Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 29, 1943, Page 3, Image 3

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    Pc*}* .
She was sipping orange juice
in the Side Thursday, at 1:30 p.m.
Nothing unusual about a coed in
the Side except that she was Jean
Page, second Vice-president of
the ASUO, and a Pi Phi pledge.
Pi Phi pledges, like roost other
pledges, aren’t supposed to be in
thgi Side until 4 p.ro.
Dark-eyed' Jean, a senior in
business administration and Mult
nomah junior college transfer of
two years ago, wasn’t particu
larly conscience-stricken until
1:36 p.m., when sorority sisters
put in an appearance. “Quick,
tell them why I’m here,” she
choked, managing a grin. They
were told.
"Mostly it’s the coordination
committee," she went on, calmly
getting back to her activities,
Thursday being "activity day,"
with four meetings. “I think it’s
a lot of fun. I’m the extrovert
type anyway.”
""*The set-up this year?” Jean
knitted her brows, “Well, I think
the student organization is bet
ter on this campus than others,
and it’s really improving, which
is a general statement, but—”
Interruption in the form of a
carelessly-opened notebook pro
vided rapid-fire conversation for
the next ten minutes. “My laugh
able senior project,” Jean smiled
with mock primness. The hiero
glyphics were explained as fol
lows: A for army, C for civilian,
and P for professor. She laughed,
reading the contents, “the fellow
with the air corps insignia sixth
row to the left with dimples . . .
fellow with ice cream at the Side
. . . grey pin stripe suit in Oregon
“Yes, I’m from Gresham. I al
ways go into my little song about
•It’s a little bit out of Portland
>—14 miles.”
“Ta-da-de-dum-re-rum!” Jean
waved her orange juice and
sounded fanfare for her brother
In the army air corps. “He’s sta
tioned in Arkansas, but he still
Wears shoes,” she giggled. “He’s
a big, fat corporal, which sounds
terrible, but I like to say “big
About her major and plans fol
lowing graduation, Jean sighed “I
was in journalism, but I'm real
ly in advertising. I'll probably
graduate in B.A. I was forced
to take journalism, and after four
years . . . Let me see now, well,
either personnel work, advertis
ing . . . well, something like that."
Gresham Gal
^ with Gary Cooper
with Richard Arlen
Two Big Hits
k with Lena Horne and
Bill Robinson
with Chester Morris
Richard Arlen
Sophomore dance or not, come
Saturday night, many Oregon
coeds will be showing off new
gowns. With the shortage of for
mals. date dresses are doing dou
ble duty-—and what dresses coeds
have for the occasion!
A black dress seems to be a
college prerequisite but this year
many new touches are added to
offset its severity.
Jean Murray’s black crepe
makes use of the new short cap
sleeves, which are trimmed with
black lace in this case . . . Jane
Kern wears a V-necked black
crepe with large V's of cerise at
the skirt pockets.
Tinky Paladini’s short dinner
dress would bring whistles from
any male. The top is of black lace
with a low back of black lace
also, and a crepe skirt! , . .
Yvonne Edwards has another
swell short dinner dress of black
net with black lace insets on the
skirt. The bodice has black taffeta
under the net.
Mary Fitzgerald’s black crepe
is highlighted by the powder blue
net, trimmed with beads at the
neck . . . Betty June Henson pre
fers a black velveteen jumper,
which she wears with a dressy
wmie crepe Diouse.
Not all the newest date dress
es are black, however. For sheer
Glamour check Phyllis Van Pet
ten's ultra red lame'dress. The
sleeves are very short and set
with a lew round neck.
Eileen Brenneman chooses a
silver tauee dress that would
turn any coed slightly green with
And then there’s Katherine
Dunn with her purple jumper,
bordered with flowers, and with
scallops around the edge.
Yes, as long as there are wom
en, there'll always be a fashion
column. —By Bobbi Bealer.
Ten words minimum accepted.
