Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 27, 1943, Page 3, Image 3

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    Cast Announced
For 'Flying Pan’
Following the final tryouts
yesterday evening, Horace W.
Robinson, assistant professor of
speech, and dramatic arts, an
nounced the cast for the play,
“'Out of the Frying Pan,” as fol
Sue Welch, Marge; Dorothy
Weygandt, Kate; Jean McClana
than, Muriel; Pat MacCormick,
Dottie; Dorothy Rosenberg, Mrs.
Garnett; Bob Forman, Tony;
Gordon Halstead, George; Bob
Hull, Norman; and Jack Blasin
game, Mr. Kenny.
The play, which has ■ been
filled under the title of “Young
and Willing,” is the story of six
stagestruck teensters who rent
an apartment above the produc
er whom they are anxious to im
press. It is expected to play army
camps as well as campus per
Kathrine Korn, who will assist
Mr. Robinson in directing, has
played in Very Little Theater
productions and has been active
in campus dramatics.
Dorothy Weygant, playing
Kate, was seen in the spring term
play, “My Sister Eileen.”
The parts of Mr. Corburn and
the two policemen, Mac and Joe,
fcavet not yet been cast.
Orides Pledges
(Continued from page one)
Geraldine Langdon, Aretha
Young, Verda Jackson, Ardeth
Ebbert, Pat Klar, and Helen
TOth Ray Cox was elected
pledge chairman, and Norma Aal
vik as pledge trainer. Ardelle
Vickery was chosen the candidate
from Orides for the “Oregon
Dream Girl,” to be chosen at the
annual Coed Capers.
■WContinued from Page one)
October 5, he related:
“We were to get liberty at 2
p.m. on Saturday but were called
out at 11 a.m. to fight fire. We
were put to work cutting a fire
trail through a canyon, the worst
place they could have put us
when the fire broke out below.
Ts “ cliffs were sheer above and
“The order came to ‘hit the
dirt,’ and I crawled into a small
hole in the brush. It got so hot
that everyone was burning and
several were ‘raving.’ I dumped
my canteen of water on my hel
meHHind jacket and poured sand
in my hair to keep it from burn
“Another fellow was on top of
hie and was burning badly. I kept
throwing dirt on him, but learned
later that he died in the hospi
Burlingame also told how he
found one of his buddies on fire
and threw sand and dirt on him
but too late. He was already
dead. Of the 110 marines sent
to fight the fire, 87 were serious
ly burned.
-^en words minimum accepted.
First insertion 2c per word.
Subsequent insertions lc per word.
Flat rate 37c column inch
Frequency rate (entire term) :
35c per column inch one time a
34c per column inch twice or more
a week.
Ads will be taken over the telephone on
a charge basis if the advertiser is a
subscriber to the phone.
Mailed advertisements must have suffi
cient remittance enclosed to cover
definite number of insertions.
Ads must be in Emerald business office
no later than 6 p. m. prior to the day
of insertion.
• Lost
LOST—Friday on campus, dark
"red Shaefer pen. Phone 2340.
FOUND—Fountain pien. Owner
may have same by identifying
t and paying for ad. Bristow’s
Jewelry Store, 620 Willamette.
Members of the Oregana ad
vertising staff will meet today
in the Oregana business office at
4 p.m.
'Wesley foundation will hold a
Hallowe'en party on Friday, Oc
tober 29 at Wesley house, 1258
Kincaid. Methodist students and
those interested in coming arc
Dr. Robert Cushman will speak
at Wesley house Sunday evening
at 7 o'clock.
___ ✓
Wesley house, 1258 Kincaid,
will hold open house Sunday, Oc
tober 31. Tea will be served from
4 to 6 p.m. All students are in
vited to drop in.
Nurse Reverses Post;
Pill Palace Rolls Along
Getting a taste of her own med
icine is Mrs. Henrietta Hilton,
head nurse at the infirmary, who
is now a patient at the Pill Pal
ace. With the shortage of help
on the nursing staff, there is no
doubt that she is getting the best
of care, with an ulterior motive.
Ruth Baker and Marilyn Glenn
make it a trio of feminine guests.
Engineers lead the male sick
list with a count of seven to one
lone air corps man, Robert Wy
koff. The ASTU students in
clude: Robert Korach, Charles
Norris, Philip Peters, William
Sands, James Schwedler, Millard
Thayer, and Harold Weiss.
Q. May I liave a Bond reissued
~s ' 8o as to include the name pf
a coowner?,
' A. Yes; if the Bond is reg
‘5, istered in your name
'■ alone, and if an excess
holding does not resuh.
