion services will be held at 7 a.m. Wednesday in the men’s lounge of Gerlinger. Fath er Bartlam of the St. Mary’s Episcopal church will preside. An all-student breakfast will fol low the services. The campus Christian Science organization will meet Tuesday evening at 9:30 on the third floor of Gerlinger. All those interested are invited to attend. Oregon If Emerald Might Staff: Norris Yates, night editor - - - Jean Lawrence Yvonne Edwards.. .... Jean Hall Maryan Howard City Desk: ‘ Carol Cook, city'Tditbf Ninon King ■. Kitty Brown — ^ ”J, Jean Lawrence 'j Norris Yates - Betty Ingebritson — ■ .. ~ Seal Drive Chairmen To Plot Sales Today Freshman representatives for the Christmas seal drive from each living organization will meet at the Alpha Phi house at 4 p.m. today, accord ing to Beverly Carroll, head of the drive. Sketches by Henri Exhibited in Gallery Now in display in the art school gallery is an exhibit of sketches in pastel water color and oils done by Robert Henri. Mr. Henri has been very influen tial ,ip art education, and is the^ ' author of “The Art Spirit.” His exhibit -features- many outdoor scenes aind studies of human fig ures. His work will be on display for two weeks in the art school. The gallery is open daily from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m, BA Secretary Weds Ensign in Chicago . Following, her manaageJid. "En sign Oliver P. Taylor in Chicago, Illinois, the former Miss Lorene Marguth, secretary .of the school. , of" business administration, re turned to Eugene on Saturday. Ensign Taylor is a 1942 gradu ate of the University of Oregon and is stationed in San Francisco at present. Red Cross Needs (Continued from pai/c our) and Thursdays' and from 9 to 12 noon Saturday. If enough girls qualify the Red Cross will be open every day next term. Something Something To Crow About! - frtvy a-st-utnimg LAPEL ' PIN to ad if an exciting tquch, .to .your tailored 'suit. COLOR ADDS CHARM JEWELRY STORE 620 Willamette Its the Little Things That Count DO YOU NEED: • A few more minutes to study that vocabulary? • A few more minutes to savvy that physics problem? • Timeout to relax over a coke? • Time to clean out those messy drawers?. • A space second to write someone a letter? 41 THE EMERALD CAN SAVE YOU THOSE PRECIOUS EXTRA MOMENTS! 4 The Emerald saves you time and steps by offering to you values and real buys offered by down town merchants . . . Eugene oh rchants use the Emerald to tell o'f specific collegiate merchandise, or to give you suggestions for substitute- ' r no longer available goods . . . Read the Emerald and save timet!! p S r:: ■ jilks: ,v; ■ ^ ;merald