First insertion 2c per word.
Subsequent insertions lc per word.
Flat rate 37c column inch
Frequency rate (entire term) :
35c per column inch one time a
34c per column inch twice or more
a week.
Ads will be taken over the telephone on
a charge basis if the advertiser is a
subscriber to the phone.
Mailed advertisements must have suffi
cient remittance enclosed to cover
definite number of insertions.
Ads must be in Emerald business office
no later than 6 p. m. prior to the day
of insertion.
• Lost
LOST- Black and green Shaeffer
pen. Grace Simpson engraved
on it. Call Emerald Business
office. Reward.
Betty Ana Stevens
Carol Greening
Martba Thowiand
Mary/ Margaret Ellsworth
Bobbi, Beater
Betty W Siegman
Proof that Coed Capers plans
are proceeding by leaps: and
bounds comes from three diligent,
energetic committee heads—Jean
Taylor, Shirley "Squirrel” Hun
tington, and Roseann LecHe (bet
ter known as "Butch.”)
Referring to the "Shipyards of
Tomorrow,” junior class skit;
Jean Taylor says, “While most
of oqr plans are secret wc can
let you know that the skit “hing
es” on the idea of women run
ning the shipyards of the fu
ture; and any man trying to get
in will have quite a bit of diffi
culty—women being more effi
cient; But—she added', “To tell
you the truth, we’re really not so
sure about men being less effi
Some members of the skit inr
elude, Barbara Younger, Virgin
ia Campbell, Dorothy Hayden,
Lorraine Davidson, Bea Beard,
Marge Knowles, and Jean, her
self, as narrator.
What women will be like 1000
years from now. is the idea of
the freshman skit, says “Butch”
Lecke. Butch and two others,
Jean Bauer and Sue Welch are
still in. the process of writing this
masterpiece, which promises to
be different to say the least. "No
casting has been done yet,” says
Butch, “but we are having a
meeting today for that purpose.”
From "Squirrel” Huntington
comes news that she and her
stooge, Janet "Fewee” Ross, will
have several surprises for the big
night. Both girls are mistresses
of ceremony, which in itself sug
gests a novel situation.
cera nansen, capers head, re
minds us that the event is only,
a short time away, set for Fri
day, November 19. AWS Prexy
Miki Campbell, reveals that the
majority of proceeds from the
Capers will go toward buying a
bomber while the remainder goes
into the student scholarship fund.
■—By Betty Lu Siegman
Every man enrolled in the V-5
unit at Illinois Wesleyan bought
a war bond in the third drive.
After spending balf of one eve
ning on the phone trying to di
vulge the secrets of "who is., true
to*'whom,”, your two reporters
found that the engaged;and mar
ried status-of the female popula
tion has not changed a great deal.
If there have been, any, radical
changes that have not . 'been
brought to our attention please
give out and let it he known!'
Let us first look into the mar
riage situation that has come to
our attention since last our col
umn greeted youn eyes. Alpha
Chi Ann Voder burg, married The
ta Chi Chuck Hastier .just two
weeks ago. This was done in rath
er a rush, b.ut we were informed
that the two have been engaged
for quite some time. The mar
riage of Theta Jean Daniels and
Sigma Chi Bob Curtis, has been
brought into the open before, so
need we say more?
Heading the list of newly en
gaged couples, we find Pi Phi
Mary Jane Terry, who recently
announced her engagement to
James Rodman, Jr., of Eugene.
Rumor has, it that they plan to
begin married life late in Decem
ber. Your Emerald has slightly
overlooked June Marie Wilson,
AOPi, who has been engaged to
Dwight Wychoff of the Navy
Air Corps since last Christmas
eve. All due apologies to Miss
Wilsop. The well trained grape
vine. informs us that Chi O Vir
ginia Link is definitely tied down
(but not formally, engaged) to
Ensign Perry, Ford, Her sorority
sisters say that they’ll be mar
ried next year probably. If you
are around the Alpha Phi house
some day soon, just drop in to
see the sparkler that Betty Clark,
wpars on the appropriate finger.