( The reissued Bond will
hear the same issue
v date as the original
# Bond.
May a creditor obtain infor
mation as to a debtor’s own
x. ership of War Savings
A. The Treasury gives no
t- information about the
I holdings of any person
\ /in War Savings except
j \ *0 that person or to
| such persons as have
clearly established a
> legal right to the infer
y motion.
Q. What will the Government
do with money I pay for my
fn Bond?
'Pl/ Gib Crockett.
A. Your money will be put
to work at once to help
the Nation’s war pro
Q. Then will I make my In
come-tax report on the in
crease in the value fif a War
Savings Bond?.
A, You may 3d either.
|You may report the in
crease in value of a
iWar Savings Bond on
your income tax report
each year that you hold
the Bond, or, you may
wait until you redeem
the Bond and then in
clude the increase (the
amount received over
and above the price you
f ) paid for the Bond) as
income for that taxable
k /yew.
Remember—the longer &
you keep War Bonds, E
up to 10 years, the more S;
valuable they. _ become,'
Quarterly Reviews
Dr. Wright’s Book
A review of Dr. Gordon
Wright's recent book, "Raymond
Poincare and the French Presi
dency,” appears in the Septem
ber issue of the Political Science
Quarterly. It is written by Ed
ward McChesney Sait of Pomona,
» Dr. Wright, assistant professor
of history, has studied in France
and Europe, and is particularly
interested in French history. Sait
praises Dr. Wright's fairness in
pronouncing or withholding judg
ment in Poincare's many bitter
controversies and in pointing out
that Poincare did love and serve
Sait summarized his review
with the following: In most re
spects this is a satisfying book.
Drawing upon a wide range of
French materials, it clarifies
many obscure incidents and ex
poses some reckless misstate
ments. The charge was made by
Dr. Harry Elmer Barnes that
Russian subsidies brought about
the election of Poincare becomes
grotesque in the light of factual
To Display Jewelry
Hal Gray, representing the L.
G. Balfour company, jewelry
manufacturers, will display fra
ternity jewelry all day Thursday ■
at the Side.
Hilyard Defeats
Alpha Gam Squad
Hilyard house triumphed over
Alpha Gamma Delta with a score
of 43 to 13 in the first intramural.
volleyball game of the ' season.
Halyard's practices showed up in
their smooth teamwork Which
wore down the Alpha Gamma
Deltas to give the final lopsided
score. Josephine Reginato and
Joyce Mampler were the two out
standing "smoothies'' of the HJ
yard eight, while Margaret
Hughes and Marie Medley were
the most aggressive smashers on
the defending team.
Delta Gamma and Hawthorne
lodge agreed to postpone their
soheduled tournament game until
Wednesday evening. The A OP is
and Thetas were also to have
played Tuesday night but by mu
tual agreement their game was
rescheduled for Wednesday night
at five o'clock in the outdoor
Teams scheduled to play tour
nament games Thursday evening
at 5 o'clock are as follows: Uni
versity No. 1 team vs. ADFi;
University No. 2 team vs. Pi Beta
Phi; Hilyard vs. Alpha Chi Ome
ga. Monday evening, November
1, these teams will play; :Ori<3es
vs. Thetas; Rebec house vs. Sig
ma Kappa; Lombardy lodge vs.
Emerald -Adds TvfO
T© Adkeffrisiiiitf S#©M
Two new day managers on the*
■fcueinesB stall ol thie Fiat rvil.1*
were announced today By Artlss
Boone, advertising manager, They
are Rose Ann Leririe, TaosWay
day manager, and Mary Arm'M<'
Ciintic, Saturday 'day ■wa.Rftjjtr,
Mew aadei-urm '
Cream Peed©rext.it 5
Steps Perspiration
& iff// yty ,
2. "D<*ts not iot <lfcs?-es -ei xntrv'a
slims. Dots not iniute skin.
2L No waiting to «!r>. Canfccusctl
light alter shaving.
Bo Instantly stops p« tsphatien icr
J to 3 days, I’lcvcntsodoi.
4.., A puJCj white, gtt.tsclcs*»j
stainless vanishing oeafrt,
55. Awat<le<l Approval Soil el
Arrit,ric«'m Instiiutcofrl-aufttlet
Each term $1.25
One year $3.00
Send name, address and remittance 'to
the EducationalActi , it;> s Board,
University of Oregon. ,
Oregon ^Emerald