Si Sidesinger, Fiji, did the hon
ors just recently.
Now come the various Wings
which gleam so prettily on many
bright-colored sweaters. If, how
ever, you. have a pair of wings
and have not been mentioned,
don’t be alarmed), for we will
try. to find you in our next edi
tion. Theta Marilyn Walters
wears the Marine Air Corps wings
of Bob Meyers, a California boy.
At the Alpha Xi Delta house
Charleen Browne has Russ Ta
ber's Air Corps wings. The wing
W '
A brand new stock of lovely scarfs in lime,
lilica, American Beauty, Kelly green and white.
Also some simply scrumptious new hand
woven plaid scarfs made in Kentucky.
Costume Jewelry of all sorts.
Gorgeous gray skirts that will make any
sweater a good partner.
Distinctive Apparel
1050 Willamette
Phone 1084
brigade at-the Chi O house't!f as>:
follows: Dorothy Koster ftw Hw»
Marine Paratroop wings- ot J#V
gene Cartwright; who itt now.se*-*
ving in the Solomons, MawUeitlhtf
BranneJy has accepted' tfcC' V*Mi>fc
Aar Corps wings of West? Botovt*
grad Gordon Barrett, Bast;
not least; Virginia Stcctc SrfSKJ*
represents the ATiny Air- €^9«p;J
toy wearing the wings of SklBJlih*
ning, who coir.es fr om her TtOttK
For the one new fiat pitvof MM
week that your leporters- cottMP
find, we think a special* awa*«t
should- toe given We can't dccWd.
who should receive the awardtluth
the piii toelongs to Chi & Janetk
Fitzmaurice who piotHMy; w.C0jh*
the, DU pin of Dick €toarrvbc*|ftl».
Thus ends our tale lor tftift edt-*
lion, tout who knows—mayho ilk
will* toe you the next time*
fl White at
I. University
30th Ave. at Pcarii 'i
Rev Norman K. Tuliy., Paster
Soldiers, Students ana'Visitor*
Cordially Welcome at Divine
31 A.M. and 7:30 P.M:
Broadway and High '•
Dr. Vance H. Webster, Pastor
University Group, 9345 a m.
and 6:30 >jhm. it
Morning Worship 13 .00 a.m. i
Evening Service 7:30 p.m.
33th and Pearl i
Rev. E. S. Bartlam, Rector it
.‘Services at 8 and 33 A.M." *
Canterbury Club 6 P M.
Service, Wednesday in Gerlingor,
7 A.M.
1166 Oak Street :
Walter J. Fiscus, Pastor i
"University Classes, 9 :40 A.M,
Dr. Victor P. Morris, teacher
youth Discussion Groups, 6:15p.m.
Fireside Meetings 8 AS p.m,
Worship Services 3 3:00 and
7 ;30 p.m.
490 ISth Ave. Bant
Telephone 4192 '
Wesley Goodson Nicholson,
. Morning Worship Jit 00 A\M. :
University Group 7 .00 P.M;
W. nth & Chamelton
Sunday Masses—8:00, 9:30,
10:30 A.M.
Confessions: <100 to 5:00-and
7:00 to 8:30 P.M. Sat.
Hcv. Francis P. Leipzig, Pastor,
Phone 1859
Rev. L. H, Sohler, Director,
Student Activities
0th and Pearl Phono 4023
Harold Aalubue, Pastor
Morning Service 11:00 A.M.
Holy Communion last Sunday,
each month
1165 Willamette St.
Llewellyn O. Griffith, Minister
University-Trainee Group
9:45 a.m., 7:00 p.m,
Morning Worship, 11:00 a.in.
Vyesley House, 1258 Kincaid; *
Mrs. John Worthington,
Student Director ;